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2014-12-10, 12:27 AM
Four-Five Weeks after Jiro declared himself the Jade Regent

Time 6 PM

Pit pat pit pat pit pat~

Thunder clashed overhead as rain continued to fall upon the port city of Akafuto, just about four hundred miles north of Kasai, just little under a week's worth of travel on horseback. The Tagiru River that cut through the town and into the bay, slapped at the canals and many many small boats tied along the river edges. Hooded lanterns were dim causing a misty haze with the rain. Muddy streets sloshed against the footwear of scampering townsfolk, mostly peasant folk trying to find a dry place from the pounding rain. When the rain began to fall down, most folk had already retreated to their homes or to one of the many taverns that resided in this city. Pitter patter pitter patter.

One tavern however in particular was highlighted in this narration, the Lucky Cat tavern and Inn. Its paper lanterns blew against the merciless wind as they knocked about from the awning they were hung from. Above on the roof was a silver statue of a paw swaying round cat, its swaying paw beckoning patrons to its doors.

Inside the Lucky Cat it was quite lively as a female musician sat atop the bar counter playing her samisen and singing an spirited tune about an unlucky cat and the trouble it got itself into. A few other patrons joined in with cups of warm sake and half mumbled out the lyrics in their drunkenness. Colorful paper lanterns lined the walls, creating a wash of red, yellow, blue, green light that bathed the tavern in a warm if still dim lighting.

As for Rin, she would have received a mysterious note with just the name Lucky Cat written across it. Nothing else, it was indeed very suspicious but it was all she really had to go on as whoever gave her the note was awfully quite sneaky to have been able to place it in Kokoro's saddle bags without alerting the horse.

Morbis Meh
2014-12-11, 12:28 AM
What I wouldn't give to be dry and have a proper meal... Rin felt a sudden pain of homesickness overwhelm her though she quickly dispelled it with a heavy sigh. The inn she was forced to rendezvous in was actually not that disgusting by her standards even if the decoration was rather tasteless and gaudy in comparison to the elegant halls of the Imperial Palace. Brooding, the spear maiden poked at her meal which may or may not be some form of soup and did her best to keep her judgmental opinions to a minimum. Life was different here and to pick apart the lives of common folk was unbecoming of a noble born; the teachings of Shizuru urged one to understand all folk and to inspire those to lead virtuous lives and how would she be able to do so if she was constantly looking down upon them. Rin grumbled as she forced her hand to her mouth, surprisingly enough the soup was quite pleasant and flavorful despite being a little on the thin side, it at least warmed her up slightly. A crash of thunder rang out briefly drowning out the music of the mediocre songstress, a small blessing considering the drunken ramble were butchering whatever tune she was attempting to play. Rin prayed that Kokoro was behaving, he didn't like thunder and was prone to lashing out at anything in his general proximity. She had a feeling that he would attempt to pay her back later for forcing him to stable with other horses Damn spoiled horse... maybe the barkeep has an apple laying around so I can bribe the silly beast into behaving.. She quietly finished her soup and surveyed her surroundings, she wasn't necessarily startled by the appearance of the vague note but it did bother her that the messenger managed to escape her notice. It didn't help the situation that she stuck out like a sore thumb, dressed in heavy armor whilst carrying around her naginata; true she would have been able to blend in easier if she stored them someplace else but in this situation she could forgive herself since it would be borderline suicide to wander into a strange location only to wait for someone she didn't know. On the positive side her intimidating presence prevented any drunken fishermen from making a pass at her or if one was stupid enough to try it would only lead to her quickly setting an example.

2014-12-11, 01:17 AM
One of the two serving girls, approached Rin with a stone pitcher filled with sake. She wore a pink and green yukata that looked rather worn around the edges and faded in color, probably the only yukata she owned. The right front tooth missing woman smiled at Rin and poured a cup for her.

"Courtesy from the gentleman from the corner," She politely nodded and half bowed as she gestured in a glance to a heavy nondescript cloak wearing fellow. His back was turned to Rin, so she could not see his face, he sat about seven tables away, across on the other side of the tavern where Rin sat. He looked to be drinking sake from the way his arm moved. Resting against the table he sat alone at, was a katana sheathed in a red well, sheath, his other hand never too far from it.

Morbis Meh
2014-12-11, 10:34 AM
Rin muttered darkly You've got to be kidding me... before rising up from her seat and grabbing her naginata. She didn't even bother to grab the glass but looked at the serving girl "Give the drink to the musician, I imagine she would appreciate it more than myself given the circumstances, you can tell her it's from me." Not waiting for a reply she crossed the inn floor, dodging stumbling patrons and weaving out of the way of other serving girls until she reached captain cliche.

She sat down across from the man without being invited, leaning her polearm against her shoulder she stared at him sternly "Really? You go through all that trouble to avoid detection just to drag me into this place, how very original. Did you learn intrigue from a story told by a half baked bard? Honestly you need to do better than that if you plan on surviving for long."

2014-12-11, 08:27 PM
"Oh so serious my little Rinko-chan," The person replied with an impish grin knowing that referring to her that way more than likely annoyed her. The man sitting across from her now lowered down his wool hood. He sported a top knot, a crooked nose and brown almond shaped eyes with bags that made him look older than he was. She would recognize this man was one named Ryosuke Hitachi, an old time member of the Scarlet Sententials, he was among the remnant group she would have traveled with before he broke off to take care of a private mission.

She would recall him as one who seemed to act too lackadaisical about things, seemed to take to the sake too much and referred to himself as a self proclaimed lady's man. However despite those things, he was a capable fighter and in way would remind her of Daiki.

"Sometimes the best way to stay hidden...is too not hide at all you know?" His grin was reminiscent of a cat's. "People who are searching for something, tend to overlook what is right in front of him. You may think of it as unoriginal, but because it is so unoriginal and so obvious it becomes.....not obvious." Ryusuke gave her a tip of his head and brought his cup pf sake to his lips again and enjoyed himself a satisfying long drink.

Morbis Meh
2014-12-11, 09:07 PM
Rin's face didn't move "You should change your name to Ryosake you old lech, no your concept is not original just because you picked an open location but you chose a tavern. If hiding in the open was the plan wouldn't a flower garden or a stroll down the street during the day be more appropriate? No of course not, you chose here so you could drink so don't bother hiding it. Not to mention almost any major player has at least one spy in every tavern in Tian Xia just hoping to watch someone like us stroll in. Finish your drink and lets find a more suitable location to discuss business, too many eyes and ears here anyway, unless you care to stay for an encore by the ever so talented bard. Don't whine about the rain either or use your old joints as an excuse I am not that foolish to believe such falsehoods... unless you want to trade that sword in for a cane?"

2014-12-11, 09:24 PM
"Hey hey hey...I resent being called old...I still got a lot of action still left in me," He continued to grin and made a few pelvic thrust gestures as he stood up. He glanced over and visibly and winked at the bard when their eyes met for a few seconds. She flushed for a second, missing her chord and then resumed playing, this time another tune, one more on the remorseful side.

"But very well Rinko-chan.....if you are that paranoid...I will brave catching a cold." He quickly chugged down the remainder of his sake and left a silver sail piece as a tip on the table. "Does the lovely Rinko-chan have a place she would prefer more?"

"Ryosake...." He sniggered. "I like it."

Morbis Meh
2014-12-11, 09:42 PM
Ryosuke's gesture made him look rather childish but then again he was a child in a man's body "Leave her alone, she could use one less disappointment tonight considering where she works. As for location, I recommend a simple stroll, no one can stand still and listen in and if someone follows then we will know it by keeping somewhat watching. Believe me some caution would serve you better in these times, never forget we are technically..." She paused and made sure no one was paying attention to them "Fugitives." Standing up she took the lead and walked out of the door and back out into the rain which was coming down a little harder than when she entered but at least she could guarantee the next part of their conversation would be private. She gazed out at the street as the water drops smashed into her armor, unlike most people she knew Rin was able to see in the dark, a Uchiyama family trait. Waiting for her companion to join her she took a moment to observe if anyone was watching.


2014-12-11, 10:18 PM
Rin's keen senses would inform her that the coast was clear for the most part as far as she knew, save for an old liver spotted blind beggar that sat huddled under an awning across the street. He sat upon a damp ratted potato sack mat, the awning barely keeping him from being completely soaked by the rain. His big ol hairy ears on the search for anyone walking pass too close to starting begging to.

Ryosuke stepped out with his hood over his head, providing minimal cover from the rain. His katana was safely tucked away under his cloak at his side. "Oh goody...what a lovely evening for a stroll, nothing like the rain chilling one to their bones. Taking a walk in the rain..not conspicuous at all." He coyly grinned and walked up next to Rin. He was actually on the short side standing up, standing two inches under Rin. Though he acted nonchalantly here, his ears and other senses were too keeping an eye out for other suspicious activity, the rain did though make it a little difficult admittedly.

Morbis Meh
2014-12-11, 11:00 PM
Rin raises an eyebrow "Would you prefer someone overhearing us? Now enough belly aching and get to the point, I would prefer not to have to stay out longer than necessary so speak quickly." It would have to take someone with supernatural abilities to see anyone walking out here during the nighttime in the rain and the rain also muffled conversation forcing anyone trying to listen in to get dangerously close. Choosing to walk down the road towards a different house of ill repute "You also seem to assume that I don't have a destination, I am escorting you to your favorite type of hole: the brothel if your going to goof off all night might as well put you to work asking working girls for information. Before you ask, yes I will pay this time, just remember pick the smart ones and I don't care how ugly they are."

2014-12-11, 11:37 PM
He faked a sniffle and patted her shoulder. "You are the best sort of friend a fella like me could want." He melodramatically wiped a raindrop like it were a tear. His head already started thinking about having multiple girls fawning over him. Ahem, focus here boy.

He patted his head to try to focus. "Any whom..ahem...right...well who says work and pleasure cannot be mixed." He lazily smirked and worked his jaw. "Anyways, my original point is..." He stopped to smile and politely acknowledge a peasant who was walking passed him hurriedly and had smiled at him in greeting. They were carrying a large barrel of fish it seemed and looked to be trying to get somewhere fast with it. When the peasant was gone, Ryosuke leaned in and whispered. "I have some information about one of the...Jade Regent's.." He said the title as if though it were bitter tasting to his tongue. "Current plans that you may just find interesting...and whether you do or not, but I know you will, these were my orders anyway. But...there...might be a....bastard heir." As he said that last bit, thunder rumbled in the sky, followed by a flash of lightning a few seconds later. Nature is so dramatic.

Morbis Meh
2014-12-12, 01:58 AM
Rin rolls her eyes to the expected response but the moment she hears the word 'heir' her entire body stiffened while her eyes widened. Grabbing Ryosuke by the collar she shakes him "WHERE DID YOU HEAR THIS FROM, ARE THEY CREDIBLE, AND DID THEY GIVE A LOCATION?" Rin had gone completely primal, her eyes blazing brightly and her grip tightening upon the man's clothing. It could have been any other piece of information and she wouldn't have even blinked but this was EVERYTHING. She could restore her family's honour and put an end to the needless war mongering of a narcissistic prick that caused countless pointless deaths. It didn't even matter that the word bastard was attached to it; anyone could be trained, hell even rough and tough Rin could act the part of a Lady if an entire orphanage was being threatened with overly cruel and bizarre torture. Besides she would rise up to the challenge, she was one of the few among the remaining sentinels that had any semblance of courtly knowledge which would most certainly be required to pose any form of threat against the regent. She only prayed the person had some spine and air of greatness to them, the clans would rally behind someone like that... Oh dear blessed Shizuru, this will lead to a civil war, many more would die and what would happen if the Oni returned with renewed force? The colour drained from her face but she pushed that problem back for the time being, who knows maybe this person was especially charismatic and would inspire the entire nation... it could happen right?

2014-12-12, 03:11 PM
Ryosuke grimaced and gritted his teeth when she started to shake him and rough handle him. "Hey hey...let go so I can answer...it's hard to focus when being handled like this.....Usually I have to pay for this sort of rough..handling from a woman.." He crookedly smirked at his final bit and then cleared his throat.

When Rin eventually did, if she does at all, let go of him, he straightened himself out as much as he could considering the cold rain that was soaking him deeply through his cloak.

"It is...not a commonly known fact...but seventeen...eighteen years ago...our great and pious, family man of an Emperor, had himself a...we'll call it a moment of weakness for a pretty servant girl. You may be wondering but 'as the Emperor, they are allowed to take on as many concubines and mistresses as they wished with no need of secrecy, etc etc'. Believe me...I was a little incredulous...I mean..what man wouldn't want to have a harem of fine woman fawning over him eh?" Ryosuke grinned and raised his brows. At the more than likely stern look he might get from Rin he coughed and cleared his throat.

"But I digress erm...but yes, that apparently our late Emperor had her silenced to keep this tryst a secret, silenced with plenty of money and by sending her away, far, far away, to Goka, my informants...informed." Ryosuke sorta furrowed his brows at his moment of redundancy and then shrugged it off.

"Any whom, to answer your other question....yes I do trust my source in their credibility. I won't lend you names, but their eyes and ears are everywhere in the background, serving your food, washing your clothes, etc." He winked and wanly smiled.

"Before you question if I can trust them and start questioning my tactics, the answer is yes. Perhaps if you were more keen to making friends, you'd understand some of the benefits hehe." He then softly sighed and smacked his lips a little. "Uugh...I expositioned too much right now...I need a drink."

Morbis Meh
2014-12-13, 05:46 PM
Rin kept silent as she released him, intently listening to his message and frowning all the while, she let the quip about the emperor go for the time being but stored that tid bit away for another time. After he was done Rin simply glared "That's it? That's all your informants have for us to go on? I hope you didn't pay money for that exceptionally vague piece of information. Really, no name or description of the mother? Goka is one of the largest cities on the entire continent not to mention has a massive influx of foreigners further adding to its population. They may as well have said this person exists! Please tell me there's more or else I am rescinding my previous offer of funding your nightly intrigue."

2014-12-15, 07:57 PM
Ryosuke let out an exasperated sigh and rolled his eyes. "You have no appreciation for dramatic pauses." He 'bemoaned' and made to look up angstily towards the sky. He sighed again and faintly smiled at Rin.

"All that is known in regard's to the woman's identity was that her name was Kotone, a lovely gal with piercing blue eyes, unique for a Minkaian, perhaps that was why the late Emperor was so taken with her. Family name is an unknown...though consider this favorable since..." He paused and worked his jaw. "The Jade Regent is savvy to this information about the woman. What you now know, was what he knows and if he knew what the family name was....might as well consider this over."

"But, like I said, the Family name is an unknown to both parties, so at least we have a fighting chance."

Morbis Meh
2014-12-15, 08:25 PM
Rin glared at the small man "What you call dramatics I call a needless waste of time, I must ride at once, time is our enemy here and a second could mean the fall of the Jade Regent." She reaches into her coin purse and flips a gold coin toward Ryosuke "Find a woman to warm you up, it would appear I do not get such a luxury though..." The warrior maiden doesn't bother waiting for his reply and immediately strides towards the stables, determined to ride out for as long as possible. It was a good thing she and Kokoru had had a few hours of rest earlier this day while waiting for the rain to ease up on a flooded road.

2014-12-16, 10:50 PM
Ryosuke deftly caught the coin in his hand and faintly smiled at her. He proceeded to open his mouth to say something but she had already made up her mind to start striding off. He crookedly smirked and shook his head. Eh, she'll figure it out.

About a ten minute trek in the rain, Rin made her way to the stables where she would find Kokoro nickering and stamping his hooves, the two other horses in the stable giving him a wide berth, dimly just eating at the hay around them without a care in the world.

You notice some of the saddle bags on Kokoro look slightly disturbed, however, nothing in them seems to have been removed.

Beat the DC by 5 (so get around 20 or up) You notice some disturbance in the hay ridden and earthy ground leading towards the back of the stables.

<Basically, when it comes to certain checks, I will include the DC. You then roll your check in the OOC, and if you beat the DC, you are then savvy to the information provided and can use it towards your post. If you don't beat the DC, than the character is of course, not savvy to the information and you post as normal>

Morbis Meh
2014-12-16, 11:19 PM
Rin smirks at Kokoro's stable mates and walks toward her steed, more concerned with ensuring her armor was on secure and where the stable hand placed the saddle. Retrieving she sets to placing atop of Kokoro, weaving out of his reach while he attempts to bite at her, until Rin gets fed up, slaps the horse's nose, and slams the saddle on his back "ENOUGH OF THAT! If you try to bite me one more time I won't give you this apple I found..." With a smug grin, she produces the apple she grabbed from the inn and waves it tauntingly in front of Kokoro.

2014-12-17, 09:54 PM
Kokoro doesn't seem totally interested in Rin's apple...okay maybe a little since its being teased right in front of him. He did make a single pass at trying to bite at the apple.

He continued to nicker, his head swishing back and forth. He then whinnied and stamped his left hind hoof several times.

It would seem from Kororo's body language, he was trying to tell Rin something. His ears erect, muzzle wrinkled.

Morbis Meh
2014-12-18, 01:16 AM
Kokoro doesn't seem totally interested in Rin's apple...okay maybe a little since its being teased right in front of him. He did make a single pass at trying to bite at the apple.

He continued to nicker, his head swishing back and forth. He then whinnied and stamped his left hind hoof several times.

It would seem from Kororo's body language, he was trying to tell Rin something. His ears erect, muzzle wrinkled.

Rin exhaled with frustration "Oh enough already, we have a lot to do tonight and last thing I need is you making the trip more difficult than it already is!" Ignoring Kokoro's odd behaviour Rin goes back to fastening her saddle to his back.

2014-12-19, 03:53 PM
Kokoro nickered stamping around in place. He turned his head and nipped at Rin's hair but eventually just gave one final nicker in defeat, or so it sounded. The skies thundered overhead, the rain still continuing with its unrelenting downpour. The oil lantern dimly washing over the stables in a low orange and yellow glow. There was just a damp feeling about everything, kinda gross.

The other two inattentive horses continued with their slow hay chewing when suddenly a shrieking cry sounded out from behind the horse stables, around the back.

Morbis Meh
2014-12-22, 04:26 AM
Rin immediately draws her Naginata and rushes outside of the stable, searching for the source of the shriek, fearful of its implications. She prayed it was only the shriek of some blithering idiot reacting to some inappropriate gesture.

Don't be so foolish, closing ones eyes and ears will not cause reality to change... You know what caused this and you know what you are about to walk into... Rin closes her eyes and whispers as if praying "Please be safe Ryosuke.


2014-12-23, 04:31 PM
Fortunately for Rin, Ryosuke would be fine, he was probably already enjoying himself a warm bed with a pretty gal feeding him grapes. Behind the stables however, Rin would rush and find a middle aged peasant woman with a look of duress, her hands at her cheeks, a pewter tray of what looked to have held a bowl of now spilled miso soup. There was a small thatched roof hovel of a house behind the stables which the woman probably had walked out of.

In front of her lying against a stack of hay bales against the wall was the young stable boy who Rin would have met briefly when she brought Kokoro here, dead with his throat slit.

From the corner of Rin's eye, up on the roofs of another nearby house she would catch the sight of someone who was dressed in black along with a black hood with only their eyes showing. They were hunched over and looking down, their hand gripping a small ninja dagger and then they off and disappeared into the night.

The woman wailed as she fell down to her knees. "My baby....s-someone killed my baby boy..." She wept.

Morbis Meh
2014-12-30, 03:26 PM
Rin stared coldly at the assassin Why him? He didn't know anything nor did he have any part in this? Why shed blood needlessly.... Because the Jade Despot is a bloodthirsty fiend. Taking a deep breath Rin faces the mother "Words cannot begin to convey my deepest apologies for the loss of your son but take comfort in the knowledge that his death will be personally avenged and hopefully others will be spared this dread." Approaching the woman, the warrior maiden places a couple of gold coins in her hand "Take this and bury your son properly, may his soul find peace with his ancestors."

Not waiting for a reply she walks back to the stables and mounts Kokoro, eager to begin riding of for the Trade City immediately. She wasn't counting on being followed so closely but hopefully her pursuers would not be so competent at following her in the dark.

2015-01-11, 09:57 PM
Kokoro whinnied as he took to a hard gallop against the muddied streets. Rain splashing hard against Rin and her armor, mud staining Kokoro's fine coat. Peasants moved out of the way, those that were still out in this weather.

Rin had two choices at this point in regards to her route, to take the long and path that would lead her through the mysterious Forest of Spirits and into the arid steppes of Hongal. Or take a barge and cut across the dangerous underwater nation of Xidao and onto the plains of Kwanlai.

Morbis Meh
2015-01-14, 03:49 PM
Rin had no idea how far ahead of her the Regent was so she had to take a gamble to save whatever precious time she had; sure the quicker route appeared to be more dangerous but in reality the longer the journey the better the chance for ambush or misadventure. She had the gold to make the crossing and she knew enough etiquette to talk her way out of rough situations so it was in her best interest to cut corners where she could. She would make it up to Korkoro later, but now she needed him to run like the winds of a hurricane.

So since Rin doesn't have the 'package' yet, I will default her guardianship ability to her horse if that is alright since it will be taking place in combat and whatnot.

2015-01-23, 01:46 PM
Down at the docks along the bay, the waves slammed hard against the pier and ships docked rocked. Despite the storm, there were still people there, stuck still having to work despite the weather. Stationed around the docks were soldiers, inspecting cargo, etc.

There on the rightmost side along the docks was the large barge which was currently being loaded with goods by drenched dockworkers. Making her way in the general area of the dockyard, Rin would spy several posters demanding that good, loyal citizens of Minkai be on the lookout for the 'red' traitors to the Sakura Throne. Signed, Minister Fugiwara. Woo, propaganda.

Morbis Meh
2015-01-30, 12:34 PM
Rin chuckled at the rather sad attempt by the minister to inspire people to turn her and her compatriots in. The fact that there was no reward or even information regarding the identity of said 'traitors' only showed how cheap the Minister was. I imagine every copper is needed for his war machine, typical, deluded egomaniac.

Ignoring the low budget propaganda, Rin dismounted and began walking towards the barge it seemed to be the quickest option for crossing and she had enough coin to barter passage. As she trudged through the storm she kept an eye out for the dock overseer and occasionally asking anyone if they could direct her to said person's whereabouts.

Perception [roll0]
Gather Info [roll1]

2015-02-02, 01:12 PM
Rin would eventually come across the dock seer who had a young servant boy holding a hide umbrella over him as he he walked along the dock, over seering and scribing information on his scrolls. He was a short balding man with small eyes and a few wisps on his head. Upon approaching him, he would be heard grumbling why the barge captain could not wait until morning when the rain cleared to set sail.

He was taken by surprise though when Rin did approach him and held his hand over his chest. "How can I help you with...Miss?" He eyed her wearily after a moment of recovering from his surprise, studying her garb for a second.

Optional Perception Check
From the corner of your eye, you see a small shadowed figure creep around in the distance around the barge.

Morbis Meh
2015-02-02, 02:19 PM
Rin offers a small smile "I seek to book passage for my horse and I on that barge. I have pressing matters that force me to travel in this horrible weather and I am willing to compensate financially for inconveniencing you. I apologize for startling you I must seem rather peculiar in full battle garb but I assure you I mean no harm to you or your men; I am just armed to protect myself since I am traveling across the land, especially after the recent war with those filthy CHu Ye demons."


2015-02-03, 01:25 AM
"Bah....speak not of that filth here...no one needs a reminder of those monsters," The dock seer grimaced and spat to the side, forgetful of the boy holding the umbrella who immediately jumped out of the way.

He then held out his hand and rubbed his thumb between his index and middle fingers. "Anyways, Miss, five extra silvers and you shall have yourself a deal." He glanced at her and then at the boy for a second, at the guards some 60 ft way and then back at Rin. "I'll speak with the bargemaster for your...passage."

Morbis Meh
2015-02-03, 12:07 PM
Rin nods and produces the discussed coinage "Thank you and I hope you can get out of this weather soon." After the brief conversation Rin lead Kokoro to the designated place and promptly prepared to board. Before stepping on the vessel she inspects it to determine the safest place for her and her horse to reside, silently praying that the damn tub wasn't littered with holes.


2015-02-04, 02:07 AM
A few moments after things were set up for Rin and Kokoro to be able to board..

The barge itself looked ship shape enough, it was weather beaten, but again, it looked like it would hold up fine enough. It was a rather large junk styled ship, flat bottomed two sails, two upper decks.
Its name read Midori of the Sea.

As she made to board the ship, she would spy who one could guess to be the Captain, arguing with the bargemaster.

"Look...we already are behind schedule....Can you get the guards to hurry it up the inspections?" The Captain, a long, black pony tailed woman in her thirties with light brown eyes and a mole under her left one, glowered at the barge master.

"I would if I could, but they have their orders from the Jade Regent...we just have to put up with it," The barge master apologetically sighed.

"I really don't know what they expect to find, I run an honest ship." The Captain sneered.

"I know...we have done business together for years...anyways....I'll...try something..." The barge master gave a quick polite bow and left, making for the soldiers doing their inspections on the docks, while laborers waited patiently to be able to resume loading the goods.

Meanwhile, a ship hand approached Rin and offered assistance in finding a place for Kokoro.

"Greetings Miss," The ship hand said with a small bow.

Morbis Meh
2015-02-06, 11:52 PM
Rin winced at the announcement that guards were 'inspecting the cargo', it basically meant that they were searching for her thus she needed to keep herself out of sight until they left. They were probably in the hold at the moment so she needed to stay topside, Kokoro wasn't a dead give away but they might be suspicious of a last minute passenger. Rin turned to the deck hand and smiled "Greetings to you as well, though I wish it was under more pleasant circumstances. I know you are busy but is there some place that I could go to get out of the rain? I have been travelling outside all day and I am thoroughly chilled to the bone. I really don't need to get sick at this time, I would be grateful."


2015-02-09, 03:14 AM
"Of course Miss," The crew hand replied with a respectful bow. "We do have quarters aboard the Midori for passengers. "Second upper deck. "Now if you would allow I could take your horse where the other animals (cargo critters) are being kept." Another respectful bow. "Heh...hopefully we will be able to take off soon as well."

Morbis Meh
2015-02-10, 12:45 PM
Rin gave a wry smile "Indeed, got to love bureaucracy and its efficiency.". Taking her leave Rin huddles into her cloak hoping to evade detection, at least she doesn't look due to the weather, and slowly moved towards the indicated deck, keeping her eyes peeled for any sign of the guard.


2015-02-15, 01:46 AM
She does indeed spy a guard making to turn and walk down her direction and pass. She would have enough time to make herself come off as not so noticeable as the guard walked on by. Thunk thunk thunk.

Eventually she makes her way to the second upper deck which was decently furnished just enough. It was clear this barge was not necessarily made for ferrying people. It had simple accommodations for guests considering it was more of a cargo barge than anything else.

There was a table and couple of seats, all bolted down, along with a nicely cushioned bench *kinda a couch-cough* for her to relax down on.

Morbis Meh
2015-02-15, 02:11 AM
Rin allowed herself to sit down for a moment but not to relax; the situation was far from safe and she would have to remain vigilant until after arriving on land again. She hated to waste time especially with stakes so high but she had to admit grudgingly that being reckless would have a much higher price to pay than a few hours of rest. She owed it to Kokoro after all, he had been for the most part accommodating of her needs these past few days and deserved a proper rest even if she didn't. Unstrapping her naginata from her back she calmly leaned back with it resting against her shoulder praying that she would not have need of it for the duration of this crossing.

2015-02-15, 02:22 AM
Her moment of silence would soon be broken when the sound of angry boot stomps would be heard, the door opening as the Captain entered, grumbling and cussing about being late on schedule as she pocketed a pocket watch. She sported a mild look of surprise when saw Rin.

"Ah...I was not expecting someone to be in here since all the excitement seems to be taking place down in the cargo hold," She said with a bit of sarcasm. "Anyways, you're that ah.. " She snapped her fingers in thought. "Ah yes, our human piece of cargo." She said with a small smile.

"Well...welcome aboard the Midori, I am Captain Haruka, your host now," She gave a flourishing bow.

Morbis Meh
2015-02-21, 01:37 PM
Rin rose from her seat as the captain approached then acknowledged her greeting with a curt nod and small smile "Personally I would not like to refer to myself as cargo but nonetheless that is an accurate description while I remain on board but if I may request that you refer to me as Rin instead? Anyway my gracious hostess may I suggest we find a hot meal to chase away wet cold or at least some other alternative that fills the same void?"

2015-02-23, 12:04 PM
"Later on the food, right now, we in the midst of finally being able to cast off, oi....I swear...damn inspections...well...they do happen...under the harbor master because protocol...but then when the dang Jade Regent wants to too....Twice....twice I am getting at...twice the inspections...." The Captain paused as a brief awkward silence filled the air. "...Damnit...I was rant-rambling." She scrunched her eyes and sighed to herself. "Uck...sorry about that."

"Anyways.....right dinner....food stuffs, it will be a little while...though if yer up for it...I do have me a little sake...well that that is what I originally came up here for, heh." She lazily smiled and walked over to a cabinet and retrieved a bottle of sake.

Morbis Meh
2015-02-23, 06:22 PM
Rin lightly chuckles "That is the bureaucracy for you, taking their sweet time to make themselves feel important when all it really does it hamper the actual people who work for a living. No worries, I feel your pain, getting through city guards and random border patrols has been a nightmare lately, you would think there would be better work for guards to do like keep the peace in actual cities. As for your offer I do believe I will have a glass with you."

Making sure this capn isn't get all rape happy and drugging the drink [roll0]

2015-03-01, 01:36 PM
The Captain continued to wearily smile at Rin as she poured her a drink, no roofies added. As for herself, she took straight to the bottle and took a long hearty chug. As for Rin, her suspicions would be unfounded as it seemed Captain Haruka was not sexually interested Rin in any way. She took herself a seat and relaxed and stretched like cat.

"Mmm....now that it is hitting the spot just right....." She softly groaned and took another swig. Rin would easily tell that the ship was finally setting off, shouts would be heard from outside, sailors calling out to other sailors, possibly the first mate giving commands while the captain took a moment to rest. With the storm out on sea, it was going to be a rough night. "Ooof.....others may think us fools to go out in a storm, and we are, but it would not be the first storm we fought through successfully. The Midori is a tough gal, plus, schedules to keep and all." The captain lazily shrugged. "Anyways, so Rin is your name eh? Hmmm." She eyed Rin and studied her appearance. "Ya almost look like nobility haha...warrior noble...bluh...I'm saying you got the strong cheekbones, fierce eyes thing going on."

Morbis Meh
2015-03-01, 07:29 PM
Rin herself chuckled "A now seemingly unfortunate inheritance from my father, it did not serve him well in life. Warrior, maybe, in this day anyone with a rusty piece of iron feels themselves worthy of such a title." She took a conservative sip from the glass, allowing the false warmth to slowly work its way down through her body. "As for noble, I fear many who bear such a word have forgotten its meaning in favor of greed and sloth. Maybe you can grasp for a better definition? I believe your workers outside who are currently risking their lives for survival of themselves and their families are more noble than those who answer to the word 'Lord'." Her gaze intensified as she lifted the glass to her lips a second time "Would I count myself among said petty men? Never, I would choose death over being afflicted with such insult. Am I counted as such?" Rin burst out with laughter "No, I do not, I merely stand a as a water logged traveler placing my life in your more than capable hands."

2015-03-06, 03:26 AM
"Oh gods....I don't think I am drunk enough to be that deep and self reflective," Captain Haruka chuckled and took another sip from the bottle of sake. For the next five minutes or so, the captain went on to chuckle and chat with Rin. Soon she excused herself with a lazy bow leaving Rin to her own devices, something about needing to go check on her crew and first mate. Rin would receive about twenty minutes later by a crew member, a wide bowl of pickled plums and rice balls for her eating leisure, for simple peasant-y sort of food, it was still quite delicious.

The storm continued on outside, waves crashing against the scrappy barge. Lighting flashed, thunder rolled. Haruka shouted her orders to her crew as she took over as pilot for her first mate and fought against the storm. At some point, her first mate would come seeking Rin and asked if she could provide any assistance in rigging work, in this case rope work and helping in keeping them secure to the cleats and single and double bollards located around the ship.

<Optional DC 10 Dex check if she chooses to provide assistance during the storm>

Five hours would pass as the crew of the Midori fought bravely against the stormy waters, when it eventually dropped to a drizzle with a wind that skirted the edge of becoming a storm but not quite so. It had to be about one in the morning or so, twas difficult to tell. At this point, much of the crew was exhausted and made for their hammocks in a lower deck save for the first mate who was acting as both look out and pilot. For sleeping arrangements, Rin was allowed to find a spot in the deck where she and the captain shared their drink. Silence and the mildly soothing sound of soft waves hitting the barge and the light pitter patter of drizzling rain filled the air while folks slept..it was all relaxing...at least until...

Suddenly the warning bell dinged loudly as the first mate called out aloud for everyone to here. "Intruders! Invaders!......Monsters aboard the Midori!"

Morbis Meh
2015-03-06, 02:13 PM
Rin followed after the captain, not the type to laze about while others were working especially when her life itself could be on the line. She had not spent much time around ships but at the very least she was moderately familiar with knots considering she was a cavalry woman. Rising to the challenge and not wanting to be sneered at, Rin masterfully kept up with her assigned duties and defied the storm alongside the brave sailors. It was a rush to be sure and the cold water was more than enough to keep her awake but afterwards she was utterly spent. The offer to have some sort of rest was well accepted but was short lived, before she could even finish her drink the warning cry came out. Cursing her ill fortune, Rin wearily unshouldered her bow and ventured out to aid in the defense of the Midori.

So I imagine by this point it is safe to say Rin is fatigued? She may be tough but damn if I could name anyone who could spend an entire day and night of riding then work on a ship without being tired.

Initiative [roll0]

Maneuvers Prepared:Iron Shell, Scything Strike, Solar Sting, Tactical Strike, and Warning Roar

Stance: Snapping Turtle Stance

First Action will be firing caltrops on the group so the monsters can run all willy nilly XD

2015-03-09, 01:08 AM
<Yes, we can consider Rin as fatiqued>

As Rin stepped out onto the main deck, along with other sailors, about twenty in total, who rushed out from beneath the deck. They would come to see about twelve scaly humanoids with long, fish-like tails jumping aboard the deck from seemingly scaling the sides of the barge with rope and hooks. Their arms and legs end in webbed claws, and its piscine head features a toothy maw. At the moment, the first mate was being accosted by one of these nasty creatures. The crew had their weapons out, a mix of daggers, sibats, and crossbolts. The captain herself brandished a western styled sword usually sported by the pirates of The Shackles.

"Do not let these foul creatures take the Midori!" The Captain shouted as she ordered for the crossbolt wielders, eight of them, to lay down a suppression fire. Then the other sailors charged.

<There are twelve in total, 4 climbed over from the starboard, 4 from the portside, six from the bow and two from the stern, all but the ones coming in from the bow are in melee range, those ones are in 65 feet range>


Captain Haruka
Sailors/Nasty monster critters

Morbis Meh
2015-03-09, 07:56 PM
Rin grimaces at the sight of the beast and calmly takes a single arrow before firing it, focusing her ki on it thus causing it to split into multiple fragments that littered the deck on before the creatures at the bow. Not waiting to see if she was successful, Rin dropped the bow and grabbed her naginata from her back as she made her way to the frontline.

Rin HP: 44/44 AC: 22
Standard: Solar sting (for the enemies 65 ft away) attack [roll0]
Free Action: Drop bow
Move Action: Move closest to nearest monster and draw weapon

If she gets surrounded at some of them manage to hit her 22 AC she will use Iron Shell as a counter, attack roll [roll1]

2015-03-10, 01:25 PM
The caltrops burst into a small field of caltrops in the area of the six beasts as they sort of comically hopped up and down as their bare fleshy clawed feet stepped on them. It was inspiring for the crew in a way. As Rin moved up to the front lines, she would find herself flanked (forgot to include their flank bonus in the rolls...but...they would have missed anyway xD) as they swung at her with their nasty claws. But she managed to parry away one of the claw attacks with her blade as the other missed as one of the sailors was knocked into it.

It was a chaotic mess as sailors fought bravely against the monsterous invaders, crying out, brandishing their weapons as it was one big ol mosh pit battle on the deck. Captain Haruka herself ducked and weaved as one of these creatures threw a trident in her direction. She slashed at one of the creatures that tried to come in from her side, giving it a bloody gash across its chest, but it was still not down. One sailor cried out as one of the creatures managed to bite into his upper arm. Two crew members could be seen climbing the rigging, crossbows on their person as if to get a better higher ground advantage, while other crossbow wields reloaded.

<Currently there are two of these creatures engaging Rin with her surroundings being chaotic fun times>

Morbis Meh
2015-03-11, 02:34 PM
Rin casually slips out from between the assaults of the smelly fish beasts and attacks the one farthest from her swiftly.

Just out of curiosity shouldn't Rin have received 2 AoO from her attackers, she has a reach weapon after all and I don't think they took 5 ft steps up to her, let me know and I can rectify it in the OoC

Actions: 5 ft step diagonally so she can attack the other creature with her polearm
to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2015-03-13, 01:22 PM
<Her AoOs would hit them>

The two battered and bleeding creatures entered into a frenzied mindset as did many of the other beasts on the ship as they let out a chorus of awful screeching gurgling sounds shouting towards the heavens. When Rin struck at one of the ones accosting her, unfortunately the creature batted the strike aside in its frenzy as it and the other one tried to claw at her again, fortunately though, Rin's armor more than took their attack and would barely feel the power behind their attacks.

Morbis Meh
2015-03-13, 01:31 PM
Rin steps back again and this time brings her naginata down in a way that would grant her extra momentum allowing her to extend her follow through thus striking both her targets with a single blow. She hoped it would be enough to bring them down so she could aid those less trained in the martial arts.

5 ft step again and using scything strike to hit both enemies with one hit
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2015-03-17, 03:28 AM

The two creatures would soon come to find themselves slashed deeply in their necks and a spasm of their blood jetted out as in classic gory animated style as Rin herself probably performed some sort of finishing move pose because really it would be appropriate after a stylish kill like that :D

Their scaly wet bodies fell to the floor with a thud. Around Rin the battle ensued as sailors jumped from the rigging thrusting swords into the flesh of these nasty creatures. Captain Haruka would be seen parrying off an attack with her blade following up with a riposte as her sword drove itself into the claw of one of the creatures and up into its neck. From then behind her, another one of these creatures snuck up and threw a trident, hitting her right in the right shoulder blade. She let out a yell as her blade dropped from her hand in pain, the creature made to look to advance on her with its claws..

Morbis Meh
2015-03-17, 11:36 AM
Rin positions herself behind the fish beast assaulting the captain and strikes out at the creature with precision that could only be born for exhausted desperation. She shouts out her own battle cry as her blade parts through flesh.

So I will move 20 ft and get into flanking position (if possible) if not then just double move and ignore attack roll, I will also use Warning Roar against the next attack launched against the captain that would hit I guess...

to hit [roll0]
dmg [roll1]

warning roar diplomacy [roll2]

2015-03-17, 02:01 PM
Rin would find herself able to get into flanking position after she let out her Warning Roar. Captain Haruka turned her head in that split second and tumbled off to the side into a large pile of coiled heavy rope just before the creature could slash at her back. She wearily and painfully smiled and gave Haruka a thumbs up. Her first mate bore witness and yelled out his captain's name as he himself narrowly avoided getting pincushioned by a thrown trident as he went to help his captain.

The creature flanked by Rin roared out in pain as it found itself hit with pain by Rin's slash to its back. It turned and swiped at Rin and struck miraculously struck through a weak point in her armor where some of the plates attached to each other.

<Rin gets hit for 6 points of slashing damage>

Morbis Meh
2015-03-18, 06:10 PM
The wound stung and burned but at this point between the rush of endorphins coupled with her growing fatigue it was only a hollow ache slowly fading into the background. She steps back again and brings her weapon down with a grunt as it slices through the stinking flesh of the fish creature. "Captain, move now into position and lets push these bloody things back!"

5ft step back and using tactical strike, if it hits then the captain can move 10 ft immediately without provoking an AoO

to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2015-03-20, 01:33 AM
The captain gave Rin a pained nod as her First mate helped her up and move her out quickly and narrowly avoided attempted opportunist attacks from other creatures. "Thanks.." She wearily uttered at Rin. The battle ensued, cries of both these creatures and crew mates mixed with one another. The one that had set its claws on Rin would soon find itself struck down by Rin's finishing slice. It glurked and croaked out something in its language and died.

Around Rin, she would see there to be about six more engaging in combat with sailors, four would be in melee range while two near the bow were engaging a few other sailors would be in err...ranged range. From the looks of it at least eight of the sailors were injured as some crew folk tried to drag them away down below decks.

Morbis Meh
2015-03-20, 12:59 PM
Rin surges forward slowly, yet surely and presses the advantage. The beasts had lost a third of their number and she was still conscious for the time being which was probably as good as it was going to get for the next while. Entering into the fray Rin does her best to maneuver herself into position allowing herself a greater edge against the nearest foe. Bringing her naginata down yet again she aims to not only damage it but goad it into only attacking her thus preserving more of the crew.

If she can get into flanking position great, if not subtract two from the to hit, also using an armigers mark if I make contact (may as well start using them :smallredface: )
to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

so if I make contact that enemy takes a -4 penalty to hit against anyone but Rin

2015-03-24, 02:57 AM
That creature let out a yelp as Rin slashed at its back with her naginata just as it was in the process of slashing its claws against the face of a sailor. Its annoyance and anger focused on Rin, it moved too slow in its attack on the sailor who was able to dodge it and follow up with a step back from the creature. In the background the First Mate fed what looked to be a potion to the Captain while a helping sailor fended off one of the creatures that tried to advance on them with a surprise attack.

As the other sailors began an aggressive advancement on the remaining creatures, clearly taking inspiration from Rin and her impressive fighting prowess, the creatures suddenly stopped in their place and let out a shrieking sound, their heads turning upwards in unison, including the one Rin had attacked.

And then they went quiet, on the ship, the crew went quiet in confusion. The First mate helped sit the Captain up....and then there was a loud thump against the side of the ship as then a large, thick and dark tentacle smacked against the railing of the ship and curled around and began a movement of pulling itself up as another tentacle shot up and wrapped itself around and also proceeded in a pulling up motion....

<While the cinematic-ish scene is happening, Rin does have enough time to attack the one she was in the process of fighting>

Morbis Meh
2015-03-24, 12:46 PM
As she watches the sailor rally, Rin takes a moment to breath and refocus her movements. Stepping back she enters a defensive stance to re-evaluate the situation.

Taking a 5ft step back and setting up her defensive focus so Rin can regain her maneuvers.

2015-03-25, 12:57 PM
The railing of the ship cracked as then a large bloated looking tentacled creature plopped onto the deck. Eight thick tentacles squirmed and wriggled from underneath as from the waist up it looked like some sort of female aquatic gobinoid. Imagine Ursula from the Little Mermaid, but a bloaty goblin torso and head instead. It looked about eight feet tall and possibly over five hundred pounds, how it managed to climb the side of the ship weighing that much was anyone's guess. But anyways!

It thrashed about making a big showing as it then grabbed a sailor with a tentacle and threw him hard against another. The other creatures cheered, the thing itself screeched into the air.

"Ah bollocks." Captain Haruka uttered, leaning against her First mate for support.

Morbis Meh
2015-03-25, 02:45 PM
Rin gives a tired sigh before looking to the captain "Please tell me what that is and how I can kill it while not letting it kill me, I very much like being in the world of the living...." After saying her piece she goes up to the new thing and begins to engage it, hoping to prevent it from killing anymore of the crew.

So attack! If it tries to attack someone else then Rin will use warning Roar, if it attacks her and manages to hit her she will attempt to counter via Iron Shell. If Rin hits this thing then she will expend an Amiger's mark so it won't attack anyone else.

To hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]
In case of a very cinematic and apt crit [roll2]

Here is the d20 roll for the counter [roll3] if it attacks anyone else but Rin it is warning roar and add +10 to it, if it is going after Rin it is Iron Shell this add a +7

now this is a crappy way to start this fight :smallsigh:

2015-03-26, 04:35 AM
"Unpleasant trouble, that is what it is..." Captain Haruka unhelpfully uttered as she took a moment to stand straight without the support of her first mate.

The large tentacled creature with the large maw filled with awaiting sharp pointy teeth, swooped a tentacle and knocked back Rin as she made her attack with her naginta. The large creature then rumbled and let out a loud screeching roar. The other creatures let out a cheer and then resumed their attack on the crew, as if inspired by the tentacled creature's swatting down. And so chaos ensued once again aboard the Midori as crew clashed with these creatures.


It then swooped a tentacle along the deck at Rin, however, the warrior easily just hopped over the slow moving tentacle.

Meanwhile Captain Haruka and her First Mate fought off against one of the nasty creatures that originally was after Rin, however the two above were intercepting it while Rin faced off against the tentacled creature. Haruka stabbed at it as he glurked a little. She turned to watch Rin and frowned. She then said something to her first mate who nodded as she then took a five- step towards Rin and her battle.

Rin is up!

Morbis Meh
2015-03-26, 12:47 PM
The stench emanating from the ghastly abomination was nigh overpowering but it didn't stop Rin from simply lifting her leg up as it swiped at her. The tide of this battle depended on her so she roared back with all the force she could muster from her diaphragm as she slashed at the thing.

to hit [roll0]
dmg [roll1]

crit confirm in case [roll2]

That number looks good... so the secret is: when in doubt, shout it out!

2015-03-31, 03:46 AM
Rin cooly jumped onto the creatures mess of squirming tentacles and ran along one with her weapon raised over as she slashed at its broad chest and roared at the creature which let out a screeching sound. The bloated creature glowered at Rin while it bled and attempted to bite the lass only to screech in pain as Captain Haruka took a sharp stab at one of its tentacles. Rin had more than enough time to parry off the attempted bite more than easily.

Back to Rin!

Morbis Meh
2015-03-31, 05:29 AM
Rin took advantage of the monster's pain and slid over to get into better positioning so her and the captain could quickly reduce the ugly thing to a bloated corpse. Again Rin lashed out at the smelly bottom feeder hoping to usher it quickly to the afterlife.

5 ft step around so Rin can flank, if unable this turn just reduce the attack roll accordingly.

To hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-03-31, 11:54 AM
The creature let out another garbly screech as once again it took another blow from the warrior. It started to bleed profusely from the two deep slashes that penetrated its tough hide. It lashed again at Rin with its large maw, though the lass quickly brought her weapon and easily directed the creature's teeth to bite at air. Captain Haruka readied her rapier to pierce the fleshy hide, however from behind a tentacle hit her, throwing her off balance, her rapier somehow hitting the wood of the ship and sort of just jutted out, wriggling a bit.

Back to Rin!

Morbis Meh
2015-03-31, 12:26 PM
Rin kept furiously striking at the damn thing relishing in the fury that only combat delivers "THIS IS WHERE YOU DIE YOU UGLY, PUS RIDDEN, FOUL STENCHED, ABOMINATION!" Bringing down her weapon again she bites at it's oily flesh yet again.

To hit [roll0] if not flanking then she will 5ft step again to get in flanking position
damage [roll1]

I know I haven't expressly stated it but if this hits I mark the creature :smallbiggrin:

2015-03-31, 12:53 PM
Ooof, exactly the number of damage dealt needed to finish this thing off. xD


Rin's shout of its demise was quite on the mark. Both hands gripping her naginata, she took a hard step forward and thrust the weapon upward through its fatty neck, and into its maw. The creature let out a glurk and spewed out blood, its eyes rolling upward as it began to crawl backwards to throw itself overboard. It then died as the weight of its body and its movement towards the railing caused it to fall over board leaving a bloody streak behind. Rin would have enough time to dramatically dislodge her naginata just before it fell into the ocean should she please.

The other creatures that were in combat with the crew watched as this all happened, their faces read of ones saying 'well crap' as one gave a shout as then a mad scramble for the ocean happened. The crew cheered and ran the buggers off, making opportunities to attack and wound them when they could.

"Ooof....that was..nnngh...exciting....damn...I need a drink," The Captain wanly smiled and then clutched her right shoulder blade from where she was wounded earlier. It would still hurt, especially still after continuing to fight, if only she were ambidextrous, oh well.

"Captain.....you need to go lay down..." Her first mate rushed to the side to support her.

"I know but..first..." She wearily smiled at Rin and nodded her head. "Good work there Miss Rin."

Morbis Meh
2015-03-31, 01:55 PM
As she watched the creature slowly sink down into the dark waters an odd thought graced her mind Balls, my naginata is going to reek of fish for the next three weeks... wait I am sure my armor will be worse GOD DAMN IT! As expected the other beasts scuttled away but Rin showed zero interest in pursuing them any further than the ship. She turns her head when the captain speaks and retorts "Amen to that sister, that and a weeks worth of sleep." With the first mate going to the captain's side Rin holds her hand up "No worries I'll take her I am already heading that direction anyway, you have more important work to do like making sure this boat doesn't sink and taking care of the wounded." Moving the first mate aside Rin gets in underneath the captain's left shoulder "I would be a pretty lousy warrior if I died during something like this, against mostly unarmed fish barbarians, I commend your crew and your leadership for keeping it together for as long as they did. Now how about that drink?"

2015-04-01, 04:06 AM
The first mate nodded his head and turned his attention to the crew giving out orders to search the dead, throw their bodies overboard, and tend to the wounded, in no particular order, well, save for the first two otherwise, durr.

"Arigato," Captain Haruka nodded at Rin who helped her out. "What misfortune really...usually Hei Feng is our side, suppose he is having an off day." She chuckled to herself as the pair made their way to the upper deck. "Oof...drinks now...I need to numb this ache and distract myself from how damp my clothes are. Be a dear please." She plopped on the not a couch but it is a couch technically, couch and gestured at Rin to where the drinks and clay cups were.

Morbis Meh
2015-04-01, 12:33 PM
Rin walked over to the area indicated by the captain and poured two hefty drinks for the pair of them. "Hei Feng? Is that what you call those things? Forgive my ignorance but I am cursed with being a city girl and my knowledge of outside matters is sadly lacking." She returns with the drinks, hands one to the captain and sits down next to her with only enough grace to prevent spilling.

2015-04-01, 12:45 PM
"God of the seas and storms, a tengu deity, similar to the western world's Gozreh," She replied and accepted the drink. "Anyways, I admit I don't know what those creatures were or even the big fella, but nonetheless, they posed a threat to my ship and crew and so thus action had to be taken against them." She crookedly smiled and raised her cup in a small toast and guzzled it down.

Morbis Meh
2015-04-01, 01:46 PM
"Ahh, I see, well the capital has little use for gods. Most of the ruling houses count themselves as deities so it would get a little crowded. As for the beasts, maybe it would be prudent to hire a little extra muscle if this keeps happening, not that you and your crew are unable to handle yourselves in a fight but you need your crew to run the ship." Rin sips at her drink casually, her wounds were no real bother and the last thing she needed was to get drunk in case they were attacked again. Though she doubted she could handle more than this glass considering she hadn't slept for a good long while.

2015-04-06, 11:36 AM
"Well, I wouldn't be surprised, what with the demise of the late emperor who encouraged the worship of Shizuru...While perhaps not with the ruling houses, I still see the common folk having much use for gods with the current state of things." Captain Haruka wanly smiled to herself before opting for the change of subject.

"I intend to, hoping to in Kwanlai to recruit some tengu fighter sailors, a bit of flight could be quite useful to me," She crookedly grinned and then downed one more shot. "Ooof..in any case...I reckon it is time for bed...like six hours ago. If ya need me, I will be upstairs." She pointed upwards to the third upper deck a little sluggishly from lack of sleep and the bit of drink she had.

Morbis Meh
2015-04-06, 03:48 PM
"I would concur with such sentiments, rest well and wake me if you have need of me but I hope that is not until much later." Rin bids the captain farewell and strips her armor off before curling up on the couch for some well deserved rest.

2015-04-09, 10:53 AM
The next light out...

The sky was partly cloudy with a strong wind against the sails. It would seem that the storm had long parted and the ocean showing a kinder side. A gull cry could be heard in the background. A tired crew manned the ship in shifts, with the waters kind at the moment a full crew wasn't going to be needed. More-so due to the number of injured as well, luckily though there were no casualties which seemed like a godsend. The first mate himself got to work with repairs on the ship. The captain herself...well at the moment she was currently keeping to herself in her quarters...something about a splitting headache, who knows.

After a while, there would suddenly be a bit of a commotion on deck..

Morbis Meh
2015-04-09, 04:54 PM
Rin woke up after a well deserved rest and fastidiously began to clear her armor. It was true she no longer was an Imperial Guardsman but old habits died hard and honestly there wasn't exactly much to do on a boat in the middle of an ocean. After painstakingly scrubbing off the bits of rust, Rin strapped herself into said armor and wandered about restlessly. To kill some time she decided to visit Kokoro and brush him down, at least the stubborn oaf would get some time to rest, though it was probably more likely that he was kicking up a fuss because he had to share space. From below deck Rin heard the mad scrambling and decided to check up on the crew, praying it wasn't another attack so soon.

2015-04-16, 02:12 AM
Fortunately for Rin, no one seemed to be under attack, instead she would find herself witness to a mildly amusing squabble. Held by the scruff of the back of their burlap shirt by one of the crew members, was a young dirty urchin looking kid of possibly no more than twelve. He was flailing and kicking his legs to no avail as the strong sailor kept him hoisted. The kid was being presented before the First Mate who looked upon in mild amusement and a pair of raised brows.

"Sir, found me this little stowaway rat hidin in one of the barrels down below deck, tried ta steal some cheese from the supplies." He stoically stated.

"Ack! Lemme go--"

The sailor more than obliged and released the youth as they landed on their bottom. "Ow."

The First Mate scrutinizingly stared at the disheveled looking kid and worked his jaw. He stepped over with his hands behind his back and continued to keep his gaze upon him. "Well well well, the Captain will definitely be surprised, hmmm. What is your name boy?"

"Dhuh...Shin...." The boy answered immediately, something about that stern gaze of the First Mate. His eyes darted around briefly falling upon Rin moments after her arrival. The First Mate followed his gaze and found his own eyes on Rin.

"Afternoon to you Miss." The First Mate gave Rin a nod.

Morbis Meh
2015-04-16, 04:37 PM
Rin smirked at the scene laid out in front of her and nodded at the first mate, acknowledging his greeting. She glanced curiously at the boy and silently thanked the gods she was able to stave off the beasts earlier because no child should be subjected to such atrocities. Rin debated on whether or not she should intervene, it was unlikely they would throw the kid overboard since the crew didn't seem particularly cruel but if it did come down to that she would step in. They would probably put the kid to work on the boat doing whatever the crew did not want to do which in her opinion would be good for the kid. Despite her noble upbringing, Rin was interested to know why the child decided to board the boat "I must say your ship is just full of surprises and I am sure the Captain will be thrilled to learn of this but I wouldn't disturb her right now if I were you unless you want face her wrath."

Turning her attention to the boy, the warrior maiden narrows her gaze "You realize that it is a very serious offense to trespass and the Captain is within her rights to throw you overboard if it suits her? At best you will be put to hard labour for the remainder of the journey and then handed over to the authorities when we reach port which very well may lead to prison time in a work camp depending on the disposition of whoever proceeds over your case. Or the Captain may simply flog you to an inch of your life with a whip, dump sea water on you and toss you into the brig to suffer but that would depend on how sore she is this mourning, though due to the recent skirmish we had I doubt she will be pleasant. So now that you know what may or may not lie in store for you in the upcoming days, why did you sneak onto this vessel?"

2015-04-20, 09:38 AM
The young lad Shin seemed very intimidated by Rin here, that stern gaze, her tone, he gulped. "I-I-I wanted to leave Minkai and go on an adventure? Yea.." Gulp. Diverted gaze.

Morbis Meh
2015-04-20, 05:08 PM
Rin winces visibly at what has got to be the most half baked remark she has ever heard; at this point she was on the fence between laughing hysterically and crying out in rage but she finally settled on a toned down version of the latter. "ADVENTURE!?! You came all this way and put your life and possibly the lives of these crewmen in danger for ADVENTURE? Fine, you got it, time for a lesson in adventures." Her face red with fury, Rin grabs the kid by the scruff of his shirt and drags him towards an injured sailor then shoves his face into the wound so he could see and smell the blood without making physical contact to the wound itself.

"See that? That's what an adventure will give you, wounds that may cripple you for the rest of your life that will eventually leaves scars that will disfigure your body for the rest of your life if you're lucky enough to survive them." Not done with the lesson, Rin continues carrying kid to the side of the ship and promptly lifts him up and holds him over the side with a firm grip with nothing but the ocean beneath him. "THIS IS ALSO ADVENTURE: THE FEAR OF IMPENDING DEATH, THE REALIZATION OF YOUR MORTALITY, AND THE KNOWLEDGE THAT EVERYONE YOU HAVE EVER LOVED WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HAS BECOME OF YOU!" She holds him there long enough to get sprayed with water before setting him down on the deck of the ship hard "Being wet, cold and unsure of when you will have your next meal are also qualities of an adventure, how do you find those?" Swiftly she draws her naginata and points it to one of the sailors in a non menacing fashion "Or how about knowing that your direct decisions will affect the lives of others, have you considered that someone else's blood main forever mar your hands because of a bad choice you have made? HAVE YOU?!" In a fluid motion she brings the naginata down right next to the boys head close enough to scare him but no where near close enough to harm him.

At this point her own self loathing was slowly being injected into her tone and she immediately crouches down, pulling the boys face to hers as it began to soften. A single tear fell down her cheek "Curiosity of the unknown can be a wondrous trait but it must be tempered by discipline acquired through understanding and knowledge of your actions. You also need to find a reason beyond wanting an adventure because at some point you will look back at what has happened to you and wonder if it has been worth it and that will be something you will have to live with for the remainder of your life. I have had 'adventures' and I bear the regrets of many decisions that has resulted in the deaths of many people and that is no fate that I wish for one so young as yourself to share. The only reason I carry on is not for wanderlust or other childish notions but because I am devoted to saving our nation so that people like you will not have to understand the agony of loss. Now, when we get to port, I will arrange for a ship to carry you back home but until then you will do as the captain tells you by day because you owe her passage and before you sleep you will take care of my horse because you will owe me a trip, understood?"

2015-04-22, 12:25 PM
Shin was racked with a look of fear and abused the sweat drop whatits while Rin did her thing of chastising the young lad. He diverted his gaze and frowned refusing to make eye contact with her. "But..I don't want to go back home....there...there's nothing left for me any more there." He took a deep breath and held it in for a few seconds before exhaling. "But..I'll go back."

Morbis Meh
2015-04-23, 02:03 AM
Rin was slightly perturbed by the lack of eye contact but let it slide in favour of pressing on the boy's statement "What do you mean by 'nothing left for me there' are you saying you no longer have any family there? If you do then you better learn to appreciate them because family is more precious than gold. Also look at me when you answer Shin, I am no royalty and if you ever plan on going out in the world you need to always look up no matter what."

2015-04-23, 11:41 PM
The boy named Shin hesitated for a few moments, frowning before he slowly looked up to meet Rin's stern gaze. He worked his jaw and opened his mouth only to close it again. His hand balled into a fist as he sharply inhaled.

"I...well...my parents are..have passed away, the Jade Regent and his men made sure of that," He bitterly said, his body tensing up. "You see...my family name is..was..Minami, were a small merchant family in Kasai who were vocally opposed the reign of the Jade Regent. My father knew he was a bad man and believed that he was connected to the demise of our late Emperor even though he had no proof. He began a campaign against the Jade Regent labeling him as 'The Emperor Slayer', advocating that he be removed from rule and had started to garner a bit of support from folks. I don't think the Jade Regent was content with firebrands because....well...when I came home from an afternoon of playing with friends....I found my family...dead...my mother...father and my older brother and sister."

"Authorities wrote it off as a robbery homicide....but...I noticed nothing was stolen. I mean...I have no proof...but but who else would want my family dead?" Rin would find the boy grasping at her sleeves and looking up with big eyes on the verge of tears. "I don't really want to go back...I have nothing there."

Morbis Meh
2015-04-24, 02:32 AM
His family is dead because your family failed him, failed the country... those lives are on your conscience and it is up to you to pay for them as HEAD of your family! Rin felt sick, physically and emotionally from the story. She couldn't help but feel guilty despite it wasn't her direct doing and she had a duty to help the child but she herself was a fugitive.

"I see, I suppose your initial protest is legitimate, well then I suppose you will need to be escorted to a safe haven instead of living on the streets. So until I can find a proper place for you to stay, you will serve as my squire unless the captain wishes to take you on as a member of her crew. We will talk it over later until then report to the first mate for orders, understood?"

2015-04-27, 12:31 PM
In the background, the First Mate had directed the rubbernecking crew to get back to work. He approached Rin but waited for her to finish up with the boy Shin.

Shin stepped back, eyes up at Rin and nodded. "T-thank you...I could squire for you, polish your armor...take care of your horse...and other chores." He glanced around at the ship before returning his gaze on Rin.

Morbis Meh
2015-04-28, 09:28 AM
Rin nods, growing impatient "Yes, yes, we will worry about your squirely duties when we reach land for now, I put you in the hands of the first mate to pay your debt to them." She stands up and faces the first mate "I apologize for distracting your crew and for making a decision on your boat that really should have been up to the captain. I will speak with her and clear the matter up."

2015-04-30, 03:25 AM
"No worries there Miss Rin, I reckon the Captain would be rather content to have the burden of chastising a youngling lifted from her shoulders." The First Mate wanly smiled and then turned to address Shin.

"You, you shall be getting a mop and bucket and swabbing the deck, it is a little gunky from last night," He gave a knowing wink at Rin. "Go find Red, you'll know him right away, short feller with a fire touched hair. He'll get you the supplies." He spoke with a strict authority and raised a brow at Shin, signaling him to get on git. Shin stammered out a noise of 'yes sir!' and scurried off. His attention then returned to Rin as he cracked another wan smile.

"Shame what happened to the boy's family," The First Mate softly sighed and shook his head. "The times we live in."

Morbis Meh
2015-04-30, 05:52 AM
Rin nodded solemnly "A sad truth indeed but hope can always be born from tragedy, I am glad I was able to encounter this youngling while his heart burns with curiosity instead of vengeance. With a little work and a lot of discipline I can pass on some skills and knowledge to the boy so he can one day survive on his own and maybe make this country of ours a little better. Now I will let you get back to your duties, let me know if there is anything else I can help with. Oh and don't work the boy too hard because I have plenty of other chores for him to do, like cleaning up after my horse." She gives a wan smile and a wink to the first mate.

2015-05-04, 01:20 AM
"Of course not, I would not deny you the use of the young lad," The first mate returned the wan smile and wink and then stared at Rin for a moment before nodding his head to dismiss himself.

"Alright you seagoblins you! Man the sails, the wind is at our side and we best take advantage lest he gods' mind be changing!" He barked at the crew and made his way for the helm.

For the next three hours the Midori sailed on, catching the favor of the wind, though they still had several days to go until their destination was reached, it wasn't a totally bad start.

Shin himself was occupied with swabbing decks for what felt like forever and often times he slipped on the wet floor due to the well wetness and rocking of the ship. Eventually the crew member known as Red gave the young lad a break which he gladly took and went down below decks with a waterskin. As for Rin she would have been offered the task of general rigging work.

Morbis Meh
2015-05-04, 05:23 PM
Wanting to set a good example for the lad, Rin dutifully began working on the rigging since she was for the most part relatively uninjured and hated being idle on any sort of journey. Once Shin was given a reprieve the warrior maiden continued working for a few moment before heading down herself, if the boy was to be her squire it would be best to introduce the boy to Kokoro sooner than later so he could experience first hand what his squirely responsibilities really entailed.

"Shin, come with me, it is time for you to meet Kokoro my warhorse. His care will be your responsibility, don't worry he doesn't bite that hard or often, and once we arrive in port I will procure a horse for you and teach you how to ride it. Now introduce yourself and for the love of god dont show fear."

2015-05-05, 02:31 AM
Shin was a little confused by her phrase for the love of god, he was tempted to ask which god but held his tongue as that seemed a better course. "O-of course yes Milady." He quickly said, taking another sip from his waterskin. He even dorkily saluted Rin, a closed fist over his chest, it seemed like the correct thing to do.
Down below the ship was Kokoro where other livestock cargo would also be found, just a couple of goats and chickens who all rang in a chorus of noise upon the newest arrivals down here. There was also another sailor who was sweeping and cleaning the area of animal feces, she didn't seem to happy about this task, but alas!

Morbis Meh
2015-05-07, 02:36 PM
Rin raised her eyebrow and smirked at the clumsy salute "A simple nod will do Shin, no need to get formal now. I will teach you proper etiquette later and as for addressing me, drop the 'Milady' I am travelling under a low profile so refer to me as 'Sister' we don't want to draw attention to ourselves."


Looking at the sailor tasked with cleaning up after the animals, Rin politely nods "Thank you for looking after Kokoro's messes, which are more than likely the bulk of this mess, I know it isn't a pleasant choir but I do appreciate it." She looks to Shin "Shin meet Kokoro, he is a stubborn, ill tempered beast but he is dependable and loyal. Take care of him and you will earn his trust quick enough. Come I will show you how to brush him, which will be your responsibility before you go to sleep every night." Approaching the horse, Rin pats Kokoro gently "Be nice Kokoro, if you don't bite him I will pick up some melon for you when we reach port."

Feel free to move ahead as you see fit

2015-05-12, 03:59 AM
Nee-san, that had a nice ring to it. Shin uttered it a few times to get the word comfortable with his tongue in regards to referring to Rin as such. For a moment the boy's face sported a small frown, likely his thoughts thinking about his actual older sister..

The crew hand just waved off Rin with a smile and a friendly remark about how they were just doing their job and all.

Kokoro nickered and snorted but at the mention of a melon, the intelligent enough horse lowered his head in a way that indicated he was okay with touching, for now. Shin hesitantly pet the horse on the cheek and wanly smiled.

"Hi Kokoro, my name is Shin, pleased to meet you." Shin rested his hand on the horse's cheek. Kokoro nickered loudly, mildly startling the boy, but he kept his eyes locked on Kokoro's to show the horse he wasn't going to be afraid. Kokoro then just shook his head, making all dem flappy sounds and what not and was basically like the horse equivalent of 'whatever'.

The rest of the trip aboard the Midori was pretty uneventful. The Captain was mildly surprised at the appearance of Shin but was otherwise not bothered that he stowed away. She revealed her own story about how she stow awayed on a merchant vessel long ago in her youth which shaped her own path to becoming a sea farer. Of course though sentimental-ness and camaraderie did not stop her from regularly making the boy her own fetch boy occasionally during the trip.

Nation: Kwanlai
Town: Nagaiyamatsu (7,200)

Date: Sarenith (June) 12 Wealday (Wednesday) 4715 AR

2:12 PM

Seagulls squawked loudly, flying about overhead, being general nuisances. The waves lapped gently against the Midori as straight ahead the high cliffs of Nagaiyamatsu shot up high from the waters, so to speak, looking rather imposing. In the cliffs there was a large break which opened up into a small bay and the port town of Nagaiyamatsu.

Nagaiyamatsu was a small port town known for its many salt quarries, the port town itself is considered to be one of the main suppliers of salt in Kwanlai and for their southern neighbor Tianjing.

Shin stood at the bow of the ship, hands gripping the rails, the wind in his face, a smile present as the Midori pulled into the bay, the high cliffs towering above like giant guardians. Imagine dramatic music here.

Much of the town was built into the cliffs with high intersecting suspended bridges spanning overhead in a criss cross fashion. There was a very...chaotic feel to it. The port up ahead was filled with other ships, dock workers loading and unloading goods, many loaded goods were as one would expect, big o bags of salt. It was all so busy. Many of the buildings here had a well...there was a bit of a squalor-y look to them, it was a little run down, like it had maybe seen better days, but it had a little charm to it. One interesting thing about the architecture was how many of the houses on the ground level were built above like raised platforms on stilts, made with stone and wood.

Morbis Meh
2015-05-14, 11:49 PM
Rin was overjoyed that the last remaining days on the ship were peaceful, she needed the rest and despite the altercation that took place near the beginning her choice to take the quicker route proved to be the better choice. Her choice to accept a squire on the other hand is one that remains to be unknown and she can only pray that she didn't get this boy killed along the way. It was too late now to recant her decision and due to the state of the seas, leaving Shin with the Midori would be equally dangerous.

Breathing a deep sigh, the warrior maiden cast her gaze out to the horizon, quietly surveying the port town curiously with a hint of suspicious born from worry. It looked harmless enough but how could she be certain that she slipped the assassin that killed the poor stable boy in the town she previously visited? Right now she needed to equip Shin in something moderately protective and give him some form of martial instruction, the last thing she needed was for him to be a liability. A smile crossed her lips That boy is going to soon learn the definition of pain, I am not going to slow down due to his lack of equestrian skills so he is going to have the sorest backside imaginable... unless I can book a ship to take us farther down.. Rin pushed herself from the railing and strode towards the captain.

"Captain Haruka, I want to thank you for your hospitality during my time spent aboard your ship, you have been an accommodating hostess and a stalwart captain. I would like to inquire about your plans for the immediate future, I have great need to reach the merchant city of Goka as quickly as possible and the last time I check the fastest way would be to cut through the continent via ship. I do realize that your vessel is not a river boat but if you are willing I would like to commission your ship for a trip to Zetang at the very least. I am able to offer you a hundred gold for your troubles, personally I would like to have passage past the Sea of Ghosts but I will not press it due to the distance. Though I am sure if your ship is able to make the journey it would be quite profitable to make a trip inland with goods from the coastal cities." Rin did her best not to look desperate but traveling by ship would greatly reduce the time spent traveling since they could travel by night.

2015-05-26, 12:44 PM
"Zetang?...Hmmm..........well it will not be out of the way....after Nagaiyamatsu here, the next stop is Peijia then back to Kaisai, we could drop you off along the way.." Captain Haruka tapped her chin in thought. She stared at Rin with a curious look on her face. "Just out of curiosity, what expedient business do you have in Goka? Or is it a case of if you tell me you'll have to kill me?" She jokingly said and chuckled.

Morbis Meh
2015-05-27, 07:45 PM
Rin bowed her head in thanks "Thank you Captain, at the very least you will have a capable warrior along for the ride... As for the business..." Her face turned grim despite her hostess' joke "I could tell you but someone else may kill you for knowing, it's the type of business that will affect the lives of many but for now the life of a single innocent is at stake. That is all I dare say so I can protect you and your crew."

2015-06-03, 11:23 AM
Captain Haruka stared at her with a focused thoughtful look and then just clasped her hands. "Fair enough Miss Rin I will drop the question altogether.......But anyways, well, we are going to be here a little bit, our business to take care of, and the crew will want to have a day about town as well after the long sea voyage, stretch their legs, wet their whistles, you know the drill. Basically what I am saying, why don't you and your new squire enjoy a couple hours to yourselves here."

Morbis Meh
2015-06-05, 03:00 PM
Rin bowed "I understand, you're men have certainly earned a bit of respite from the previous journey and I definitely have to go out and equip my new squire with better traveling clothes at the very least. Let me know how much you want for fare between the two of us and two horses and I can pay up front right now. As I mentioned earlier I have 100 gold in traveling funds and if you want it you can have it, I would like to consider us to be more than acquaintances at this point and it would be good to have a friend with a boat."

2015-06-11, 01:46 AM
"Make it sixty and I believe we got ourselves a deal," Haruka smirked and stuck out her hand for a handshake.

Afterwards, soon the ship was prepped for docking as the crew made for their stations and get the cargo ready. Shin would be found down with Kokoro talking to him and generally trying to get on the stubborn horse's good side.

Morbis Meh
2015-06-11, 01:41 PM
Rin smiles and produces the agreed amount of gold, glad that she had a small amount to work with to purchase a river boat when they reached their destination.


Rin walked down to the cargo and smirked at the boy "Shin, today I am going to instruct you on how to saddle a horse, we are taking Kokoro out for a bit of a stroll to work him out a bit. We are also going to be purchasing a horse for you as well, it is imperative we select one that Kokoro here doesn't try to bite every few moment. We will also be getting you proper attire for travelling and at least some form of weapon so I can begin instructing you in hand to hand combat, now grab the tack and saddle from over there and let us begin." Rin began giving Shin precise instructions slowly, taking the time to step in and show tricks and how to properly adjust the various straps and occasionally correct mistakes made by the young lad. When Kokoro was ready she led him gently off of the ship and whispered in his ear "The boy is going to sit atop of you to get a feel for riding, DO NOT gallop off like a madman, you hear? If you are good I will buy some candy for you while we are out, if you chose to ignore it I will find an apothecary to get you those 'vitamins' you despise, understood?"

So Rin wishes to procure a Combat Trained Light Horse with a riding saddle, a traveler's out fit and a weapon for the kid

2015-06-17, 03:23 AM
While the ship was in the process of docking..

Shin quickly followed her instructions, with that whole intimidating factor with her, he wanted to do his best in following said instructions and please her.

"Like this?" He would ask at some point and then give himself a pleased smile when successfully completing instructions. Kokoro hesitantly nickered in a grumpy manner but then at the mention of those 'vitamins' whinnied and nickered in resignation.

Some short time after...

"Miss Rin....so does this mean you are really going to take me with you?...Like...you're not going to leave me behind on the ship?" Shin asked as they began to cross the gangplank and towards the docks. He nervously glanced aside, shuffling behind her.

Morbis Meh
2015-06-19, 03:00 PM
Rin watched the boy saddle Kokoro and gave gentle corrections when required while smirking at Kokoro's submission "Yes remember this, soon it will become a daily routine for you to saddle and take care of both of our horses, this way you will be able to forge a bond with your steed, a necessity in this line of work."

As they were leaving the ship Rin looked down and stuck out her hand indicating for the boy to grab on so she could hoist him up on the saddle "Shin, I am not in command of your life though be it fortune or folly fate placed you at my feet and as a result I bear some measure of responsibility for you. I would like to leave you in a safe location and while Captain Haruka is a fine captain I fear them associating with me may bring dire consequences and if you happen to be with them those consequences may extend to you. Besides, if you travel with me I can at least keep an eye on you and teach you how to survive on your own. It will be a good experience for you to see the world and once we set off I will put you on a very strict schedule, you will need to learn sword play, riding, court etiquette and of course the native tongue of the nation we are heading to. Oh, do you have any formal education? You will need to be literate numerically and alphabetically."

2015-08-29, 10:02 PM
"Yea, I can read and write. My father had me learn to read and write so that I could better help with the family business. Writing inventory lists, keeping ledgers, that sort of stuff and basic arithmetic." Shin answered as he found himself looking around in wonder at the crisscrossing suspended bridges that hung high overhead, creating almost a ceiling-like sight.

The young boy looked back at Ran and nodded smartly. "Well it would be a great honor to learn how to be a warrior like you........the way you fought that squid monster thing...it was amazing."

As they walked and talked there were various peddlers trying to sell their wares, mostly pots and pans and general houseware goods. At some point they were even approached by a tengu with large wings covering his front. In a moment of what looked like a stranger flashing the duo, the tengu exposed himself to be carrying various small jars and flasks of what looked to be potions or some such hanging on his wings with string, somehow. Young Shin went wide-eyed anyway as if though he had been flashed by a pervert.

"Wanna buy some potions? Kekekeke, got a good discount going on kekekeke." The tengu peddler peddled.

Morbis Meh
2015-08-30, 12:25 AM
Rin nods "Good that will speed up things and will allow me to concentrate on more practical training, first item on our agenda is to properly outfit you... It was hardly amazing, mostly routine, one does not reach a position like mine if they are incapable of defending themselves. Give it time and I will see to it that you perform to an acceptable level."

She watched the Tengu carefully, not allowing herself to tone down her paranoia to any extent but relaxed when the merchant displayed its wares "Sorry I have no interest in potions today but if you can point me in the direction of a general supplies store I will pay you a silver for you time."

2015-09-03, 12:36 AM
The tengu's expression dropped a little, but hey, a silver coin was a silver coin and all he had to do was point in a direction.

"Mmm, there are a couple of thems around but I recommend checkin out the Ebon's Stash six blocks away at the Cliffside," The tengu pointed in a north easten general direction. "Belongs to an ol pal of mine, tell 'em Bukka sent ya." His beak crookedly grinned looking at the accepted coin.

Shin himself looked in fascination at the tengu, he himself had never really had encounters before with the birdfolk.

Morbis Meh
2015-09-03, 10:51 AM
Rin bowed her head in gratitude "Thank you for the recommendation, I will be sure to bring business to your friend and when I pass through here again I may be able to browse your wares more intently. Have a profitable day."

She walks in the direction indicated by the peddler and looks down at Shin "Remember Shin, a kind word may stretch farther than a silver piece but a silver piece is always a silver piece." She smirks at him and continues walking on.


Stepping through the door of the shop she browses casually before making her way to the proprietor of the store "Good day to you, I am in the market for a few items, primarily a suitable traveling outfit for my brother and I was hoping that you had access to or know someone who does have access to horses. If you carry weapons too that would be greatly appreciated."
