View Full Version : Pathfinder Big Battle Ideas

2014-12-06, 02:13 PM
I've been toying around with an idea for a major battle and I've found a few players to join in. The idea is that a huge army is laying siege to a walled city. My original idea was that the attacking army would be about 100,000 undead (mostly zombies, ghouls, ghasts, and wights). The players would have to stand against wave after wave of attackers. The army would be led by a death knight, with a dread vampire and a mummy as his lieutenants. Hill giant zombies would serve as walking battering rams to break down the gates and let hordes of zombies in. Flying undead could pick off the archers on the walls. Maybe throw in a red dragon wight just because I can.

Today I was thinking, maybe I could come up with something better than undead, something more terrifying, more epic... Especially when my players have been discussing taking leadership and taking clerics as cohorts and followers.

A few thoughts came to me. First, an army of demons. As the players face down ranks of low level demons, they might start wondering what sort of foe could gather up an army of thousands of demons. However, I think throwing in a demon lord as the enemy leader might be a bit much.

The next idea was an army of goblinoids. Sure, they might laugh at facing goblins at level 12 (I was thinking about starting them at level 12). But a hobgoblin/half dragon with 10 levels of fighter could make a challenging foe. With ranks of goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears under him.

The final, and in my opinion most terrifying, idea was tyranids from War Hammer 40k. A horde of horrors from space are attacking the city, creatures that the PCs have never seen before.

Does anyone have any suggestions? What sort of foes should my players face?

2014-12-06, 02:23 PM
The next idea was an army of goblinoids. Sure, they might laugh at facing goblins at level 12 (I was thinking about starting them at level 12). But a hobgoblin/half dragon with 10 levels of fighter could make a challenging foe. With ranks of goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears under him.

The final, and in my opinion most terrifying, idea was tyranids from War Hammer 40k. A horde of horrors from space are attacking the city, creatures that the PCs have never seen before.

Does anyone have any suggestions? What sort of foes should my players face?

Mix these two together. The Army's general is a Half-Farspawn Hobgoblin that leads a massive horde of Goblins, Bugbears and Kythons (they're from BoVD) Throw in a few more aberrations to taste and watch as your PCs fight "horrors from beyond" Bonus points if the final battle is with a Colossal++ monstrosity and someone plays the Godzilla soundtrack.

2014-12-06, 04:03 PM
That could work. I'll have to look into some of that. I wasn't too sure about tyranids. My friend and I converted them to Pathfinder. They make a great horde. I tested them out in a game a while back. But I wanted an intelligent enemy, or at least intelligent leadership.

I'll have to look around for a colossal aberration that would fit. I do have an advanced tarrasque laying around somewhere....

I'm still open to other ideas, or suggestions to improve my other ideas.

For the demons, I did have a thought. A fallen solar, advanced and evil, gathered up this army to attack the city as part of a plan to turn himself into a demon god.

2014-12-07, 11:58 AM
The Kythons from Book of Vile Darkness actually were quite intelligent and had huge queen mother things and slayers. There were many different flavors at different CRs.