View Full Version : best sorcerer cold spells by level?

2014-12-07, 09:29 PM
Tried to find a list but have had bad luck. Making a frost mage charecter and want to have a healthy supply of spells with the cold discriptor. Currently level 4 but having trouble finding spells.

2014-12-07, 10:05 PM
Might I suggest frostburn? It has a healthy dose of [cold] spells, plus the infamous ice assasssin.

2014-12-08, 04:07 AM
First comment: between Snowcasting and Energy Substitution, basically any elemental spell can be Cold.

That being said, I like:
- Obscuring Snow, Frostburn, level 2
- Blood Snow, Frostburn, level 3
- Control Temperature, Frostburn (notice a pattern?), level 3
- Blinding Snow, Frostburn, level 3
- Heartfreeze, Frostburn, level 5 (it's not that great as far as Save-or-Dies go, but I like it anyway)
- Ice Claw, Spell Compendium, level 7
- Frostfell, Frostburn, level 9
- Field of Icy Razors, Spell Compendium, level 8
- Iceberg, Frostburn, level 9 (because dropping a gigantic iceberg on enemies is totally worth a level 9 slot)

2014-12-08, 03:22 PM
the infamous ice assasssin.

Not to drag things off-topic, but I'm seeing this everywhere lately, and the general idea I get as to what it is is basically a Mirror of Opposition-lite and that it can mimic deities. I thought that deific entities were unreplicable by mortal magic (though don't ask me to reproduce the clause, I can't remember its location), so how does this work?

2014-12-08, 03:44 PM
Well, here's a list of Sorcerer Cold spells.
Energy Substitution would expand this somewhat.

Anticold Sphere
Arctic Haze
Blood Snow
Boreal Wind
Brumal Stiffening
Column of Ice
Cone of Cold
Control Temperature
Elemental Shroud
Energy Spheres
Field Of Icy Razors
Fimbulwinter (XP)
Fire Shield
Mass Fire Shield
Freezing Claw
Freezing Fog
Freezing Glance
Freezing Sphere
Frost Breath
Frost Fingers
Frost Touch
Gelid Blood
Glacial Globe of Invulnerability
Glacial Ward
Greater Glacial Ward
Glaze Lock
Heat Leech
Ice Burst
Ice Castle
Ice Claw
Ice Claw Prison
Ice Dagger
Ice Darts
Ice Knife
Ice Rift
Ice Shape
Ice Storm
Ice Web
Kaupaer's Quickblast
Leomund's Tiny Igloo
Mark of Frost
Greater Mark of Frost
Move Snow and Ice
Numbing Sphere
Obscuring Snow
Orb of Cold
Lesser Orb of Cold
Orbs of Various Energy
Polar Ray
Ray of Frost
Ray of Ice
Shivering Touch
Lesser Shivering Touch
Sleet Storm
Snilloc's Snowball
Snowball Swarm
Suppress Flame
Thin Air
Wall of Coldfire
Wall of Ice
Waves of Cold
Zajimarn's Avalanche
Zajimarn's Field of Icy Razors
Zone of Glacial Cold

2014-12-08, 03:56 PM
Not to drag things off-topic, but I'm seeing this everywhere lately, and the general idea I get as to what it is is basically a Mirror of Opposition-lite and that it can mimic deities. I thought that deific entities were unreplicable by mortal magic (though don't ask me to reproduce the clause, I can't remember its location), so how does this work?

It's a more advance form of the Simulacrum (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/simulacrum.htm) spell (one I suggest). It literally makes a copy of the target (with the targets abilities and stats) out of shadow material and ice. The copy is compelled to hunt down and kill the original.

Since gods are just creatures, they are able to be replicated by Ice Assassin, provided you have a sample of them... which comes standard with every component pouch or can be ignored with Eschew Material.