View Full Version : Pathfinder Rise of the runelords - Urgent request - possible spoilers

2014-12-06, 04:33 PM
I am running the rise of the runelords anniversary edition tonight. The party is just starting the skinsaw murders chapters. I am looking for a PDF version of the player handouts, specifically the Lust lines. If anyone could get me a link to these I would greatly appreciate it. I only have the hardcopy and really don't want to printout entire pages just for the small slips of paper to handout. Even screen shots will work and I can just show it on my phone.

I have no idea if the anniversary edition is different as far as the letter's go, so if you have a link to the non-anniversary I will at least look at it and find out how they differ. Thanks to all who reply in advance I may not have time to do anything more then see if someone has it.

TL;DR Need the Lust line of player handouts for skinsaw murders.

2014-12-10, 09:28 PM
Wow 70 reads no responses... I'll try again then... the party got so overwhelmed and off topic that we never even made it to the second clue so I have at least a few days this time. We normally game on saturday nights, So if anyone knows where I might be able to find a pdf version of RotRL's I can make that work. I have the hard copy so I've got no qualms about getting a pirated pdf if I must. Just really looking for some nice handout's to give the players instead of always having to pass around the big book.

2014-12-11, 12:31 AM
Our group is in Rune Lords and just starting part 2. The GM got copies of pages like I am sure you are looking for. I am thinking he went to the Library with the book or has a scanner/printer.

The group pitched in for the AP, so the GM might have gotten the PDF version too.

Have you tried google? I have seen people with their own webpages where they will post some content but not the whole thing. You might be surprised if you do a little searching.

2014-12-11, 01:40 AM
No one seems to run the lust line. but I am somewhat forced to based on the circumstances. If he happens to have the PDF can you see if he can get me some screenshots of the lust line?

2014-12-11, 01:45 AM
Hrmmmm I don't think we are allowed to post copyrighted material on this forum.

That being said it's basically stuff like "this will make you love me! Join me forever!" Sorta stuff, pretty simple to come up with something that will fit.

2014-12-11, 01:46 AM
This page has a lot of useful things made by the community for RotRL, and I think they have the handouts you're looking for. Unfortunately it's not loading for me right now, so I can't check it. =/


2014-12-11, 02:39 AM
I think Paizo is down... hasn't worked for me all day... Also I know what it says I have the book, I just wanted nice neat letters to hand to my party. There should be a free DM companion that you can DL. that would be awesome.