View Full Version : Pathfinder How Many Small Fire Elementals Can a 1-2 Level Party Handle in a Row?

2014-12-06, 02:37 AM
I have an adventure idea that has been cooking in the back of my mind for a long time now as an opener for a low level campaign.

As part of reclaiming an abandoned Dwarven city the PCs must summon and bind an Elder Fire Elemental by performing a ritual at 3 points around a central pyre, 4 if they opt for a sidequest (which involves performing an additional ritual to enable a Sorcerer with the Fire Elemental bloodline to tap into the Elder Elemental's power) or lack a party member capable of performing the rituals (in which case said Sorcerer would conduct the rituals for them, but automaticly conduct the extra ritual too, out of self interest). Each ritual requires a skill check and a full round action. The spacing of the ritual points is set so that it would take a single PC a minimum of 6 rounds to complete them all, 3 rounds if the party has 3 PCs capable of each performing one part of the ritual, 7 if they need an NPC to do it for them or if they opted for the sidequest.

The Elder Elemental appears as the first ritual is completed and takes it's first action on the following round. The elemental cannot leave the pyre, but attacks by scooping out small fire elementals from itself and hurling them into combat against the individual currently performing the ritual. The party's task is to protect the individual conducting the rituals from these elementals until the final ritual is completed and the Elder is fully bound.

This is the only real combat encounter in this adventure unless the PCs wander too far, but my concern is how frequently to hurl an elemental to keep the pressure on, while avoiding overwhelming the PCs with mobs.

And for anyone who is curious, binding the Elder powers the Everburning Torches which line the hallways, making the rest of the campaign must easier to navigate.

2014-12-06, 03:14 AM
One small Fire Elemental is about a match for a single level 1 character; a bit weaker than PCs, about equivalent to NPCs. It really depends on the player count and their resources. If they have ways to heal up or keep themselves topped out, a party of 4 could probably go 1 elemental/turn forever. The elementals are quite squishy and they have decent, but not amazing AC for their size. For whatever reason, killing fire elementals with grappling is also a good idea in D&D (I'd houserule that TBH; it's asinine that grabbing a fire elemental doesn't have a chance of you catching on fire).

But yeah, the elementals appear at 1 vs. X situation, where X is the player count. Even if no really powerful actions such as spells are available, a simple attack action from a high strength character can one-shot the elemental (18 Strength Human Wizard with a Quarterstaff could on average drop an Elemental in one hit; 1d6+6 = 9.5 average vs. the 9 HP of small fire elemental - god forbid the attacking character has actual weapon proficiencies). However, there's only about 50% hit chance due to the elementals' relatively high AC and non-Strength characters aren't one-shotting them without spells or similar.

As such, I'd estimate a nice 1 elemental/round would keep the PCs on their toes, with the danger of getting overwhelmed if they're unable to take them down as they come but still keeping it eminently manageable if they focus their attacks and keep taking them down. They don't need to last forever, just long enough for the ritual to finish, right?