View Full Version : What fictional characters would you most like to play with?

Jeff the Green
2014-12-04, 10:37 PM
The "who would you play with if you could play with anyone" thing has been done to death, but I'm curious what fictional characters you'd like to game with.

I think mine would be:

Harry Dresden, since he's already a roleplayer and is kind of awesome in general. Maybe Billy Borden and Murphy too. Harry'd play a barbarian, Will would probably DM, and Murph would probably play a Wizard just to annoy Harry.

Gimli, mostly because I want to see him play a Wizard.

Rick Castle, because duh. The bard, likely, and you know it'd be spoony.

Ce'Nedra (Belgariad and Mallorean), because she's actually pretty intelligent, a good actor, and would come up with some awesome plans. Also because she could play an Arcane Hierophant and finally have that intelligent wolf to keep her feet warm.


Melidere (The Tamuli) similar to Ce'Nedra, but even more devious. I'm guessing she'd love Factotum and by the end of the game would have nearly as many fictional men wrapped around her finger as real ones.

2014-12-04, 10:56 PM
I think roleplaying with Seth from the FableHaven series could be fun. He screams rouge/favored soul, and he could have some great plans.

Merlin, specifically from the Lost Years of Merlin series by T.A. Baron, as he is just awesome. I kinda just want to meet him.

And on Ce'Nedra and her intelligent wolf.... Isn't that why Belgerath taught Belgarion to shapeshift?:smalltongue:

2014-12-04, 11:11 PM
I'd probably go with Elan (OotS) and Deadpool (Marvel), just to see how'd these two would jive on the table. Probably better if we play CoC.

I'f want a caricature version of ether Morgan Freeman or George Clooney as our DM. Former for obvious reasons, and the latter because every NPC will simply be variant Clooney self-inserts.

Red Fel
2014-12-04, 11:21 PM
Captain Hook, as depicted by Dustin Hoffman, who would play a dashing swordsman (possibly with Bard levels) and likely constantly scribble things on his character sheet when he thought I wasn't looking.

Dr. Hannibal Lecter, who would play a Commoner. He would have max ranks in Diplomacy, Search, Spot and Listen. He would have exceedingly finite combat utility. He would successfully murder every important NPC, and walk away untouched.

The Phantom of the Opera (the literary version, not the Andrew Lloyd Webber emo kid), who would play a Bard, immediately murder Captain Hook's annoying character, and then spend the rest of the game telling us all about how he's lurking.

Havelock Vetinari, who would play a Wizard. He would never roll a die in the game - never have to roll a die, rather - and would perform precisely one action over the course of the entire campaign. That one action, of course, would completely demolish the BBEG's scheme and place the PCs - specifically Vetinari's PC - on top.

The Master, who would play a Psion/ Thrallherd. Despite having some legitimately brilliant schemes, he'd get annoying and the Phantom's character would kill his character. He'd come back, of course, with the exact same character sheet but for the "Name" and "Race" entries. And the Phantom would kill him again and go back to lurking.

Tiny Carl Jung (http://dresdencodak.com/2006/12/03/dungeons-and-discourse/).

2014-12-04, 11:42 PM
Most of my favorite fictional characters are people I really don't want to play D&D with.

Vlad Taltos is an Old Man Jenkins-level campaign derailer.

Aliera e'Kieron kills the first person who explains that she's gotten some RAW intricacy wrong, and her character can't actually do that.

Mogget doesn't have time for these trivialities of lesser beings, but do you happen to have any fish?

Sam Vimes keeps trying to express perfectly reasonable things his character is going to do in plain English, and gets frustrated when they turn out to be terrible ideas due to his weak understanding of the 3.5 metagame.

Corwin of Amber just keeps walking to new shadows where he didn't roll that natural 1.

Scriber Jaqueramaphan is frustrated that Dvati are the only way to play multiple bodies that share a single mind, and they cap out at 2.

Telemain the magician immediately brings a character sheet for Pun-Pun to the first session, and is honestly surprised when the other players didn't all think of similarly powerful character concepts.

2014-12-05, 01:00 AM
Lady Godiva( of legend not the historical one) - I can't put my finger on it. There's just something that makes me feel like i'd enjoy being in her presence...

Sisyphus - we got to imagine Sisyphus is happy. I assume he'd have a really great attitude, even if the game was just a big dull grind.

Falcor - maybe after the game he give a me a lift home and let me fly on his back. That would be pretty rad.

2014-12-05, 03:17 AM
Mat Cauthon
Sherlock Holmes
Angus Macgyver
Grand Admiral Thrawn

A bit lacking in strategy and innovation, but otherwise a solid group of players.

2014-12-05, 03:41 AM
Mat Cauthon
Sherlock Holmes
Angus Macgyver
Grand Admiral Thrawn

A bit lacking in strategy and innovation, but otherwise a solid group of players.

Whatever you do, just don't let Matrim be DM.

2014-12-05, 11:08 AM
King Arthur. Because gaming groups need at least one person who isn't a murderhobo. I recently got mine and the group got a lot more... interesting.

2014-12-05, 11:21 AM
Liam Neeson, just because of his "certain set of skills".

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-05, 12:47 PM
This is a historical figure, not a fictional one, but:

Sun Tzu - he'd play the god wizard to end all god wizards. And it would be awesome.

Tarlek Flamehai
2014-12-05, 02:20 PM
Silk from Belgariad
Matt from Wheel of Time
Jean-Claude from Anita Blake
Merry & Pippin from LotR
Illyana/Magik from Xenical

DM....Oswald Cobblepot from Gotham

Jeff the Green
2014-12-05, 02:23 PM
Silk from Belgariad

Heh, I'd forgot about him. Actually, it might be fun to have the whole group. I like to imagine Durnik as a surprisingly good roleplayer—but mostly of Paladins.

2014-12-05, 03:40 PM
Rogue(?): Tyrion Lannister, from Game of Thrones.
Wizard: Hermione Granger, from Harry Potter. (I'd pick Schmendrick, but I get the feeling he'd keep losing his character sheet, mixing up which spells he'd prepared that day, and forgetting to add all his bonuses).
Fighter: Eowyn, from Lord of the Rings.
Cleric: Friar Tuck, from Robin Hood.
Bard: Elan, from Order of the Stick.

DM: Q, from Star Trek

Red Fel
2014-12-05, 04:16 PM
DM: Q, from Star Trek

Q would be simultaneously the best and worst DM ever. Best, because years later you'd still remember the time you fought that Dracolich and his personal Death Star while piloting Gurren Lagann. Worst, because you'd have no idea what rules would be in play from one moment to the next.

"Why are you rolling that d10? We're playing GURPS now, d6 only. Three of them. But I feel charitable, so I'll let you roll this pineapple instead. Yes, I know, pineapple is also a word for hand grenade. Now roll the damned grenade before I get bored."

... And now a part of me wants to come up with a table of players composed entirely of characters John de Lancie has played.

Fax Celestis
2014-12-05, 04:27 PM
I'd like to have October Daye, V, Gregory House, and Locke Lamora at my table. And I want Bruce Wayne to DM, because I bet he has a sweet-ass gametable.

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-05, 04:43 PM
I'd like to have October Daye, V, Gregory House, and Locke Lamora at my table. And I want Bruce Wayne to DM, because I bet he has a sweet-ass gametable.

Oh, yes! He'd probably even have those fancy dice tower things!

2014-12-05, 05:07 PM
Samwell Tarly from Game of Thrones; that guy has RPGer written all over him. He's so friendly and would be having so much fun, it'd make for a great game.

Tarlek Flamehai
2014-12-05, 06:14 PM
Heh, I'd forgot about him. Actually, it might be fun to have the whole group. I like to imagine Durnik as a surprisingly good roleplayer—but mostly of Paladins.

I don't think most of them would play. It's to against their own character nature. Now, a more lively group to spend a night at the pub with is hard for me to think of.

2014-12-05, 06:50 PM
This is really challenging because the more I think about it, the more awesome character I think of...
The Belgariad and Mallorean character would be fun.
Q would be terifying, awesome, and insane

Caster 1: "Quick" Ben - Malazian book of the fallen (can you say contingencies?)
Caster 2: Lady - The Black company (although she may play a rogure instead... either way you are all skrewed)

Fighter: Whiskeyjack MbotF (he is just a genuine guy) or Lan WoT (perhaps he would lean more toward paladin?)
Rogue: Mattrim C WoT or maybe Kylar Stern - Night angel trilogy (watch your back... he is a murderhobo)

Cleric: Croaker - Black Company
Artificer/warlock: Vin - Mistborn

DM: Kvothe - Kingslayer Chronicles the entertainment factor alone if nothing else or The Doctor

Honorable mentions: Kaladin - The stormlight archive
James Bond - I mean being able to say "I played DnD with 007.."
and the list just goes on and on...

Freelance GM
2014-12-05, 06:55 PM
I'm not that much of a Star Trek fan, but I would totally DM a game for Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.

Let the Orc Baby Dilemma.... Begin.

2014-12-05, 07:02 PM
A certain drow elf.
For two reasons.
1. The DM hates HATES the character and his whiny feel sorry for myself demeanor.
2. I would constantly analyze the morality of killing orcs and goblins because they're people too. Present the group with the idea the BBEG isn't bad, he's just misunderstood. And then I'd weep when we killed the bad guy.

Sheesh I'm annoyed already. Maybe its a good thing that he doesn't allow drow.....