View Full Version : [PF] Warforged Cleric Build Advice

2014-12-05, 01:54 AM
Alright, I've got a question for the playground. A friend of mine is running a game for me in which I'll run six characters (bit of an experiment). I've got Mal'ary Ush the goofy catfolk assassin, Gor na'Kal the raging alchemist (with a broken sense of humor and a kindness to strangers), Rita, Renley, and Rory Hemsworth the crafting triplets (arms and armor, airheaded artificer, and demolitions expert, respectively) (also sarcastic, prankster, and surly, respectively), and a warforged cleric taking deities out for test drives until she finds one she likes.

I've got the first five statted out and fully fleshed out. However, I'm stuck on the warforged (sidenote - the DM has agreed to waive the -2 Wisdom in light of PF's increased ability scores). She's set to be the level head in the group (None of the others have a Wis score above 11), and will probably be playing general buffmeister and support. I'm....kinda drawing a blank on where to go with her mechanically, though. Straight cleric works, but that's a little boring.

Allowed sources are all Paizo material, all DSP material, and all 3.5 material (3.5 subject to veto). I've considered cleric, vitalist, and tactician, but nothing jumps at me. Any thoughts?