View Full Version : Dumping CON as a sorcerer!

2014-12-08, 06:02 AM
I want to make a lot of my sorcerers frail. Kind of like the damsels in distress. Getting 1hp a level would be awesome if it weren't for archers >.<. So... anyone have suggestions to help me? :D

My current solution is to rush an amulet of health +4 while chugging down potions of bear's endurance like it's beer and spamming false life, and later replace it with an amulet of health +6.

Do you think I can get away with only false life? At least until i can afford an amulet of health +6.

Does anyone else have additional ideas? :D Surviving until false life seems hard.

With a box
2014-12-08, 06:17 AM
buff your AC/Miss chance sky high.
Hit me if you can:smallcool:

2014-12-08, 06:21 AM
buff your AC/Miss chance sky high.
Hit me if you can:smallcool:

How would you do that??? All I got is mage armor... my other spell has to be prismatic spray or sleep (haven't decided yet)

2014-12-08, 06:22 AM
If i remember correctly Amulet of Health and Bear's Endurance don't stack, same type bonus.

Edit: I think i got what you mean now, my mistake. Protection from Arrows can help, at least for some levels.

2014-12-08, 06:27 AM
The bigger problem is going to be your fort saves. There's a pretty long list of debilitating spells and effects that simply hit your fort save without requiring any attack roll. The advice you'll want will be very dependent on what level you're starting at. If you're starting at level 1, it's going to be very tough sledding, and frankly you're going to need to get lucky to live. The circumstances in which someone can dump con are few, if they even exist (I can't think of any off the top of my head). The higher level you start, the better off you're going to be, because HP starts becoming less relevant, and things like saves, immunities, and miss chances will take precedence. If you'll be going into something that can persist spells, that's also a great help for sources of temp HP.

2014-12-08, 06:30 AM
Hmm. Necropolitan? :smallbiggrin:

2014-12-08, 06:36 AM
The bigger problem is going to be your fort saves. There's a pretty long list of debilitating spells and effects that simply hit your fort save without requiring any attack roll. The advice you'll want will be very dependent on what level you're starting at. If you're starting at level 1, it's going to be very tough sledding, and frankly you're going to need to get lucky to live. The circumstances in which someone can dump con are few, if they even exist (I can't think of any off the top of my head). The higher level you start, the better off you're going to be, because HP starts becoming less relevant, and things like saves, immunities, and miss chances will take precedence. If you'll be going into something that can persist spells, that's also a great help for sources of temp HP.

Don't be a nay-sayer, be part of the solution! Now we have the problems, so lets think of solutions! I don't think a 3 difference in fort saves is gonna make THAT much of a difference, especially if I hide behind invisibility forever.

I'm starting at level 1.

I'm not above staying invisible and throwing summon monster 1's and ditching everyone the moment they all start to die. Better them than me~

2014-12-08, 06:40 AM
Become undead, like, fast.

2014-12-08, 06:41 AM
A short non-exhaustive list of defensive spells that remain useful through multiple levels of gameplay:

Level 1:
Mage Armor (+4 armor bonus)
Shield (+4 shield bonus)
Protection from X (+2 deflection bonus on AC vs. X, +2 resistance bonus on saves vs. X)

Level 2:
Resist Energy (block between 10 and 30 elemental damage)
Blur (20% miss chance)
Invisibility (many, many layers of protection)
Mirror Image (potentially better than blur)

Level 3:
Heroism (+2 morale bonus to saves)
Fly (60 ft. fly speed)

Level 4:
Stoneskin (DR 10/adamantine)
Dimension Door (instant escape button)
Polymorph (forms with natural armor, increased movement, flight etc.)

The biggest problem you'll face is which spells to choose as a Sorcerer. You have a heavy variety of defensive measures you could potentially layer on, but only so many spells you can know. Plus each defensive spell you pick means less flexibility in your offensive selection. Do you go for glass cannon or spend your energy on defensive play?

Remember that at the end of the day each round you spend casting your defensive spells is a round your enemy gets to try to hurt you. If you get a chance to prepare fully before battle, great! It rarely happens that way though. You're probably better off making the enemy dead so they can't try hurting you any more.

2014-12-08, 06:46 AM
Cheese your way into Walker in the Waste for cha-to-HP.

2014-12-08, 06:49 AM
If Dragon content is allowed, you've got this as a feat option for using int to fuel your HP instead of con:
Faerie Mysteries Initiate

Type: General
Source: Dragon #319

You know the timeless secrets and rituals of the Faerie Mysteries, self-improving rites of grace and passion that have been handed down since the earliest days that form a fundamental pillar of elven culture.
Region: Celene, gray elf, high elf, Lendore Isles, tallfellow halfling, Verbobonc, wild elf, wood elf. (Oerth)
Benefit: You and a partner with the Faerie Mysteries Initiate feat practice 15-minute regimen of cultural rituals that grant you special bonuses on skill checks or combat rolls. You choose which bonus you'd prefer before conducting the exercise, modifying your regimen slightly to achieve the desired effect. Both practitioners must agree upon the rite to be performed and receive the same bonus. Granted effects last until the next time you perform the Faerie Mysteries.
The Faerie Mysteries require 4 hours of "trance" to clear the mind. If your rest is interrupted, each interruption adds hour to the total amount of time you must trance in order to clear your mind, and you must have at least hour of uninterrupted rest immediately prior to conducting the Faerie Mysteries. If you do not need to trance for some reason, you still must have 8 hours of restful calm before conducting the Mysteries.
Carols: You and your partner sing in beautiful harmony of the triumph of Corellon Larethian over Gruumsh One-Eye, extolling the virtues of elves and enumerating the evils of orcs and goblins, When fighting orcs or goblins, you gain a +1 competence bonus on damage rolls with melee attacks and with ranged attacks at ranges of up to 30 feet, and you act as if you had the Improved Critical feat for the weapon you are using, This benefit does not stack with the Improved Critical feat or other effects that increase critical threat range.
Frolics : You and your partner engage in a carefree, joyful gambol featuring hand claps and energetic kicks. At the end of the ceremony, both partners receive a +4 insight bonus on Perform (dance) and Tumble checks.
Gyres: You join your partner in a delicate, deliberate dance involving clasped hands and a rigidly timed orbit around a living flower. You gain a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws.
Passions: You and your partner engage in an exuberant sensual act. The ritual leaves both partners invigorated, allowing you to use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Constitution modifier to determine bonus hit points.

You're still going to need to look at ways to boost fort saves, though. Especially if Dragon won't be allowed and you can use int to fuel your HP, I think you're setting yourself up for a bad time.

2014-12-08, 07:04 AM
I think you're setting yourself up for a bad time.


Is there really nothing I can't do?

How about tower shields? I only cast spells and don't make any form of attack or skill checks, so can't I just hide behind a tower shield and sling spells? At levels 1-3 I don't think anyone can reliably survive spells cast at them, and tower shields make me immune to ranged attacks no? Then at level 4 BAM! Invisibility spam! Or false life.

2014-12-08, 07:05 AM
Tower Shield = 50% Arcane Spell Failure

2014-12-08, 07:19 AM
I love how the solution on how to play a damnsel in distress is embracing undeath :smallbiggrin:

You can try the Ritual of Blood spell from Player's Guide to Eberron. It's listed as a way to get Cha to HP in the X to Y list, but I don't have my copy of PGtE with me right now to tell you how it works exactly or what page it is.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-08, 07:29 AM
- Faerie Mysteries Initiate for Int instead of Con to hp.
- Dry Lich for Cha to hp on top of your Int.
- Undeads are immune to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
- Dip Swordsage/Warblade or take Martial Study to get Mind Over Body as soon as possible if you don't plan to become undead.
- If you somehow manage to survive the low levels, buy some +1 Defending surprise weapons (about 8.300 each) and cast chain greater magic weapon.
- Mirror image (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mirrorImage.htm).
- There's a cheap stone in some Eberron books that draws all light from your surrounding 24/24. Use a spell to see through magical darkness and take that to get total concealment 24/24. I'll post the book it's from as soon as I find it.

2014-12-08, 07:45 AM
Tower Shield = 50% Arcane Spell Failure

I briefly forgot about that, but I can ditch the shield anytime I want :P

Invisibility may not be the best 1st choice. Perhaps mirror image is better, even better than false life because it protects me against target spells.

A lot of people keep mentioning undead. How does a human become undead? Gotta be a pretty undead since damsels in distresses are pretty! Oh and no +LA.

No dragon magazines please. Every single issue breaks the game one way or another.

2014-12-08, 07:50 AM
I briefly forgot about that, but I can ditch the shield anytime I want :P

Invisibility may not be the best 1st choice. Perhaps mirror image is better, even better than false life because it protects me against target spells.

A lot of people keep mentioning undead. How does a human become undead? Gotta be a pretty undead since damsels in distresses are pretty! Oh and no +LA.

No dragon magazines please. Every single issue breaks the game one way or another.

Necropolitan template is the best way to become undead. You lose a level temporarily when you take it, but it has 0 LA so you recover that level rapidly.

2014-12-08, 07:54 AM
False life is worth about 2-4 con. So depends how hard you dump con. If you get empowered false life or better yet heart of earth then the hp gains are more consistent through high level and it's more like 4 con at all levels. If you play at levels 1-3 then pick up endurance and diehard. Also a potion of cure light wounds at level 1 for emergencies, then a couple potions of invisibility at level 2. You might pick up scrolls of invisibility if treasure is tight, but then you better not roll a 1 on your caster level check... during an emergency where your life is at stake. Or withdraw if you can. Maybe carry a couple scrolls of expeditious retreat to use before combat begins if you get a buff round. Doesn't work after you're in trouble if you're in melee range.

MiC has some armor crystals that give temporary hp as a swift action. Iron ward I think. That could effectively add another 2 con in terms of hp. IIRC temp hp from 2 different sources stacks. Find armor without ASF to put it in. Maybe a MW buckler if the crystal allows shields. I forget if it does.

24 hours of [greater] mage armor is a given. Scrolls of shield are ok in case you get a buff round. But there are other things that damage your hp besides regular attack rolls. So actual hp is more reliable. Especially when only 1 hit might drop you. Doesn't do you much good to dodge 5 times and then roll a new character on the 6th time.

So I think it's plenty doable down to 8-10 con. 6 con is probably pushing it too far unless you can come up with some more tricks. Your fort save is pretty pitiful too, but you can deal with that once you survive to high level.

2014-12-08, 08:01 AM
Necropolitan template is the best way to become undead. You lose a level temporarily when you take it, but it has 0 LA so you recover that level rapidly.

It does seem nice as it raises my hd from 1d4 -1 to 1d12. But the ritual seems brutal! Correct me if I'm wrong but I need to do it at level 3. As I become 6,000+xp and become level 3, I do this ritual and become level 2 and 4,500xp, and lose an additional 1,000xp to 3,500xp. Yeesh, that's harsh for that level! XD

How does one get to perform the ritual? Seems like you need a powerful evil NPC cleric to perform this on my sorcerer. And necropolitans with 18 charisma are pretty right? Because the necropolitan in the drawing of libris mortis is ugly D:

I'm dumping CON to 8 or 9.

Wait... can you dump stats below 8? o_O

2014-12-08, 08:07 AM
Wait... can you dump stats below 8? o_O
Not on standard 3.5 point buy rules. If you roll your stats you could. Or if you play Pathfinder. Or if you start at old or venerable age, but that's a little cheesy if you're going to negate your physical penalties in a couple levels. OTOH you'd still keep the str and dex penalties I think.

18 cha could mean pretty or it could mean ugly in a cool way or it could simply mean you have a strong presence and personality in spite of being ugly.

With a box
2014-12-08, 08:10 AM
Point buy calc
It can dump your CON into 3

2014-12-08, 08:15 AM
As others have mentioned, in standard point buy, you can't normally drop scores below 8 before racial modifiers. There are, however, obscure races with severe CON penalties (or less obscure races with -2 CON), such that you could be staring at 1 HP per level pretty easily.

If you do dump CON that far, your character is going to die to the first serious fortitude save or reflex save he faces. Even if you pass the reflex save and take half damage to a Fireball or a breath weapon, if you seriously dump CON without a way to bump HP another way, you'll die from half damage. And the big problem with those AoE reflex saves is that they don't have to target you (and don't check AC), so all those fancy wizard defenses are moot.

There are ways to mitigate having almost no HP... but the shenanigans required is probably above your group's tolerance for such things. Better to get some other stat to HP like others have mentioned.

I'll tell you what - if your character plays it cautious (i.e. no color spray from 10' away), stays in the back, and makes ample use of hiding and cover, he could make it to level 4. And then you could pick up Wings of Cover from Races of the Dragon, and spam the hell out of it to save your frail butt.

2014-12-08, 08:15 AM
I once played a Bard with a 4 in Con. Actually didn't do too badly until I got on the wrong end of a hill giant skeleton.

2014-12-08, 08:19 AM
I once played a Bard with a 4 in Con. Actually didn't do too badly until I got on the wrong end of a hill giant skeleton.

To reference something an acquaintance of mine once said:
"He's got 3 con. He inherited a disease from his mother."
"What disease?"
"All of them."

2014-12-08, 08:20 AM
I'll tell you what - if your character plays it cautious (i.e. no color spray from 10' away), stays in the back, and makes ample use of hiding and cover, he could make it to level 4. And then you could pick up Wings of Cover from Races of the Dragon, and spam the hell out of it to save your frail butt.

I like this strategy :D. Also when I hit level 9 I'm grabbing ruin delver's fortune so all of my save problems are gone too as ruin delver's fortune gives me evasion for reflex saves. So I guess it's cast sleep from afar while hiding behind something from levels 1-3 + 2500xp if I go necropolitan. The character in question is a damsel in distress! She has to be pretty! Not "cool" D:<. Necropolitan will solve all of my issues if I can just get past the fluff...

Where are people qualified to perform the ritual located?

2014-12-08, 08:22 AM
I like this strategy :D. Also when I hit level 9 I'm grabbing ruin delver's fortune so all of my save problems are gone too as ruin delver's fortune gives me evasion for reflex saves. So I guess it's cast sleep from afar while hiding behind something from levels 1-3 + 2500xp if I go necropolitan. The character in question is a damsel in distress! She has to be pretty! Not "cool" D:<

Just use gentle repose, otherwise we'll see how pretty it is after a mace hits it and it explodes like a meat-filled baloon.

2014-12-08, 08:33 AM
Bah, undead comes with its own problems of needing an evil cleric to heal.

Oh well, so I guess there's nothing better than just hiding and spamming wings of cover.

With a box
2014-12-08, 08:34 AM
What's the point of dumping CON and rise it again/became an undead and moot it?
Isn't having low HP is being damsel in distress and it's the propose of dumping CON?
I don't think having beefy HDd12 HP is not match in this..

2014-12-08, 08:38 AM
What's the point of dumping CON and rise it again/became an undead and moot it?
Isn't having low HP is the propose of dumping CON?

Right, my power gaming half briefly took over me XD.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-08, 08:59 AM
How does one get to perform the ritual? Seems like you need a powerful evil NPC cleric to perform this on my sorcerer. And necropolitans with 18 charisma are pretty right? Because the necropolitan in the drawing of libris mortis is ugly D:

The character in question is a damsel in distress! She has to be pretty! Not "cool" D:<. Necropolitan will solve all of my issues if I can just get past the fluff...

Always remember:
- Charisma doesn't equal beauty. (http://36.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6yagrYC2v1rv231do1_1280.jpg)
- Undeath doesn't equal uglyness. (http://40.media.tumblr.com/172cd5de773feff012af93d74a6082cc/tumblr_mht0aprUJv1rv231do1_1280.jpg)

EDIT: Moreover, if you consider paleness, dry skin and other general decomposition signs "minor details" you could disguise as a living damsel in distress with a +5 bonus to your check.

2014-12-08, 09:10 AM
Charisma = some beauty.
I know undeath doesn't equal ugliness, if and only if it's like vampire or something that doesn't result in rotting flesh or your bones to show. I wish there was more fluff on necropolitans >.<. But again, that's power gaming :P.

2014-12-08, 09:12 AM
It sounds nice when everyone says to stay in the back and stuff. But for multiple levels this sorc will be so weak that stepping on a cat's tail will be death by scratching. Damsels in distress are only nice when they got plot armor. If they didnt, a single dragons breath would make them a kebab.

The reason people say not to dump con is because its a very bad idea. And saying "just dont get hit" is a pretty weak solution...

2014-12-08, 09:15 AM
It sounds nice when everyone says to stay in the back and stuff. But for multiple levels this sorc will be so weak that stepping on a cat's tail will be death by scratching. Damsels in distress are only nice when they got plot armor. If they didnt, a single dragons breath would make them a kebab.

The reason people say not to dump con is because its a very bad idea. And saying "just dont get hit" is a pretty weak solution...


But... but... T_T

2014-12-08, 09:16 AM
Lol pick up some hp one way or another and problem solved.

I agree never getting hit is an unrealistic answer.

2014-12-08, 09:20 AM
I am playing a mage "damsel" in a game now. Except she actually CAN get a scratch on her arm w/o bleeding out like she got hemophilia.

At lvl 5, she got 21 AC with mage armor, and almost 30 HP.
If aomething attacks her, she'd ACT like she needs rescuing, but the rescuers will actually have time to get to her, since she wont die in 1 hit.

Meanwhile with your HP, guess who dies the first time theres an ambush by atleast semi-intelligent opponents. Thats right, you wont live past surprise round, because as the weakest member you will be taken out 1st in case of an ambush

With a box
2014-12-08, 09:23 AM
How about play buffer and NOT go to battle? You park a van in front door of dungeon and buff party up, and keep stealth and safety distance from battlefield (100ft, two corner) and buff them.
And you will kidnapped a lot by rouges :√
Or an enchanter/diplomacer who send minion in it

2014-12-08, 09:25 AM
How about play buffer and NOT go to battle? You park a van in front door of dungeon and buff party up, and keep safety distance from battlefield (100ft, two corner) and buff them.
Or an enchanter/diplomacer

Wilderness ambushes.

The only way low hp works is if you stay in the city behind lock doors and never get in a fight. An all politics no fighting campaign. Or some other way to mitigate getting hit. Because you will get hit at least 1 in 20 times, and probably way more often that that. Especially since there are many ways to get attacked and you can't defend against them all. If the first hit drops you, it will come quickly enough.

2014-12-08, 09:27 AM
Exactly! Dont just ASSUME that if its your plan to stay 100 behind, that it will happen in EVERY battle. Really, how naive can one be?

2014-12-08, 09:28 AM
You can also play a Pixie. With constant-on improved invisibility, you are very hard to hit. 4LA leaves you with much less HP than the rest of the party.

2014-12-08, 10:12 AM
I was considering dumping CON when I chanced upon this thread. Guess I wont...

2014-12-08, 10:40 AM
OK! So many criticisms :(

SO! With 10 CON! Picking up amulet of health +2 a.s.a.p. then an amulet of health +4 a.s.a.p. solve my problem? D:

2014-12-08, 11:32 AM
Oh yeah there's also improved toughness to boost hp. Forgot about that one.

I was considering dumping CON when I chanced upon this thread. Guess I wont...
Lol well specifcally low hp is bad. So con can be dumped safely with a lot of work. But in general if you want to be strong rather than sticking to a theme you don't want to dump it. At high level fort saves become an issue too, but by the time you hit high level it's easier to deal with fort saves.

2014-12-08, 11:47 AM
Just use gentle repose, otherwise we'll see how pretty it is after a mace hits it and it explodes like a meat-filled baloon.

I just googled this and I couldn't find any videos of meat- filled balloons exploding. How disappointing.

2014-12-08, 11:52 AM
When losing a level, such as when taking the Necropolitan template, your new experience total becomes the halfway point between your previous and new levels. So if you did it at 3rd level, it would knock you down to 2000 from the level loss ,then down to 1000 from the flat 1000 loss, so you would still be level 2.

Sir Chuckles
2014-12-08, 01:11 PM
Charisma = some beauty.
I know undeath doesn't equal ugliness, if and only if it's like vampire or something that doesn't result in rotting flesh or your bones to show. I wish there was more fluff on necropolitans >.<. But again, that's power gaming :P.

Charisma 30 (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/EPIC_Gallery/Gallery5a/44183_C5_umbralblot.jpg)
Charisma 42 (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/EPIC_Gallery/Gallery5a/44165_C5_atropal.jpg)

Nah, just find one of the cheap and easy ways of halting decomposition. Or an Image spell. Or a lot of equipment with Illusions on them.
...and I don't see how it's power gaming.

2014-12-08, 01:39 PM
I love how the solution on how to play a damnsel in distress is embracing undeath :smallbiggrin:

You can try the Ritual of Blood spell from Player's Guide to Eberron. It's listed as a way to get Cha to HP in the X to Y list, but I don't have my copy of PGtE with me right now to tell you how it works exactly or what page it is.

It doesn't do what it sounds like IIRC.

2014-12-08, 01:51 PM
It doesn't do what it sounds like IIRC.
It gives you Charisma to HP once and reduces your constitution permanently.
Not bad if you're about to lose your con score anyway.

2014-12-08, 02:26 PM
It gives you ~16HP at high level Charisma (+16HP requires 42 Cha for example). By this stage, it's nearly irrelevant, but gives additional HP should you become Undead. At low levels, you trade 1HP/level for +ChaHP. Unless you have a Cha of 52+, there is no HP benefit from the Rite, as -1HP a level is -20, in return for +21 HP.

In lower level games, it's not too bad - at 1st level, a Human with 18 Charisma trades -1HP/-1 Fort for +4HP.

2014-12-08, 09:49 PM
Its low-op, but have you given any thoughts to just taking Toughness at 1st level? It helps you out till you get some better 2nd level spells for defense (Mirror Image or something like it) and can always be retrained out later if your DM is okay with the PHB II retraining rules.

Another option if you are human is the Heroic Destiny/Fearless Destiny feats from Races of Destiny. Use Heroic Destiny to help with Fortitude saves, and Fearless Destiny for surviving those (all to frequent) trips into negative HP country.

2014-12-12, 09:48 PM
Could someone compile a short list of techniques that would keep a sorcerer who dies in one shot alive?

All i got is:
1. Spell Turning
2. Rune delver's fortune v.s. any save (this dodges all aoe evocation spells)
3. Moment of Prescience v.s. any save
4. Greater Heroism v.s. any save
5. Greater Mirror Image v.s. anything without true seeing
6. Stay in invisible or in ethereal plane most of the time (though invisibility sucks without move silently)
7. Have meat shields around you at all times, bigger the better

2014-12-12, 10:27 PM
Don't get into combat situations. Actively avoid them until you have a few HP. You guys want to clean out the kobold cave? Bring me your captives, securely bound, and I'll talk to them to negotiate.

Being weak must be accounted for by how you behave. You're a damsel, use charm person to get a mercenary to solve your problems as a buddy while you research a new spell.

2014-12-12, 11:10 PM
Being weak must be accounted for by how you behave. You're a damsel, use charm person to get a mercenary to solve your problems as a buddy while you research a new spell.

I thought about that too except charm person lasts 1hour/level instead of 1day/level like charm monster, and if he succeeds the will save, he'll kill the sorcerer right then and there, or upon success, will kill the sorcerer after the duration expires.

With a box
2014-12-12, 11:19 PM
Then use diplomacy instead

2014-12-12, 11:43 PM
On a side note, if you become a necropolitan, you can then take the Human Heritage feat and become not-undead again. Keeps most of the good stuff, still has no Con score, but you're not an undead monstrosity anymore. Fluff it as spontaneously coming back to life, or a botched/exceptionally powerful resurrection or something. Hell, could even bring in some fun plot hooks if you work with the DM to have some sort of powerful being do it to you.

2014-12-13, 12:01 AM
How about play buffer and NOT go to battle? You park a van in front door of dungeon and buff party up, and keep stealth and safety distance from battlefield (100ft, two corner) and buff them.

I can only speak for myself here, as I don't know your DM, or how any other DM, for that matter, would handle it. Personally, hower, if somebody in one of my games just buffed people before there was combat, and then stayed way behind so as to never be in any danger I would start with giving them dramatically reduced XP, since they are realistically doing nothing to earn it, and if that didn't get the point across, there may just be some conveniently missed danger back behind where the party is engaged in their own situation, leaving the dainty little sorceror alone and doomed.

2014-12-13, 12:21 AM
I can only speak for myself here, as I don't know your DM, or how any other DM, for that matter, would handle it. Personally, hower, if somebody in one of my games just buffed people before there was combat, and then stayed way behind so as to never be in any danger I would start with giving them dramatically reduced XP, since they are realistically doing nothing to earn it, and if that didn't get the point across, there may just be some conveniently missed danger back behind where the party is engaged in their own situation, leaving the dainty little sorceror alone and doomed.

What's wrong with buffing and staying invisible? That's my main early game survival tactic, though I don't go as extreme. Invisibility has a short-ish duration, so i stay behind my party members and pop it off as my first action in combat. Then I throw some hastes around. It's the only way a caster can survive against an encounter with a decent number of ranged attackers, otherwise the DM will kill the 2-hit wonder every fight, though I do break invisibility to cast the occasional offensive spell, but only once the ranged attackers are dead or they're the main target of my spell.

2014-12-13, 12:26 AM
What's wrong with buffing and staying invisible? That's my main early game survival tactic, though I don't go as extreme. Invisibility has a short-ish duration, so i stay behind my party members and pop it off as my first action in combat. Then I throw some hastes around. It's the only way a caster can survive against an encounter with a decent number of ranged attackers, otherwise the DM will kill the 2-hit wonder every fight, though I do break invisibility to cast the occasional offensive spell, but only once the ranged attackers are dead or they're the main target of my spell.

if you are inviible, but present, things can still happen to you. You aren't totally safe. That's fine. Buffing, and then staying two rooms away in hopes of completely staying far away from any potential danger is just kinda... eh. If you aren't at risk, you aren't really overcoming any conflicts, so you get less XP. Risk/reward, I say. Again, though, that's just my take on it.

2014-12-13, 12:30 AM
if you are inviible, but present, things can still happen to you. You aren't totally safe. That's fine. Buffing, and then staying two rooms away in hopes of completely staying far away from any potential danger is just kinda... eh. If you aren't at risk, you aren't really overcoming any conflicts, so you get less XP. Risk/reward, I say. Again, though, that's just my take on it.

I see. I agree that you gotta at least be in the same room as your party even if you're way back. Otherwise it's no different than going home after buffing. I'd argue no XP in those cases, not reduced.

Barbarian Horde
2014-12-13, 01:34 AM
dump stat.. lol half orc str modifier would be enough to kill you.

2014-12-13, 03:27 AM
If you can get it allowed, Dreamscarred Press's Bloodforge contains the feats Unnatural Resilience and Altered Life, which replace Constitution with Charisma for Fortitude Saves and Hit Points, respectively.

The former requires Aberration, Fey, Ooze, Outsider, or Undead, the latter Aberration, Fey, Ooze, Plant, or Undead

If you don't want to go zombie, the Unseelie Fey template from Dragon Compendium can give you the... Fey type. Or you can take the Mixed Blood feat - again, from Bloodforge - to count as a second type in addition to your current one. Maybe you've got a little Vampire in you, or a Wizard gave your Grandma Black Pudding for blood. Lots of options.

Manly Man
2014-12-13, 03:35 AM
Another idea to make a low-Con character who can at least survive is to be a Psion, and do a trick with Vigor, Share Pain, and a Psicrystal, so that both you and the Psicrystal are splitting the damage, and it's mostly coming from the mass of temporary hit points you've racked up. Psions play quite similarly to a Sorcerer, but with better flexibility, and you can still at least fluff yourself to be sorcerous.