View Full Version : DM Help [3.5] How Racial Traits affect Ability Scores.

2014-12-07, 07:58 PM
Hey, so I was making some races for a science-fantasy campaign and I had a question regarding racial modifiers to ability scores.

Are the modifiers calculated before or after you actually roll for/build your base scores? Because my understanding is that you can not exceed a base score of 18 upon character creation. In my case, we have a points system where we're building the scores. Each score starts at 8, you get however many points (somewhere between 30 and 36). Up to a score of 14, each score costs one point. 15 and 16 cost 2, and 17 and 18 cost 3.

Anyways, if racial modifiers take effect AFTER you build the scores, you could then exceed 18. So, for instance, a race called the Cor has a +4 Strength modifier. If you put all of your points in STR and get a score of 18, that Cor racial modifier bumps it up to a 1st Level STR score of 22.

If racial modifiers take effect BEFORE you build the scores, the scaling points/score still takes effect. So, with the same Cor example, the STR score begins at 12 as opposed to 8, and it just requires less points to be invested to get to 18. You can't get above 18 in this case though.

The reason I'm wondering is because if the racial modifiers take effect after actually putting in your points and building your scores, the scaling points/score system can be abused. So say the Cor put enough points into STR for a score of 14, well now he has ignored the scaling (15 and 16 cost 2 points, 17 and 18 cost 3 points) and still has a STR score of 18 because of his Strength modifier. And now he has a bunch of extra points to put into other scores because he didn't have to really commit to getting that STR score up. However, even though this is the case, I would still think that this is how you'd do it, because making them take effect before would be kind of clunky if you were rolling for scores. I also believe it might be this way just due to the fact that if anyone was building for scores, it's almost like if the racial modifiers would mean nothing if they were calculated before. It would just mean your scores would start in different places, so you'd spend a little more points on some scores and less points on others.

So what do you guys think? I was just curious to hear some other opinions. Maybe this isn't applicable to many because they roll for instead of build for scores? Maybe I'm in the wrong for believing base scores can't exceed 18 at 1st Level? Maybe it's just up to DM discretion? I have no idea. I'm relatively new to all of this, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

2014-12-08, 02:59 AM
Nowhere in the rules does it say you cannot exceed an ability score of 18, at character creation or otherwise. Also, did you mean Orc? not Cor? (could be something your DM changed, they both get +4 str). Either way, that creature is quite capable of putting an 18 into strength, and then getting racial bonuses to bump it up to 22, just as a dwarf and gnome can get 20 con, or a grey elf can get 20 int.

A race that has more than +2 to an ability, and no appropriate penalties to other scores to compensate will likely have a level adjustment though, meaning you will be considered a higher level character for xp calculations.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-08, 03:11 AM
The reason I'm wondering is because if the racial modifiers take effect after actually putting in your points and building your scores, the scaling points/score system can be abused.
The racial ability modifiers are applied after you buy your ability scores. If you look at the character creation section in the PHB, you'll notice that you choose your race and class after you've determined your ability scores. Moreover, I don't think it'd make sense to apply racial ability modifiers before point-buy: on average, a half-orc is supposed to be stronger than a human, while a dwarf is supposed to be tougher than both of them. Thus, a 1st level half-orc can have 20 Str, a dwarf can have 20 Con, while the human is stuck with 18 Str and 18 Con.

2014-12-09, 02:41 AM
I was saying I didn't know if you could exceed 18 as a base before racial modifiers or otherwise. Also, I did mean Cor. It's a science-fantasy universe, not a standard universe. Cor are one of the alien races.

And alright. I was assuming modifiers would be calculated after point-buy. I guess I overlooked that detail when looking at the PHB.
Thanks a lot man! Appreciate it.