View Full Version : Any Ideas for an Epic Backstory for a Female Rogue?

Solace of Tides
2014-12-05, 08:11 AM
Starting up a new campaign, dm hasn't decided what lvl we will be starting @, but they did mention we would be slaves in a prison. We can choose how we got into prison, etc. Any amazing ideas for an epic back story? Some that are particularly badass or humorous would be very welcomed ideas :) Thank You All!

Red Fel
2014-12-05, 08:25 AM
Let me put it this way. Trying to re-enact Ocean's Eleven with just one person Does. Not. Work.

2014-12-05, 08:25 AM
Born a bastard, Aeva Blood-of-the-Street was the child of a thieves' guild archer who got in over his head, and was put to death. Her mother was a common woman, born in the dust and eventually being buried in it, catching illness during childbirth and never fully recovering, dying when Aeva was still only a child, barely four. Aeva's last reminder of her mother was a necklace, a crystal pendant in the shape of a claw, that was given to her mother by Aeva's father, and a letter she received upon coming of age, telling her of her parentage. She approached the Thieves' Guild then and hoped to be admitted, and was allowed in by the leader, upon seeing the letter.

But this was a trap. Her father was a popular thief, yes, popular enough to threaten the leader's position. The leader then, Nors Blattjunge, had given her father up to the guards, who proceeded to catch and execute him. On her first mission, she was caught and taken to the castle dungeons, at the word of Blattjunge.

2014-12-05, 08:59 AM
Red Fel got it right, research biggest heists in fiction, and there ya go.

Of course, I got a few ideas of my own.

The entire royal treasury. You did ___ and ___ and ___ and ___ and in the end, after 100 trips, you completely cleaned out the royal castle, and caused a huge-ass riot in the kingdom. Then one day, you happened upon some guards, and you were all having a merry time laughing, etc., and they were about to let you go when your bag rips from the weight and a huge amount of gold and jewelry pours out.

2014-12-05, 10:03 AM
You were just innocently trying to cross the border from Morrowind, and you ran into an Imperial patrol who assumed you were with the rebels.

2014-12-05, 10:12 AM
Caught jaywalking.

2014-12-05, 10:50 AM
You are not real. You are an avatar of a vast unknown an unknowable being, spun from the dust of your current location. You have no thoughts of will of your own, only mindlessly parroting what your master wishes. You have no bodily functions or reactions beyond what your master wishes. All you are and everything you posess is preordained, writ solid and unchanging, you learn and gain nothing beyond what your master wills.

You are an avatar.

2014-12-05, 11:00 AM
You are the only heir to a small dukedom and fancy the beautiful and dangerous things. Since your father has died and you are still very young, your legal guardian has blackmailed you to get full access to your father's fortune. You never did anything wrong or have even SEEN the nobles you supposedly ordered to be killed on border patrol but you are imprisoned for murder as well as your hapless servants that did the kill.

2014-12-05, 11:06 AM
I find the best backstories are skeletons you can flesh out later using elements from the campaign itself.

1) You are a clandestine operative of a normally upstanding organization, such as a church, merchant's guild, government agency, or other group within the DM's setting.

2) You were the fall guy/patsy for a Thieves' Guild caper that went wrong, and they sold you out.

3) You were the fall guy/patsy for a Thieves' Guild caper that went wrong, and you turned yourself in willingly to protect the Guild's interests.

4) You were the fall guy/patsy for a Thieves' Guild caper that went wrong, and you turned yourself in unwillingly to protect a family member from their threats.

5) You're simply an otherwise skilled burglar who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

2014-12-05, 11:10 AM
No, no, no.

You didn't go to prison for stealing something.

You went to prison to steal something.

2014-12-05, 11:11 AM
No, no, no.

You didn't go to prison for stealing something.

You went to prison to steal something.

....or someone.

2014-12-05, 12:14 PM
....or someone.

... Or someone's something.

2014-12-05, 02:45 PM
... Or someone's something.

My mind went somewhere dirty with that.

2014-12-05, 02:53 PM
My mind went somewhere dirty with that.
Did it go there to steal someone's something? :smallamused:

Now I want to play a rogue where it turns out that everywhere the party goes has been because the rogue needed to get there under very specific false pretenses.

2014-12-05, 03:12 PM
Now I want to play a rogue where it turns out that everywhere the party goes has been because the rogue needed to get there under very specific false pretenses.

That's easy to do - the party's main quest-giver can double as the rogue's spymaster. Said rogue may not even be aware of this.

2014-12-05, 03:34 PM
That's easy to do - the party's main quest-giver can double as the rogue's spymaster. Said rogue may not even be aware of this.

Plot twist, all of the story revolves around the rogue and the player of the rogue has no idea about any of it.