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View Full Version : Computer Thief (Wine) strange cutscene problem

2014-12-08, 03:30 PM
I installed Thief Gold using Wine (Linux), and have a weird problem. At the end of any cutscene, the screen just freezes at the last frame and does not show the current menu screen. I hear all the sound of the menu and the cursor moving over buttons, but I can't see a thing.
It happens when I click the Play Intro button in the main menu and after the cutscene for the first level or the tutorial. If I skip the cutscenes, it's the same error.

In many old games you can disable videos simply by deleting or renaming the video files, but even if that works I couldn't see the cutscenes in the game and miss quite a lot, or have to switch around to watch them between levels. Any idea what's wrong and how to fix that?