View Full Version : Help me built a servant that is secretly a bodyguard

2014-12-08, 08:57 AM
Hi playground,

I got a character idea in my head, however I dont realy know how to go about it.
The idea itself is to make a character that is outwardly a servant of another character, however serves as his bodyguard. Among his task to protect his master he is also used to gather information, spy, steal and do anything else that a rich man would need someone else to do in secret.

So far I beleive the best starting class is the rogue, as I would need many skill points and the rogue has the capability to perform in this role. Using slight of hand to hide daggers on his own.

The goal of the character is to be usefull in combat, but also very potent outside of it.

Hope you guys have some idea's for me to tinker with.
If more info is needed please ask =]


2014-12-08, 09:17 AM
Maybe start with ninja. pretty much the same skill set as rogue, plus you have the added AC bonuses. Butlers don't usually wear armor right.If i remember correctly there are feat(s) for sneaky quickdraw with light weapons that render you foe flatfooted, qualifying for sudden strike.

Firest Kathon
2014-12-08, 09:28 AM
I have build a secret agent-type character which is a Soulknife (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/soulknife). No problems ever sneaking weapons into someplace (barring antimagic/null psionic fields), and basically a fighter chassis (full BAB, d10 HD). If you are playing D&D 3.5, the Soulknife is also available for that system (from XPH, I believe). The class is not too strong on the skill side, but a few traits, maybe a single multiclass to get the class skills, could help there.

2014-12-08, 09:43 AM
Factotum can pull off the servant/hidden bodyguard role. And would be useful for just about anything.

2014-12-08, 09:49 AM
Well, my first thought was Factotum. If you build the standard Hidden Blade Gnome Quickrazor Iaijutsu Factotum, you get a very potent melee combatant with a great skillset (all the skills in the game, yours for the taking).

There was a bodyguard class, I think it was Devoted Defender, that would probably make a great two-four level dip. EDIT: It's in Sword and Fist, your best bet is taking three levels for Deflect Attack.

Oh, and the Factotum gets spellcasting, so you can probably somehow use Shield Other as a bonus point.

Fouredged Sword
2014-12-08, 03:07 PM
I once did this with a rogue 3 / Monk 3 / Assassin 1 (removed the alignment and killing requirements) with the aesthetic monk feat. 4d6 sneak attack, wis to AC, unarmed strikes, and a paralyzing death attack that can be used to ruin someone's day.

2014-12-08, 03:12 PM
You could go factotum 3/sword sage 2/ chameleon x

He'll be pretty devastating to anything that isn't top tier in combat and with have excellent spying, information gathering and stealing capabilities. Probably significantly more strong that a rogue at all three.

2014-12-08, 05:11 PM
Well, my first thought was Factotum. If you build the standard Hidden Blade Gnome Quickrazor Iaijutsu Factotum, you get a very potent melee combatant with a great skillset (all the skills in the game, yours for the taking).

There was a bodyguard class, I think it was Devoted Defender, that would probably make a great two-four level dip. EDIT: It's in Sword and Fist, your best bet is taking three levels for Deflect Attack.

Oh, and the Factotum gets spellcasting, so you can probably somehow use Shield Other as a bonus point.

Be careful with a build like this though. Factotums jack of all trades quickly extends to making some classes irrelevant. Depending on the optimization level and make up your party it can be good or annoying. Last time I saw one in play it quickly pissed off all the players and DM alike. Especially the Paladin, as she soon became nothing but a punching bag while the Factotum imitated her divine class features better and consistently tossed out more damage per round.

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-08, 05:22 PM
If this is 3.5, an Unarmed Swordsage could be good (pick up Shadow Blade for dex to damage). If it's PF, probably an unarmed-focused Ninja (pick up Deadly Agility for dex to damage, if third-party feats are allowed). For some reason, "bodyguard posing as servant" just screams mystical unarmed combatant to me.