View Full Version : Project Looking for staff!

2014-12-09, 12:10 PM
Hello Everyone

Im looking for around 1-3 creative minds that would be willing to work on a project. This is going to require a group of people help create and manage the world. Not much can be said about it due to wanting to keep it private but if your interested on joining a project please add me on skype for further information! @ Ahoyimnajee

What am I exactly looking for?
1. Im looking for individuals that will help work on the system that's already in the process of being created. Helping make monsters, Test Classes, Add some class's and find faults in the system. We are trying to make a simple but awesome system that everyone will enjoy playing!

2.Im looking for individuals that work well in a group setting, love worldbuilding and know at least a little about roleplaying games in a fantasy type world. We are trying to make our own world that will be actively running throughout the day.

Please Skype me for more information if interested in joining this. @Ahoyimnajee

2015-01-08, 08:16 PM
Still looking

2015-01-10, 11:36 AM
You really ought to give at least a little more information than that if you're keen on getting help. For all we know, you're trying to make the next FATAL.

2015-01-12, 12:35 PM
You really ought to give at least a little more information than that if you're keen on getting help.

Among other things: What are the size of the project and the schedule? What is meant by "maintain"? What kind of time committment are you looking for; you're unlikely to get anyone ready to give up their day jobs. Are you looking for just anyone with ample gaming and home-brewing experience, experienced writers, programmers, web designers, ...? Will there be payment involved?

2015-01-13, 05:43 AM
And honestly, with just the information "a system" and "a world", there's really nothing to rouse interest at all.

2015-01-13, 06:03 AM
Some more information regarding the setting would also be useful, especially high fantasy / low fantasy.

2015-01-13, 01:13 PM
Ive started my own system, with that being said Ive gather a few guys to help me cover some things that i just couldn't do alone. I had a staff team of 8 and now im down to 3 due to people it being the holidays and some just not being interested in making a game after the fact. Im looking to expand my staff team to help develop the system and also help world build. Because not only are we making a system but we are creating a world to go with it and after that a community for the game! Weve already gotten some of the things done and were about 30% done with the system. I know your all about Table Tops and I would love to have you join me on this project. Maybe helping a bit with the system and doing worldbuilding. Or helping with the system an a bit of worldbuilding (which is in need). I think you would enjoy whats being made!

Ill give you a bit more detail on what its officially about.

massive adventure and hope to see you become an active and amazing asset to the world. World of Alexius is an Online Tabletop Role-playing Game based on our own rule system. What makes World of Alexius so much different from the next is that we allow for players to actually put the world into their own hands. Everyone is given the opportunity to really become part of the team in furthering the development of the community and the wonderfully crafted campaign setting an system. With that being said we have put together some Q&A's and Rules to help you better understand what is fully going on here!

What is the actual World of Alexius?
Alexius is a high fantasy world of epic adventure and evil creatures from a strange dimension that would like nothing more than to feast on the innocent and not so innocent alike. At every turn you will face encounters that will tax your mental and physical prowess, Corruption is rampant and nations are constantly blaming each other for the coming of the monsters. Some see the world as black and white while other see it as a vast shade of gray. Loyal and Just paladins take up arms with scheming wizards in order to save people (or obtain power in the wizard's case). So grab your sword, fetch your bow, or prepare you spells, for you will need them in the wilds of Alexius!

Who can join our game?
The best thing about World of Alexius is that anyone can play in this game! No matter how much experience you may have with Tabletops. There will be people around to help you learn the system and even provide you with the necessary tools to come up with your own unique character. Knowing that you have a cool and unique character here at World Of Alexius is what we are all about!

GO TO THIS LINK PLEASE it is a GOOGLE DOC OF THE FIRST STEPS ON BECOMING A STAFF MEMEBER. Message me your responses! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QCYQGn4gCMcPJ-i8WG2CxDNAvxYBpSsP9MA-75qic-c/edit?usp=sharing