View Full Version : Pathfinder Master Craftsman Feat and Professions

Milo v3
2014-12-05, 06:26 AM
One of my players is taking the Master Craftsman feat, aiming to use his Profession (Farmer) ranks to grow magic plants, which got me thinking what professions would get to enchant what.

The default list of professions are

architect, baker, barrister, brewer, butcher, clerk, cook, courtesan, driver, engineer, farmer, fisherman, gambler, gardener, herbalist, innkeeper, librarian, merchant, midwife, miller, miner, porter, sailor, scribe, shepherd, stable master, soldier, tanner, trapper, and woodcutter

Which would let us enchant buildings with architects, beers with brewers, decks with gamblers, ships with sailors, etc.

So what do you think the different jobs would be able to enchant?

2014-12-05, 10:39 AM
Anything your imagination can come up with really. The main question is what can you do to make it reasonably useful for an adventuring party that craft wondrous item can't do already. Let's take the fisherman for an example. He could enchant his pole to do several things like when a creature is caught by the pole it has an automatic pull effect, maybe some spell effects to keep the hooked creature from teleporting and the fisherman from being dragged, toss in an unbreakable line and we have the ultimate fisherman that is fishing for draconic narwals (yes I mad it up there is no such creature as far as I know) but the question... how does this help the party and couldn't that be created with a very expensive craft wondrous item or even craft magic weapon?

As for specific other ideas of what a profession could enchant
Baker - the Ginger Bread Man
Clerk - lenses of loop holes to detect loop holes in laws/contracts
Any food creation profession - unending food sources/potion like effects from eating food
Innkeeper- well rested pillows (gives a weeks worth of natural rest from one nights sleep)
Miner - a pick that gives you a dig speed

how many of these ideas are legal? no idea but there are a few starting points