View Full Version : How can you explain rpwise that humans can become Thralls of Fraz-Urb'Luu?

2014-12-05, 05:20 PM
So, I was reading the article about Fraz-Urb'Luu in Dragon Magazine #333, which includes a pretty neat prc, called Thrall of Fraz-Urb'Luu. My dilemma is the fact that the article states that Fraz-Urb'Luu feels genocidal rage and hatred against humanity and plans their extermination, due to his imprisonment by a human. Yet, humans are not barred from becoming his thralls, and the sample picture depicts a human thrall. Also, the picture depicting his cultists also shows humans.
So, how can we explain this? Does Fraz-Urb'Luu plan to kill off his thralls? Or does he intend to convert them into non-humans, like undead or demons? A combination of both? His article does state that he plans to assault the Prime Material Plane wtih an army of demons, undead and other monstrosities. This heavily implies to me that he doesn't hate once-humans (otherwise, he would want to slaughter the tanar'ri as well).
Therefore, I would suggest that his human thralls have a way out by transforming themselves into undead/demons/monsters, since the article specificly states that Fraz-Urb'Luu rage will be satiated once all humans are dead, and those three categories surely don't count as 'human'.
What are your thoughts?

2014-12-05, 05:25 PM
Extreme misanthropy?

2014-12-05, 05:32 PM
It's a combination of "people who want to be undead/etc." and just general "let the world burn" types. Remember, there are cultists of all sorts of world-ending creatures in D&D.

The Viscount
2014-12-05, 07:53 PM
In addition to the above, there's the Saruman approach of "I know he will win, so I best shoot for leniency by hastening his success."

Of course there's always the simple option. Frazz-Urb'Luu is Prince of Deception an CE so he could always conceal this motive. Zuggtmoy was able to convince a bunch of people she was some elemental deity; it can't be that hard.

2014-12-06, 12:53 AM
Remember that those who worship demon princes and dukes of hell don't receive power directly from their "patron" like those who worship true gods.

Fraz urb'luu can no more prevent some deranged cultist from partaking in his power than the mindless entities of the far realm that some equally (perhaps slightly more) deranged cultists worship.

Thrice Dead Cat
2014-12-06, 01:29 AM
Remember that those who worship demon princes and dukes of hell don't receive power directly from their "patron" like those who worship true gods.

I've seen this before, but I can never remember the source or the least-implicit place it's spelled out. My gut is telling me it's some Forgotten Realms piece of lore, but Planescape is certainly another possibility.

As for the topic at hand, deceit could be a big one for humans that qualify for the class. If he does only care about "100% human" humans, then half-elves and half-orcs would also be safe (at least as safe as you can be during a demon invasion). That being said, those half races may still be too human for his liking.

At the very least, I imagine he'd hunt down the 100% Grade-A humans first. Then, if he's still raging like a 12-year old with a microphone, he might shift his attention to half humans or maybe undead and others that some how either changed type or got a template slapped onto their butts.

2014-12-06, 04:16 AM
IIRC, there's a sidebar in the book of vile darkness to that effect.

2014-12-06, 02:35 PM
Remember that those who worship demon princes and dukes of hell don't receive power directly from their "patron" like those who worship true gods.

Fraz urb'luu can no more prevent some deranged cultist from partaking in his power than the mindless entities of the far realm that some equally (perhaps slightly more) deranged cultists worship.

I know clerics of demon lords derive their powers from the Abyss itself, and not the demon lords. However, as far as I can remember, thralls are not mere worshippers, but those who sold their souls completely to their demonic master (I seem to recall that thrall to demon is the prerequisite feat for even getting into the prcs). Based on the descriptions of the thralls, they appear to be 'direct' servants of the demon lords, not just some deranged cultists. I might be wrong, since the only official example of a thrall that I can remember was the Thrall of Demorgon guy from Elder Evils, and I don't recall whether or not his relationship with his master was elaborated on.

2014-12-06, 08:05 PM
I know clerics of demon lords derive their powers from the Abyss itself, and not the demon lords. However, as far as I can remember, thralls are not mere worshippers, but those who sold their souls completely to their demonic master (I seem to recall that thrall to demon is the prerequisite feat for even getting into the prcs). Based on the descriptions of the thralls, they appear to be 'direct' servants of the demon lords, not just some deranged cultists. I might be wrong, since the only official example of a thrall that I can remember was the Thrall of Demorgon guy from Elder Evils, and I don't recall whether or not his relationship with his master was elaborated on.

As I recall, the thrall to demon PrC's and their diabolic counterparts do, indeed, require one or the other of a pair of feats that amount to devoting your soul to the demon prince/ archduke of hell of your choosing. There's still no direct interaction between the archfiend and its worshipers.

Whatever go between gives them the opportunity to take the vile feat is still a creature of chaos and evil (in the case of something serving Fraz Urb'Luu) and isn't necessarily acting entirely in good faith for either party.

Then, of course, it's entirely possible that Fraz Urb'Luu is, indeed, using his human thralls as chumps with the full intention of slaughtering them wholesale when he no longer has use of them. It's a demon prince, it's chaotic-evil with the capitalest of capital C and E. Betrayal and slaughter are pretty par-for-the-course stuff.

Fax Celestis
2014-12-07, 09:26 AM
Why are expendable minions a surprise? They're a villainous trope of the highest calibre.