View Full Version : 3rd Ed If it has stats...: Challenge #4

2014-12-10, 03:02 AM
Legends tell of one of many dangerous places somewhere in the multiverse. Supposedly, there is a small fortress resting on one of the planes, the location of which changes intermittently. Many have entered in search of what may be inside. The very few that have made it out alive confirm that it switches between various planes, from what could be gathered from their insane ramblings. These survivors all ended up scrawling representations of the number 83 in their own blood, wherever they could, until they bled out.

After many more adventurers met their supposed end in the fortress, research began to accumulate, and the name of...someone...inside of the fortress has come up: Iuluvxi.

Almost everyone decided to leave well enough alone, but once again, the rumor that there is loot in the fortress--if you can kill Iuluvxi--has drawn attention.

Can it be done?

The objective is of the fourth “If it has stats...” challenge is to destroy the reclusive entity Iuluvxi (ee-oo-LEUV-zee). She's relaxing in her mini-fortress...somewhere.

AvatarVecna is going to help make sure everything goes fairly this time, so someone else is going to checking me for glaring errors.

1) You can enter any character, but only one at once, to enter Iuluvxi's mini-fortress and fight her. Use 32 point buy, 2/3 standard WBL, maximum hit points at first level + average hit points thereafter, and a maximum character level of 40. Animal companions and other sidecar creatures are allowed to come with you. LA buyoff is not allowed. Entering the fortress will first require finding out where it is.
2) You win if you permanently kill Iuluvxi without being more-or-less-permanently killed yourself. Iuluvxi, however, is not as tenuously attached to her existence as Sarin was. For one thing, you don't automatically win initiative this time.
3) Special Restriction: No 9th+ level/epic spells or powers. No, not even then. If you can directly use a 9th-level spell or power via any method, regardless of the form that 9th takes, you have no reason to go after Iuluvxi because you could just be hanging out with your harem of Mindraped nymphs or whatever. Before you try it, Manipulate Form counts as being able to use 9ths and epics. 8th-level and lower spells are fair game, though. Iuluvxi has one 9th-level ability available to her, but I'll tell you upfront that it's not TO-complete and is a very straightforward one.
4) The WBL and level limits apply even during preparation time and the duration of the challenge, not just character generation. Unlimited WBL tricks, unlimited HD tricks, and similar should be left at home. You can go nuts with other tricks, though.
5) Since preparation time is too hard to enforce logically, I'm giving you however much prep time you want.
6) Many of Iuluvxi's abilities are homebrew. I have tried to avoid things that are too “cheap” while still being challenging, but still.
7) Iuluvxi doesn't have arbitrarily high or NI numbers, but she's incredibly dangerous nonetheless.
8) If you give me an incomplete character, I'm going to assume you didn't optimize anything you didn't list.
9) All sources allowed in Iron Chef Optimization Challenge in the Playground are allowed and in play for this challenge. This is most of the ones conventionally discussed on the board, except for Dragon Magazine materials that don't appear in Dragon Compendium.
10) Please don't try to loophole the rules of the challenge--save that for exploiting D&D 3.5 itself.

Uncle Pine: Reserves of Strength, Contingency-based one-sided action economy, and bees.

2014-12-10, 05:06 AM
What does DC 100/1k/10k/100k/1m/10m/NI knowledge and gather info check tell us (about the fortress/Iuluvxi? Consider those as separate entries.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-10, 05:40 AM
Damn, I still have to finish statting Hellephant and challenge #4 is already out. :smalltongue:

Questions: if my combination of LA +0 templates need a spell for it to work, can I assume that it's already been cast during character creation or do I have to pay for it? How is a 1st level character supposed to pay for a spell anyway? Does the 9th level spell clause apply to spells needed during character creation? Because Incarnate Construct is a 9th spell IIRC.

More serious questions: does the 9th level spell clause prevent builds that have access to 9th level slots but don't or can't use them to cast 9th level spells? i.e. Is a 40th level Wizard with no 9th level spells known a legal entry? Or are we effectively limited to 16th levels I'm each casting class?
Also, does the clause prevent the use of lower level metamagic-ed spells even though 9th level spells are not used? i.e. Still silent ocular split maximized magic missile.

2014-12-10, 05:59 AM
What does DC 100/1k/10k/100k/1m/10m/NI knowledge and gather info check tell us (about the fortress/Iuluvxi? Consider those as separate entries.

Class and level, along with your method of hitting said numbers without 9ths, please. This is mostly a formality.

EDIT: Also, which Knowledge checks are you attempting? I'm assuming all of them.

Damn, I still have to finish statting Hellephant and challenge #4 is already out. :smalltongue:

Questions: if my combination of LA +0 templates need a spell for it to work, can I assume that it's already been cast during character creation or do I have to pay for it? How is a 1st level character supposed to pay for a spell anyway? Does the 9th level spell clause apply to spells needed during character creation? Because Incarnate Construct is a 9th spell IIRC.

More serious questions: does the 9th level spell clause prevent builds that have access to 9th level slots but don't or can't use them to cast 9th level spells? i.e. Is a 40th level Wizard with no 9th level spells known a legal entry? Or are we effectively limited to 16th levels I'm each casting class?
Also, does the clause prevent the use of lower level metamagic-ed spells even though 9th level spells are not used? i.e. Still silent ocular split maximized magic missile.

Using Incarnate Construct falls under "No, not even then." (You could get a personal Demiplane of Chocolate for a same XP cost, and why wouldn't you do that instead? :smalltongue: ) Your example 40th level Wizard can't directly cast 9ths, so it's fine. Other builds that "accidentally" get 9ths need to do something like that to block their own access to them. Metamagic doesn't actually increase spell level outside of Heighten Spell--it just uses a higher-level slot--so adding a bucket of metamagic is fine.

2014-12-10, 06:02 AM
Hi, I'm assisting Kazyan on this challenge!

EDIT: Damnation! Ninja'd by the OP!

Uncle Pine
2014-12-10, 10:44 AM
One more thing: since this is an epic challenge, are epic PrCs allowed? My google-fu is too weak to find an Ultimate Magus epic progression, but looking at the ELH rules for epic progressions it seems pretty straightforward that an Ultimate Magus would only progress his Spellcasting*, Expanded Spell Knowledge and Augmented Casting class features.

*An epic Ultimate Magus would only get "+1 level of existing prepared arcane casting class and +1 level of existing spontaneous arcane casting class" each level, as the "+1 level of lower-level existing arcane casting class" class feature isn't based on a formula.

EDIT: Don't worry, I'm not going to try Master Spellthief shenanigans.

2014-12-10, 12:37 PM

Spheres of Annihilation, to be precise. I Sanctum Spell Wish for 'one to appear wherever the hell Iuluvxi is right now'. Technically a 9th level spell.

The Sanctum Wish (8th-level spell when not cast in my sanctum) is gained through a magic item, so I myself never have access to a 9th-level spell at any point during this challenge.

Hey, if it worked last time, why not now? :smalltongue:

2014-12-10, 12:53 PM
Epic progressions: just run them by me before use. The UM progression is fine. Epic PrCs from ELH or whatever are also fine.

Sanctum Wish: Clever, but that's why I have rule 10. :smalltongue: Find a delivery method that doesn't involve a totally-not-a-9th-level-spell, please.

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-10, 02:01 PM
No 9th-level spells? Alright then.

Conjunctive Gate, go!

What? It's only 4th level :smalltongue:

It raises an important question, however: can we create or use effects or items that replicate the effects of 9th-level spells/powers?

Also, a suggestion (if any part of this wouldn't work, Kayzan, let me know):
Use knowledge to determine current planar location of the fortress.
Astral Projection, then have your astral form Plane Shift to that plane.
Stick a Sphere of Annihilation in a Well of Many Worlds.
Your astral form is destroyed, so Astral Projection expires and you wake up at home to enjoy your demiplane of chocolate and succubi.

ETA: I'm super excited to see how this turns out. Your last challenge was great, this one should be just as good!

2014-12-10, 02:26 PM
SoA and WoMW would probably not work. It says they 'destroy all of reality', but the thread says:

without being more-or-less-permanently killed yourself

Those two don't really mix.

2014-12-10, 02:35 PM
SoA and WoMW would probably not work. It says they 'destroy all of reality', but the thread says:

Those two don't really mix.

The Elder Evil pdf implies only 1 plane will be consumed by the ritual. Since the example plane only has 1 layer, we can't assume it will consume more than 1 layers either.

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-10, 03:21 PM
SoA and WoMW would probably not work. It says they 'destroy all of reality', but the thread says:

If abandoned, it picks up speed and power, drawing the island, the waters, the air and everything else on the Material Plane into its dimensional fissure, erasing all existence in 1d12+6 minutes.

Since it specifies that it pulls in everything on the Material Plane, it's more than reasonable to assume that only the material plane is destroyed. But we'll have to see what Kayzan thinks of the topic.

2014-12-10, 04:06 PM
There's a wee bit of flavor text surrounding the event in Elder Evils, basically saying that the Well of Many Worlds is acquired because the BBEG wants to annihilate every single world. This is supported by the RAW that says "erasing all existence", and the arguable RAI of only the fate of the Material Plane being described because that's where the PCs happen to be at the moment. So everything points to "all that exists is gone" as far as I can tell.

EDIT: Directly replicating 9ths, such as casting one from a scroll, isn't allowed. If an item just so happens to describe something that a 9th level spell can do, and doesn't actually reference a 9th level spell by name anywhere in its description...run it by me.

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-10, 06:42 PM
There's a wee bit of flavor text surrounding the event in Elder Evils, basically saying that the Well of Many Worlds is acquired because the BBEG wants to annihilate every single world. This is supported by the RAW that says "erasing all existence", and the arguable RAI of only the fate of the Material Plane being described because that's where the PCs happen to be at the moment. So everything points to "all that exists is gone" as far as I can tell.

Does it say every plane, or just every world? Because other planets exist in the Material Plane, those two terms aren't necessarily synonymous.

EDIT: Directly replicating 9ths, such as casting one from a scroll, isn't allowed. If an item just so happens to describe something that a 9th level spell can do, and doesn't actually reference a 9th level spell by name anywhere in its description...run it by me.

So Conjunctive Gate is out then? Darn. Was hoping that this challenge could also be solved by a Truenamer.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-10, 06:43 PM
Last question (I promise): is epic Wyrm Wizard (progressing Spellcasting, Knowledge of the Wyrm and Spell Research as per ELH) allowed?

Hey, if it worked last time, why not now? :smalltongue:

Because it'd be boring. :smalltongue:

2014-12-10, 07:05 PM
Does it say every plane, or just every world? Because other planets exist in the Material Plane, those two terms aren't necessarily synonymous.

*flips through book some more*

Apparently it just says "worlds", so we have to go by context clues if we're going to ditch RAW for RAI (although under RAI, this requires an undefined villainous ritual of some kind, so Sphere + Well probably just means you lose the well). Turns out a Well of Many Worlds defines "worlds" as alternate planets, alternate realities, and alternate planes...so, yes, the planes count. There's some lines in Elder Evils describing what happens if the Sphere kicks things into an alternate Material Plane, and the Sphere + Well combo is referred to as a "dimensional fissure". It really seems the planes get annihilated, too. The argument for a single plane just doesn't seem to add up either way.

Last question (I promise): is epic Wyrm Wizard (progressing Spellcasting, Knowledge of the Wyrm and Spell Research as per ELH) allowed?


Extra Anchovies
2014-12-10, 10:08 PM
*flips through book some more*

Apparently it just says "worlds", so we have to go by context clues if we're going to ditch RAW for RAI (although under RAI, this requires an undefined villainous ritual of some kind, so Sphere + Well probably just means you lose the well). Turns out a Well of Many Worlds defines "worlds" as alternate planets, alternate realities, and alternate planes...so, yes, the planes count. There's some lines in Elder Evils describing what happens if the Sphere kicks things into an alternate Material Plane, and the Sphere + Well combo is referred to as a "dimensional fissure". It really seems the planes get annihilated, too. The argument for a single plane just doesn't seem to add up either way.

Hm. So the solution is clearly to find a way to exist outside the planes, then rip them apart via WoMW. Maybe be a 10th-level alienist, figure out how you're going to die, activate the SoA+WoMW combo moments before you do, then get "stolen away by horrible entities"? You are by RAW and RAI never seen again, and that's pretty solid evidence for you not existing inside the multiverse (because if it's in the multiverse, someone can go there and see you) and for you not dying (since you don't age, and they don't explicitly [or really even implicitly] kill you).

Don't worry, I'm not expecting credit for this one.

2014-12-10, 11:24 PM
Hm. So the solution is clearly to find a way to exist outside the planes, then rip them apart via WoMW. Maybe be a 10th-level alienist, figure out how you're going to die, activate the SoA+WoMW combo moments before you do, then get "stolen away by horrible entities"? You are by RAW and RAI never seen again, and that's pretty solid evidence for you not existing inside the multiverse (because if it's in the multiverse, someone can go there and see you) and for you not dying (since you don't age, and they don't explicitly [or really even implicitly] kill you).

Don't worry, I'm not expecting credit for this one.

Rule 10 protecting rule 2, here. Still, I would give you a cookie if you didn't just delete the concept of cookies.

2014-12-10, 11:24 PM
^ Maybe a way to become a Vestige? Is there a RAW means to do that?

@Kazyan I got a bad case of lazy; I'll leave this challenge to other creative playgrounders.

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-10, 11:41 PM
Rule 10 protecting rule 2, here. Still, I would give you a cookie if you didn't just delete the concept of cookies.

Yay! Non-cookies for everyone! Except there's nobody left, because I have removed everything.

2014-12-11, 09:45 AM
The Prince of Infinite Arrows:
Soul-Locked Half-Farspawn Changeling LA 4/Fighter 4/Rogue 1/Jaunter 4/Rogue +7

Feats (By HD, not ECL)
1st - Racial Emulation
1st (Fighter) - Dodge
2nd (Fighter) - Mobility
3rd - Weapon Finesse
4th (Fighter) - Spring Attack
6th - Quick Draw
9th - Shape Soulmeld (Blink Shirt)
12th - Bonus Essentia
15th - Skill Focus (Pre-Death One Liners)

Equipment: One normal non-magical and non-masterwork bow, one Quiver of Lies (BoVD, p116)

Preliminary Notes:
1. Soul-Locked is "something like a template" on p47 of Heroes of Horror, and it makes you unkillable (of the "I AM REBORN!" kind). Before you complain, it clearly states "This is something like a template, since it takes a preexisting monster and modifies it. It makes only a single change to the creature, however: namely, it cannot be killed under normal circumstances!". By definition of only making a single change to the creature, it can't affect its LA or anything that might make the creature unplayable (beyond the Half-Farspawn's obnoxious LA +4). Or at least, that's my excuse. :smalltongue:
2. The Prince is a Half-Farspawn born in the Far Realms and has never left until the day of the assassination. This is VERY important, as due to the fact that "A minute in the Far Realm equals no time on the Material Realm". This means as far as anyone in the Material Realm is concerned, the prince has never existed until he first visits.

Method: The Prince Plane Shifts into a random plane of existance using his Jaunter class abilities as a standard action. Then, as a free action, the Prince tells a lie. The Quiver of Lies conjures an arrow as a free action. He drops it as a free action. He tells another lie, gets another arrow, makes another drop. He repeats. And repeats. He keeps going with his infinite free actions in an infinitesimally small amount of time until he's created enough arrows to crush the entire plane of existence in the blink of an eye. He says a quirky one-liner. He dies. Then, he automatically makes his DC 16 level check and reforms in the Far Realms. He then repeats this process in every Outer Plane, every Inner Plane, every Transitional Plane (can't hide in your demiplane if the Ethereal Plane gets crushed by infinite arrows!), every Material Plane, every plane. If he doesn't get you first, then the Archwizards who want the Prince to stop and are willing to do his work for him will.
Oh, and the one specific method to kill him is a Far Realms concept that no-one can understand, so nyah! :smalltongue:

Last Note: If I had access to 9ths, I could remove the need for the Soul-Locked "like a template" while still keeping the "Blink and you're all dead" theme. The King of Infinite Arrows, as it were.

2014-12-11, 10:40 AM
Re: Infinite Arrow King

First off, I'm gonna ignore the "technically not a template" part, regardless of how obvious an attempt to circumvent this challenge's rules it is.

Secondly, there's no rule by RAW that says an infinite number of arrows existing in a particular plane of existence has any effect on the physical objects existing in the plane, regardless of real world physics. By RAW, this build fails to kill luluxvi.

Thirdly, even if we assume real-world physics applies, some of the planes (perhaps even the Material plane) are themselves theoretically infinite in volume, and growing. As with the "commoner railgun" idea, it's halted by a DM putting any limit on the number of free actions allowed per turn. Unless you've found a way to tell an infinite number of lies in a set time frame, you can't conjure enough arrows to crush an infinitely growing plane of existence. By real-world physics, this build fails to kill luluxvi.

Fourthly, even if we assume that all of the planes are finite in volume, and that you are willing to spend the time to make sure that the plane is filled with arrows, and those arrows crush everything in existence on that plane, and you repeat this on every plane in existence, luluxvi has defenses that this method fails to overcome. By a combination of real-world physics, RAW, and RAI, this build still fails to kill luluxvi.

2014-12-11, 11:40 AM
Re: Infinite Arrow King
Fourthly, even if we assume that all of the planes are finite in volume, and that you are willing to spend the time to make sure that the plane is filled with arrows, and those arrows crush everything in existence on that plane, and you repeat this on every plane in existence, luluxvi has defenses that this method fails to overcome...

Bah! Even if I disagree with the picking and choosing of when to apply Real-Life Physics and when to apply RAW (Which I do), and even if The Prince generates an infinite amount of arrows in an instant so that time and size are irrelevant (which he does), if luluxvi can still survive being crushed by an infinite mass then I concede defeat, with the runner-up prize being that the Prince killed just about everything else in the universe. One question, though: If we assume the build does work (in theory), would the arrows being Ghost Touch make any difference?

2014-12-11, 11:48 AM
That's ultimately the takeaway from my post: regardless of whether or not the existence of an infinite number of arrows has any effect on the game world, it would have no effect on luluxvi, Ghost Touch or not. Your method of survival was pretty nice, though.

EDIT: Also, the picking and choosing of when to apply RAW and real-world physics was present in your build; I was merely following suit. Your build, as you presented it, assumes that a theoretically infinite number of free actions can occur in a finite amount of time (RAW legal, but not realistic) and that the existence of a theoretically infinite number of arrows has any in-game effect on the planes themselves or their inhabitants (realistic, but not RAW).

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-11, 11:52 AM
First off, I'm gonna ignore the "technically not a template" part, regardless of how obvious an attempt to circumvent this challenge's rules it is.

I'm not trying to question you, I'm just curious: what rule does this break, and why?

2014-12-11, 11:57 AM
I'll give my take on how the Prince of Arrows works as soon as I'm not freaking out about trying not to fail a class and am out of my other classes. It's an interesting take that I will ask questions about.

2014-12-11, 12:01 PM
I'm not trying to question you, I'm just curious: what rule does this break, and why?

Rule 10 as it applies to Rule 9. Rule 10 is more of an actual rule to semi-define the spirit of the other rules; if this "not really a template" was actually a template, it would likely have LA: -, making it illegal by the rules that govern the Iron Chef competitions. It also debatably attempts to circumvent Rule 1 and Rule 4, in the sense that these rules attempt to limit any attempt to bypass the HD limit of the challenge.

As I said, Rule 10 is about the spirit of the rules; neither Kazyan nor I had any particular desire to write out a 100 page contract defining the rules of this contest to make sure that people didn't use the letter of the rules to get around the spirit of the rules. Rule 10 exists to let us hand-wave away rules-lawyering b.s. As it so happens, it made little difference in this particular build's outcome.

2014-12-11, 12:09 PM
One more thing: I don't want this to start on an aggressive note. I'll just evaluate the build when I can, and in the meantime, friendliness please?

2014-12-11, 12:14 PM
As happy and friendly as all the archers who don't have to track their ammo anymore. :smallbiggrin:

2014-12-11, 02:22 PM
Doublehead Deathbane

CN Necropolitian Multiheaded (laernan) Winged human wizard 5 / mindbender 1 with Mindsight.

First, Doublehead buys a vorpal sword. He raises it, and attacks himself until both of his heads lie on the ground. They do not grow back. Only sundered heads do, and those heads were not chopped of by sundering them. He doesn't die, as undead explicitly are immune to dying from a Vorpal sword.

Now, Doublehead calmly walks into the Evil Crypt of Doom. His body is immune to attacks, and he has no heads to sunder. He can fly and automatically detects sentinent beings.

The moment he has found Iuluvxi, he will simply casually study her/him, her/his abilities, and anything else that would be of use.

2014-12-11, 02:43 PM
Doublehead Deathbane

CN Necropolitian Multiheaded (laernan) Winged human wizard 5 / mindbender 1 with Mindsight.

First, Doublehead buys a vorpal sword. He raises it, and attacks himself until both of his heads lie on the ground. They do not grow back. Only sundered heads do, and those heads were not chopped of by sundering them. He doesn't die, as undead explicitly are immune to dying from a Vorpal sword.

Now, Doublehead calmly walks into the Evil Crypt of Doom. His body is immune to attacks, and he has no heads to sunder. He can fly and automatically detects sentinent beings.

The moment he has found Iuluvxi, he will simply casually study her/him, her/his abilities, and anything else that would be of use.

Well, leaving behind my more nitpicky first thoughts (an ECL 10 character purchasing a minimum +6 weapon, an effective 6th lvl caster searching the planes; both problems are solved by adding a handful of levels), how exactly are you "immune to attacks"? If you get stabbed enough, you're still gonna die...unless I'm seriously missing something.

In any case, Kazyan will give you a more specific response.

2014-12-11, 03:02 PM
Well, leaving behind my more nitpicky first thoughts (an ECL 10 character purchasing a minimum +6 weapon, an effective 6th lvl caster searching the planes; both problems are solved by adding a handful of levels), how exactly are you "immune to attacks"? If you get stabbed enough, you're still gonna die...unless I'm seriously missing something.

In any case, Kazyan will give you a more specific response.

Quoted from the template:

These multiheaded creatures have bodies that are immune to attack (but see below). The only way to slay a Lernaean creature is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean creature may never have more than twice its original number of heads, and any heads it gains beyond that number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean creature outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the creature's heads.

The only way to slay me is to sever my heads. However, I do not longer have any heads, so I can't be slain except in the ways listed below. My body is immune to attacks, including 'getting stabbed enough times'.

2014-12-11, 03:29 PM
I need more than the 15 minutes I've got to spare right now to discuss the Prince of Arrows in detail, so I'll make this brief:

1) If you're relying on the real-world physics of the effects of unlimited arrows, those same real-world physics will bury the Prince under so much weight that he can't flex his fingers enough to drop arrows and continue, assuming he hasn't choked on the arrows that force into his mouth every time he opens it (after the billionthth arrow or so).

2) Not all planes will have an environment that allows them to be overrun by infinite chickensarrows, so you don't know if it will work. Elemental Plane of Water prevents you from speaking, flooding the Elemental Plane of Earth requires pitting infinite arrows against infinite earth, I have no idea how Limbo would react, etc..

3) There's, like, a 4th-level spell in the Player's Handbook that guarantees survival if used exactly as intended. There are a variety of other ways to do it, too; we're not screwing you.

I'm only 90% sure the Headless Horseman procedure works and I can't come up with a particularly solid argument otherwise, so I'll roll with it. However, as I mentioned in the first post, you need to find out where Iuluvxi's fortress is. The Evil Crypt of Doom is a nice place, but you have other places to be.

2014-12-11, 04:18 PM
Hm... Doublehead takes more wizard levels and Scries on Iuluwhatever until hir rolls a 1 on hir's saving throw. Then Doublehead planeshifts to that plane.

Failing that, Doublehead simply planeshifts at random. The laws of probability and his undeath dictate he will eventually end up in front of the fortress.

2014-12-11, 04:33 PM
I need more than the 15 minutes I've got to spare right now to discuss the Prince of Arrows in detail, so I'll make this brief:

1) If you're relying on the real-world physics of the effects of unlimited arrows, those same real-world physics will bury the Prince under so much weight that he can't flex his fingers enough to drop arrows and continue, assuming he hasn't choked on the arrows that force into his mouth every time he opens it (after the billionthth arrow or so).

That was why I tried to sneak in Soul-Locked, so he'd respawn when crushed by the arrows himself, but I concede that he could be trapped without being killed, which would trap him until he died of dehydration or something.

2) Not all planes will have an environment that allows them to be overrun by infinite chickensarrows, so you don't know if it will work. Elemental Plane of Water prevents you from speaking, flooding the Elemental Plane of Earth requires pitting infinite arrows against infinite earth, I have no idea how Limbo would react, etc..

I was hoping infinite mass all at once would push everything.....outwards, I guess?

3) There's, like, a 4th-level spell in the Player's Handbook that guarantees survival if used exactly as intended. There are a variety of other ways to do it, too; we're not screwing you.

Nah, I'm just wondering how I can improve the build. Truth be told, the Prince of Arrows as-shown is a bit of a bodge-job - when I first made it, it had Quickened Wishes for transport and Spheres of Annihilation instead of arrows and worked much smoother, but I had to hobble it to meet the challenge rules. Still, I have other ideas to throw out before I give up completely.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-11, 05:31 PM
First, Doublehead buys a vorpal sword. He raises it, and attacks himself until both of his heads lie on the ground.

This potent and feared ability allows the weapon to sever the heads of those it strikes. Upon a roll of natural 20 (followed by a successful roll to confirm the critical hit), the weapon severs the opponent’s head (if it has one) from its body.

These multiheaded creatures have bodies that are immune to attack (but see below). The only way to slay a Lernaean creature is to sever all its heads.
I think Doublehead is now as dead as a Norwegian Blue. :smalltongue:

2014-12-11, 06:27 PM
Also, how can Doublehead observe it without any eyes/ears/tongue/brain?

2014-12-11, 06:28 PM
Hm... Doublehead takes more wizard levels

*marks down as Wizard 12/Mindbender 1*

and Scries on Iuluwhatever until hir rolls a 1 on hir's saving throw. Then Doublehead planeshifts to that plane.

You attempt to scry Iuluvxi repeatedly. It's not working. You give up after the 200th try.

Failing that, Doublehead simply planeshifts at random. The laws of probability and his undeath dictate he will eventually end up in front of the fortress.

Aaaand now I have to figure out what planes the place switches between. *looks in MotP and figures it out*

Logistical problems: If you do this before the beheading procedure, this happens (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghzEd4WLUz4) when you get to the Elemental Plane of Fire (not to mention what the other planes will do with you). If you do it afterward, you can't speak the verbal components to Plane Shift, and you can't really observe your surroundings to tell if you're in front of a fortress because you've lost sight and hearing. Finally, most planes are infinite in size, requiring infinite time to explore, and after about 35,000 years, you'll have accrued enough copies of Evolved Undead to no longer be a valid entry for the challenge.

I think Doublehead is now as dead as a Norwegian Blue. :smalltongue:

Debatable. Vorpal explains that undead creatures don't need their heads.

That was why I tried to sneak in Soul-Locked, so he'd respawn when crushed by the arrows himself, but I concede that he could be trapped without being killed, which would trap him until he died of dehydration or something.

It's less about crushing himself and more about that fact that if you're buried under the Great Pyramid's weight of arrows, you can't open and close your hand to make more arrows. If it's not infinite, the infinite-size planes don't really care.

I was hoping infinite mass all at once would push everything.....outwards, I guess?

The infinite mass is generated sequentially, though. It stops at a finite value if the sequence cannot continue.

Nah, I'm just wondering how I can improve the build. Truth be told, the Prince of Arrows as-shown is a bit of a bodge-job - when I first made it, it had Quickened Wishes for transport and Spheres of Annihilation instead of arrows and worked much smoother, but I had to hobble it to meet the challenge rules. Still, I have other ideas to throw out before I give up completely.

I'm actually impressed that you figured out how to do Chicken Infested shenanigans without Chicken Infested. Seriously. Gold star.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-11, 07:55 PM
OK, 1st attempt:

Kbirin, harbeeinger of the dragon hive
Venerable stalking wyrm kobold Wizard 5/Ultimate Magus 25/Wyrm Wizard 10 (Wizard 5/Ultimate Magus 10/Wyrm Wizard 10/Ultimate Magus +15)
Small Dragon
HD: 5d4-5 plus 25d4-25 plus 10d4-10 (61 hp)
Iniziative: +4
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 150 ft. (good)
AC: 14 (+2 size, +1 armor, +1 natural), contact 12, flat-footed 14
BAB/Grapple: +18/+11
Attack: Claw +17 melee (1d3-3)
Full attack: 2 claws +17 melee (1d3-3) and bite +12 melee (1d3-3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
SA: Familiar, spontaneous divination, arcane spell power +4, expanded spell knowledge x5, augmented casting, knowledge of the wyrm, spell research (blasphemy, dictum, holy word, word of chaos, gembomb), draconic discovery (2nd, 4th and 6th level), convert counterspell, break spell resistance
SQ: Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity, slight build, immunity to magic sleep and paralysis effects
Saves: Fort +13, Refl +14, Will +30
Ability scores: Str 2 (base 8), Dex 10 (base 8), Con 9 (base 11), Int 43 (base 18), Wis 28 (base 13), Cha 18 (base 15)
Notable skills: Concentration +42, Hide +51, Knowledge (arcana, nature, the planes) +53 each, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +20, Profession (beekeper) +46, Spellcraft +53, Survival +46, Use Magic Device +47
1st Empower Spell (+2) (Pathetic Strength flaw)
1st Maximize Spell (+3) (Noncombatant flaw)
1st Dragonwrought
1st Improved Initiative (B)
3rd Eschew Materials
3.000 gp Iron Will
6th Reserves of Strength
9th Spell Thematics (bees)
9th Selective Spells (+1) (B)
12th Ocular Spell (+2)
14th Invisible Spell (+0) (B)
15th Arcane Thesis (Gembomb)
18th Split Ray (+2)
21th Leadership
24th Chain Spell (+3)
27th Snowcasting
30th Energy Substitution (cold) (+0)
33th Lord of the Uttercold (+0)
36th Energy Substitution (electricity) (+0)
39th Born of the Three Thunders (+0)

Properties: 5.208.526 gp, 6 sp, 7 cp, ring of solar wings, third eye conceal, gem of seeing, minor cloak of displacement, +1 soulfire vest, +12 enhancement bonus items of Int and Wis, small tarpaulin, a custom staff of minute form, greater consumptive field, consumptive field, favor of the martyr and cure light wounds (133.125 gp, CL 20), 40 contingent greater celerity spells (see below), tons of domesticated bees
LA: +0

#1 – If I lose Initiative.
#2 – If any opponent starts acting.
#3 – If any opponent starts acting and #2 has expired.
#4 – If any opponent starts acting and #3 has expired.
#5 – If any opponent starts acting and #4 has expired.
#40 – If any opponent starts acting and #39 has expired.

The 17th level cohort is a standard (venerable dragonwrought kobold) NG Incantatrix whose sole purpose in life is to extend and persist buffs on command. He is Colossal+ and transports Kbirin's bees.

Relevant wizard spells prepared (4/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7/6; save DC 26 + spell level; casts as a 59th level Wizard; CL 59, CL 61 for Gembomb): 0th - Whatever; 1st – Whatever; 2nd – Whatever plus mirror image; 3rd – Whatever; 4th – Whatever plus friendly fire; 5th – Whatever; 6th – Whatever; 7th – Whatever plus selective antimagic field, greater arcane sight, blasphemy, dictum, holy word, word of chaos; 8th – Whatever plus invisible superior invisibility, superior invisibility, moment of prescience, invisible greater prying eyes; 9th – Empowered maximized ocular split chained gembomb (x6).

I start looking for Iuluvxi by skimming through my books for any information about how to locate his/her/its palace (Knowledge rolls).
If I can't find anything, I start casting every Divination spell of 8th level or lower from the Wizard spell list (thanks to Spontaneous Divination, assume that I learned all of them during my 59 Wizard levels) to find Iuluvxi or informations about him/her/it.
If I still can't find anything, I acknowledge the threat my foe represents for the multiverse and the Hive and I go to Sigil to ask some passerby if he's seen Iuluvxi.

What happens?

EDIT: Having 40+ Int I obviously remember to bring one of my Chicken Infested dragonwrought kobold follower with me.

2014-12-11, 08:10 PM

According the the template you quoted, "Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean creature outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the creature's heads." The words "spells such as..." indicate that there can be examples other than the ones listed; the list provided seems to indicate that sufficiently powerful Save-or-Die effects still affect the creature. Therefore, as long as said sufficiently powerful SoD effects could still affect the undead, it could kill you; Slay Living might not work, since you're technically dead, but Disintegrate could do it.


Taking the above facts into consideration, do you think that this build can survive luluxvi's attacks?

2014-12-11, 08:38 PM
Kbirin, harbeeinger of the dragon hive

So, as usual, I have some nitpicky stuff:

1) To enter Ultimate Magus, you must be "able to spontaneously cast 1st lvl arcane spells" and "able to prepare and cast 2nd lvl arcane spells from a spellbook". Hence, a wizard with Spontaneous Divination technically qualifies. If you take levels in Ultimate Magus, you gain at certain levels "+1 level of existing arcane casting class", which can definitely be applied to the Wizard class; at some levels, you gain "+1 level of existing prepared arcane casting class", which can definitely be applied to the wizard class; at some levels, you gain "+1 level of existing spontaneous arcane casting class", which cannot apply to wizards, because they are not a spontaneous casting class.

The ability to cast a number of spells spontaneously is not the same thing as being a spontaneous caster, at least for the purposes of RAW. Note that this doesn't prevent you from taking levels in Ultimate Magus, it only prevents you from adding more than one level of spellcasting per level of the class.

2) This build is clearly capable of directly using 9th level spells, thus making it an illegal entry to this challenge, per Rule 3 of the OP.

Special Restriction: No 9th+ level/epic spells or powers. No, not even then. If you can directly use a 9th-level spell or power via any method, regardless of the form that 9th takes, you have no reason to go after Iuluvxi because you could just be hanging out with your harem of Mindraped nymphs or whatever. Before you try it, Manipulate Form counts as being able to use 9ths and epics. 8th-level and lower spells are fair game, though. Iuluvxi has one 9th-level ability available to her, but I'll tell you upfront that it's not TO-complete and is a very straightforward one.

That says "if you can", not "if you do"; your build clearly can, so your mage would clearly have better things to do than mess around with this luluxvi business.

3) Maybe I'm just missing an optimization trick, but how are you preparing multiple contingencies?

You can place another spell upon your person so that it comes into effect under some condition you dictate when casting contingency. The contingency spell and the companion spell are cast at the same time. The 10-minute casting time is the minimum total for both castings; if the companion spell has a casting time longer than 10 minutes, use that instead.

The spell to be brought into effect by the contingency must be one that affects your person and be of a spell level no higher than one-third your caster level (rounded down, maximum 6th level).

The conditions needed to bring the spell into effect must be clear, although they can be general. In all cases, the contingency immediately brings into effect the companion spell, the latter being “cast” instantaneously when the prescribed circumstances occur. If complicated or convoluted conditions are prescribed, the whole spell combination (contingency and the companion magic) may fail when called on. The companion spell occurs based solely on the stated conditions, regardless of whether you want it to.

You can use only one contingency spell at a time; if a second is cast, the first one (if still active) is dispelled.

The 1st is just a RAW nitpick that has little effect on the build, the 2nd makes this build an illegal entry to this challenge, and the 3rd is a RAW nitpick that may have significant effect on the build. I'd appreciate it if these points were addressed; please and thank you!

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-11, 09:11 PM
2) This build is clearly capable of directly using 9th level spells, thus making it an illegal entry to this challenge, per Rule 3 of the OP.

That says "if you can", not "if you do"; your build clearly can, so your mage would clearly have better things to do than mess around with this luluxvi business.

And yet, here we have Kayzan implying that 9th-level slots are okay:

Metamagic doesn't actually increase spell level outside of Heighten Spell--it just uses a higher-level slot--so adding a bucket of metamagic is fine.
So being able to cast 9ths (that is, having 9th-level slots) doesn't DQ, at least according to this. We need a clear ruling:

@Kayzan: Does being able to cast or manifest 9th-level spells or powers disqualify on its own, or does disqualification only occur when 9th-level spells or powers are actually used? You've made statements supporting both sides.

Regardless, this is easily circumvented by having a wizard with Int 18. CL keeps increasing with casting levels, but they never get access to ninths.

2014-12-11, 09:19 PM
And I was under the impression that not having any lvl 9's in your spellbook also gives you a pass.
I just think he wants us to do this w/o lvl 9 spells, and just worded it abit weirdly. Maybe we can just say that there's some anti-lvl9 spell jammer?

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-11, 09:23 PM
And I was under the impression that not having any lvl 9's in your spellbook also gives you a pass.
I just think he wants us to do this w/o lvl 9 spells, and just worded it abit weirdly. Maybe we can just say that there's some anti-lvl9 spell jammer?

That's a good point, you can't cast ninths if you don't know any. As a Sorcerer, learn 8ths in your 9th-level spots, and as a Wizard, just keep scribing 8ths.

2014-12-11, 11:03 PM

Taking the above facts into consideration, do you think that this build can survive luluxvi's attacks?

I'll address that when the logistical questions get cleared up and Doublehead actually starts dealing with Iuluvxi.

@Rule 3: I worded it a bit weirdly, true--I was trying to catch all the builds that could throw 9ths around without hosing any others through technicalities. It is also worded that way to catch one particular trick that makes me groan, but I don't think it has been attempted in the other threads, so I won't bring it up until someone else does.

A wizard who chose not to scribe 9ths into their spellbook can't directly cast 9ths; they need to get someone's help and scribe the new spells for a whie. Similar case for a Sorcerer who picks 8ths in place of the 9ths they are allowed to learn. A lower-level spell with metamagic is cast from a 9th-level slot, but outside of Heighten, it's not 9th level spell. That's how metamagic works.

Renen has the right idea. You can't use 9ths for this challenge, a "9th" being a spell that appears on a spell list under "Wizard 9" or somesuch. And, for example, if you have Pazuzu directly in front of you waiting on your command, you're about to directly use a 9th. 9ths: No, Not Even Then™. (Though there's a gray area for spells that are 9ths on one spell list and a lower level on another, and you draw from the other list. Run that by me in that case; I'm inclined to say that's fine.)

I apologize for any ambiguity.

Regarding AvatarVecna's nitpicks:

1) I believe that usual counterargument is that Spontaneous Divination makes the Wizard a spontaneous casting class: It casts spells spontaneously entirely due to its class features without any outside help. They're Divintations, but then, a Dread Necromancer casts mostly Necromancy an they can still benefit.

3) This is a valid nitpick. What the harbeenger is looking for is the Craft Contingent Spell feat, which allows for multiple contingencies, but cuts into WBL in doing so.

Once the third nitpick for the harbeeinger is cleared up, I'll narrate.

2014-12-11, 11:08 PM
Spontaneous Divination + 9th level slots = Violating the "no ability to cast 9ths" rule.

2014-12-11, 11:15 PM
Spontaneous Divination + 9th level slots = Violating the "no ability to cast 9ths" rule.

Thanks for pointing that out. This clotheslines Spontaneous Divination builds.

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-11, 11:18 PM
Thanks for pointing that out. This clotheslines Spontaneous Divination builds.

Only if they don't have something else preventing them from casting 9th-level spells, such as an Intelligence score of 18 or lower.

2014-12-11, 11:20 PM
Only if they don't have something else preventing them from casting 9th-level spells, such as an Intelligence score of 18 or lower.

Yes, quite. I shall wait on the revision.

2014-12-11, 11:23 PM
Regarding AvatarVecna's nitpicks:

1) I believe that usual counterargument is that Spontaneous Divination makes the Wizard a spontaneous casting class: It casts spells spontaneously entirely due to its class features without any outside help. They're Divintations, but then, a Dread Necromancer casts mostly Necromancy an they can still benefit.

3) This is a valid nitpick. What the harbeenger is looking for is the Craft Contingent Spell feat, which allows for multiple contingencies, but cuts into WBL in doing so.

Once the third nitpick for the harbeeinger is cleared up, I'll narrate.

Spontaneous Divination allows wizards to cast spells spontaneously, but possessing the ability to cast spells spontaneously is not the same thing as being a spontaneous caster, at least as defined by RAW (IIRC). Even if it's RAW legal, though, it's certainly not RAI legal, and there's a decent argument for it being borderline illegal for this challenge based on breaking Rule 10 as it applies to Rule 1 and Rule 4: the build as it stands is clearly an attempt to bypass the HD and ECL limit to allow for greater than normal casting.

As I said, it's mostly just nitpicky.

2014-12-11, 11:27 PM
Even if it's RAW legal, though, it's certainly not RAI legal, and there's a decent argument for it being borderline illegal for this challenge based on breaking Rule 10 as it applies to Rule 1 and Rule 4: the build as it stands is clearly an attempt to bypass the HD and ECL limit to allow for greater than normal casting.

I disagree about running afoul of Rule 10, actually. Rule 4 is basically to avoid things like "Now that I have NI Hit Dice from Mind Switching with that whatachamacallit and used Astral Seed, I'll Psychic Reformation my..."

Greater than normal casting? Meh.

2014-12-11, 11:30 PM
Spontaneous Divination + 9th level slots = Violating the "no ability to cast 9ths" rule.Wasn't this erratad to only Spells Known?

2014-12-11, 11:31 PM
I disagree about running afoul of Rule 10, actually. Rule 4 is basically to avoid things like "Now that I have NI Hit Dice from Mind Switching with that whatachamacallit and used Astral Seed, I'll Psychic Reformation my..."

Greater than normal casting? Meh.

Fair enough, maybe I'm just overreacting to something that I think doesn't work, and shouldn't work if it does. Oh well.

2014-12-11, 11:34 PM
Wasn't this erratad to only Spells Known?


*looks up errata*

Oh, right, errata, the stuff people like to pretend doesn't exist when it doesn't benefit them. But it indeed says that.

Stupid complicated game.

2014-12-12, 12:31 AM
Only if they don't have something else preventing them from casting 9th-level spells, such as an Intelligence score of 18 or lower.

Better make it 14 before items so being able to cast a Fox's Cunning/Owl's Wisdom/Eagles Splendor doesn't push you over the edge.

Wait: Does that mean Druids are in trouble since they automatically know 9th level spells and Owl's Insight easily boosts their Wisdom above 19?

Wasn't this erratad to only Spells Known?
Was it? I must be missing it in the OP. (Anyone got a remove blindness for me?) I thought it was "Wizards that can't cast 9th level spells via lack of knowledge are allowed". Aka "if the lack creates an inability then the wizard is allowed". Not "being able to cast without knowledge is permitted".

2014-12-12, 12:40 AM
Errata for Spontaneous Divination, not the OP.

Druids and stat boosters and whatever: I'm not going to draft a legal document for what counts as being able to directly use 9ths. Just...being able to pop off a 9th immediately, at any point during your entry's attempt, is a no go. That, at least, is true. Any further gray areas will be dealt with as they come up.

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-12, 12:40 AM
I would very much like it if the rule against nines be changed to "no use of ninth-level spells or effects that copy ninth-level spells" instead of "no ability to cast ninth-level spells". Lets us have characters with good CLs without taking Practiced Spellcaster a dozen times. It's also kind of an arbitrary restriction. Say all you want about us "having better things to do", but why wouldn't people with eighth level spells also have better things to do as well? And what about those capable of seventh-level spells? Even they wouldn't really need to worry about this sort of thing, they're already 13th level. "No casting ninths" is a better restriction than "no having ninths", because the former can be justified in-setting. Renen's suggestion of some effect specifically blocking ninth-level spells is a good idea (maybe it's the sign of some Elder Evil that we're not dealing with because we're too busy with this challenge).

2014-12-12, 12:53 AM
I would very much like it if the rule against nines be changed to "no use of ninth-level spells or effects that copy ninth-level spells" instead of "no ability to cast ninth-level spells". Lets us have characters with good CLs without taking Practiced Spellcaster a dozen times. It's also kind of an arbitrary restriction. Say all you want about us "having better things to do", but why wouldn't people with eighth level spells also have better things to do as well? And what about those capable of seventh-level spells? Even they wouldn't really need to worry about this sort of thing, they're already 13th level. "No casting ninths" is a better restriction than "no having ninths", because the former can be justified in-setting. Renen's suggestion of some effect specifically blocking ninth-level spells is a good idea (maybe it's the sign of some Elder Evil that we're not dealing with because we're too busy with this challenge).

I'd be okay with it, at this point. All in favor of changing it so that I can (probably) deal with a completely different set of loopholes instead? If so, I'll spell out the other thing I was trying to limit, based on the actual arguments of it not working instead of challenge rules.

EDIT: Also, I find the setting justification pretty amusing. "Yeah, we could deal with the Elder Evil devouring the concept of magic from the top-down, but we heard there was a sidequest over here somewhere."

Uncle Pine
2014-12-12, 01:33 AM
1) To enter Ultimate Magus, you must be "able to spontaneously cast 1st lvl arcane spells" and "able to prepare and cast 2nd lvl arcane spells from a spellbook". Hence, a wizard with Spontaneous Divination technically qualifies. If you take levels in Ultimate Magus, you gain at certain levels "+1 level of existing arcane casting class", which can definitely be applied to the Wizard class; at some levels, you gain "+1 level of existing prepared arcane casting class", which can definitely be applied to the wizard class; at some levels, you gain "+1 level of existing spontaneous arcane casting class", which cannot apply to wizards, because they are not a spontaneous casting class.

The ability to cast a number of spells spontaneously is not the same thing as being a spontaneous caster, at least for the purposes of RAW. Note that this doesn't prevent you from taking levels in Ultimate Magus, it only prevents you from adding more than one level of spellcasting per level of the class.
Cleared by Kazyan.

2) This build is clearly capable of directly using 9th level spells, thus making it an illegal entry to this challenge, per Rule 3 of the OP.

That says "if you can", not "if you do"; your build clearly can, so your mage would clearly have better things to do than mess around with this luluxvi business.
Cleared by Kayzan. Aldo, errata prevents me to cast 9th Divination spells, or any Divination spell that isn't a wizard spell. I'll change the post accordingly.

3) Maybe I'm just missing an optimization trick, but how are you preparing multiple contingencies?
I'm not preparing them: I bought them.

At any one time, a creature can bear a number of contingent spells equal to its Hit Dice. Attempts to apply additional contingent spells beyond this limit simply fail.
Which is why I have 40 contingencies instead of 108.

I'll also edit my post to not mention Pazuzu, as that technically equals using 9th.

2014-12-12, 01:52 AM
OK, 1st attempt:

Kbirin, harbeeinger of the dragon hive
Venerable stalking wyrm kobold Wizard 5/Ultimate Magus 25/Wyrm Wizard 10 (Wizard 5/Ultimate Magus 10/Wyrm Wizard 10/Ultimate Magus +15)
Small Dragon
HD: 5d4-5 plus 25d4-25 plus 10d4-10 (61 hp)
Iniziative: +4
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 150 ft. (good)
AC: 14 (+2 size, +1 armor, +1 natural), contact 12, flat-footed 14
BAB/Grapple: +18/+11
Attack: Claw +17 melee (1d3-3)
Full attack: 2 claws +17 melee (1d3-3) and bite +12 melee (1d3-3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
SA: Familiar, spontaneous divination, arcane spell power +4, expanded spell knowledge x5, augmented casting, knowledge of the wyrm, spell research (blasphemy, dictum, holy word, word of chaos, gembomb), draconic discovery (2nd, 4th and 6th level), convert counterspell, break spell resistance
SQ: Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity, slight build, immunity to magic sleep and paralysis effects
Saves: Fort +13, Refl +14, Will +30
Ability scores: Str 2 (base 8), Dex 10 (base 8), Con 9 (base 11), Int 43 (base 18), Wis 28 (base 13), Cha 18 (base 15)
Notable skills: Concentration +42, Hide +51, Knowledge (arcana, nature, the planes) +53 each, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +20, Profession (beekeper) +46, Spellcraft +53, Survival +46, Use Magic Device +47
1st Empower Spell (+2) (Pathetic Strength flaw)
1st Maximize Spell (+3) (Noncombatant flaw)
1st Dragonwrought
1st Improved Initiative (B)
3rd Eschew Materials
3.000 gp Iron Will
6th Reserves of Strength
9th Spell Thematics (bees)
9th Selective Spells (+1) (B)
12th Ocular Spell (+2)
14th Invisible Spell (+0) (B)
15th Arcane Thesis (Gembomb)
18th Split Ray (+2)
21th Leadership
24th Chain Spell (+3)
27th Snowcasting
30th Energy Substitution (cold) (+0)
33th Lord of the Uttercold (+0)
36th Energy Substitution (electricity) (+0)
39th Born of the Three Thunders (+0)

Properties: 5.208.526 gp, 6 sp, 7 cp, ring of solar wings, third eye conceal, gem of seeing, minor cloak of displacement, +1 soulfire vest, +12 enhancement bonus items of Int and Wis, small tarpaulin, a custom staff of minute form, greater consumptive field, consumptive field, favor of the martyr and cure light wounds (133.125 gp, CL 20), 40 contingent greater celerity spells (see below), tons of domesticated bees
LA: +0

#1 – If I lose Initiative.
#2 – If any opponent starts acting.
#3 – If any opponent starts acting and #2 has expired.
#4 – If any opponent starts acting and #3 has expired.
#5 – If any opponent starts acting and #4 has expired.
#40 – If any opponent starts acting and #39 has expired.

The 17th level cohort is a standard (venerable dragonwrought kobold) NG Incantatrix whose sole purpose in life is to extend and persist buffs on command. He is Colossal+ and transports Kbirin's bees.

Relevant wizard spells prepared (4/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7/6; save DC 26 + spell level; casts as a 59th level Wizard; CL 59, CL 61 for Gembomb): 0th - Whatever; 1st – Whatever; 2nd – Whatever plus mirror image; 3rd – Whatever; 4th – Whatever plus friendly fire; 5th – Whatever; 6th – Whatever; 7th – Whatever plus selective antimagic field, greater arcane sight, blasphemy, dictum, holy word, word of chaos; 8th – Whatever plus invisible superior invisibility, superior invisibility, moment of prescience, invisible greater prying eyes; 9th – Empowered maximized ocular split chained gembomb (x6).

I start looking for Iuluvxi by skimming through my books for any information about how to locate his/her/its palace (Knowledge rolls).
If I can't find anything, I start casting every Divination spell of 8th level or lower from any class (thanks to Spontaneous Divination) to find Iuluvxi or informations about him/her/it.
If I still can't find anything, I acknowledge the threat my foe represents for the multiverse and the Hive and I go to Sigil to ask some passerby if he's seen Iuluvxi.

What happens?

EDIT: Having 40+ Int I obviously remember to bring one of my Chicken Infested dragonwrought kobold follower with me.

Chicken Infested isn't in the allowed sources, so I'm disregarding it.

A long time ago, back when you were level 20, you took 29 damage at some point out of nowhere. It was a lot for someone of your squishiness. (Calculations suggest you had a maximum of 36 HP at the time.) You survived without incident, however.

In the present day, you look over your books and think about what you could know about Iuluvxi, and determine the following (You rolled a 69):

DC 10: There's probably loot in Iuluvxi's fortress, but everyone dies when they go there. Iuluvxi is associated with the number 83.
DC 20: The best examples of productive life near Iuluvxi, wherever she and her fortress go, will usually eventually die.
DC 25: Knowing too much about Iuluvxi starts to damage your mind from the inside out. Oops.
DC 30: Iuluvxi is a "nickname" derived from truename research; her actual name is Laurogeita Hiru.
DC 40: Iuluvxi is not known to speak, but rather, concepts are added directly to one's mind.
DC 50: Laurogeita Hiru once owned a Sphere of Annihilation. You're also starting to get a lot of irrelevant details of Laurogeita Hiru's life at this point--apparently she was a librarian?
DC 60: You believe, from scraps of evidence that lesser beings couldn't hope to put together, that Laurogeita Hiru was able to acquire an Ice Assassin of a diety from a wizard at some point.

(If you have specific questions about Iuluvxi, ask them, and I'll give you some answers appropriate to a Knowledge check result of 69. I'm doing it this way because I don't know what all to say on every single topic. EDIT: Also, I'll give you this since you asked about the location specifically:)

The fortress has been verified to appear on the following planes at various times during the past century or so: Material, Ethereal, Shadow, Air, Negative Energy, and the Outlands. Since the location and plane keep changing, you can't narrow it down further without up-to-date information.

Do you wish to continue with divinations?

Uncle Pine
2014-12-12, 02:22 AM
Chicken Infested isn't in the allowed sources, so I'm disregarding it.

A long time ago, back when you were level 20, you took 29 damage at some point out of nowhere. It was a lot for someone of your squishiness. (Calculations suggest you had a maximum of 36 HP at the time.) You survived without incident, however.

In the present day, you look over your books and think about what you could know about Iuluvxi, and determine the following (You rolled a 69):

(If you have specific questions about Iuluvxi, ask them, and I'll give you some answers appropriate to a Knowledge check result of 69. I'm doing it this way because I don't know what all to say on every single topic. EDIT: Also, I'll give you this since you asked about the location specifically:)

The fortress has been verified to appear on the following planes at various times during the past century or so: Material, Ethereal, Shadow, Air, Negative Energy, and the Outlands. Since the location and plane keep changing, you can't narrow it down further without up-to-date information.

Do you wish to continue with divinations?

Is Iuluvxi immune to force damage? Is Iuluvxi weak or immune to cold, electricity or negative energy?

I continue with my divinations to find the current location of Iuluvxi's fortress and go there with my cohort if I manage to find it. I also heal any damage I might take divining Iuluvxi applying Reserves of Strength to Cure Light Wounds as I UMD it from my staff.

2014-12-12, 02:43 AM
Is Iuluvxi immune to force damage? Is Iuluvxi weak or immune to cold, electricity or negative energy?

I continue with my divinations to find the current location of Iuluvxi's fortress and go there with my cohort if I manage to find it. I also heal any damage I might take divining Iuluvxi applying Reserves of Strength to Cure Light Wounds as I UMD it from my staff.

Laurogeita Hiru was basically an ordinary gnomish librarian with, well, interesting history. Nothing suggests that she had any special reaction (or lack thereof) to force, cold, electricity, or negative energy beck during her librarian days. On the other hand, that "stuff nearby eventually dies" thing had to come from somewhere, and it almost certainly resulted in other changes. Yet, no one has been able determine what caused that new ability; apparently she hasn't been in contact with anyone that could actually disseminate information for you to find out, save for the now-dead once-survivors that went since. Luckily, you have a transcription of one of their ramblings in one of your books! Something about "temperature is meaningless". You're also certain that negative energy isn't going to work if she has been hanging out on the Negative Energy Plane.

You continue with divinations. Eventually Contact Other Plane tells you that the fortress is on the Elemental Plane of Air, and Vision fills in the rest. Then you rest and reprepare spells after having spent a bunch of them on divinations. Notably, you haven't needed to use your staff to heal yourself...odd. One Greater Plane Shift later, you're in front of a free-floating palace of stone. Dust has long since settled on the walls, and the wooden double doors are wide open.

What now? You can wander in the fortress aimlessly, or be more thorough about it.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-12, 03:09 AM
Laurogeita Hiru was basically an ordinary gnomish librarian with, well, interesting history. Nothing suggests that she had any special reaction (or lack thereof) to force, cold, electricity, or negative energy beck during her librarian days. On the other hand, that "stuff nearby eventually dies" thing had to come from somewhere, and it almost certainly resulted in other changes. Yet, no one has been able determine what caused that new ability; apparently she hasn't been in contact with anyone that could actually disseminate information for you to find out, save for the now-dead once-survivors that went since. Luckily, you have a transcription of one of their ramblings in one of your books! Something about "temperature is meaningless". You're also certain that negative energy isn't going to work if she has been hanging out on the Negative Energy Plane.

You continue with divinations. Eventually Contact Other Plane tells you that the fortress is on the Elemental Plane of Air, and Vision fills in the rest. Then you rest and reprepare spells after having spent a bunch of them on divinations. Notably, you haven't needed to use your staff to heal yourself...odd. One Greater Plane Shift later, you're in front of a free-floating palace of stone. Dust has long since settled on the walls, and the wooden double doors are wide open.

What now? You can wander in the fortress aimlessly, or be more thorough about it.

First, I prepare myself before entering the fortress:
- I UMD Reserves of Strenght Consumptive Field and my cohort Extend and Persist it. Then, reluctantly, he knocks out 31 bees and throws them at me. They die and my CL goes up to 93 and my Strength up to 64.
- I UMD Reserves of Strength Greater Consumptive Field and my cohort Extend and Persist it. Then, even more reluctantly, he throws 46 bees at me. They die and my CL goes up to 139 and my Strength up to 156.
- I cast/UMD Reserves of Strength the rest of the buffs I prepared except Favor of the Martyr.
- I cast my six über Reserves of Strength Gembombs spells and put my 252 69d6 gemboms in my inventory.
- I UMD Favor of the Martyr.
- My cohort Extends and Persists Minute Form, Favor of the Martyr, Greater Arcane Sight, Friendly Fire, Mirror Image, Invisible Superior Invisibility, Superior Invisibility, Greater Prying Eyes.
- I swear revenge for the death of the bees and enter the fortress while sending my greater prying eyes in front of me to look for any creature inside the fortress.

2014-12-12, 03:15 AM
I swear revenge for the death of the bees

Yeah, you should kill the a-hole who ordered those bees to be killed! Wait a minute...

2014-12-12, 03:24 AM
- I UMD Reserves of Strenght Consumptive Field and my cohort Extend and Persist it. Then, reluctantly, he knocks out 31 bees and throws them at me. They die and my CL goes up to 93 and my Strength up to 64.
- I UMD Reserves of Strength Greater Consumptive Field and my cohort Extend and Persist it. Then, even more reluctantly, he throws 46 bees at me. They die and my CL goes up to 139 and my Strength up to 156.
- I cast/UMD Reserves of Strength the rest of the buffs I prepared except Favor of the Martyr.
- I cast my six über Reserves of Strength Gembombs spells and put my 252 69d6 gemboms in my inventory.
- I UMD Favor of the Martyr.
- My cohort Extends and Persists Minute Form, Favor of the Martyr, Greater Arcane Sight, Friendly Fire, Mirror Image, Invisible Superior Invisibility, Superior Invisibility, Greater Prying Eyes.
- I swear revenge for the death of the bees and enter the fortress while sending my greater prying eyes in front of me to look for any creature inside the fortress.

Making an assumption about some unspecified numbers:

You start preparing. The moment you activate your staff, you feel a sharp ache all over your body (in addition to the mental strain of using your Reserves of Strength) as you take 9 damage. Your cohort tries to Persist the spell, and succeeds, but he's taken 37 damage. Extending the spell with a second use of Metamagic Effect results in 39 damage.

Your cohort doesn't want to keep doing this; he can't take any more than a fresh militia member at this point. Do you wish to continue this procedure, or modify it?

Uncle Pine
2014-12-12, 04:03 AM
Making an assumption about some unspecified numbers:

You start preparing. The moment you activate your staff, you feel a sharp ache all over your body (in addition to the mental strain of using your Reserves of Strength) as you take 9 damage. Your cohort tries to Persist the spell, and succeeds, but he's taken 37 damage. Extending the spell with a second use of Metamagic Effect results in 39 damage.

Your cohort doesn't want to keep doing this; he can't take any more than a fresh militia member at this point. Do you wish to continue this procedure, or modify it?

I'll modify the preparation adding UMD Reserves of Strenght (for only +1 level) Cure Light Wound to heal 1d8+140 damage in between spells, to me and my cohort.

2014-12-12, 10:18 AM
I'll modify the preparation adding UMD Reserves of Strenght (for only +1 level) Cure Light Wound to heal 1d8+140 damage in between spells, to me and my cohort.

Alright, let's see what happens when I try to adjuciate rules while sleep-deprived.

You proceed to cast your various buffs and get them to last for 48 hours. When your Selective Antimagic Field goes up--the one that doesn't need persisting due to lasting nearly a day already--you stop getting spikes of damage from nowhere. There's just feelings of "turbulence" in your antimagic. Satisfied with your stack of magic, you go wandering in, relying on your Greater Prying Eyes to find creatures.

The whole place seems...off. For one, there aren't any conveniently pre-lit torches, so you're using your Darkvision. All the doors are open and unlocked. There appear to have been traps at some point, but all are disarmed. Nothing is hidden that you can tell; objects are all out in the open, covered in dust. There's a dusty bookshelf here and there, and occasionally a pile of books with no shelf. You'll sometimes see a swath of missing stones from the wall, ceiling, or floor.

Since it's dark, your 163 Prying Eyes are feeling their way around the fortress as they lead in front of you.

Since you aren't systematically searching yet, you wander around for a little while. You don't find anyone, and your Greater Prying Eyes are still on the lookout. What do you do?

Uncle Pine
2014-12-12, 10:27 AM
Since it's dark, your 163 Prying Eyes are feeling their way around the fortress as they lead in front of you.
Something feels off.

You confer on the subject the ability to see all things as they actually are. The subject sees through normal and magical darkness, notices secret doors hidden by magic, sees the exact locations of creatures or objects under blur or displacement effects, sees invisible creatures or objects normally, sees through illusions, and sees the true form of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things. Further, the subject can focus its vision to see into the Ethereal Plane (but not into extradimensional spaces). The range of true seeing conferred is 120 feet.

Since my eyes are affected by true seeing (with a +139 Spot modifier) and I have true seeing myself, what do I actually see?

EDIT: I also have Greater Arcane Sight active, is there nothing magical at all in there?

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-12, 01:12 PM
"Yeah, we could deal with the Elder Evil devouring the concept of magic from the top-down, but we heard there was a sidequest over here somewhere."

This is beautiful.

Also, better casting through bee-slaughter. I like this thread.

2014-12-12, 01:14 PM
EDIT: Also, I find the setting justification pretty amusing. "Yeah, we could deal with the Elder Evil devouring the concept of magic from the top-down, but we heard there was a sidequest over here somewhere."

Have you ever known adventurers to be any other way? :smallbiggrin:

2014-12-12, 03:38 PM
Have you ever known adventurers to be any other way? :smallbiggrin:

"Link, if you're not too busy chasing chickens, smashing pottery, and avoiding getting laid with literally every woman in existence, would you mind SAVING THE FRICKIN' KINGDOM ALREADY??!!!!"

"Look, Dovahkiin, I just don't understand what taste-testing human blood, mass-crafting iron daggers, and juggling multiple marriages has to do with saving the entire of reality as we know it from Alduin's wrath."

2014-12-12, 05:16 PM
Something feels off.

Since my eyes are affected by true seeing (with a +139 Spot modifier) and I have true seeing myself, what do I actually see?

EDIT: I also have Greater Arcane Sight active, is there nothing magical at all in there?

I never noticed the "don't care about darkness" line in True Seeing. It doesn't help that Greater Prying Eyes contradicts itself in how the eyes navigate through darkness...

You notice through Greater Arcane Sight that there are lots and lots of Permanent Image effects around here. As in, you couldn't swing a beehive without hitting one. Your eye that isn't currently looking through your Gem of Seeing doesn't actually see anything inconsistent with your Gem of Seeing eye, though...

Are the Greater Prying Eyes just going to be ~20 feet in front of you in a cluster, or are you spreading them out around the fortress to look for everything?

EDIT: Oh, wait, there's no contradiction. I'm just looking at DanDWiki, and they decided to copypaste Prying Eyes below what the modifications are. Now I know why to avoid that place's SRD section. d20srd is much clearer.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-13, 02:16 AM
I never noticed the "don't care about darkness" line in True Seeing. It doesn't help that Greater Prying Eyes contradicts itself in how the eyes navigate through darkness...

You notice through Greater Arcane Sight that there are lots and lots of Permanent Image effects around here. As in, you couldn't swing a beehive without hitting one. Your eye that isn't currently looking through your Gem of Seeing doesn't actually see anything inconsistent with your Gem of Seeing eye, though...

Are the Greater Prying Eyes just going to be ~20 feet in front of you in a cluster, or are you spreading them out around the fortress to look for everything?

EDIT: Oh, wait, there's no contradiction. I'm just looking at DanDWiki, and they decided to copypaste Prying Eyes below what the modifications are. Now I know why to avoid that place's SRD section. d20srd is much clearer.

- Are those Permanent Images or Permanent Images stacked on top of invisible Permanent Images? Greater Arcane Sight should tell me that, and True Seeing should pass through illusions (unless there's a specific effect in place I don't know of). Just to be sure, I roll Spellcraft.
- I send the eyes to look around the fortress and report if they find any creature or suspicious object. As greater prying eyes follow their creators' definitions of abstract concepts like "suspiciousness", I define suspicious as "anything that could raise some flags and make the situation move".
- I roll Survival to look for traces (I might have forgotten to list Track as a bonus feat from the Stalking Wyrm archetype).

- Never, never NEVER use dandwiki. If it's on the SRD, just check d20srd.

- I also get near the illusions: do they get suppressed by my AMF?

2014-12-13, 03:43 AM
You check if any Permanent Images are Invisible, like the metamagic you know. Nope--they're all just Permanent Images. Some turbulence occurs in your Selective Antimagic Field as you think on how spells like this work. Permanent Image, specifically, stays static if you wander off and leave it alone, so some magi like to "fold up" Permanent Images that they're not using by making them emulate nothing but a fragrance, or something else similarly pointless. That's probably why you don't notice anything from pure vision and True Seeing, but the Greater Arcane Sight is tipping you off. When you get close, something else occurs to you while you're thinking about how the spell works: you shouldn't actually be seeing any within 10 feet of you, because of your Antimagic Field. And yet, there they are.

While the eyes are busy searching, you check for traces, and continue to ignore the turbulence. You get a good idea of which missing stones are recently-missing, due to the lack of dust.

You follow the 'trail' for a bit. You hear a crashing sound from deeper in the fortress, and then Contingency #2 goes off. What do you do?

(It took me a while to figure out what exactly happened, and part of that involved noticing that the document containing Iuluvxi's stats lost one of her key abilities when it reverted to an early version that I've been looking at a modified version of. Save your work in a reliable place, kids. I fixed my notes. AvatarVecna, check the document and you'll see what I mean, and also probably some RAW mistakes on my part.)

Uncle Pine
2014-12-13, 04:58 AM
Contingency #1 didn't go off, so I didn't lose Initiative. I didn't even roll Initiative yet an opponent is acting, which means that this is the surprise round, isn't it? *roll Int*

Do I see any object, creature or magical effect except Permanent Images with Greater Arcane Sight?

Do I see anyone with a sub par Spot roll?

Was my Survival check high enough to identify creature by their tracks (DC 60)?

Does Mystra exist in the setting this challenge is taking place?

2014-12-13, 05:17 AM
Contingency #1 didn't go off, so I didn't lose Initiative. I didn't even roll Initiative yet an opponent is acting, which means that this is the surprise round, isn't it? *roll Int*

Do I see any object, creature or magical effect except Permanent Images with Greater Arcane Sight?

Do I see anyone with a sub par Spot roll?

Was my Survival check high enough to identify creature by their tracks (DC 60)?

Does Mystra exist in the setting this challenge is taking place?

This has to be a surprise round, yes.

You see nothing new in your immediate vicinity. You got a 27 on Spot.

You got a 56 on Survival.

If you're thinking of Initiate of Mystra, the feat is a thing but it's handwaved to be connected to, I dunno, let's say Boccob. Use Boccob in place of Mystra for most things.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-13, 05:38 AM
You see nothing new in your immediate vicinity. You got a 27 on Spot.
Vicinity as in a 120' radius (Greater Arcane Sight)? How large/long is the room/corridor I'm in?

EDIT: Also, how high?

2014-12-13, 05:45 AM
Vicinity as in a 120' radius (Greater Arcane Sight)? How large/long is the room/corridor I'm in?

You're in a 15' wide corridor. There's a corner in front of you that turns, and it's in the direction that you were Tracking in the first place; you would have to go 40' to hit the wall. Greater Arcane Sight is dandy, but walls block LoS.

EDIT: 15' high.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-13, 05:59 AM
Greater Arcane Sight is dandy, but walls block LoS.

Just asking in case he was trying to outrange GAS. With my move action I fly forward until I reach the turn (which would be 25' if the corridor is 15' and the wall is 40' away, right?) before deciding if I should continue my move action or not. What do I see?

2014-12-13, 06:15 AM
Just asking in case he was trying to outrange GAS. With my move action I fly forward until I reach the turn (which would be 25' if the corridor is 15' and the wall is 40' away, right?) before deciding if I should continue my move action or not. What do I see?

You rush forward and look around the corner. The corridor continues forward 30 feet--not counting the 15-foot-on-a-side square that comprises each corner--before turning again, in the opposite direction. You see one of your Greater Prying Eyes hovering in the air at the corner, and there's a nonmagical 3-inch-wide argent sphere, freshly and forcefully embedded in the wall behind it.

EDIT: You also see nine Moderate spell effects with Greater Arcane Sight, which cover an area that appears to be originating from beyond the second turn. The eye is just barely within the auras. You can't tell what the auras are without looking at the source, whether that be a creature or object. (Specific wording from G(AS).)

Uncle Pine
2014-12-13, 06:44 AM
As recognising a spell effect already in place doesn't require actions, I roll Spellcraft nine times (one for each spell effect) and succeed, as the DC is 20+level of the spell effect. What do I discover?

Also, is the GPE looking at the sphere or at something else?

2014-12-13, 07:08 AM
If not being able to talk is a problem I take Silent spell and apply it to all of my Plane Shifts. Oh, and the Plane Shift I am using is the 5th-level cleric version, gained through Extra Spell.

2014-12-13, 07:05 PM
As recognising a spell effect already in place doesn't require actions, I roll Spellcraft nine times (one for each spell effect) and succeed, as the DC is 20+level of the spell effect. What do I discover?

Also, is the GPE looking at the sphere or at something else?

These appear to be nine copies of Otiluke's Suppressing Field, each one keyed to a different school of magic, though they are not actually in the form of a spell.

The eye is looking in your direction, like it was about to return to you before your Contingency went off.

If not being able to talk is a problem I take Silent spell and apply it to all of my Plane Shifts. Oh, and the Plane Shift I am using is the 5th-level cleric version, gained through Extra Spell.

You plane shift around randomly. Since you don't have perception anymore besides touch and Mindsight, and the planes are infinite--thus giving you literally zero chance of finding any given location there if you shift randomly--it's not a particularly fruitful endeavor for the first 2,884 years. (The Outlands act finite in same respects, though. Assuming 2 available Plane Shifts per day, 1/27 of which will go to the Outlands, being able to search a square mile around you via touch and Mindsight, and Iuluvxi's fortress only being in the Outlands (REDACTED)% of the time...you do have a small but non-negligible chance of finding it within 35,000 years. So I'm going to say it works, to speed things along.) Sometime on the 2,885th year, though, you stumble upon a rough fortress of some kind in the Outlands. It might be another abandoned tomb, but you get the feeling otherwise. (You are 1,083 miles from the Spire, and have not acquired any copies of Evolved Undead.)

Uncle Pine
2014-12-13, 07:25 PM
These appear to be nine copies of Otiluke's Suppressing Field, each one keyed to a different school of magic, though they are not actually in the form of a spell.

The eye is looking in your direction, like it was about to return to you before your Contingency went off.

I fly forward 30' to see what's beyond the turn (total movement 60'/150', as it takes 5' to turn 90° with good maneuverability). I remain outside the auras for the moment and look inside and beyond them (as the spell description doesn't actually states that it blocks LoS or LoE for other spells).

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-13, 07:27 PM
These appear to be nine copies of Otiluke's Suppressing Field, each one keyed to a different school of magic, though they are not actually in the form of a spell.

The eye is looking in your direction, like it was about to return to you before your Contingency went off.

Nitpick: There is by RAW only eight schools. "Universal" is RAW not a school, and spells with that descriptor have (again by RAW) no school.

Almost every spell belongs to one of eight schools of magic. A school of magic is a group of related spells that work in similar ways. A small number of spells (arcane mark, limited wish, permanency, pres- tidigitation, and wish) are universal, belonging to no school.
So you can't throw down an Otiluke's Suppressing Field that would suppress Universal (i.e. school-less) spells. This is only a nitpick and not a "giant hole in Iul's plan" because we can't use Wish to replicate spells.

2014-12-13, 07:58 PM
Nitpick. There is by RAW only eight schools. "Universal" is RAW not a school, and spells with that descriptor have (again by RAW) no school.

So you can't throw down an Otiluke's Suppressing Field that would suppress Universal (i.e. school-less) spells.

Then I miscounted. There are eight fields.

I fly forward 30' to see what's beyond the turn (total movement 60'/150', as it takes 5' to turn 90° with good maneuverability). I remain outside the auras for the moment and look inside and beyond them (as the spell description doesn't actually states that it blocks LoS or LoE for other spells).

You fly to the corner, staying behind the eye and the fields. There's a huge amount of turbulence in your AMF as it brushes with the Suppressing Fields. The effects overlap each other, but neither suppress one another. You look to see where they're coming from.

40 feet from the leading edge of the fields, you see an entrancingly beautiful drow woman through your Gem of Seeing. Her body's proportions are expanded so that she is 10 feet tall, and her outfit is incongruous with how drow normally dress—she wears a modest, flowing white ballgown of sorts. She also carries an ebony staff with spiderweb motifs all over it.

And under Greater Arcane Sight, she's lit up like a Sunburst.

(You automatically know which spells and magical effects are on her, so I think I actually have to tell you all buff-like effects on her that aren't (Ex). As per the wording, I think you get to know what the spells and magical effects are, but not what they do unless you identify them otherwise. So you can get a name and a brief description, but not details.)

Facade: Confuses true seeing.
Foresight: As the spell.
Mind Blank: As the spell.
Silence: As the spell.
Spell Resistance Fields: Eight Otiluke's Suppressing Fields powered by SR.
Greater Arcane Sight: Actually the spell.
Zone of Incompetence: Punishes high check results within a large area.

EDIT: The staff has an Overwhelming aura.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-14, 05:32 AM
40 feet from the leading edge of the fields, you see an entrancingly beautiful drow woman through your Gem of Seeing. Her body's proportions are expanded so that she is 10 feet tall, and her outfit is incongruous with how drow normally dress—she wears a modest, flowing white ballgown of sorts. She also carries an ebony staff with spiderweb motifs all over it.

And under Greater Arcane Sight, she's lit up like a Sunburst.[/I]

"Filthy abomination, beehold the power of the Hive and die! In Silence, no one will hear you scream, hon!" And yes, I know she can't hear me either.

I lob a 666 force damage ruby bumble bee on one of the intersection of the square the drow is standing in (I miscalculated the damage last time: (((59+3)*1,5+3)*1,5+3+2)/2=74, not 69). Note that I'm not attacking the drow and tossing a gembomb doesn't require a roll to hit. Roll CL checks against Otiluke's field and SR with a +134 bonus. Reflex DC 28 half.

EDIT: As GAS only revealed the magical staff and no Illusion auras (like Nystul's magic aura), can I assume that she doesn't have any other magical item? GAS should also tell me if a creature can cast spells (which I think is YES), whether she can cast arcane or divine spells and the highest level spell she has available at the moment (the slot level, not the name of the spell). Spell-like abilities count as spells.
Plus, I also end my "turn", as that was a standard action.

2014-12-14, 06:44 AM
You plane shift around randomly. Since you don't have perception anymore besides touch and Mindsight, and the planes are infinite--thus giving you literally zero chance of finding any given location there if you shift randomly--it's not a particularly fruitful endeavor for the first 2,884 years. (The Outlands act finite in same respects, though. Assuming 2 available Plane Shifts per day, 1/27 of which will go to the Outlands, being able to search a square mile around you via touch and Mindsight, and Iuluvxi's fortress only being in the Outlands (REDACTED)% of the time...you do have a small but non-negligible chance of finding it within 35,000 years. So I'm going to say it works, to speed things along.) Sometime on the 2,885th year, though, you stumble upon a rough fortress of some kind in the Outlands. It might be another abandoned tomb, but you get the feeling otherwise. (You are 1,083 miles from the Spire, and have not acquired any copies of Evolved Undead.)

Cool. I cast Blindsight (PGtF) and Antimagic Field (Please raise my wizard level once again). I then enter the tomb of doom.

2014-12-14, 11:52 AM
Uncle Pine: She's Large-size (10 feet tall); which intersection?

Dire Stirge: You wander around the doom fortress for a while, but don't find anything.

Do you want to keep wandering, systematically search, use a spell to speed things along, etc.?

2014-12-14, 01:10 PM
Search as systematically as possible. Recast Blindsight periodically. From time to time, I have my AMF wink in and out of existence, just to be sure I'm not missing any clues. If there is an obvious hazard, I don't do this.

I just realized I shouldn't be able to cast Blindsight in an AMF, so raise my wizard level to 21 and assume I am using a Shaped Spell Permanently Emanated Antimagic Field. I am still using Blindsight, of course.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-14, 01:27 PM
Uncle Pine: She's Large-size (10 feet tall); which intersection?

Missed that, but does it make a difference? Anyway, the farthest intersection from where I'm standing.

2014-12-14, 02:58 PM
Search as systematically as possible. Recast Blindsight periodically. From time to time, I have my AMF wink in and out of existence, just to be sure I'm not missing any clues. If there is an obvious hazard, I don't do this.

I just realized I shouldn't be able to cast Blindsight in an AMF, so raise my wizard level to 21 and assume I am using a Shaped Spell Permanently Emanated Antimagic Field. I am still using Blindsight, of course.

Shaped or Selective? Anyway, if you're systematically searching, nothing's going to stop you except for it talking a while, so:

Eventually, you get a telepathic message from deeper in the fortress. It bypasses language entirely and simply grants you the concepts that would otherwise need to be conveyed that way. (Due to the limitations of this medium, however, I'll put it down in words.) Are you lost, or simply looking for me?

You don't see anything on Mindsight or Blindsight.

Missed that, but does it make a difference? Anyway, the farthest intersection from where I'm standing.

*goes over details again* Nope, doesn't matter.

The ruby explodes behind her and she is promptly swarmed by thousands of ephemeral bees. Under the intensity of all the stinging, she "collaspes". She folds inward and disappears, along with her surrounding auras and such.

(Surprise round resumes.)

Just as you're considering whether she might be truly gone, Contingency #3 activates. You see no new foreign magic or objects around you; there's just the dormant Permanent Images.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-14, 03:45 PM
Just as you're considering whether she might be truly gone, Contingency #3 activates. You see no new foreign magic or objects around you; there's just the dormant Permanent Images.

Does the corridor continue behind the now bee sploded illusion/simulacrum/ice assassin/mook? If it does continue, I spend my round reviewing the information collected by my GPE and do a 1,5 ft. step forward.

EDIT: The 1,5 ft. step is towards the nonmagical sphere stuck on the wall if the GPE reveals something relevant about it.

2014-12-14, 04:08 PM
Does the corridor continue behind the now a sploded illusion/simulacrum/ice assassin/mook? If it does continue, I spend my round reviewing the information collected by my GPE and do a 1,5 ft. step forward.

EDIT: The 1,5 ft. step is towards the nonmagical sphere stuck on the wall if the GPE reveals something relevant about it.

(The RAW on one of these abilities looks ambiguous to me, but I'm going with how everyone else interprets it.)

The eye shows you a lot of moving through corridors, then seeing the same person you had just dispatched, with a key difference--instead of a drow, she was an utterly black...something...in the shape of a woman, carrying a staff of the same color. She was hovering in the room 60 feet down this corridor (and the door to it is missing in the doorframe). She turned to the eye, and the orb materialized in front of her, careening at the eye and missing. She approached to within 40 feet, and everything else is just a replay of what you were here in person for.

What you were looking at was probably an Orb of Force. And when you think on that, there's no AMF turbulence.

You step forward 15 feet.

("Opponent" is a vague descriptor for your contingencies, but I'm doing my best. Anyway, they key off an action starting, but I think they resume when the Contingency is done--because they've already started. So the action completes. Nothing seems to happen.

Initiative now. Is that what the Moment of Prescience is for?)

Uncle Pine
2014-12-14, 04:38 PM
(The RAW on one of these abilities looks ambiguous to me, but I'm going with how everyone else interprets it.)

("Opponent" is a vague descriptor for your contingencies, but I'm doing my best. Anyway, they key off an action starting, but I think they resume when the Contingency is done--because they've already started. So the action completes. Nothing seems to happen.

Initiative now. Is that what the Moment of Prescience is for?)

What RAW is ambiguous to you? Is it the one about taking 1 round to replay a GPE's information? I assumed 1 round was measured by the caster's perspective.

I chose "opponent" because I didn't want to be screwed by anyone who isn't exactly Iuivuluxly (sorry, remembering her name is like remembering a name from Cthulhu Mythos). Things like ice assassins and such. I also tried to phrase the contingencies so that they'd go off one after another: because a contingency interrupts its trigger action, the contingency after that use the same action to trigger itself (interrupting it again) and so on until a) the "opponent" is dead or b) I run out of contingencies, which means I'm probably screwed. I think I have RAW on my part, but feel free to rule otherwise if you think I'm wrong.*

No, it's not because of that. Contingency #1 is for that. Roll Initiative.

EDIT: *Example: if I have two contingencies keyed off to "if someone charges me" both go off if someone charges me, not only one of them.

2014-12-14, 04:44 PM
What RAW is ambiguous to you? Is it the one about taking 1 round to replay a GPE's information? I assumed 1 round was measured by the caster's perspective.

I chose "opponent" because I didn't want to be screwed by anyone who isn't exactly Iuivuluxly (sorry, remembering her name is like remembering a name from Cthulhu Mythos). Things like ice assassins and such. I also tried to phrase the contingencies so that they'd go off one after another: because a contingency interrupts its trigger action, the contingency after that use the same action to trigger itself (interrupting it again) and so on until a) the "opponent" is dead or b) I run out of contingencies, which means I'm probably screwed. I think I have RAW on my part, but feel free to rule otherwise if you think I'm wrong.

No, it's not because of that. Contingency #1 is for that. Roll Initiative.

(Not talking about your abilities--I'm just being transparent in saying one of the non-homebrew ones I'm using has multiple interpretations. I'll mention which one I'm talking about after the reveal. Anyway, Contingency wording is weird. I'll just go with what what you meant to say. Contingency #4 activates instead of Initiative being rolled.)

Uncle Pine
2014-12-14, 04:51 PM
As the end of the corridor is within GAS area, does it reveal anything about the missing door? What about True Seeing?

2014-12-14, 04:54 PM
As the end of the corridor is within GAS area, does it reveal anything about the missing door? What about True Seeing?

The door is simply missing for no reason you can immediately determine with magic.

Spot check. And incidentally, a Listen check. Yes, even though you just had a GPE here.

EDIT: I'm asking if the MoP will be used, basically.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-14, 05:04 PM
The door is simply missing for no reason you can immediately determine with magic.

Spot check. And incidentally, a Listen check. Yes, even though you just had a GPE here.

EDIT: I'm asking if the MoP will be used, basically.

Nope, go ahead and reveal (probably nothing) to me.

2014-12-14, 05:09 PM
Nope, go ahead and reveal (probably nothing) to me.

(Yep, nothing. What do you do now?)

Uncle Pine
2014-12-14, 05:16 PM
(Yep, nothing. What do you do now?)

Standard action: I throw a 666 force damage emerald representation of a social yellow- and black-striped insect where the door should bee.

2014-12-14, 08:51 PM
Standard action: I throw a 666 force damage emerald representation of a social yellow- and black-striped insect where the door should bee.

The emerald explodes, leaving a crater in the floor.

Nothing else seems to happen.

2014-12-15, 01:16 AM
I reply: "Looking for you. I am here to slay you."

Oh, and Selective. Sorry for misspelling the name.

2014-12-15, 02:06 AM
I reply: "Looking for you. I am here to slay you."

Oh, and Selective. Sorry for misspelling the name.

Oh. In that case, I'll take my leave. Don't break anything while I'm gone.

Telepathic contact stops.

2014-12-15, 04:04 AM
Oh. In that case, I'll take my leave. Don't break anything while I'm gone.

Telepathic contact stops.

Almost everyone decided to leave well enough alone, but once again, the rumor that there is loot in the fortress--if you can kill Iuluvxi--has drawn attention.

Does this mean Dire_Stirge might be able to loot the fortress and escape safe and sound (body, mind, and soul)?

2014-12-15, 04:10 AM
Does this mean Dire_Stirge might be able to loot the fortress and escape safe and sound (body, mind, and soul)?

Maybe. Or maybe it's a little trickier than that.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-15, 04:23 AM
The emerald explodes, leaving a crater in the floor.

Nothing else seems to happen.

As I have nothing else to do (for now), I Plane Shift back home, Greater Plane Shift where my cohort is, grab my cohort and GPS back home again to overhaul my equipment.
If it works, I'll post build changes and try again with a Spot bonus greater than nothing.

2014-12-15, 04:57 AM
Maybe. Or maybe it's a little trickier than that.

Well of course it is trickier than that (hence the might).

If we assume her answer is honest and not unique, then looting the fortress and/or exiting the fortress is what caused the 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83

2014-12-15, 08:45 AM
Well of course it is trickier than that (hence the might).

If we assume her answer is honest and not unique, then looting the fortress and/or exiting the fortress is what caused the 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83

Knowing adventurers, there's a significant probability that all previous challengers tried violence, so who knows? :smallbiggrin:

Uncle Pine
2014-12-15, 09:09 AM
Knowing adventurers, there's a significant probability that all previous challengers tried violence, so who knows? :smallbiggrin:

I just realized that there should be no reason to try beating the challenge with a Diplomancer build, especially because of the high level cap. Why is no one trying to do it? Are adventurers really so fixated on "Kill! Kill! Kill!"? :smallconfused:

2014-12-15, 09:19 AM
I just realized that there should be no reason to try beating the challenge with a Diplomancer build, especially because of the high level cap. Why is no one trying to do it? Are adventurers really so fixated on "Kill! Kill! Kill!"? :smallconfused:

Asks the dude who brought an army of bees, Ultimate Magus abuse, Reserve of Strength cheese, and a dragonwrought kobold Incantatrix to fuel super-metamagic'd X00d6 gembombs.

2014-12-15, 09:26 AM
You get away safely and start coming up with new tactics. More bees, or something?

This challenge appears to be going well.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-15, 10:28 AM
Asks the dude who brought an army of bees, Ultimate Magus abuse, Reserve of Strength cheese, and a dragonwrought kobold Incantatrix to fuel super-metamagic'd X00d6 gembombs.


You get away safely and start coming up with new tactics. More bees, or something?

This challenge appears to be going well.

To be honest, I was expecting less dungeon and more arena-like combat. I'm not really familiar with others "if it has stats" challenges and assumed it'd've ended with a frontal combat like the previous challenge, with the "you have to find Iuluvxi's fortress" clause existing just to avoid things like Int 3, Wis 3, Cha 3 builds with zero tactical capabilities suddenly exploiting Sun-Tzu tactics mixed with guerrilla and such. I didn't foresee a dungeon with Spot and Listen checks!
I really like it, but it caught me way off guard and a Wizard should know when to fall back and reconsider his contingencies.

I have a final the day after tomorrow, so it'll take a couple of days to come up with new strategies for Kbirin.

2014-12-15, 12:44 PM
The dungeony part is basically another line of defense...but I wasn't expecting it to be one of the more effective ones. :smallbiggrin:

Anyone else want to try their luck, while Uncle Pine and Dire Stirge are working on this?

2014-12-15, 01:11 PM
Walk around. Loot everything that isn't bolted down and zap it to a safe place with Teleport Object. Then pry everything that isn't bolted down loose and take it too. Finally, teleport away and live like a king forever.

2014-12-15, 08:06 PM
Anyone else want to try their luck, while Uncle Pine and Dire Stirge are working on this?

*raises hand timidly*
If you guys don't mind, I'd like to make a try as well... Those challenges always make me want to test my skills (and imagination)! :smalltongue:
I'll also apologize because I feel that this character I'm entering may be a bit annoying because it uses many things that may fall in a sort of RAW grey area, are a bit OP, or are just plain hard to deal with (as a DM)... but very well, here it goes:

Jibril, the Knowledge Seeker
CR 27 CN Synad
StP Erudite 7 Warblade 1 Mindbender 1 Ranger 1 Slayer 10 Swordsage 1 Factotum 3 Thrallherd 3

Initiative +6

STR 16 +3 (+6 item)
DEX 16 +3 (+6 item)
CON 20 +5 (+6 item)
INT 40 +15 (+5 level up +5 tome +12 item)
WIS 16 +3 (+6 item)
CHA 12 +1

BAB +15/+10/+5

Attack +22/+17/+12

FORT +19
REF +25
WILL +20

1st - Linked Power
3rd - Metapower
6th - Midnight Augmentation
Psycristal Containment (Erudite 5 bonus)
9th - Mindsight
12th - Knowledge Devotion
15th - Power Attack
18th - Inquisitor
21th - Boost Construct
24th - Burrowing Power

Psicrystal Affinity
Spell to Power
Battle Clarity (Reflex Saves)
Weapon Aptitude
Favored Enemy (aberrations)
Wild Empathy
Favored Enemy +8
Enemy Sense
Brain Nausea
Lucid Buffer
Cerebral Blind
Breach Power Resistance
Cerebral Immunity
Blast Feedback
Quick to Act +1
Discipline Focus (Weapon Focus)
Inspiration (3 points)
Cunning Insight
Cunning Knowledge
Brains over Brawn
Cunning Strike

(ability score enhancement items) +6
Headband of Epic Intellect +12
Masterwork Tools of every skill
Ioun Stones (pale green, iridescent, clear)
Choker of Life Protection
Belt of Battle
Ring of Spellbattle
Rod of Absorption

Maneuvers: Steely Strike, Wolf Fang Strike, Iron Heart Surge, Moment of Perfect Mind, Action Before Thought, Mind Over Body, Emerald Razor
Stances: Hunter's Stance (gain scent)

Psycristal: Sage, keyed to knowledge (the planes)

Important Skills: Knowledges +48 (planes, history, arcane, divine, psionics, dungeoneering), Spellcraft +38, Psicraft +43, Concentration +33.

Because it's something that feels almost like cheating, I don't know if you'll allow it, but umm I think it's worth a try.
This trick is basically the underpowered way of doing what an Illithid Savant does in all its glory (and a even more powerful effect could be achieved if this character pao'd into illithid then went savant, so there shouldn't be a problem?) I think you may already know about it:
Because a Synad is an aberration, Jibril is able to fuse with other aberrations through Fusion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/fusion.htm), which makes every racial ability, feats, ability scores and else get pooled in the resulting body, resulting in a very powerful someone for the duration of the power.
Through the use of Astral Seed (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/astralSeed.htm), this wondrous new body can be made permanent, at the expense of losing one character level.

Thus, if possible, Jibril will:
Fuse with an Balhannoth (MMIV pg 15), cast Trait Removal on herself to take away Antimagic Grapple, then use Astral Seed, permanently gaining Dweomersight and other nice things, including a +18 to the Strength Score and Improved Initiative.
Fuse with a Choker (SRD), gaining it's Quickness ability.
Fuse with an Avolakia (MMII, pg 29), gaining +6 deflection to CA; Regeneration 5/Fire, Acid and Electricity and Immunity to Cold, Disease, Energy Drain and Paralysis.
Fuse with a Runehound (MMIII pg 145), gaining the Psychic Scent ability and 500ft blindsight.

She loses 4 levels, but they're worth it (and for the purpose of the level limit, she's only CR 31). There are a few other aberrations with useful abilities, but those are a pain to find and using Gate isn't an option. Of course, I feel like there are many ways to replicate those abilities with spells and else, but I think that a more permanent solution is more pleasant..
*Disclaimer: the resulting eldritch horror will probably make Nyarlathotep look pretty.

Jibril is a female Synad whose main hobby, pastime and obsession is acquiring knowledge. The various skills she has acquired through her life derive both from her own curiosity, as well as seeking for ways to improve her means of collecting information (Mindflayers, for example, tend to know many things, which is why she loves to hunt these).
Thanks to her distinguished mental prowess, she has many followers - her precious students and fellow lovers of knowledge. It is true, however, that she is fairly delusional and won't hesitate to employ unethical methods in her research.

Her 17th level thrall is a Cleric/Ordained Champion/Bone Knight (I can provide more detailed stats later, but for now I'll say that he is set up as a ubercharger gish).

Upon hearing about the dangerous fortress, rumours about Iuluvxi and the mad adventurers who managed to get away alive, she was captivated - a powerful being and a mysterious location she knows nothing about? Such a thing cannot be!

To first start her study, Jibril will, through any means possible (except 9th level spells/effects/etc, ofc), capture and bring before her as many "survivors" as she can get her hands on. She will order her vast network of followers and thralls to find information about the whereabouts, or capture and bring those survivors alive to her. Should the need arise, she will manifest Hypercognition (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/hypercognition.htm) to pinpoint their location through the leads acquired, and will personally capture them. Even if they are dead, she will still find their souls.

Once survivors are acquired, they will be rendered unconscious (and kept that way). Since she has heard that whatever they have experienced may drive someone insane, one of Jibril's pet Bladerager Troll will also be brought before her, unconscious. She will PAO into a Troll and manifest Fusion targetting the Bladerager, acquiring the Tortured Mind ability to further shield herself from any possible harm (even if she already has cerebral immunity and is always focused). As a failsafe, she also performs the Save Game Trick on her Psicrystal, so that if she still becomes mad (more than usual), he will reset the timeline and inform her of what happened.

That done, she will manifest Read Thoughts and Mind Probe, then extract all information she is able to from the subject.
(Questions akin to: Where to find the fortress? What is Iuluvxi and how does she look like? What do you know about her? What do you know about the fortress/its layout? Which path did you take? What 83 means?)
(basically, trying to see if I'm able to find out what 83 means, what immunities and attacks she might have, and where to find her/the treasure)

Once as much information as possible is acquired from the survivors Jibril manages to probe, she will then fetch various books and tomes from her vast library to research and perform numerous Knowledge checks, using Fate of One/Second Chance to reroll bad results (also buffed with Divine Insight, cast by her Thrall, for a +15 insight bonus). *will use inspiration points on History, Arcane and Planes knowledge checks, for a total bonus of +66 on those.

With every tiny clue she was able to collect so far, she will finally manifest Hypercognition to pierce together as much information she is able to about Iuluvxi and whatsoever the number 83 means and how it relates to her.
*if the need for a Intelligence check arises, she will manifest Hypercognition prior to it for the +20 bonus (+35 total), and spam Second Chance to get a good roll.
**if this doesnt turn up on the result - Hypercognition again to determine the locations the fortress appears at/will appear.

Depending on what I learn through this, there will be more preparation to be done :smallwink:.

2014-12-15, 08:37 PM
Are we allowed to dictate the strategy of our character?
does this whoever the hell have any orifices?
do we know anything about this thing?

2014-12-15, 10:07 PM
Anyone else want to try their luck, while Uncle Pine and Dire Stirge are working on this?

I'll give it a go, although I've never built a character this high-level before.

Human Wizard 20*/Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil 7**/Swordsage 2/Abjurant Champion 5/Jade Phoenix Mage 6

*does not have any 9th level spells scribed into her spellbook
**The "Kaledioscopic Doom" capstone ability is described as "the equivalent of a 9th level spell" but is not itself a 9th level spell.

Str: 10
Dex: 22
Con: 16
Int: 37
Wis: 16
Cha: 10

HP: 193
Fort: +30 (+32 vs death effects)
Ref: +45
Will: +37 (+39 vs fear effects)

Feats (by character level)
1: Combat Casting, Spell Focus: Abjuration
3: Insightful Reflexes
5 (Wiz bonus): Extend Spell
6: Skill Focus: Spellcraft
9: Greater Spell Focus: Abjuration
10 (Wiz bonus): Quicken Spell
12: Silent Spell
15 (twofer): Consecrate Spell, Empower Spell
18: Battle Casting
20 (Wiz bonus): Persistent Spell
21: Spell Penetration
24: Greater Spell Penetration
27: Improved Initiative
30: Lucky Start
33: Survivor's Luck
36: Improved Metamagic
39: Epic Spell Penetration

Know Arcana +56, Spellcraft +58, Concentration +46, Know Nature +29, Know History +43, Know Planes +56, Know Religion +29, Know Nobility and Royalty +18, Decipher Script +19, Spot +14, Listen +14, Hide +19, Move Silently +19, Tumble +18, Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +10

0: all of 'em
1: Magic Missile, Mage Armor, Shield, Endure Elements, Detect Secret Doors, Tenser's Floating Disk, Ray of Enfeeblement, Feather Fall, Resist Planar Alignment, Ebon Eyes, Unseen Servant
2: Prot Arrows, Scorching Ray, Web, Fox's Cunning, Snowball Swarm, Blast of Force, Cat's Grace, Bull's Strength
3: Fireball, Prot Energy, Displacement, Avoid Planar Effects, Fly, Greater Mage Armor, Deeper Darkvision
4: Orb of Electricity, Orb of Cold, Orb of Fire, Orb of Force, Dimension Door, Arcane Eye, Dimensional Anchor, Ray Deflection, Ice Storm, Thunderlance, Forceward, Assay Resistance, Know Vulnerabilities
5: Contingent Energy Resistance, Teleport, Planar Tolerance, Vitriolic Sphere, Greater Blink, Dragonsight, Dimension Jumper, Cloudkill
6: Chain Lightning, Greater Dispel Magic, Legend Lore, True Seeing, Mislead, Greater Heroism, Ray of Entropy, Brilliant Blade, Make Manifest
7: Antimagic Ray, Planar Bubble, Energy Immunity, Greater Arcane Sight, Greater Teleport, Delayed Blast Fireball, Body of War, Limited Wish, Ironguard, Ethereal Jaunt, Mordenkainen's Sword, Forcecage
8: Greater Plane Shift, Polar Ray, Greater Prying Eyes, Wrathful Castigation, Superior Invisibility, Greater Stone Shape, Polymorph Any Object, Fierce Pride of the Beastlands, Clone, Discern Location
9: 9th-level spells? We don't need no stinkin' 9th-level spells!

Stances Known
Stance of Clarity, Step of the Wind, Pearl of Black Doubt, Mystic Phoenix Stance, Firebird Stance

Maneuvers Known
Distracting Ember, Wind Stride, Moment of Perfect Mind, Action Before Thought, Mind Over Body, Insightful Strike, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Counter Charge, Clinging Shadow Strike, Stone Bones

Vest of the Archmagi, Headband of Intellect +6, Gloves of Dex +6, Ring of Protection +5, Ring of Evasion, Ring of Spell-Battle (on Hand of Glory), a veritable solar system of ioun stones (dusty rose prism, all six of the stat-boosting ones, orange prism, pale green prism, lavender and green ellipsoid), Tome of Clear Thought +5, Metamagic Rod, Greater Quicken, Staff of Power, Heward's Handy Haversack

She will begin by casting Legend Lore on Iuluvxi. According to the spell description, this takes 2d6 weeks if you have only vague rumors to go on, but hey, that's what unlimited prep time is for, right? She'll make Knowledge skill checks (History, Planes, and perhaps Arcana or Religion) either to aid the spell if possible, or to use the spell results as a jumping-off point for further research.

2014-12-16, 02:17 AM
Walk around. Loot everything that isn't bolted down and zap it to a safe place with Teleport Object. Then pry everything that isn't bolted down loose and take it too. Finally, teleport away and live like a king forever.

You merrily loot the place, and most of what you get is either A) books so old that they've almost crumbled to dust, and that wizards would pay good money for, or B) very old knickknacks that sorcerers would probably pay lots of money for. There's not a lot to pry up; the place is stone. You do find a few crumbling paintings, though, which bards would probably pay lots of money for.

It's loot, and will fetch a lot when you get the necessary castings of Make Whole, but it's not LOOT...

*raises hand timidly*
If you guys don't mind, I'd like to make a try as well... Those challenges always make me want to test my skills (and imagination)! :smalltongue:
I'll also apologize because I feel that this character I'm entering may be a bit annoying because it uses many things that may fall in a sort of RAW grey area, are a bit OP, or are just plain hard to deal with (as a DM)... but very well, here it goes:

Jibril, the Knowledge Seeker
CR 27 CN Synad
StP Erudite 7 Warblade 1 Mindbender 1 Ranger 1 Slayer 10 Swordsage 1 Factotum 3 Thrallherd 3

Initiative +6

STR 16 +3 (+6 item)
DEX 16 +3 (+6 item)
CON 20 +5 (+6 item)
INT 34 +12 (+5 level up +5 tome +6 item)
WIS 16 +3 (+6 item)
CHA 12 +1

BAB +15/+10/+5

Attack +22/+17/+12

FORT +19
REF +22
WILL +20

1st - Linked Power
3rd - Metapower
6th - Midnight Augmentation
Psycristal Containment (Erudite 5 bonus)
9th - Mindsight
12th - Knowledge Devotion
15th - Power Attack
18th - Inquisitor
21th - Boost Construct
24th - Burrowing Power

Psicrystal Affinity
Spell to Power
Battle Clarity (Reflex Saves)
Weapon Aptitude
Favored Enemy (aberrations)
Wild Empathy
Favored Enemy +8
Enemy Sense
Brain Nausea
Lucid Buffer
Cerebral Blind
Breach Power Resistance
Cerebral Immunity
Blast Feedback
Quick to Act +1
Discipline Focus (Weapon Focus)
Inspiration (3 points)
Cunning Insight
Cunning Knowledge
Brains over Brawn
Cunning Strike

(ability score enhancement items) +6
Masterwork Tools of every skill
Ioun Stones (pale green, iridescent, clear)
Choker of Life Protection
Belt of Battle
Ring of Spellbattle
Rod of Absorption

Maneuvers: Steely Strike, Wolf Fang Strike, Iron Heart Surge, Moment of Perfect Mind, Action Before Thought, Mind Over Body, Emerald Razor
Stances: Hunter's Stance (gain scent)

Important Skills: Knowledges +45 (planes, history, arcane, divine, psionics, dungeoneering), Spellcraft +38, Psicraft +43, Concentration +33.

Because it's something that feels almost like cheating, I don't know if you'll allow it, but umm I think it's worth a try.
This trick is basically the underpowered way of doing what an Illithid Savant does in all its glory (and a even more powerful effect could be achieved if this character pao'd into illithid then went savant, so there shouldn't be a problem?) I think you may already know about it:
Because a Synad is an aberration, Jibril is able to fuse with other aberrations through Fusion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/fusion.htm), which makes every racial ability, feats, ability scores and else get pooled in the resulting body, resulting in a very powerful someone for the duration of the power.
Through the use of Astral Seed (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/astralSeed.htm), this wondrous new body can be made permanent, at the expense of losing one character level.

Thus, if possible, Jibril will:
Fuse with an Balhannoth (MMIV pg 15), cast Trait Removal on herself to take away Antimagic Grapple, then use Astral Seed, permanently gaining Dweomersight and other nice things, including a +18 to the Strength Score and Improved Initiative.
Fuse with a Choker (SRD), gaining it's Quickness ability.
Fuse with an Avolakia (MMII, pg 29), gaining +6 deflection to CA; Regeneration 5/Fire, Acid and Electricity and Immunity to Cold, Disease, Energy Drain and Paralysis.
Fuse with a Runehound (MMIII pg 145), gaining the Psychic Scent ability and 500ft blindsight.

She loses 4 levels, but they're worth it (and for the purpose of the level limit, she's only CR 31). There are a few other aberrations with useful abilities, but those are a pain to find and using Gate isn't an option. Of course, I feel like there are many ways to replicate those abilities with spells and else, but I think that a more permanent solution is more pleasant..
*Disclaimer: the resulting eldritch horror will probably make Nyarlathotep look pretty.

Jibril is a female Synad whose main hobby, pastime and obsession is acquiring knowledge. The various skills she has acquired through her life derive both from her own curiosity, as well as seeking for ways to improve her means of collecting information (Mindflayers, for example, tend to know many things, which is why she loves to hunt these).
Thanks to her distinguished mental prowess, she has many followers - her precious students and fellow lovers of knowledge. It is true, however, that she is fairly delusional and won't hesitate to employ unethical methods in her research.

Her 17th level thrall is a Cleric/Ordained Champion/Bone Knight (I can provide more detailed stats later, but for now I'll say that he is set up as a ubercharger gish).

Upon hearing about the dangerous fortress, rumours about Iuluvxi and the mad adventurers who managed to get away alive, she was captivated - a powerful being and a mysterious location she knows nothing about? Such a thing cannot be!

To first start her study, Jibril will, through any means possible (except 9th level spells/effects/etc, ofc), capture and bring before her as many "survivors" as she can get her hands on. She will order her vast network of followers and thralls to find information about the whereabouts, or capture and bring those survivors alive to her. Should the need arise, she will manifest Hypercognition (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/hypercognition.htm) to pinpoint their location through the leads acquired, and will personally capture them. Even if they are dead, she will still find their souls.

Once survivors are acquired, they will be rendered unconscious (and kept that way). Since she has heard that whatever they have experienced may drive someone insane, one of Jibril's pet Bladerager Troll will also be brought before her, unconscious. She will PAO into a Troll and manifest Fusion targetting the Bladerager, acquiring the Tortured Mind ability to further shield herself from any possible harm (even if she already has cerebral immunity and is always focused).

That done, she will manifest Read Thoughts and Mind Probe, then extract all information she is able to from the subject.
(Questions akin to: Where to find the fortress? What is Iuluvxi and how does she look like? What do you know about her? What do you know about the fortress/its layout? Which path did you take? What 83 means?)
(basically, trying to see if I'm able to find out what 83 means, what immunities and attacks she might have, and where to find her/the treasure)

Once as much information as possible is acquired from the survivors Jibril manages to probe, she will then fetch various books and tomes from her vast library to research and perform numerous Knowledge checks, using Fate of One/Second Chance to reroll bad results (also buffed with Divine Insight, cast by her Thrall, for a +15 insight bonus). *will use inspiration points on History, Arcane and Planes knowledge checks, for a total bonus of +63 on those.

With every tiny clue she was able to collect so far, she will finally manifest Hypercognition to pierce together as much information she is able to about Iuluvxi and whatsoever the number 83 means and how it relates to her.
*if the need for a Intelligence check arises, she will manifest Hypercognition prior to it for the +20 bonus (+32 total), and spam Second Chance to get a good roll.
**if this doesnt turn up on the result - Hypercognition again to determine the locations the fortress appears at/will appear.

Depending on what I learn through this, there will be more preparation to be done :smallwink:.

Everything looks in order, though the Fusion stuff gives you a penalty to the awesomeness points you'll get if you succeed. But wow. This is thorough. Ahem:

You "acquire" the few survivors of attempts on Iuluvxi's fortress. Mostly they were in institutions where they would have likely died due to lack of care--you're probably doing them a favor. After bringing their unconscious forms before you, you blend yourself with the Bladerager Troll temporarily, then begin harvesting these poor souls' minds for first-hand information on Iuluvxi. You get answers, as below:

Where to find the fortress?: Everyone agrees on the Elemental Plane of Air. You don't have an exact location, because there aren't any...well, landmarks, on the elemental Plane of Air. A quick Hypercognition fixes this, though, and you know where to go.

What is Iuluvxi and how does she look like?: You get a lot of gibberish about the number 83, but eventually you also get a description. Several of the survivors saw nothing, but one of them describes a 10-foot-tall drow woman in a white ballgown and carrying a spiderweb-motif staff. None of them know anything about her origin, but one of them describes her as "the center of a series of increasingly dangerous spheres."

What do you know about her? She's invisible, even under see invisibility, but apparently true seeing worked. One of her common tactics was to shoot a sphere of force at her targets. She could 'speak' telepathically, though somehow without language. Many of her opponents were dispatched by shooting a sphere of force at them. Perhaps the most disturbing part: when a martial artist tried to punch her, he just disappeared completely. Gone. Poof.

What do you know about the fortress/its layout? Lots of missing bricks. Where they found Iuluvxi hovering in a room, their nonvisual and nonauditory senses were bombarded with sensations. The place isn't particularly interesting in its own right, though the astray books and the few paintings laying on the floor were probably very valuable.

Which path did you take? Each of them describes a different path. There were no traps and all the doors were open. No in-the-way monsters, either. Iuluvxi apparently was in a different room each time.

What 83 means?: Most answers are incoherent rambling, but one of the survivors--a necromancer--actually gives you something. 83 is a feeling, more than anything. When you transmit information without language, and the number somehow gets through, it has to have ulterior meaning in its own right--how else would you convey it? 83 isn't a thing that actually exists; it's just a number. Similar thing for Iuluvxi--she's doesn't "exist" in the same way that you do. You can't kill 83, but 83 can kill you. If you get stabbed 83 times, you're done for. If you get hit with an 83 ton brick of adamantium by a giant, you're not surviving that. You could get rid of individual representations of 83, but 83 will always come back somewhere in the world.

After getting all this information, you hit the books.

(Highest result is an 84 on Knowledge: History:)

DC 10: There's probably loot in Iuluvxi's fortress, but everyone dies when they go there. Iuluvxi is associated with the number 83.
DC 20: Almost all productive life (i.e. creatures) near Iuluvxi, wherever she and her fortress go, will eventually die.
DC 25: Knowing too much about Iuluvxi starts to damage your mind from the inside out. Oops.
DC 30: Iuluvxi is a "nickname" derived from truename research; her actual name is Laurogeita Hiru.
DC 40: Iuluvxi is not known to speak, but rather, concepts are added directly to one's mind.
DC 50: Laurogeita Hiru once owned a Sphere of Annihilation. You're also starting to get a lot of irrelevant details of Laurogeita Hiru's life at this point--apparently she was a librarian?
DC 60: You believe, from scraps of evidence that lesser beings couldn't hope to put together, that Laurogeita Hiru was able to acquire an Ice Assassin of a diety from a wizard at some point.
DC 70: All bets are off when a deity touches a Sphere of Annihilation.
DC 80: Having exhausted basically every knowledge source, you've learned that there's no mundane way to know every detail what Iuluvxi can do--not because everyone who has dealt with her has gone stark raving mad or died, but because none of the survivors actually gleaned much information on their own. (But being stark raving mad doesn't help.) You've essentially tapped out all knowledge on Iuluvxi.
DC 83: A quasi-diety Umbral Blot--with several capabilities that can be mimicked by spells--would be good starting point for approximating Iuluvxi's metaphysical composition.

You don't feel any mental damage, naturally, due to your protections.

Finally, you use Hypercognition one last time.

...What the necromancer said applies to all numbers, so why 83, specifically? Because, you figure, that's what he felt during his ill-fated combat. Iuluvxi's telepathy communicates concepts, not words, and she slowly overwhelms weaker minds with her own, pure representation of her identity. The thing is, she can do this with just about any message, but from this sample size, she seems to have always does it with a single, neutral, overwhelming nigh-insurmountability of the number 83.

Why? Because...maybe that's what she is. Quick calculation of how much onyx would be needed to raise her...yep, exactly 83 times that of what you'd need for a commoner. The issue never came up on the necromancer's end, obviously.

How the heck are you supposed to kill a number?

Using a bigger number would be a good start.

(If one of your tactics isn't working, try dialing the relevant number up to 83 or higher.)

Are we allowed to dictate the strategy of our character?
does this whoever the hell have any orifices?
do we know anything about this thing?

A little.

I'll give it a go, although I've never built a character this high-level before.

Human Wizard 20*/Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil 7**/Swordsage 2/Abjurant Champion 5/Jade Phoenix Mage 6

*does not have any 9th level spells scribed into her spellbook
**The "Kaledioscopic Doom" capstone ability is described as "the equivalent of a 9th level spell" but is not itself a 9th level spell.

Str: 10
Dex: 22
Con: 16
Int: 37
Wis: 16
Cha: 10

HP: 193
Fort: +30 (+32 vs death effects)
Ref: +45
Will: +37 (+39 vs fear effects)

Feats (by character level)
1: Combat Casting, Spell Focus: Abjuration
3: Insightful Reflexes
5 (Wiz bonus): Extend Spell
6: Skill Focus: Spellcraft
9: Greater Spell Focus: Abjuration
10 (Wiz bonus): Quicken Spell
12: Silent Spell
15 (twofer): Consecrate Spell, Empower Spell
18: Battle Casting
20 (Wiz bonus): Persistent Spell
21: Spell Penetration
24: Greater Spell Penetration
27: Improved Initiative
30: Lucky Start
33: Survivor's Luck
36: Improved Metamagic
39: Epic Spell Penetration

Know Arcana +56, Spellcraft +58, Concentration +46, Know Nature +29, Know History +43, Know Planes +56, Know Religion +29, Know Nobility and Royalty +18, Decipher Script +19, Spot +14, Listen +14, Hide +19, Move Silently +19, Tumble +18, Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +10

0: all of 'em
1: Magic Missile, Mage Armor, Shield, Endure Elements, Detect Secret Doors, Tenser's Floating Disk, Ray of Enfeeblement, Feather Fall, Resist Planar Alignment, Ebon Eyes, Unseen Servant
2: Prot Arrows, Scorching Ray, Web, Fox's Cunning, Snowball Swarm, Blast of Force, Cat's Grace, Bull's Strength
3: Fireball, Prot Energy, Displacement, Avoid Planar Effects, Fly, Greater Mage Armor, Deeper Darkvision
4: Orb of Electricity, Orb of Cold, Orb of Fire, Orb of Force, Dimension Door, Arcane Eye, Dimensional Anchor, Ray Deflection, Ice Storm, Thunderlance, Forceward, Assay Resistance, Know Vulnerabilities
5: Contingent Energy Resistance, Teleport, Planar Tolerance, Vitriolic Sphere, Greater Blink, Dragonsight, Dimension Jumper, Cloudkill
6: Chain Lightning, Greater Dispel Magic, Legend Lore, True Seeing, Mislead, Greater Heroism, Ray of Entropy, Brilliant Blade, Make Manifest
7: Antimagic Ray, Planar Bubble, Energy Immunity, Greater Arcane Sight, Greater Teleport, Delayed Blast Fireball, Body of War, Limited Wish, Ironguard, Ethereal Jaunt, Mordenkainen's Sword, Forcecage
8: Greater Plane Shift, Polar Ray, Greater Prying Eyes, Wrathful Castigation, Superior Invisibility, Greater Stone Shape, Polymorph Any Object, Fierce Pride of the Beastlands, Clone, Discern Location
9: 9th-level spells? We don't need no stinkin' 9th-level spells!

Stances Known
Stance of Clarity, Step of the Wind, Pearl of Black Doubt, Mystic Phoenix Stance, Firebird Stance

Maneuvers Known
Distracting Ember, Wind Stride, Moment of Perfect Mind, Action Before Thought, Mind Over Body, Insightful Strike, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Counter Charge, Clinging Shadow Strike, Stone Bones

Vest of the Archmagi, Headband of Intellect +6, Gloves of Dex +6, Ring of Protection +5, Ring of Evasion, Ring of Spell-Battle (on Hand of Glory), a veritable solar system of ioun stones (dusty rose prism, all six of the stat-boosting ones, orange prism, pale green prism, lavender and green ellipsoid), Tome of Clear Thought +5, Metamagic Rod, Greater Quicken, Staff of Power, Heward's Handy Haversack

She will begin by casting Legend Lore on Iuluvxi. According to the spell description, this takes 2d6 weeks if you have only vague rumors to go on, but hey, that's what unlimited prep time is for, right? She'll make Knowledge skill checks (History, Planes, and perhaps Arcana or Religion) either to aid the spell if possible, or to use the spell results as a jumping-off point for further research.

You cast Legend Lore and wait for 8 weeks, but get nothing out of it. Well, that was anticlimactic.

Sometime in the past, before you became an Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil, you took 32 damage at some point after learning about Iuluvxi. It was inconvenient, but didn't seriously harm you.

(You got a 72 on Knowledge: History, but I don't want to repost the stuff in the quote you can just look at.)

2014-12-16, 03:55 AM
In regards to the to pine's strategy earlier, doesn't Mind Blank foil both GAS and True Seeing? Both are information gathering divination spells.

2014-12-16, 04:03 AM
In regards to the to pine's strategy earlier, doesn't Mind Blank foil both GAS and True Seeing? Both are information gathering divination spells.

AFAIK it has one dominant interpretation and no one except Tippy actually runs Mind Blank the other way. I don't want an epic RAW fight over it. Indirect divinations (usually, ones that don't actually target the subject) work against Mind Blank here, as is generally accepted in the Playground, but admittedly it's fuzzy.

2014-12-16, 01:39 PM
Doublehead whatever (really, I've forgotten his name by now) gathers all the baubles, then leaves. He becomes rich and rarely thinks about Iuvwhatever anymore.

Somewhere else, a hero is born created in whatever this world uses for justifying a warforged's existence...

"The swiftness of steel, the cold touch of iron... These are what I am. Now, let's see how fast I can kill you, shall we?"

Warforged Sorcerer 24 / Swiftblade 10/ Archmage 1 (swiftblade levels taken as soon as possible)

-Extra Spell is used to gain Awaken, Delay Death and Aspect of the Wolf.
-Quickstrike has spend a few thousand real-world years on his fast time demiplane, casting Extended Aspect of the Wolf and Awaken on himself as often as possible. Because of this, his Charisma is NI.
-Quickstrike has the following spells cast on himself, recasting them when needed (which he can do with NI spells): Mind Blank, Delay Death, Mastery of Shaping Antimagic Field (obviously excluding his own square), Fly, Greater Invisibility, Ghostform, True Seeing and Beastland Ferocity.

Quickstrike has bought one (1) +6 Ghost Touch greatsword.

Quickstrike is also keeping the whole world in a state of suspended animation at all times. This is how he does this:

-Use Swiftblade capstone to expend one of my infinite 8th-level slots. I now gain 3 rounds of Time Stop.
-Do whatever I want during 2 rounds. The third round will have my readied action being: 'Once the Time Stop ends, I immediately use Innervated Speed to recreate it'.

First things first; find the fortress. I know from my good friend Doublehead that the fortress may be in the Outlands, so I spend a couple eons searching them. I am a warforged, so age need not apply.

2014-12-16, 02:06 PM
Quickstrike has used Wall of Salt to gain infinite money

Yeah, no.

4) The WBL and level limits apply even during preparation time and the duration of the challenge, not just character generation. Unlimited WBL tricks, unlimited HD tricks, and similar should be left at home. You can go nuts with other tricks, though.

That means this...

-Use Swiftblade capstone to expend one of my infinite 8th-level slots. I now gain 3 rounds of Time Stop.
-Do whatever I want during 2 rounds. The third round will have my readied action being: 'Once the Time Stop ends, I immediately use Innervated Speed to recreate it'.
...can't happen.

2014-12-16, 02:10 PM
Yeah, no.

That means this...

...can't happen.

I'll re-edit the gear to allow this, but what how does this stop my trick from happening?

2014-12-16, 02:15 PM
I'll re-edit the gear to allow this, but what how does this stop my trick from happening?

It doesn't prevent the trick from being started, just from continuing indefinitely; one of the listed steps quotes expending one of your infinite 8th level spell slots, which you only have if you have infinite ioun stones, which you only have if you have infinite money, which you can't have. Sure, you can spend actual 8th level slots to start this and continue it, but you can't continue it forever.

2014-12-16, 02:17 PM
I'm also pretty sure extra spell can't be used to get Awaken, which is a divine druid spell lvl 5.
Also each gain of cha also grants you 2 HD, which violates the limit 40 HD limit.

You really didn't read the rules on this one. So unless you have a non HD way, then no infinite time stops from swiftblade.

2014-12-16, 02:28 PM

Take leadership. Take a warforged cleric cohort with Death Devotion. Each day, he hits you with a rusty dagger, you take a few negative levels and voluntarily fail the saves to remove them. There, instant HD reduction.

2014-12-16, 02:30 PM

Have a warforged cleric cohort with Death Devotion. Each day, he hits you with a rusty dagger, you take a few negative levels and voluntarily fail the saves to remove them. There, instant HD reduction.

I feel like this is still an attempt to get around the HD limit, but I suggest waiting to see what Kazyan's opinion is on this.

2014-12-16, 09:43 PM
"The swiftness of steel, the cold touch of iron... These are what I am. Now, let's see how fast I can kill you, shall we?"

Warforged Sorcerer 14 / Swiftblade 10/ Archmage 1 (swiftblade levels taken as soon as possible)

-Extra Spell is used to gain Awaken, Delay Death and Aspect of the Wolf.
-Quickstrike has spend a few thousand real-world years on his fast time demiplane, casting Extended Aspect of the Wolf and Awaken on himself as often as possible. Because of this, his Charisma is NI.
-Quickstrike has the following spells cast on himself, recasting them when needed (which he can do with NI spells): Mind Blank, Delay Death, Mastery of Shaping Antimagic Field (obviously excluding his own square), Fly, Greater Invisibility, Ghostform, True Seeing and Beastland Ferocity.

Quickstrike has bought one (1) +6 Ghost Touch greatsword.

With HD draining, this works. -2 penalty to awesomeness points for twisting the "no 9ths" rule again, but I'll narrate.

You wander around the outlands and ask questions of the local rilmani for $rand years, and eventually find the decrepit fortress.

What now?

2014-12-17, 01:40 AM
Innervated Speed, walk around, ready action, Innervated Speed. Recast buffs from time to time.

Explore dem fortress. Of course, I have Ghostform and Fly, so why should I obey the idea of straight, horizontal corridors? I float through the walls, ceilings and floors when possible.

2014-12-17, 02:35 PM

Yay that's great, seems like a lot of valuable information was indeed collected. Hmm alright then, since I don't want the awesomeness penalty, I'll refrain from the perma-Fusion cheese for now, will be keeping it for later in case my other methods fail.
Alright then, time for some more preparations. First, the full stats of the Cohort, plus going shopping:

CR 17 NE Human
Barbarian 1 Cleric 4 Ordained Champion 3 Bone Knight 9

STR 14 +2 (+1 level)
DEX 10 +0
CON 10 +0
INT 10 +0
WIS 24 +7 (+6 item +1 level)
CHA 28 +9 (+6 item +5 tome +2 level)

Thrall Feats:
1st - Power Attack
Bonus - Mounted Combat
3rd - Ride-by Attack
Ordained Champion 1: Spirited Charge
6th - Improved Bull Rush
9th - Shock Trooper
12th - Battle Jump
15th - Divine Might

Important Skills: Knowledges (Arcana, Religion, Planes) +22, Ride +22

Controlled Undead:
11 spooky scary Karrnathi Skeletons
2 Commoner Skeletons
10 Shadows
1 Allip

Purchases: 332.700gp
Ring of the Darkhidden x2 (for me and thrall)
Thrall's ability items +6
Charisma tome +5
Belt of Battle (for Thrall)
Mirror of Opposition
Handy Haversack x2
Martial Script of WRT x3

Jibril's 27th feat (forgot it) - Overchannel

Psicrystal's Feats: (Wild Talent + all metapsionics)

After having acquired all that knowledge and having bought and equipped these items, we'll eat an Heroes' Feast. Afterwards, I'll Feat Leech every Metapsionic feat out of my Psicrystal (starting by Extend, then extending the Feat Leech), then buff myself and my thrall with the long-lasting buffs (extended via meta), recover most wasted power points through MoI recharge, and perform save on the psicrystal again. I'll lastly fuse with an unconscious choker, and we're off to the fortress' location (via teleport or w/e).

Inside, the undead will be ordered to spread out and try to locate Iuluvxi or the rumored treasure. Each Shadow is accompanied by an K skeleton (which results in 10 groups) who will send a telepathic signal if they find her/it. The allip, the two commoners and one K skeleton (who has a handy haversack) will stay back with us.
Selenna will summon her skeletal steed and mount it (also buffs it with False Gravity), and I'll attempt to catch Iuluvxi's scent, if any. Do we see/sense anything interesting? Also, how tall is the ceiling?

On Jibril:
Anticipate Teleportation, Greater
Divert Teleport
Ubiquitious Vision (permanent)
Touchsight (augmented to 19pp)
True Seeing
Greater Arcane Sight
Psionic Contingency (Anticipatory Strike) (If Iuluvxi takes hostile actions against me)
Contingency (Anticipatory Strike) (If there is LoS between Iuluvxi and me)
Veil of Undeath
Freedom of Movement
Telepathic Bond

(Total senses: Mindsight 100ft, True Seeing + Greater Arcane Sight 120ft, Touchsight 130ft, Scent 30ft, or 60ft for strong scents)

On Selenna:
Divine Power
False Gravity
True Seeing
Improved Blindsight
Anyspell (Wraithstrike)
+4 stat buffs

On the K skeletons:
True Seeing
Telepathic Bond

2014-12-17, 11:18 PM
Hrm. Either Iuluxvi has an effect similar to Mind Blank (and I'm not sure whether that would work against Legend Lore, since the target of Legend Lore is the caster rather than the person/place/thing they want to know about) or there simply aren't any legends about her. In either case, maybe a slightly roundabout approach would work better...

In the interest of not having to spend another eight weeks, Eglara seeks out someone to copy the Vision spell from (paying them the appropriate fee, of course). The question I ask is, "What is the current location of the plane-hopping fortress occupied by the being formerly known as Laurogeita Hiru?"

(I think that should get around both possibilities--the target for Mind Blank is "one creature", and the fortress isn't a creature, plus I'm not using the name she's commonly known by. And since I've heard rumors about the fortress, clearly the "there just aren't any legends about it" option wouldn't apply either.)

2014-12-18, 02:29 AM
Innervated Speed, walk around, ready action, Innervated Speed. Recast buffs from time to time.

Explore dem fortress. Of course, I have Ghostform and Fly, so why should I obey the idea of straight, horizontal corridors? I float through the walls, ceilings and floors when possible.

Gallivanting through the halls takes you a while, as there are a lot of them. However, it takes you almost zero actual time to complete the search. (I'm going to skip the "make things difficult for searcher" part because there's not really anything I can do to troll you this time.) Eventually, you find a room that's greatly overstimulating to be in--not for any visual or auditory elements, but because it feels hot and cold at the same time, the air is simply tactile in a different way than air is supposed to be, and all sorts of not-unpleasant but generally strange fragrances are present. Oh, and at the far wall, you see a 10-foot tall drow woman holding a spiderweb-motif staff, apparently stretching her arms to her sides at the moment. She's hovering above the ground, cross-legged.

The room is long and narrow--20 feet wide, 15 feet ceiling height, and 70 feet long. The drow is 5 feet from the back wall, and you are just in front of the doorframe (you would have ghosted through the door, if there was one). What do you do?

Yay that's great, seems like a lot of valuable information was indeed collected. Hmm alright then, since I don't want the awesomeness penalty, I'll refrain from the perma-Fusion cheese for now, will be keeping it for later in case my other methods fail.
Alright then, time for some more preparations. First, the full stats of the Cohort, plus going shopping:

CR 17 NE Human
Barbarian 1 Cleric 4 Ordained Champion 3 Bone Knight 9

STR 14 +2 (+1 level)
DEX 10 +0
CON 10 +0
INT 10 +0
WIS 24 +7 (+6 item +1 level)
CHA 28 +9 (+6 item +5 tome +2 level)

Thrall Feats:
1st - Power Attack
Bonus - Mounted Combat
3rd - Ride-by Attack
Ordained Champion 1: Spirited Charge
6th - Improved Bull Rush
9th - Shock Trooper
12th - Battle Jump
15th - Divine Might

Important Skills: Knowledges (Arcana, Religion, Planes) +22, Ride +22

Controlled Undead:
11 spooky scary Karrnathi Skeletons
2 Commoner Skeletons
10 Shadows
1 Allip

Purchases: 332.700gp
Ring of the Darkhidden x2 (for me and thrall)
Thrall's ability items +6
Charisma tome +5
Belt of Battle (for Thrall)
Mirror of Opposition
Handy Haversack x2
Martial Script of WRT x3

Jibril's 27th feat (forgot it) - Overchannel

Psicrystal's Feats: (Wild Talent + all metapsionics)

After having acquired all that knowledge and having bought and equipped these items, we'll eat an Heroes' Feast. Afterwards, I'll Feat Leech every Metapsionic feat out of my Psicrystal (starting by Extend, then extending the Feat Leech), then buff myself and my thrall with the long-lasting buffs (extended via meta), recover most wasted power points through MoI recharge, and perform save on the psicrystal again. I'll lastly fuse with an unconscious choker, and we're off to the fortress' location (via teleport or w/e).

Inside, the undead will be ordered to spread out and try to locate Iuluvxi or the rumored treasure. Each Shadow is accompanied by an K skeleton (which results in 10 groups) who will send a telepathic signal if they find her/it. The allip, the two commoners and one K skeleton (who has a handy haversack) will stay back with us.
Selenna will summon her skeletal steed and mount it (also buffs it with False Gravity), and I'll attempt to catch Iuluvxi's scent, if any. Do we see/sense anything interesting? Also, how tall is the ceiling?

On Jibril:
Anticipate Teleportation, Greater
Divert Teleport
Ubiquitious Vision (permanent)
Touchsight (augmented to 19pp)
True Seeing
Greater Arcane Sight
Psionic Contingency (Anticipatory Strike) (If Iuluvxi takes hostile actions against me)
Contingency (Anticipatory Strike) (If there is LoS between Iuluvxi and me)
Veil of Undeath
Freedom of Movement
Telepathic Bond

(Total senses: Mindsight 100ft, True Seeing + Greater Arcane Sight 120ft, Touchsight 130ft, Scent 30ft, or 60ft for strong scents)

On Selenna:
Divine Power
False Gravity
True Seeing
Improved Blindsight
Anyspell (Wraithstrike)
+4 stat buffs

On the K skeletons:
True Seeing
Telepathic Bond

After your preparations, you head out to the fortress. The entrance is wide open, entering into a small maze of corridors--all 15 feet tall and wide. Your various senses detect that, in addition to the fact that the mechanical traps in this place are disarmed, there's an enormous number of Permanent Images all along the walls, floor, and ceiling. Touchsight and True Seeing conform that these walls and ceilings are real, and it's puzzling for a bit until you notice the variety of unusual scents in the air. That must be what the illusions are emulating...for some reason. With that realization, you stop smelling the illusory scents, and try to pick up on Iuluvxi's odor. It's...closer to a lack of an odor, really. A certain pristineness distinct from all the dust that has long settled.

The Karrnathi skeletons and shadows begin their search. With 10 scouting parties, it doesn't take too long before one of the skeletons relays that they found a Large-size drow woman floating through one of the corridors, and it just telepathically impressed that the skeleton should leave immediately. The skeleton also informs you how to get to where it is right now.

Hrm. Either Iuluxvi has an effect similar to Mind Blank (and I'm not sure whether that would work against Legend Lore, since the target of Legend Lore is the caster rather than the person/place/thing they want to know about) or there simply aren't any legends about her. In either case, maybe a slightly roundabout approach would work better...

In the interest of not having to spend another eight weeks, Eglara seeks out someone to copy the Vision spell from (paying them the appropriate fee, of course). The question I ask is, "What is the current location of the plane-hopping fortress occupied by the being formerly known as Laurogeita Hiru?"

(I think that should get around both possibilities--the target for Mind Blank is "one creature", and the fortress isn't a creature, plus I'm not using the name she's commonly known by. And since I've heard rumors about the fortress, clearly the "there just aren't any legends about it" option wouldn't apply either.)

You go bug a wizard's Solar Simulacrum until it agrees to take your money and give you the spell if you leave it alone. The Vision happens, and you get a precise description of where to find the fortress on the Astral Plane. A Greater Plane Shift would be enough to get you there at this point.

2014-12-18, 11:49 AM
Hmm, 15 ft tall ceiling, that's a little bad. Ok, so we move to her location. I relay the information of her position to other 2 scouting parties, and order them to try to find a way to flank her (approach the corridor she's at from the opposite direction). The skeleton who found her will walk back slowly (half movement speed?) while keeping her in sight, while the shadow will slowly move to approach her.

As we move to her location, I manifest Thunderlance, Greater Magic Weapon it to +5 and hand it over to my thrall, who casts Surge of Fortune. I also manifest Schism, and Thrall casts Righteous Wrath of the Faithful. The Karrnathi Skeleton along with us will retrieve the deactivated Mirror of Opposition from his Haversack, and the commoner skeletons will carry it facing back, so that the K Skeleton sees himself as we move. The allip still follows us closely.
Out of curiosity, do I have any idea about how old the place is/should be?

2014-12-18, 01:12 PM
Hmm, 15 ft tall ceiling, that's a little bad. Ok, so we move to her location. I relay the information of her position to other 2 scouting parties, and order them to try to find a way to flank her (approach the corridor she's at from the opposite direction). The skeleton who found her will walk back slowly (half movement speed?) while keeping her in sight, while the shadow will slowly move to approach her.

As we move to her location, I manifest Thunderlance, Greater Magic Weapon it to +5 and hand it over to my thrall, who casts Surge of Fortune. I also manifest Schism, and Thrall casts Righteous Wrath of the Faithful. The Karrnathi Skeleton along with us will retrieve the deactivated Mirror of Opposition from his Haversack, and the commoner skeletons will carry it facing back, so that the K Skeleton sees himself as we move. The allip still follows us closely.
Out of curiosity, do I have any idea about how old the place is/should be?

You prepare some more and keep moving, allowing some of your undead allies to close in. (I think passing off the Thunderlance just makes it disappear, since it has a Range of 0 ft., and spell effects can't extend past their range. It's dysfunctional because of the reach needing to move past your square, but passing it off appears to be no-go however you slice it.) You take in the surroundings. The fortress itself is probably on the order of 1000 years old, but you can't pin it down any further than an order of magnitude without stopping to do planar archaeology. This also doesn't tell you how long Iuluvxi has been living in it, since the fortress might predate her.

As you get close, you and your entourage get a telepathic message--not in words, but in concepts. (This is a text medium, so I have to use words anyway.) Leave, or I will continue defending my privacy.

You're about to round a corner when you see a nonmagical argent orb lazily rolling out from around it, and your Mindsight detects the presence of an Outsider with Intelligence 26 nearby. (And, notably, none of your undead. You still have contact with the skeleton that walked away, but it's out of the general area.) If you rounded the corner now, you would be 50 feet from Iuluvxi if you stood in the center of the 15 foot square that marks the corner.

2014-12-18, 01:28 PM
Gallivanting through the halls takes you a while, as there are a lot of them. However, it takes you almost zero actual time to complete the search. (I'm going to skip the "make things difficult for searcher" part because there's not really anything I can do to troll you this time.) Eventually, you find a room that's greatly overstimulating to be in--not for any visual or auditory elements, but because it feels hot and cold at the same time, the air is simply tactile in a different way than air is supposed to be, and all sorts of not-unpleasant but generally strange fragrances are present. Oh, and at the far wall, you see a 10-foot tall drow woman holding a spiderweb-motif staff, apparently stretching her arms to her sides at the moment. She's hovering above the ground, cross-legged.

The room is long and narrow--20 feet wide, 15 feet ceiling height, and 70 feet long. The drow is 5 feet from the back wall, and you are just in front of the doorframe (you would have ghosted through the door, if there was one). What do you do?

How long until my Time Stop elapses? Regardless, I'll float into the nearest wall and wait there until I have the full three rounds before doing anything else.

I will then move through the ceiling at 40 ft. a round (Fly). As always time will be stopped when I have to.

Once I am as close to the drow as I can be without having to move out of my walls, I wait until I can recreate the timestop, then Full Attack several times. I then retreat and re-stop time.

Note that I have True Seeing, so if she is under any illusions or polymorphs I can see them.

2014-12-18, 06:17 PM
Now that's extremely troubling, to say the least.. I had thought that the 0ft range just meant it had to be cast on myself, and tbh I was a bit worried if it would be legit or not to hand it away, but since nothing said otherwise I thought I'd try. This is mainly because the one other spell I considered using (Decastave) has got a line specially dedicated to saying that "if I let go of the decastave or pass it to someone else, it will disappear", while TL doesn't. I agree with you though, sorry for my oversight!

Ugh, but let's please forget that ever happened. While brainstorming for a way to continue with my tactics I suddenly realized that Thunderlance is level 4, not 6 as I had been thinking for some reason, and therefore is eligible for Greater Anyspell. C-can we please scratch my stupidity there and have the Thrall just have cast it directly :smalltongue:?
The only reason I was going to give it to her was because I didn't think it'd be possible for her to do it. (Unless you disallow the spell from working at all thanks to the dysfunctionality)

For now, I think I'll wait a bit (mainly because I kinda need the reply for my request above :smallbiggrin:) and send her a complex equation in Synad via telepathy "speaking" in a friendly tone, to see if I manage to confuse her for a moment, and also to further evaluate the extent of her mental capabilities and linguistic knowledge.

2014-12-18, 06:57 PM
@Kazyan Isn't that reading of Range problematic? By that logic, spells like Maze and Bestow Curse are useless, spells like Dimensional Anchor can be runaway from, and spells like Prismatic Sphere that you can supposedly move away from can't actually be utilized that way?

EDIT: Oh, and the Spellguard of SM's signature CharOp ability becomes useless.

2014-12-19, 11:45 PM
You go bug a wizard's Solar Simulacrum until it agrees to take your money and give you the spell if you leave it alone. The Vision happens, and you get a precise description of where to find the fortress on the Astral Plane. A Greater Plane Shift would be enough to get you there at this point.

Alrighty then! Eglara casts a bunch of stuff on herself:
Persistent Shield
Persistent Fox's Cunning
Persistent Ray Deflection
Contingent Energy Resistance

She then enters Mystic Phoenix Stance and casts the Greater Plane Shift.

Int increases to 39
AC: 40 (+6 Dex, +2 Wis from Swordsage, +2 luck from Staff of Power, +8 armor from Vest of the Archmagi, +9 shield from Shield*, +1 insight from ioun stone, +2 dodge from Mystic Phoenix Stance)
*Bonus is +9 instead of +4 because of the Abjurant Champion prestige class.

2014-12-20, 09:48 AM
Been dealing with finals since the last time I posted, if you're wondering.

How long until my Time Stop elapses? Regardless, I'll float into the nearest wall and wait there until I have the full three rounds before doing anything else.

I will then move through the ceiling at 40 ft. a round (Fly). As always time will be stopped when I have to.

Once I am as close to the drow as I can be without having to move out of my walls, I wait until I can recreate the timestop, then Full Attack several times. I then retreat and re-stop time.

Note that I have True Seeing, so if she is under any illusions or polymorphs I can see them.

(I don't think it matters how long if you're going to refresh it anyway before going in.)

You stealth your way through the walls and get behind the drow. When you're ready, you step out, and suddenly find that A) all of your spells are no longer active, including your antimagic field but excluding totally-not-Time-Stop, and B) you can't hear anything. (I'm guessing this changes your plans from full-attacking to doing something else.)

Now that's extremely troubling, to say the least.. I had thought that the 0ft range just meant it had to be cast on myself, and tbh I was a bit worried if it would be legit or not to hand it away, but since nothing said otherwise I thought I'd try. This is mainly because the one other spell I considered using (Decastave) has got a line specially dedicated to saying that "if I let go of the decastave or pass it to someone else, it will disappear", while TL doesn't. I agree with you though, sorry for my oversight!

Ugh, but let's please forget that ever happened. While brainstorming for a way to continue with my tactics I suddenly realized that Thunderlance is level 4, not 6 as I had been thinking for some reason, and therefore is eligible for Greater Anyspell. C-can we please scratch my stupidity there and have the Thrall just have cast it directly :smalltongue:?
The only reason I was going to give it to her was because I didn't think it'd be possible for her to do it. (Unless you disallow the spell from working at all thanks to the dysfunctionality)

For now, I think I'll wait a bit (mainly because I kinda need the reply for my request above :smallbiggrin:) and send her a complex equation in Synad via telepathy "speaking" in a friendly tone, to see if I manage to confuse her for a moment, and also to further evaluate the extent of her mental capabilities and linguistic knowledge.

@Kazyan Isn't that reading of Range problematic? By that logic, spells like Maze and Bestow Curse are useless, spells like Dimensional Anchor can be runaway from, and spells like Prismatic Sphere that you can supposedly move away from can't actually be utilized that way?

EDIT: Oh, and the Spellguard of SM's signature CharOp ability becomes useless.

The difficulties of Range are noted. I still don't think someone can pass a Thunderlance to an ally, but it's moot, since Greater Anyspell works. We'll go with the Greater Anyspell.

You send off the equation, and get a response. (Again, using words, but remember that she's actually just beaming the idea directly into Jibril's mind.) You're smart enough that language should be unnecessary. Skip it. I can only understand the main ideas from the surface of your mind if you do not.

Alrighty then! Eglara casts a bunch of stuff on herself:
Persistent Shield
Persistent Fox's Cunning
Persistent Ray Deflection
Contingent Energy Resistance

She then enters Mystic Phoenix Stance and casts the Greater Plane Shift.

Int increases to 39
AC: 40 (+6 Dex, +2 Wis from Swordsage, +2 luck from Staff of Power, +8 armor from Vest of the Archmagi, +9 shield from Shield*, +1 insight from ioun stone, +2 dodge from Mystic Phoenix Stance)
*Bonus is +9 instead of +4 because of the Abjurant Champion prestige class.

After your buffs, you find yourself in front of the decrepit stone fortress, floating in the middle of the nothingness of the plane. The doors are wide open. It appears you'll be traversing 15' x 15' corridors if you start searching or wandering.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-20, 11:37 AM
Aaand I'm back to storm Iuluvxi's castle!

Kbirin, harbeeinger of the dragon hive
Venerable stalking wyrm kobold Wizard 5/Ultimate Magus 25/Wyrm Wizard 10 (Wizard 5/Ultimate Magus 10/Wyrm Wizard 10/Ultimate Magus +15)
Small Dragon
HD: 5d4-5 plus 25d4-25 plus 10d4-10 (61 hp)
Iniziative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 150 ft. (good)
AC: 14 (+2 size, +1 armor, +1 natural), contact 12, flat-footed 14
BAB/Grapple: +18/+11
Attack: Claw +17 melee (1d3-3)
Full attack: 2 claws +17 melee (1d3-3) and bite +12 melee (1d3-3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
SA: Familiar, spontaneous divination, arcane spell power +4, expanded spell knowledge x5, augmented casting, knowledge of the wyrm, spell research (blasphemy, dictum, holy word, word of chaos, gembomb), draconic discovery (2nd, 4th and 6th level), convert counterspell, break spell resistance
SQ: Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity, slight build, immunity to magic sleep and paralysis effects
Saves: Fort +13, Refl +14, Will +30
Ability scores: Str 2 (base 8), Dex 10 (base 8), Con 9 (base 11), Int 43 (base 18), Wis 28 (base 13), Cha 18 (base 15)
Notable skills: Concentration +42, Hide +51, Knowledge (arcana, nature, the planes) +53 each, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +20, Profession (beekeper) +46, Spellcraft +53, Survival +46, Use Magic Device +47
1st Hidden Talent (minor creation, psionic) (Pathetic Strength flaw)
1st Maximize Spell (+3) (Noncombatant flaw)
1st Dragonwrought
1st Empower Spell (+2)
3rd Eschew Materials
3.000 gp Iron Will
6th Reserves of Strength
9th Spell Thematics (bees)
9th Selective Spells (+1) (B)
12th Ocular Spell (+2)
14th Invisible Spell (+0) (B)
15th Arcane Thesis (Gembomb)
18th Split Ray (+2)
21th Leadership
24th Chain Spell (+3)
27th Snowcasting
30th Energy Substitution (cold) (+0)
33th Lord of the Uttercold (+0)
36th Energy Substitution (electricity) (+0)
39th Born of the Three Thunders (+0)

Properties: 5.028.151 gp, 6 sp, 7 cp, ring of solar wings, third eye conceal, gem of seeing sovereign glued to my right eye, minor cloak of displacement, +1 soulfire vest, +12 enhancement bonus items of Int and Wis, Heward's fortifying bedroll, small tarpaulin, 2x custom staves of minute form, greater consumptive field, consumptive field, favor of the martyr and cure light wounds (133.125 gp, CL 20), custom staff of improvisation and dweomer of transference (14.250 gp, CL 8, 10 charges left), 40 contingent greater celerity spells (see below), 40 charged Shalantha's delicate disks (improvisation, CL 147) (8.000 gp), two castings of embrace/shun the dark chaos (19.600 gp) tons of domesticated bees
LA: +0

#1 – If I lose Initiative.
#2 – If any opponent starts acting.
#3 – If any opponent starts acting and #2 has expired.
#4 – If any opponent starts acting and #3 has expired.
#5 – If any opponent starts acting and #4 has expired.
#40 – If any opponent starts acting and #39 has expired.

The 17th level cohort is a standard (venerable dragonwrought kobold) NG Incantatrix whose sole purpose in life is to extend and persist buffs on command. He is Colossal+ and transports Kbirin's bees.

Relevant wizard spells prepared (4/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7/6; save DC 26 + spell level; casts as a 59th level Wizard; CL 59, CL 61 for Gembomb, for reference CL 144 after casting CF and GCF): 0th - Whatever; 1st – Whatever; 2nd – Whatever plus mirror image; 3rd – Whatever; 4th – Whatever plus friendly fire; 5th – Whatever; 6th – Whatever; 7th – Whatever plus selective antimagic field, greater arcane sight, blasphemy, dictum, holy word, word of chaos; 8th – Whatever plus invisible superior invisibility, superior invisibility, moment of prescience, invisible greater prying eyes; 9th – Empowered maximized ocular split chained gembomb (x6).

Changes bolded to ease the reading.

- I locate Iuluvxi's fortress and cast all my buffs except GPE and favor of the martyr. My cohort persists and extends them. Which means more bees get killed. Which means Kbirin's blaming Iuluvxi even more than before.
- I sleep in my bedroll for 1 hour, recovering all my spells.
- I reach Iuluvxi's fortress with my cohort and then cast GPE, improvisation (9 charges left) and favor of the martyr. My cohort persists and extends favor of the martyr.
- I enter the fortress ordering my GPEs to position themselves 10 ft. from each other forming a square grid around me, looking for anything "suspicious" and dropping* immediately if they see anything.
*In case this is unclear, it means that as GPEs usually fly they have to drop themselves to the ground if they see anything "suspicious".

If nothing changed from my first visit, assume I go straight to the dead end in which I failed to spot/hear (?) the door.

2014-12-20, 11:50 AM
How about my sword? Is it still magical?

Regardless, I'll back off in a wall and try to get my spells back up. I'll then move to the other side of the room, and cast Polymorph Any Object at the closest allowed target within 5 ft. of her (or I just summon a rat next to her), turning it into Brown Mold. I then create a nice Flaming Sphere somewhere close to it, and watch the little mold doubling (and doubling, and doubling) in size. All the while draining the warmth from Iuthingy's body. I also keep summoning+moldcreating.

This spell works, as Time Stop only protects her from my attacks and spells. The mold is neither a spell or an attack (No attack roll).

2014-12-20, 04:41 PM
I'll play!

Morgaine Silvertongue (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=72006)
Female CN Nymph 6/Bard 27/LA 7, Level ECL:40, Init +2, HP 185/185, Speed 30
AC 43, Touch 32, Flat-footed 41, Fort +40, Ref +47, Will +48, Base Attack Bonus 29/24/19/14
Perform checks like a warlady. Improvised. Totally Wicked Awesome Axe. I mean, Harp. 25 (1d4-1, x2)
A couple dings that give it character, you know? Sharp Little Knife. For cutting things. Like food! 29 (1d4-1, 19-20x2)
Shortbow (1000) +31/+26/+21/+16 (1d6, x2)
Fly at will, continuous Magic Circle Against Evil. Armor of the Celestial Battalion (+11 Armor, +2 Dex, +20 Deflect)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 20, Cha 50

I'll begin by searching my collected knowledge of legends, old tales, and the rumors I heard at the tavern last night. I'd had one too many drinks to realize what I was hearing at the time, but now, in the morning, it almost seems like I've heard something like it before...

Bardic Knowledge +31

Hopefully I can remember where this fortress was last seen, who has survived (barely) the trip back, and any relevant names of important figures.

2014-12-20, 11:35 PM
Away from computer and on phone, so no quotes.

Uncle Pine: You head back to the mysterious door. Your GPEs don't drop. Hmm.

Then you feel a telepathic spike of sheer anger coming from somewhere, your GPEs out in front of you drop in a cascade as they see each of their immediate leaders drop, and Contingency #2 goes off.

Dire Stirge: Sword is still magical. Also, give me your actions round-by-round and movements in terms of feet. It matters now.

Ahmanae: You learned from a beekeeper's assistant last night that the fortress was on the Elemental Plane of Air, and where exactly on that plane. And you know some bits and pieces about Iuluvxi, come to think of it. (Finding Iuluvxi has become trivial so I'm not going to be difficult about it anymore. As for information about her, just go back to the big knowledge dump last page; you know the DC 10 through DC 30 items, that the Harbeenger took a shot at this before and survived with no real issues, and that everyone else who survived went missing recently.)

2014-12-21, 02:23 AM

(Obviously, those rounds are from Quickstrike's point of view. Someone else would literally be unable to notice him between the time stops)

-Recast Mastery of Shaping Antimagic Field.
-Move 30 ft. away from Ilawful.

-Move 30 ft. away from Iulthingy.
-Recast Mind Blank.

-Ready action to recreate Innervated Speed as soon as my current one ends.

ROUND 3.5:
-Innervated Speed is recreated.

-Recast Fly.

-Recast Ghostform.

-Ready time-stopping action.

-Stop time.

-Recast Greater Invisibility

-Recast True Seeing.

-Ready time-stopping action.

-Stop time.

-Recast Greater Invisibility

-Recast Delay Death.

-Ready time-stopping action.

ROUND 12.5
-Stop time.

-Recast Beastland Ferocity
-Fly 60 ft. closer to Iululului.

Please tell me if this works, and so no, why not.

2014-12-21, 02:39 AM
Dire Stirge: You try to recast the field and you can't hear the verbal components coming out of your mouth. Nor anything else, really. The spell fails. (No points for figuring out what this is. Do you wish to adjust your next few rounds of actions?)

Uncle Pine
2014-12-21, 03:09 AM
Uncle Pine: You head back to the mysterious door. Your GPEs don't drop. Hmm.

Then you feel a telepathic spike of sheer anger coming from somewhere, your GPEs out in front of you drop in a cascade as they see each of their immediate leaders drop, and Contingency #2 goes off.

No Spot/Listen checks? Or do I see the door regardless of skill checks? If the answers to both questions is no, I fly to the GPE in the front to review its information.
By the way, does your description means that all the GPEs dropped because of the instruction I gave them and that they are still functioning or that they also stopped to work because of "something"?
Also, does the telepathic wave of anger come with any kind of magical effect I can examine with GAS or Spellcraft?

2014-12-21, 03:22 AM
The grid of GPEs has extended significantly up ahead, since the hallways are only 15' wide and you have 100+ eyes. Whatever is happening, it's happening around another corner, well beyond the door that confused you last time and the room that it led to (and that some of the GPEs have spread out into, per the grid description. I think.) Also, the telepathy does not have a GAS manifestation and appears to be just telepathy/rustled jimmies, and GAS indicated that the eyes are still working normally. Does that make things clearer?

Uncle Pine
2014-12-21, 03:39 AM
The grid of GPEs has extended significantly up ahead, since the hallways are only 15' wide and you have 100+ eyes. Whatever is happening, it's happening around another corner, well beyond the door that confused you last time and the room that it led to (and that some of the GPEs have spread out into, per the grid description. I think.) Also, the telepathy does not have a GAS manifestation and appears to be just telepathy/rustled jimmies, and GAS indicated that the eyes are still working normally. Does that make things clearer?

Yes, thank you. I start my move action (#2), fly X ft. forward and reach the corner to see what's happening.

(I thought it'd be useful to list the contingency number beside an action whenever I act in order to accurately keep track of my inflated action economy, so I'm going to use this notation from now on)

2014-12-21, 05:20 AM
Screw this. I need no fancy spells to beat up a god-eating abomination from beyond space and time which causes people who think about it to go crazy! I only need a (magic) sword!


2014-12-21, 11:44 AM
Hmmm, well, I've searched the dark corners of my mind for everything I might already know; looks like I'll have to find out the rest for myself. Maybe this will make a good song when I'm done, and good original songs mean free drinks! And donations to the Stop The Mindrape Of Attractive Nymphs (ST-MOAN) charity I set up a while back!

First I need a back up plan or two, after all, only barbarians and fools rush in. I start by casting Trap the Soul with a trigger item inscribed with Iuluvxi's name and the final word of the spell, a gem worth 100k gp. I also Contingency a Dimensional Lock to be cast on me if I cast Force Cage.

SHTF-preparations in place, I cast Plane Shift by scroll to the Plane of Air, a Find The Path to the fortress, and fly to the fortress, strumming my wicked awesome axe... I mean, harp, and trying to find a phrase that rhymes with "Kickass Nymph".

2014-12-21, 02:45 PM
"Kickass Nymph".

Her enemies' blood will flow, together with their lymph?

2014-12-21, 03:03 PM
She's leaning toward "Symphony" with a convenient, if hackneyed, linebreak.

What? She's a harpist, not a songwriter.

2014-12-21, 06:05 PM
After your buffs, you find yourself in front of the decrepit stone fortress, floating in the middle of the nothingness of the plane. The doors are wide open. It appears you'll be traversing 15' x 15' corridors if you start searching or wandering.

I cast Greater Arcane Sight and make a Spot check. Assuming that neither of these detect anything trap-like or otherwise really bad, I enter the fortress. Once inside, I cast Greater Prying Eyes. I'd like one of the eyes to peek around any corners before I go around them and come back if it sees anything threatening.

P.S. Good luck with your finals!

2014-12-21, 09:55 PM
Alright then, thanks! The only other change is that the enhancement bonus will go down by one, but that doesn't really matters much.
I'm extremely delighted and fascinated upon receiving the reply to the equation, and even more so by the following message which she relayed to my mind. Even though it may be too soon to reach such a conclusion, this is certainly one of the most unique beings in existence. Further research and testing is absolutely necessary. in fact, I do try to relay those concepts to her via telepathy - odd fascination, and desire for further study.
The skeletons flip the mirror so that the reflective surface points to the front, and position themselves to my left. My thrall is on my right as we move around the corner so that we should be facing Iuluvxi.
*If my LoS contingency goes off, I manifest Dimension Lock and Distracting Ray on her, then WRT the thrall

I'll then attempt to, without language as she suggested, relay this message: "I apologize for our intrusion and our apparently offensive maneuvers, but rest assured, no hostility is intended. Rumors about you and your hoard of rare antiquities have piqued my interest. And indeed, you've proven yourself a worthy subject so far.
I'm afraid we cannot leave, but don't worry, we shouldn't take too long with our examination. You don't mind it, right? Great! Oh, if there are any major vital organs I should avoid tampering with, please do warn me beforehand, yes?"
My collective mind, however, is reciting multiple books word-by-word as background noise, to block my deepest thoughts.
In case she is able to see me, I'm wearing the kindest smile.

2014-12-22, 12:18 AM
Done with finals and am with parents now.

Yes, thank you. I start my move action (#2), fly X ft. forward and reach the corner to see what's happening.

(I thought it'd be useful to list the contingency number beside an action whenever I act in order to accurately keep track of my inflated action economy, so I'm going to use this notation from now on)

You fly to the corner to see what's going on. 50 feet down the corridor, you see the same drow woman, with a rather cross expression pointed in the direction of your leading GPE. (Spot and/or Listen is something you can do now.)

Screw this. I need no fancy spells to beat up a god-eating abomination from beyond space and time which causes people who think about it to go crazy! I only need a (magic) sword!


Cool, we're getting to the "I poke it with a stick and see what happens" phase.

You swing your sword into the space where you saw her last. This causes your sword to disappear. It felt like it was yanked out of your hands, but not in a way as if to disarm you; you're not entirely sure which direction it was pulled in. Just...poof.

Hmmm, well, I've searched the dark corners of my mind for everything I might already know; looks like I'll have to find out the rest for myself. Maybe this will make a good song when I'm done, and good original songs mean free drinks! And donations to the Stop The Mindrape Of Attractive Nymphs (ST-MOAN) charity I set up a while back!

First I need a back up plan or two, after all, only barbarians and fools rush in. I start by casting Trap the Soul with a trigger item inscribed with Iuluvxi's name and the final word of the spell, a gem worth 100k gp. I also Contingency a Dimensional Lock to be cast on me if I cast Force Cage.

SHTF-preparations in place, I cast Plane Shift by scroll to the Plane of Air, a Find The Path to the fortress, and fly to the fortress, strumming my wicked awesome axe... I mean, harp, and trying to find a phrase that rhymes with "Kickass Nymph".

You make your way to the fortress, floating along the elemental breeze and playing your axeharp.

Once you get within 1 mile or so, you feel a sharp pain that deals 33 damage, then subsides. Nothing else happens until you reach the fortress proper--the front double doors are wide open, leading to 15' x 15' hallways. Some of the stone bricks are missing in small swaths.

I cast Greater Arcane Sight and make a Spot check. Assuming that neither of these detect anything trap-like or otherwise really bad, I enter the fortress. Once inside, I cast Greater Prying Eyes. I'd like one of the eyes to peek around any corners before I go around them and come back if it sees anything threatening.

P.S. Good luck with your finals!

Thanks. I needed the luck.

You notice an enormous number of Permanent Images all over the place via Greater Arcane Sight. The walls, ceiling, and floor are totally lined with them. Your Greater Arcane Sight doesn't detect anything nasty behind them, though, and you can't see any traps (but, you know, that's a classic thing to hide with illusions).

Alright then, thanks! The only other change is that the enhancement bonus will go down by one, but that doesn't really matters much.
I'm extremely delighted and fascinated upon receiving the reply to the equation, and even more so by the following message which she relayed to my mind. Even though it may be too soon to reach such a conclusion, this is certainly one of the most unique beings in existence. Further research and testing is absolutely necessary. in fact, I do try to relay those concepts to her via telepathy - odd fascination, and desire for further study.
The skeletons flip the mirror so that the reflective surface points to the front, and position themselves to my left. My thrall is on my right as we move around the corner so that we should be facing Iuluvxi.
*If my LoS contingency goes off, I manifest Dimension Lock and Distracting Ray on her, then WRT the thrall

I'll then attempt to, without language as she suggested, relay this message: "I apologize for our intrusion and our apparently offensive maneuvers, but rest assured, no hostility is intended. Rumors about you and your hoard of rare antiquities have piqued my interest. And indeed, you've proven yourself a worthy subject so far.
I'm afraid we cannot leave, but don't worry, we shouldn't take too long with our examination. You don't mind it, right? Great! Oh, if there are any major vital organs I should avoid tampering with, please do warn me beforehand, yes?"
My collective mind, however, is reciting multiple books word-by-word as background noise, to block my deepest thoughts.
In case she is able to see me, I'm wearing the kindest smile.

You and your entourage step out and look down the corridor. About 60 feet from you, there appears to be a Large-sized drow woman, carrying a staff with spiderweb motifs. (Contingency goes off.) You other senses give you other information, though. From Greater Arcane Sight, you discern the following magical effects on her:

Facade: Confuses true seeing.
Foresight: As the spell.
Mind Blank: As the spell.
Silence: As the spell.
Spell Resistance Fields: Eight Otiluke's Suppressing Fields powered by SR.
Greater Arcane Sight: Actually the spell.
Zone of Incompetence: Punishes high check results within a large area.

Also, the quarterstaff she holds is Overwhelming in power.

Touchsight indicates that Iuluvxi is sharing her space with a cloud-like swarm of...threads? Wires? Whatever the case, you can't see them via True Seeing or Greater Arcane Sight, and some of them are passing through her. Both Iuluvxi and the cloud have an indescribable Touchsight-tactile sensation, sort of like touching the absence of something instead of anything that actually exists.

You shoot off a Dimension Lock, and you don't see the effect come into place with your Greater Arcane Sight.

The Mirror of Opposition doesn't appear to be working.

I doubt you can study me without killing yourself. I also doubt that bringing a Mirror of Opposition here is a friendly gesture. Nice try, though. My vision doesn't work normally anymore--did you think all those Permanent Images were for decoration?

(I'll let you decide if you want to change the rest of your actions.)

2014-12-22, 02:28 AM
Well, that was unpleasant! I cast Cure Critical Wounds on my self (24-52hp)and approach the door with True Seeing and Mind Blank active. In a fit of pique over the rather rude welcome, I seriously consider just stroling in. In the end, however, courtesy wins out ( I am a lady, after all, ruffians be damned), and I knock firmly three times.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-22, 02:59 AM
You fly to the corner to see what's going on. 50 feet down the corridor, you see the same drow woman, with a rather cross expression pointed in the direction of your leading GPE. (Spot and/or Listen is something you can do now.)

Improvisation time! I expend 144 of my 288 points and roll a Spot and a Listen checks with a total +81 bonus each.

2014-12-22, 04:03 AM
Well, that was unpleasant! I cast Cure Critical Wounds on my self (24-52hp)and approach the door with True Seeing and Mind Blank active. In a fit of pique over the rather rude welcome, I seriously consider just stroling in. In the end, however, courtesy wins out ( I am a lady, after all, ruffians be damned), and I knock firmly three times.

You knock on the door, and after a few moments, you get a telepathic message. It doesn't use language--just concepts directly beamed into your mind. (As usual, words are necessary because forum.) Okay. I'll take the bait.

And then space simply "opens" 15 feet in front of you, briefly revealing a Large-sized drow woman carrying a spiderweb-motif staff, right before sound and magic shut down around you. The message continues: Are you lost? (Blah blah blah, Otiluke's Supressing Fields that I've already mentioned to others, blah. Blah blah, not enough caster level, blah. Magic items are still working, but active spells are not.)

Improvisation time! I expend 144 of my 288 points and roll a Spot and a Listen checks with a total +81 bonus each.

You take a good look at Iuluvxi...and you realize that you're seeing some kind of illusion, one that's defeating True Seeing somehow. Must be one of those fancy Invisible Spells or something similar.

Iuluvxi's true form is revealed to you, along with a swarm of long strings floating around (and through) her. Iuluvxi herself looks rather the same...except that both the strands and Iuluvxi are pure black in color. True Seeing normally provides something akin to an ambient glow that only you can see, but there's no glow on her, no 'light' reflecting off her at all.

It's kind of neat, to the point where you almost didn't notice that Contingency #3 just went off.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-22, 04:33 AM
You take a good look at Iuluvxi...and you realize that you're seeing some kind of illusion, one that's defeating True Seeing somehow. Must be one of those fancy Invisible Spells or something similar.

Iuluvxi's true form is revealed to you, along with a swarm of long strings floating around (and through) her. Iuluvxi herself looks rather the same...except that both the strands and Iuluvxi are pure black in color. True Seeing normally provides something akin to an ambient glow that only you can see, but there's no glow on her, no 'light' reflecting off her at all.

It's kind of neat, to the point where you almost didn't notice that Contingency #3 just went off.

Technically, if Improvisation is already in effect, expending points doesn't require an action. Thus, I should be able to finish my turn by throwing a 666 force damage bee at Iuluvxi as a standard action (#2) before contingency #3 goes off.

2014-12-22, 04:47 AM
You knock on the door, and after a few moments, you get a telepathic message. It doesn't use language--just concepts directly beamed into your mind. (As usual, words are necessary because forum.) Okay. I'll take the bait.

And then space simply "opens" 15 feet in front of you, briefly revealing a Large-sized drow woman carrying a spiderweb-motif staff, right before sound and magic shut down around you. The message continues: Are you lost? (Blah blah blah, Otiluke's Supressing Fields that I've already mentioned to others, blah. Blah blah, not enough caster level, blah. Magic items are still working, but active spells are not.)

"I might be, actually, when you stop and think about it though, isn't everyone? However, now that I'm here, I represent the charity Stop The Mindrape Of Attractive Nymphs (ST-MOAN, you know), and you look like the sort of person who wouldn't condone such a gross misuse of power! Women are not objects! Would you be interested in helping this noble cause for feminine empowerment?"

Rushed Diplomacy check +62

2014-12-22, 06:44 AM
You swing your sword into the space where you saw her last. This causes your sword to disappear. It felt like it was yanked out of your hands, but not in a way as if to disarm you; you're not entirely sure which direction it was pulled in. Just...poof.

Craaaaaaaap. Okay, you know? I am officially Pissed Off now.

Assume the Time Stop Tango is simply being prolonged continuously now. I then:

1. Silent Plane Shift to the Prime Material Plane. If I know of any major kobold settlements, I will try to get close to those.

2. Travel over land to the nearest kobold village I know of. Kidnap one (1) kobold.

3. Steal a few GP's of whatever is needed to make a spell component pouch.

4. Dominate the kobold (breaking the time stop very briefly). Plane Shift to Iuluvix' doorstep, along with the kobold.

5. Reach into the SCP and pull out a Talisman of the Sphere. Put talisman on.

6. End Time Stop Tango. Command the kobold to reach into the bag and pull out a Sphere of Annihilation. It'll probably die, but hey, kobolds are replaceable. I may be nice and tell his family what happened to their suddenly disappeared cousin.

7. Restart Time Stop Tango. I now use my new sphere pet to completely wreck the fortress. As in; I force the sphere through anything I can see. I have infinite time to do this.


8. Having found Iuluvixialaskjdfla, I will the sphere to move into her square. I am curious how she'll react to a way to destroy her completely.

If this doesn't work, I will retire Quickstrike and instead enact plan no. 3!

2014-12-22, 08:00 AM
Ha. Ha ha ha. Eh heh.

2014-12-22, 08:33 AM
And so, Robo Swiftpants became angry that he lost his spatula sword and produced many a crabby patty anihilation burgers.

2014-12-22, 02:37 PM
I'm surprised nobody's tried whacking her with a Rod of Cancellation yet.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-22, 02:58 PM
I'm surprised nobody's tried whacking her with a Rod of Cancellation yet.

I'd expect a NPC advertised as a spellcaster with powers beyond imagination that dresses like a Disney princess to have measures against touch attacks and a DC 23 Will save.

2014-12-22, 03:06 PM
Technically, if Improvisation is already in effect, expending points doesn't require an action. Thus, I should be able to finish my turn by throwing a 666 force damage bee at Iuluvxi as a standard action (#2) before contingency #3 goes off.

Contingency #3 went off for a different reason.

You throw a bee bomb at her and it explodes, ripping away the not-drow's form. All you see now is the field of strands, which seem unaffected by the explosion.

Greater Arcane Sight does not indicate any active magic on the strands; the Silence, Spell Resistance Fields, and other such things disappeared when the explosion went off.

"I might be, actually, when you stop and think about it though, isn't everyone? However, now that I'm here, I represent the charity Stop The Mindrape Of Attractive Nymphs (ST-MOAN, you know), and you look like the sort of person who wouldn't condone such a gross misuse of power! Women are not objects! Would you be interested in helping this noble cause for feminine empowerment?"

Rushed Diplomacy check +62

You start talking and find that you can't hear yourself.

That's not going to work in Silence. I can tell vaguely what you're thinking, though. Just use my telepathy channel, and try to avoid language. The drow has the expression of someone who is trying to decide whether or not they're bored enough for this.

Craaaaaaaap. Okay, you know? I am officially Pissed Off now.

Assume the Time Stop Tango is simply being prolonged continuously now. I then:

1. Silent Plane Shift to the Prime Material Plane. If I know of any major kobold settlements, I will try to get close to those.

2. Travel over land to the nearest kobold village I know of. Kidnap one (1) kobold.

3. Steal a few GP's of whatever is needed to make a spell component pouch.

4. Dominate the kobold (breaking the time stop very briefly). Plane Shift to Iuluvix' doorstep, along with the kobold.

5. Reach into the SCP and pull out a Talisman of the Sphere. Put talisman on.

6. End Time Stop Tango. Command the kobold to reach into the bag and pull out a Sphere of Annihilation. It'll probably die, but hey, kobolds are replaceable. I may be nice and tell his family what happened to their suddenly disappeared cousin.

7. Restart Time Stop Tango. I now use my new sphere pet to completely wreck the fortress. As in; I force the sphere through anything I can see. I have infinite time to do this.


8. Having found Iuluvixialaskjdfla, I will the sphere to move into her square. I am curious how she'll react to a way to destroy her completely.

If this doesn't work, I will retire Quickstrike and instead enact plan no. 3!

You acquire a kobold and a Sphere of Annihilation, then throw a paragon pseudonatural tantrum by feeding the fortress into the existential wood chipper. It's very satisfying. Eventually, the fortress is gone, and the only one here is that drow woman. So you send the Sphere flying at her...and it simply passes right through her. Trying this a few more times, still under Time Stop Tango, has the same effect, like there's nothing there.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-22, 03:18 PM
Contingency #3 went off for a different reason.

You throw a bee bomb at her and it explodes, ripping away the not-drow's form. All you see now is the field of strands, which seem unaffected by the explosion.

Greater Arcane Sight does not indicate any active magic on the strands; the Silence, Spell Resistance Fields, and other such things disappeared when the explosion went off.

Okay, I'll remember that I still have a standard action (#2) left, then. As I used my standard action (#3) to throw the beebomb, I use my move action (#3) to reach the GPE in the front. Meanwhile, I expend 72 points (72 left) to roll a Spot check with a +81 bonus.

2014-12-22, 03:22 PM
You acquire a kobold and a Sphere of Annihilation, then throw a paragon pseudonatural tantrum by feeding the fortress into the existential wood chipper. It's very satisfying. Eventually, the fortress is gone, and the only one here is that drow woman. So you send the Sphere flying at her...and it simply passes right through her. Trying this a few more times, still under Time Stop Tango, has the same effect, like there's nothing there.

Okay. Pissed Offness just exploded. Quickstrike remembers one obscure bit of trivia on Iuluthu, and repeats the above stated procedure until he has ended up with 83 spheres of annihilation, all in the same space as she is.

2014-12-22, 03:25 PM
I'd expect a NPC advertised as a spellcaster with powers beyond imagination that dresses like a Disney princess to have measures against touch attacks and a DC 23 Will save.

If a rod of cancellation touches a sphere of annihilation, they negate each other in a tremendous explosion. Everything within a 60-foot radius takes 2d6x10 points of damage.
What Will save?

Uncle Pine
2014-12-22, 06:19 PM
What Will save?

This dreaded rod is a bane to magic items, for its touch drains an item of all magical properties. The item touched must make a DC 23 Will save to prevent the rod from draining it. If a creature is holding it at the time, then the item can use the holder’s Will save bonus in place of its own if the holder’s is better. In such cases, contact is made by making a melee touch attack roll. Upon draining an item, the rod itself becomes brittle and cannot be used again. Drained items are only restorable by wish or miracle. (If a sphere of annihilation and a rod of cancellation negate each other, nothing can restore either of them.)

That Will save.

If a rod of cancellation touches a sphere of annihilation, they negate each other in a tremendous explosion. Everything within a 60-foot radius takes 2d6x10 points of damage.
I also assume that the spellcaster I mentioned before should have ways to ignore 2d6*10 mere points of damage.

2014-12-22, 08:28 PM
That Will save.

I also assume that the spellcaster I mentioned before should have ways to ignore 2d6*10 mere points of damage.

I have prepared a (likely ludicrous) response slash explanation.

"the center of a series of increasingly dangerous spheres."

Perhaps the most disturbing part: when a martial artist tried to punch her, he just disappeared completely. Gone. Poof.

Iuluvxi--she's doesn't "exist" in the same way that you do.

DC 50: Laurogeita Hiru once owned a Sphere of Annihilation.
DC 60: You believe, from scraps of evidence that lesser beings couldn't hope to put together, that Laurogeita Hiru was able to acquire an Ice Assassin of a diety from a wizard at some point.
DC 70: All bets are off when a deity touches a Sphere of Annihilation.

Iuluvxi's true form is revealed to you, along with a swarm of long strings floating around (and through) her. Iuluvxi herself looks rather the same...except that both the strands and Iuluvxi are pure black in color. True Seeing normally provides something akin to an ambient glow that only you can see, but there's no glow on her, no 'light' reflecting off her at all.

You swing your sword into the space where you saw her last. This causes your sword to disappear. It felt like it was yanked out of your hands, but not in a way as if to disarm you; you're not entirely sure which direction it was pulled in. Just...poof.
an indescribable Touchsight-tactile sensation, sort of like touching the absence of something instead of anything that actually exists.

A sphere of annihilation is a globe of absolute blackness, a ball of nothingness 2 feet in diameter. The object is actually a hole in the continuity of the multiverse. Any matter that comes in contact with a sphere is instantly sucked into the void, gone, and utterly destroyed.

increasingly dangerous spheres ... pure black in color

globe of absolute blackness

like touching the absence of something ... doesn't "exist"

is actually a hole in the continuity of the multiverse

disappeared completely ... yanked out of your hands ... Poof.

Any matter ... sucked into the void

If a rod of cancellation touches a sphere of annihilation, they negate each other in a tremendous explosion.

What Will save?

2014-12-22, 10:06 PM
You notice an enormous number of Permanent Images all over the place via Greater Arcane Sight. The walls, ceiling, and floor are totally lined with them. Your Greater Arcane Sight doesn't detect anything nasty behind them, though, and you can't see any traps (but, you know, that's a classic thing to hide with illusions).

IIRC, the Astral Plane has no gravity, right? So I will float/fly into the fortress and down the hall (or around the foyer, or whatever the first space is)--with 15x15 foot corridors, I should be able to stay far enough from the walls/ceiling/floor to avoid most tripwires and pressure plates.

(On a related note, the mention of illusions being used to hide traps reminds me of a dungeon from a 3.5e game my husband played in. At one point, they came across this pit trap in the middle of a hallway. One character had lots of ranks in Jump, so he decided he'd just jump across the pit trap. Trouble is, the hallway didn't actually continue on past the pit trap. It was just a dead end, with a Permanent Image spell being used to make it look like there was more hallway on the other side of the trap.)

2014-12-23, 01:01 AM
Okay, I'll remember that I still have a standard action (#2) left, then. As I used my standard action (#3) to throw the beebomb, I use my move action (#3) to reach the GPE in the front. Meanwhile, I expend 72 points (72 left) to roll a Spot check with a +81 bonus.

You head on over to the leading GPE and take another look around. There's nothing interesting about this section of corridor, but you're a mere 15 feet from the field of black threads. Some of them appear to be bundling together, but your time-breaking contingent effects are making that a slow process.

Okay. Pissed Offness just exploded. Quickstrike remembers one obscure bit of trivia on Iuluthu, and repeats the above stated procedure until he has ended up with 83 spheres of annihilation, all in the same space as she is.

You go fetch another kobold and spell component pouch. By the time you get back, Iuluvxi has moved five feet upwards, and is now looking down at the sphere you left there. Since you took some time without Innervated Speed to get the kobold, that's probably how she had time to move. (Do you want to keep dropping off Spheres?)

IIRC, the Astral Plane has no gravity, right? So I will float/fly into the fortress and down the hall (or around the foyer, or whatever the first space is)--with 15x15 foot corridors, I should be able to stay far enough from the walls/ceiling/floor to avoid most tripwires and pressure plates.

(On a related note, the mention of illusions being used to hide traps reminds me of a dungeon from a 3.5e game my husband played in. At one point, they came across this pit trap in the middle of a hallway. One character had lots of ranks in Jump, so he decided he'd just jump across the pit trap. Trouble is, the hallway didn't actually continue on past the pit trap. It was just a dead end, with a Permanent Image spell being used to make it look like there was more hallway on the other side of the trap.)

You start flying/wandering through the halls. No traps activate as you do so.

This place is large enough that it's taking you a while to explore, and you're not finding any signs of life. There's bound to be something here, but it demands either a lot of wandering or a more effective search method.

2014-12-23, 01:35 AM
Ah, the old moral dilemma. If a soul-sucking abomination moves on the Astral Plane, and no one is around to hear it, does it make any sound? Probably yes, as she's covered in a field of silence, but still...

New plan, spheres are created on the PMP, and then brought to the fortress by dropping them through portals (as before, I have infinite time, so if there is a portal somewhere on a plane, I will find it). It will probably take only one portal to get to the astral plane, but I can take a detour if I have to.

I destroy my own sphere as I leave by using Fling Item to throw a Rod of Cancellation at it from a safe distance.

When I have finally gathered 83 spheres, I will all throw them at Iuluvvuvuv, making sure they all occupy her square at the same time.

2014-12-23, 01:52 AM
I destroy my own sphere as I leave by using Fling Item to throw a Rod of Cancellation at it from a safe distance.

(Hmm, it wouldn't take any non-stopped time to go get one if you have it, so she would still be adjacent... *looks up RAW*)

The shock-explosion from the Sphere's collapse is pretty spectacular, and when it clears, the drow is gone.

(If you've been following Uncle Pine's attempts, you'll know you're not done yet, though.)

Uncle Pine
2014-12-23, 02:56 AM
I have prepared a (likely ludicrous) response slash explanation.
What Will save?
Wow... That's a beautiful theory, but I seem to recall that Iuluvxi's a living creature. Is there a way to make an animated sphere of annihilation a living creature without stripping it of all its abilities (i.e. without Incarnated Construct)?

You head on over to the leading GPE and take another look around. There's nothing interesting about this section of corridor, but you're a mere 15 feet from the field of black threads. Some of them appear to be bundling together, but your time-breaking contingent effects are making that a slow process.

I'll assume that Contingency #4 went off as I used all my #3 actions. I fly backwards 45 ft. as a move action (#4) and then I throw another 666 beebomb from a safe distance as a standard action (#4). As usual, I target an intersection outside Iuluvxi's (?) space to avoid any weird AoE shenanigans, but close enough to include her inside the explosion's radius.

2014-12-23, 06:23 AM
Interesting... I 'shift back and forward to quickly get... three hundred large bags of flour. The flour is then thrown around in an orderly fashion (does that contradict itself?), so that I may see if there are any matter-annihilating horrors out there lurking invisibly. When Greater Plane Shifting back and forth, as well as when throwing around the flour, I take care not to enter any square that has not yet been flour-checked. I will keep the Time Stop Tango up during the whole procedure.

2014-12-23, 09:57 AM
Wow... That's a beautiful theory, but I seem to recall that Iuluvxi's a living creature. Is there a way to make an animated sphere of annihilation a living creature without stripping it of all it's abilities (i.e. without Incarnated Construct)?

DC 50: Laurogeita Hiru once owned a Sphere of Annihilation.
DC 60: You believe ... that Laurogeita Hiru was able to acquire an Ice Assassin of a diety
DC 70: All bets are off when a deity touches a Sphere of Annihilation.

Pretty sure a Deus Ex Machina is a good explaination.

2014-12-23, 10:19 AM
Wow... That's a beautiful theory, but I seem to recall that Iuluvxi's a living creature. Is there a way to make an animated sphere of annihilation a living creature without stripping it of all its abilities (i.e. without Incarnated Construct)?

The psionic sandwich trick might work.

2014-12-23, 11:10 AM
You start talking and find that you can't hear yourself.

That's not going to work in Silence. I can tell vaguely what you're thinking, though. Just use my telepathy channel, and try to avoid language. The drow has the expression of someone who is trying to decide whether or not they're bored enough for this.

Frowning slighty, I move 20 feet backwards, cast a Quickened Silent Haste, followed by a Silent Antimagic Field, return to my previous location, and try again.

2014-12-23, 11:38 AM
A swarm of threads or wires along with her, which also seems to be constituted of nothingness.. hmm, that bears the need for more investigation. Ok then, firstly I reply to her: "Oh my, please don't misunderstand my actions! Like I said, this is all just for testing! Thanks for contributing with information, and please don't worry, there's no need to have concern over my safety.. ah, that item of yours looks interesting!"
And then, I take 5d8 damage to overchannel an Telekinetic Disarm at her, augmented to 21pp, which rolls with a total +44 bonus. Any luck?

2014-12-23, 11:43 AM
Suddenly, in a freak alternate timeline, someone comes up with a desparate plan. This person is an Elan Spell to Power Erudite 16.

First, he acquires a Talisman of the Sphere and a Sphere of Annihilation using the above mentioned method. No kobolds were harmed in the making of this plan.

Then, he buys a Well of Many Worlds. (I'm sure you can see where this is going)

Next, he buys 1000 guard dogs (well within his WBL). He ties them down and throws them all on a large pile. He then moves to the center of this pile. Next, he casts Greater Consumptive Field a couple of times until his manifester level is over 200.

The Elan will now, with his sky-high manifester level, enact his daring plan. He wills the SoA into the WoMW. He won't stick around to enjoy the view, but instead Time Hops himself 20 minutes to the future.

The Elan is not, quote, more or less permanently killed himself, unquote, at the moment Iuluvxi is (which would be 2 minutes before his return at most). Therefore, he technically has won even though he does not exist at the point of his victory.

2014-12-23, 12:24 PM
I'll assume that Contingency #4 went off as I used all my #3 actions. I fly backwards 45 ft. as a move action (#4) and then I throw another 666 beebomb from a safe distance as a standard action (#4). As usual, I target an intersection outside Iuluvxi's (?) space to avoid any weird AoE shenanigans, but close enough to include her inside the explosion's radius.

The second bee bomb explodes, and it causes the swarm to swirl around, but it's still slowly moving.

Interesting... I 'shift back and forward to quickly get... three hundred large bags of flour. The flour is then thrown around in an orderly fashion (does that contradict itself?), so that I may see if there are any matter-annihilating horrors out there lurking invisibly. When Greater Plane Shifting back and forth, as well as when throwing around the flour, I take care not to enter any square that has not yet been flour-checked. I will keep the Time Stop Tango up during the whole procedure.

You toss about a lot of flour. Parts of the flour cloud disappear in the same space Iuluxvi occupied.

Frowning slighty, I move 20 feet backwards, cast a Quickened Silent Haste, followed by a Silent Antimagic Field, return to my previous location, and try again.

You return to your previous location and are still silent.

Antimagic Field. That never gets old.

A swarm of threads or wires along with her, which also seems to be constituted of nothingness.. hmm, that bears the need for more investigation. Ok then, firstly I reply to her: "Oh my, please don't misunderstand my actions! Like I said, this is all just for testing! Thanks for contributing with information, and please don't worry, there's no need to have concern over my safety.. ah, that item of yours looks interesting!"
And then, I take 5d8 damage to overchannel an Telekinetic Disarm at her, augmented to 21pp, which rolls with a total +44 bonus. Any luck?

You try to yank away the quarterstaff, but Iuluvxi holds firmly onto it. You feel a spike of anger through the telepathy.

It is, but you don't get to take it from me.


The Time Hop either A) fails or B) unavoidably destroys you, because there is no future to transport you to; time is a thing that exists, so it gets erased as well when you decide to flip the table. Also, stop trying to loophole the rules of the challenge.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-23, 12:30 PM
The second bee bomb explodes, and it causes the swarm to swirl around, but it's still slowly moving.

Does it mean that it had any effect?

EDIT: Like, you know, damage?

2014-12-23, 01:00 PM
You toss about a lot of flour. Parts of the flour cloud disappear in the same space Iuluxvi occupied.

Do the happy dance because I just proved that flour is and will always remain the most useful item any adventurer can bring with him. And as it worked once, why not try it again? I Greater Plane Shift back and forward to get myself another Rod of Cancellation and Fling it a second time at Iuluvuvuuas.

The Time Hop either A) fails or B) unavoidably destroys you, because there is no future to transport you to; time is a thing that exists, so it gets erased as well when you decide to flip the table. Also, stop trying to loophole the rules of the challenge.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I wasn't completely serious anyway. :smallfrown:

2014-12-23, 01:29 PM
Does it mean that it had any effect?

EDIT: Like, you know, damage?

AFAIK you don't have a way to tell what effects it had, except that you did have to make a damage roll.

Do the happy dance because I just proved that flour is and will always remain the most useful item any adventurer can bring with him. And as it worked once, why not try it again? I Greater Plane Shift back and forward to get myself another Rod of Cancellation and Fling it a second time at Iuluvuvuuas.

You fling another Rod of Cancellation and it explodes as expected. This explosion outlines what appears to be a swarm of aimlessly-floating strands in the space the drow occupied. They are distinctly not exploded, however, and there's way too many of them to destroy them all individually with the amount of Rods of Cancellation you can afford. (It's a swarm.)

I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I wasn't completely serious anyway. :smallfrown:

We're cool.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-23, 02:45 PM
AFAIK you don't have a way to tell what effects it had, except that you did have to make a damage roll.

I asked because I didn't completely understand what "but it's still moving" meant. My question was more descriptive than mechanical, like when you hit a giant with DR 15/- with a sword and the DM tells you that you barely scratched him (i.e. 16 damage - 15 = 1 damage) or it simply bounced off him (i.e. 9 damage - 15 = 0 damage). Oh well, I'll just assume that it did something as Iuluvxi being a swarm means that my bees suddenly turned into 999 beebombs.

I throw another beebomb as a standard action (#5).

2014-12-23, 03:30 PM
You fling another Rod of Cancellation and it explodes as expected. This explosion outlines what appears to be a swarm of aimlessly-floating strands in the space the drow occupied. They are distinctly not exploded, however, and there's way too many of them to destroy them all individually with the amount of Rods of Cancellation you can afford. (It's a swarm.)

Swarms? Don't those have a few universal vulnerabilities?

Steal a few lit lanterns from whatever plane suits me fancy and chunk them at the swarm. The swarm rules specifically say that:

A lit lantern can be used as a thrown weapon, dealing 1d4 points of fire damage to all creatures in squares adjacent to where it breaks.

On top of that, I am not targetting anyone with my attacks or spells, so the time stop remains active. Heck, the lantern would not even have to touch Iuluvxi, so I am aiming for the square directly below her. If there is no solid surface to throw the lantern at, I cast Blockade a few times to make one.

2014-12-23, 05:21 PM
I think the following violates rule 10 protecting rule 1:
Using the "totally not Time Stop" chain above, could you craft a Rod of Negation during the fight to throw each immediately at one part of the swarm and then get back to crafting another Rod ...?

2014-12-23, 07:23 PM
I think the following violates rule 10 protecting rule 1:
Using the "totally not Time Stop" chain above, could you craft a Rod of Negation during the fight to throw each immediately at one part of the swarm and then get back to crafting another Rod ...?

Yes, but WBL is the limiting factor - crafted items still cost money and XP, and you can't just Teleport around, stealing gold from everyone to use to craft.

2014-12-24, 01:27 AM
I asked because I didn't completely understand what "but it's still moving" meant. My question was more descriptive than mechanical, like when you hit a giant with DR 15/- with a sword and the DM tells you that you barely scratched him (i.e. 16 damage - 15 = 1 damage) or it simply bounced off him (i.e. 9 damage - 15 = 0 damage). Oh well, I'll just assume that it did something as Iuluvxi being a swarm means that my bees suddenly turned into 999 beebombs.

I throw another beebomb as a standard action (#5).

The next bomb explodes, the shock definitely manhandles the swarm around, and you can see plenty of fraying. But the bomb didn't put it out of commission. Either she has the durability of a stack of Tarrasques in this form, or this isn't working. (if you're not using the move action, #6 is a go.)

Swarms? Don't those have a few universal vulnerabilities?

Steal a few lit lanterns from whatever plane suits me fancy and chunk them at the swarm. The swarm rules specifically say that:


On top of that, I am not targetting anyone with my attacks or spells, so the time stop remains active. Heck, the lantern would not even have to touch Iuluvxi, so I am aiming for the square directly below her. If there is no solid surface to throw the lantern at, I cast Blockade a few times to make one.

You create some wooden blocks, toss the lanterns onto them, and allow the flames to cook the space where Iuluvxi is. You can't see what's going on, unfortunately, because of the invisibility. (Do you want to wait for, um, zero seconds, or attempt additional tomfoolery?)

2014-12-24, 05:54 AM
You create some wooden blocks, toss the lanterns onto them, and allow the flames to cook the space where Iuluvxi is. You can't see what's going on, unfortunately, because of the invisibility. (Do you want to wait for, um, zero seconds, or attempt additional tomfoolery?)

I try, in this order: Faerie Fire (Extra Spell), Glitterdust, See Invisibility, Invisibility Purge (gained through Extra Spell) and Revelation. Those spells are all Silenced and aimed so that the place where the flour disappeared is within their area, but I am not. If none work, MOAR FLOUR.

Nevermind that.

Instead, I use a Silenced Limited Wish to duplicate Faerie Fire. I believe there is no suppressing field prohibiting Universal spells?
If that doesn't work, I use one to duplicate Invisibility Purge.
If that doesn't work, throw more flour around and try to see if anything noticeably changed.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-24, 08:38 AM
The next bomb explodes, the shock definitely manhandles the swarm around, and you can see plenty of fraying. But the bomb didn't put it out of commission. Either she has the durability of a stack of Tarrasques in this form, or this isn't working. (if you're not using the move action, #6 is a go.)

Just to be sure that she really doesn't have the durability of a stack of Tarrasques, I throw two more beebombs (standard actions #6 and #7). Then I cast Reserves of Strength Chain Dispel Magic* (standard action #8) with a CL of 145 and make either 21 or 146 targeted dispel checks (1d20+146) against Iuluvxi and any of the spell effects that affect and/or protect her. Finally, I take 1d6 damage from Reserves of Strength ( 1d6 ).

*I realized that there should be no reason for Reserves of Strength to not uncap the limit of a secondary targets of a chain spell, as with Reserves of Strength you can exceed the normal level-fixed limits of a spell, and a chain spell (like a chain dispel magic spell) has at least one or more normal level-fixed limits: the limit on the number of secondary targets and the limit of the base spell itself (i.e. a chain dispel magic spells has two level-fixed limits). But if you rule that Reserves of Strength can't uncap Chain Spell, I'll stick with only 21 dispel checks.

2014-12-24, 11:13 AM
You start flying/wandering through the halls. No traps activate as you do so.

This place is large enough that it's taking you a while to explore, and you're not finding any signs of life. There's bound to be something here, but it demands either a lot of wandering or a more effective search method.

Okay, I'm going to order the eyes (from the Greater Prying Eyes spell I cast) to spread out through the fortress and return if they find any living humanoids, monstrous humanoids, magical beasts, outsiders, or dragons. In the meantime, I'll keep wandering myself, and activate Detect Secret Doors.

(Happy Holidays!)

2014-12-24, 07:06 PM
I try, in this order: Faerie Fire (Extra Spell), Glitterdust, See Invisibility, Invisibility Purge (gained through Extra Spell) and Revelation. Those spells are all Silenced and aimed so that the place where the flour disappeared is within their area, but I am not. If none work, MOAR FLOUR.

Nevermind that.

Instead, I use a Silenced Limited Wish to duplicate Faerie Fire. I believe there is no suppressing field prohibiting Universal spells?
If that doesn't work, I use one to duplicate Invisibility Purge.
If that doesn't work, throw more flour around and try to see if anything noticeably changed.

You drop a Limited Wish Faerie Fire, and nothing happens. You then duplicate Invisibility Purge, and that doesn't work either. Finally, you just throw flour around, which causes a fairly large explosion due to the presence of the lantern flames hitting flour dust. Whoops.

Throwing around even more flour after that reveals the presence of the swarm, which has distinctly not exploded.

Just to be sure that she really doesn't have the durability of a stack of Tarrasques, I throw two more beebombs (standard actions #6 and #7). Then I cast Reserves of Strength Chain Dispel Magic* (standard action #8) with a CL of 145 and make either 21 or 146 targeted dispel checks (1d20+146) against Iuluvxi and any of the spell effects that affect and/or protect her. Finally, I take 1d6 damage from Reserves of Strength ( 1d6 ).

*I realized that there should be no reason for Reserves of Strength to not uncap the limit of a secondary targets of a chain spell, as with Reserves of Strength you can exceed the normal level-fixed limits of a spell, and a chain spell (like a chain dispel magic spell) has at least one or more normal level-fixed limits: the limit on the number of secondary targets and the limit of the base spell itself (i.e. a chain dispel magic spells has two level-fixed limits). But if you rule that Reserves of Strength can't uncap Chain Spell, I'll stick with only 21 dispel checks.

(I think it only uncaps the "up to 20 secondary targets" limit, which means you can do 146 checks.)

You throw two more bee bombs, and it doesn't seem to be working, so you decide to hit it with Dispel Magic.

All at once, the damage seems to catch up with the swarm and it disintegrates/explodes into a cloud of black particles. They're a different kind of black, though--like soot. All that remains is the small bundle that was forming, which is now on the ground and wrapped around an ebony quarterstaff.

Inspecting the bundle reveals that it's just an inert black string-like material now, somewhat like black licorice (though eating it is probably a Very Bad Idea). Inspecting the quarterstaff reveals that it's a major artifact, and therefore LOOT.

Congratulations! You win!

I'm aware that the last part was confusing, but it will make sense when I show the statblock. I'll let others continue playing with Iuluvxi until everyone's ready for #5, though.

Okay, I'm going to order the eyes (from the Greater Prying Eyes spell I cast) to spread out through the fortress and return if they find any living humanoids, monstrous humanoids, magical beasts, outsiders, or dragons. In the meantime, I'll keep wandering myself, and activate Detect Secret Doors.

(Happy Holidays!)


You order away the GPEs and then try to find secret doors. The spell reveals nothing.

You keep moving around for a while. Oddly enough, the GPEs aren't coming back to you in a reasonable time frame.

Soon, you get a language-less telepathic message from somewhere, along the lines of: No one cares about privacy, it seems. Send any more surveillances and I'll break those too.

2014-12-25, 02:04 AM
You drop a Limited Wish Faerie Fire, and nothing happens. You then duplicate Invisibility Purge, and that doesn't work either. Finally, you just throw flour around, which causes a fairly large explosion due to the presence of the lantern flames hitting flour dust. Whoops.

Throwing around even more flour after that reveals the presence of the swarm, which has distinctly not exploded.

'Nothing happens' as in, I can't cast the spell? Or I did cast it but it didn't have any effect?

Regardless, I fix the lantern I just threw with Make Whole, throw it again, fix it, throw it again, and so on. Anyways, One Eternity Later...

Uncle Pine
2014-12-25, 03:37 AM
Congratulations! You win!

Wooho, merry Christmas to ME! Also, merry Christmas to all of you. :smallsmile:
I perform a dance on Iuluvxi's body to commemorate my victory against the bane of all the living and unliving bees of the multiverse.

2014-12-26, 12:46 AM
(Belated happy holidays for everyone, and congrats Uncle Pine!)

I frown upon realizing she wasn't letting go of it. "Now, please don't be like that..! I thought you were cooperating! The sooner this is properly analyzed, the sooner we leave. And Selenna, please start with the incisions, yes?"
I then manifest Retrieve targeting the quarterstaff. Regardless of what happens, I WRT the Thrall, who empties her Belt of Battle, casts Wraithstrike, and then charges Iuluvxi.
Thunderlance +39/+39/+34/+29/+24 (+2 charging +9 charisma +2 haste +4 enhancement +2 surge of fortune +3 righteous wrath)
(3d6+3+4+9+18+34 force/untyped? damage 19-20x3) x 3 (spirited charge)
(+3 morale, +4 enhancement, +9 divine might (untyped), +18 charisma x2 [in place of strength], +34 power attack)*
Average 231 per hit

*Since's the Thunderlance is a force effect rather than a material object, I think it'll come out unharmed rather than vanishing after touching Iuluvxi.

2014-12-26, 01:36 AM
'Nothing happens' as in, I can't cast the spell? Or I did cast it but it didn't have any effect?

Regardless, I fix the lantern I just threw with Make Whole, throw it again, fix it, throw it again, and so on. Anyways, One Eternity Later...

You cast the spell successfully; it just didn't seem to do anything.

You toss the lantern and repair it over and over. Eventually all the oil has burned away. (If you go get new ones, same deal. Throw more flour?)

(Belated happy holidays for everyone, and congrats Uncle Pine!)

I frown upon realizing she wasn't letting go of it. "Now, please don't be like that..! I thought you were cooperating! The sooner this is properly analyzed, the sooner we leave. And Selenna, please start with the incisions, yes?"
I then manifest Retrieve targeting the quarterstaff. Regardless of what happens, I WRT the Thrall, who empties her Belt of Battle, casts Wraithstrike, and then charges Iuluvxi.
Thunderlance +39/+39/+34/+29/+24 (+2 charging +9 charisma +2 haste +4 enhancement +2 surge of fortune +3 righteous wrath)
(3d6+3+4+9+18+34 force/untyped? damage 19-20x3) x 3 (spirited charge)
(+3 morale, +4 enhancement, +9 divine might (untyped), +18 charisma x2 [in place of strength], +34 power attack)*
Average 231 per hit

*Since's the Thunderlance is a force effect rather than a material object, I think it'll come out unharmed rather than vanishing after touching Iuluvxi.

Fine. Have it your way.

The quarterstaff appears in your hand. It no longer has a spiderweb motif, and instead has the appearance of solid ebony.

Selenna charges, and once she gets within 40 feet of Iuluvxi (10 feet of movement), the Thunderlance disappears, along with all of her other active spells. (Going to let you change how you're charging to accommodate this.)

I would pretend to feel threatened, but this is too amusing.

2014-12-26, 06:50 AM
You cast the spell successfully; it just didn't seem to do anything.

You toss the lantern and repair it over and over. Eventually all the oil has burned away. (If you go get new ones, same deal. Throw more flour?)

I guess so. I then buy another Rod of Cancellation and fling it from a safe distance.

2014-12-27, 10:21 AM

You order away the GPEs and then try to find secret doors. The spell reveals nothing.

You keep moving around for a while. Oddly enough, the GPEs aren't coming back to you in a reasonable time frame.

Soon, you get a language-less telepathic message from somewhere, along the lines of: No one cares about privacy, it seems. Send any more surveillances and I'll break those too.

Hmm, can I tell which eyes aren't coming back? (Like, "the ones that went north" or "the one that went down that hallway over there".)

2014-12-29, 04:01 AM
random bump because i'm curious!

2014-12-29, 11:44 AM
I'm kind of on an RV trip right now and will continue tonight when I get home. Stay tuned!

2014-12-29, 04:15 PM
*stays tuned*

2014-12-30, 01:51 AM
I guess so. I then buy another Rod of Cancellation and fling it from a safe distance.

Throwing more flour reveals that the swarm of strands is exactly as it was before you cooked it. Throwing another Rod of Cancellation makes another explosion that seems to fray the strands, but ultimately is only doing superficial damage.

Note to self: fewer "nope, it does nothing" abilities next time.

Hmm, can I tell which eyes aren't coming back? (Like, "the ones that went north" or "the one that went down that hallway over there".)

Hmm...GPE implies that you have a link to specific eyes, so I'll say that you have a general location of where they're going missing. Down hallway number 1d100 or something.

2014-12-30, 11:50 AM
Well, if I didn't die after touching the quarterstaff that's a good sign! As for the charge, I should have seen that coming... Ok, Selenna drops down and allows the horse to torpedo on its own to Iuluvxi/stops along the way if its possible. She WRTs back to me.
"Thanks! I knew you would cooperatel! Selenna's move was slightly embarrassing though, sorry."
Then, I analyze if the staff is still magical or if it has lost its properties/try to Identify it. I also check if Selenna didn't trigger a contingency when charging. Depending on what I learn, I more or less know what to do.

2014-12-30, 01:42 PM
Hmm...GPE implies that you have a link to specific eyes, so I'll say that you have a general location of where they're going missing. Down hallway number 1d100 or something.

Then I will head down that hallway.

2015-01-02, 05:48 AM
Quickstrike goes to earn some XP by, say, lantern-bombing swarms to death. I honestly don't know the exact specifics, but it suffices to say he comes back with several new levels.

These levels are all in Entropomancer. Quickstrike first retrains some sorcerer levels into 1 cleric level and 6 Mystic Theurge levels and then takes 10 Entropomancer levels.

He then returns to Iulvuvudsaldkjfangoaieowhydoievenbother, and, having gotten throughly fed up with this whole situation, jumps at the location of the strange mass. Note that, by virtue of being a high-level entropomancer, I am immune to the effects of spheres of annihilation.

Yeah, I just left the 'lets poke it with a stick' and entered the 'all or nothing' phase.

2015-01-07, 01:05 PM
*pokes thread with a 10-foot pole*