View Full Version : Sla la

2014-12-09, 01:31 PM
What LA should a race with the following spell-like abilities, at the cost of a feat, garner?

At Will

Freeze: freeze 5x5x1ft liquid or 15ft sq icy ground
Chilled Air: Can bring the temp of 10ft cube of air down to freezing for an hour


Ice:As a full round action, you can activate the ability to create 75 cubic feet of ice per round of concentration.
Aura of Cold:1d3 cold damage 30ft radius maintained with concentration,DC(10+Cha) Ref for half, auto-hit within 10ft.
Cone of Frost:15ft 1d6+1d6/3 lvl(max 4d6) DC(10+Cha) for half.

At Will

Warm Wind: Can bring the temp of 10ft cube of air to 80 degrees for an hour and heals all initially within for 2d4


Livewood: You control one small animated wood object within close range for concentration rounds up to 4 and instantly grow up to 10ft tall grass in 15ft sq
Verdant Growth: You Entangle as the spell but a thin layer of plants are provided, furthermore you cause a downpour over the area for two rounds(1/300 inches of rain).

Edit:Normal Racial Features
-2 Str +2 Con
20 feet speed
Low-light vision
+1 CL cold spells
+1 att vs goblinoids
+4 dodge AC vs. giants
SLA 1/day: Freeze: standard action freeze 5x5x1ft liquid or 15ft sq icy ground for up to 1hr
+2 Gather Information, Sense Motive

2014-12-09, 01:43 PM
With only the information given, zero. If the abilities were inherent, that'd be a marginally different story, but as it stands the entire race is just granting the ability to take a somewhat above average feat. I mean, ice is a good ability, but the others are just alright, and I wouldn't say that the overall feat even breaks into the top ten in terms of feat power. Any feat tight build would probably not take this, and builds tend to be rather feat tight as a general rule. Other abilities might justify an LA, but as long as this is just a negative bonus feat (because you have to spend a feat to get any racial abilities at all), the race isn't worth it above zero. Hell, I'd argue that it's not even necessarily worth it at zero. Is this really better than just getting a free bonus feat from human? I'm doubtful.

2014-12-09, 01:55 PM
My apologies, I was too focused on the ice abilities presented that I completely ignored the others.
-2 Str +2 Con
20 feet speed
Low-light vision
+1 CL cold spells
+1 att vs goblinoids
+4 dodge AC vs. giants
SLA 1/day: Freeze: standard action freeze 5x5x1ft liquid or 15ft sq icy ground for up to 1hr
+2 Gather Information, Sense Motive

2014-12-09, 02:00 PM
Same assessment. Just looks like a completely average race with access to an over par feat. I'd feel very comfortable taking a number of LA:0 races over it, with the specifics dependent on build.

Edit: In particular, it looks like you're going for something at whisper gnome levels of power, and I suspect that whisper gnomes are better.

2014-12-09, 02:13 PM
Danke eggy, I wasn't really sure if it was a bit too powerful. Technically any gnome with SLA's can switch them for those presented above(except the cone which is RAW front-loaded at 4d6+1d3), I just modified it slightly to be a little more focused on cold.

2014-12-09, 02:17 PM
I hope the rules for creating ice are a lot more specific than that.

2014-12-09, 02:20 PM
I hope the rules for creating ice are a lot more specific than that.
True. It's a bit wonky in its current form, unless the ability is intended to allow characters to bring forth mass destruction just by sitting around and covering everything with ice.

2014-12-09, 02:29 PM
The Ice ability was intended to make quick walls. As it stands now, the concentration for both the Aura and Ice last up to 24hr, but I can easily lower it be up to 4 rounds if that sounds more reasonable. There aren't really anymore rules of note apart from that though.

2014-12-09, 02:32 PM
I'm confused, does the race grant the at will freeze ability, or is that from the feat? You have it listed in both. Either way, that seems ok, though the abilities are somewhat vague. IE does the frozen ground or water have any other effect? Can they be used offensively? Is frozen ground like grease or otherwise difficult terrain (is it Frostburn-related?). Same questions for chilled air. I would tentatively agree with eggynack's assessment, depending on the answers to those questions.

The 1/days (are those each, or 1/day chosen from the list?) seem powerful. Create 75 cubic feet of ice each round of concentration with no limit? If you can dedicate your whole day to it, that's a lot of ice. Aura of Cold likewise has no duration limit. Cone of Frost seems worth a feat in itself (compare: Precocious Apprentice for Scorching Ray - 4d6 ray).

I won't say it's overpowered, but it seems like a lot for one feat, race restrictions notwithstanding.

2014-12-09, 02:35 PM
The Ice ability was intended to make quick walls. As it stands now, the concentration for both the Aura and Ice last up to 24hr, but I can easily lower it be up to 4 rounds if that sounds more reasonable. There aren't really anymore rules of note apart from that though.
I would just set a range limit, and maybe force the user to be stationary.That way they wouldn't be able to just sit in a wizard tower and fill the world with ice.

2014-12-09, 02:39 PM
Sorry, the feat makes the freeze ability at will instead of 1/day for 1hr. Frozen ground just makes the icy difficult terrain, so yes similar to grease but the DC doesn't scale. The frozen liquid likewise just makes ice and with enough applications could of course make a path across water but doesn't really have any other effect. The chilled air is mostly a flavor ability(though it could be used with the Frostburn cold casting feats if you wanted to waste action economy). The 1/day are 1/day each.

Edit: And I feel a fool for not even thinking about the range limit, the range is Close so 25ft. They are also all CL 1 and 0-lvl spell effects.

2014-12-09, 04:31 PM
The Ice ability was intended to make quick walls. As it stands now, the concentration for both the Aura and Ice last up to 24hr, but I can easily lower it be up to 4 rounds if that sounds more reasonable. There aren't really anymore rules of note apart from that though.
I mean things like, can they create ice in the same space as a person? Can they create ice just around the person, trapping them? Existing Wall spells have clauses that address this, and so should that ability.

2014-12-09, 06:46 PM
I mean things like, can they create ice in the same space as a person? Can they create ice just around the person, trapping them? Existing Wall spells have clauses that address this, and so should that ability.

Technically, yes it can create ice in the same space as a person or around a person to trap them with no save provided. You may want to add one, but it is not in the rules. Using Stronghold rules for ice walls it has 3 HP/inch and break DC 15+1/inch.