View Full Version : DM playing PCs against each other

Meth In a Mine
2014-12-07, 09:29 PM
Hi all.
My DM has been running his own take on the Rasputin Must Die campaign, and one PC was placed in command of the Purple Army, a fictional force wanting to install a Parliamentary monarchy in Russia. Today we had a session where me (the Wizard), a Brawler with infiltration abilities, and a natural weapon Barbarian were tasked with taking an oil refinery. The three of us are British mercs with instructions not to destroy the oil supplies. We were given command of a battalion of men, who we ordered to give a frontal assault, while the Barbarian and Brawler assassinate leaders amongst the communists. I was using overland Flight and Invisibility to go about unseen as well as conjuring Celestial Dire Animals to open a second front behind the defenders, as well as apply stuff like Stinking Cloud and other such spells as needed. Everything was going well, and then the communists blow the oil themselves. I teleported our team out safely and our forces withdrew, but then I later learned that the DM told the Purple Army leader (whose player wasn't able to make it to our session) that we had gone in there and blown the oil without trying to capture it! He also informed us that the entire Purple Army was out for our hides. I teleported us to a safe place in India, but our party has been split because the DM gave a party member false information. What's a guy to do?
Thanks in advance,

2014-12-07, 09:52 PM
I haven't seen or played Rasputin Must Die, so pardon if I don't respond based on what's actually going on in the module.

Perhaps there's a third party using in-game chicanery to trick the player into thinking this, and the DM was just using the lack of OOC information to make the drama more genuine. In that case, let it play out and attempt diplomacy.

If the DM just outright lied to the player OOC, you're well within your rights to tell the player that the DM is full of crap and is, very lazily, trying to stir the pot.

Without knowing which is which, I'd give the DM the benefit of the doubt. Do contact the other PC via Sending to start a dialogue either way though.

Meth In a Mine
2014-12-07, 11:25 PM
I haven't seen or played Rasputin Must Die, so pardon if I don't respond based on what's actually going on in the module.

Do contact the other PC via Sending to start a dialogue either way though.

1. I don't know what would be going on the module, the DM is just having us go into the real world and create real world characters with pathfinder classes, saying that magic has recently hit the real world so mages are becoming more frequent. He has a Psionic fetish so we are facing numerous psionic enemies which have presented little challenge. Also after our most recent raid I think the DM is planning to start using more casters to counter me. Maybe I'm being paranoid.

2. That's probably the right idea.

Cheers, MiaM

P.S. if you want more details I can dispense what I can.

2014-12-07, 11:58 PM
Id say ask the DM about it, to see if the PvP is really intended, and how far he wants to take it.

Also, I never understood the point of signing a poat, when your name is clearly seen just to the left (along with join date and such).

2014-12-08, 08:48 PM
Id say ask the DM about it, to see if the PvP is really intended, and how far he wants to take it.

Also, I never understood the point of signing a poat, when your name is clearly seen just to the left (along with join date and such).

I happen to be the DM we are talking about here, and I must say that turning the party on eachother was unintentional. I was talking tactics with the absent player the day before (I knew he wasn't going to be there, so I took some time to discuss where the campaign was going). I wasn't able to talk to said absent player again until long afterwards. I never said that you blew the refinery on purpose, but you can definitely understand why other party members would be mad if the goal was to control it.

Also, the army is not "out for your hides," they are just starting to lose patience with the Barbarian's inappropriate molestation of fellow soldiers (please do not ask), the Brawler's apparent insurrection plot, and the frequent issue of abandoning your position via teleport to sip Pina Coladas in some exotic location. The army is still willing to work with you, but as a general the other player expects you to clean up your act a little.

Meth In a Mine
2014-12-08, 09:20 PM
Oh hey man. We kind of abandoned the army for our retreat because people were pointing guns at us, and I will point out that last I checked, bullets hurt. Also Mr. Alchemist seldom seems receptive to reason and blames us for things that happened beyond our control. Also how can he be INT 20 and ask us to put out the fires on an ENTIRE REFINERY'S WORTH OF BURNING OIL and keep a straight face. With someone like that trying to boss us around, I would not take issue if the goblin were to use his teeth to administer a Colonoscopy.

2014-12-08, 09:30 PM
Shall I remind people only started pointing weapons at you AFTER the Barbarian's attempt at a colonoscopy? Assaulting a general is definitely grounds for pointing a gun.

Also, the alchemist's response was more along the lines of "WHAT? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG THIS WILL TAKE TO REMEDY?" Rather than "Oh, a refinery got blown up. Go fix it."

Meth In a Mine
2014-12-08, 09:36 PM
The goblin never actually got to get started, he was just getting ready to do so if need be. He never made an attack roll so the soldiers were unprovoked and aggressive. Furthermore, he never took any Purple Army soldiers as his chew toy(s) (although I would be ok with that), so he never molested anyone, just mutilated the enemy in creative ways. Also it would be prudent that you talk to the Alchemist about not starting PvP because whenever I say anything he doesn't like he tells his men to get ready to shoot our dashing band of British mercs.

And yes, he did tell us to put it out.

Also are we just saying the "goblin" is a crazy hairy midgit from Liverpool or is he a legitimate goblin?

2014-12-08, 09:48 PM
Rasputin Must Die ... command of a battalion ... Maybe I'm being paranoid ... inappropriate molestation of fellow soldiers (please do not ask) ... abandoning your position via teleport to sip Pina Coladas in some exotic location ... if the goblin were to use his teeth to administer a Colonoscopy ... What's a guy to do?

Put on your best Monty Python British accent and keep role-playing? Honestly I think your campaign might need professional help, but sometimes that can be fun too.

Meth In a Mine
2014-12-08, 09:52 PM
Put on your best Monty Python British accent and keep role-playing? Honestly I think your campaign might need professional help, but sometimes that can be fun too.

That is... An amazing idea.
Also, if our campaign needs professional help, then we've succeeded beyond my greatest hopes.:smallbiggrin:

And one more thing: I will start creating a new character, because it's clear from your other thread (which I stumbled upon on accident) that we will be met with the nightmare encounter for my character next session.