View Full Version : Pathfinder Cartoon character in a standard fantasy game

2014-12-06, 10:19 AM
Greetings playground,

how would you concept an useful cartoon-ish character in Pathfinder. His main theme should be toying with tropes commonly associated with cartoons. spells that drain color
weapons/gadgets out of the mallet space
anti-gravity when not looking down
rubbery/doughy body physics

Is there a possibility to combine Halfling feat Well Prepared (summon a much needed mundane item with a Sleight of Hand check), Goblin trait Bouncy (reduce falling damage by 1d6, bonus to Reflex on falling), Rag-doll mutagen (Reflex half damage from falling, falling damage is non lethal at 10th level) and some Feyish antics as well as possibly the Gnome race (or any Fey-inspired race)?

Some serious refluffing has obviously to be done but by this time I just want ideas for cartoon themed abilities and their refluff ingame. Even a normally absurd class combination would be sufficient because cartoon characters are naturally built to minimize any lethal wound to them. I would love the fluff of a bardish type inspiring the party with his silly antics but anything goes.

2014-12-06, 11:27 AM
Throwing out a couple quick things.
Invulnerable Rager Barbarian has DR/- equal to half their level, this is doubled against Nonlethal.
3+ levels of Sorcerer (or the Eldritch Heritage feats) for Undead Bloodline gets you Cold Resist 5 and DR 5/- against Nonlethal.

Should probably try to get "Energy Resist 5" for each element.

Fast Healing of some type would be ideal, but is fairly expensive for the most part.
Boots of the Earth are by far the cheapest option, but you must be standing still for them to work, which doesn't quite fit "bouncy cartoon character".