View Full Version : Channeling spells with 2h weapon

2014-12-10, 07:34 AM
Can a Duskblade channel spells with a two-handed weapon? I can't remember whether taking a hand off to cast a spell and putting it back is a free action, so if it is, could you please tell me where it says that if its true?

2014-12-10, 07:38 AM
Releasing a hand from the weapon is a free action, but putting the hand back on the weapon isn't, as far as I know, given an action in the rules. So I really think it's up to DM's purview.

Note however, that the Duskblade can cast in heavy shield without reciving ASF after a certain level. Since the hand of a heavy shield can't be used for anything else (including somatic and material components), I think it's safe to say the RAI of it is that they can cast the spells with both hands full. No reason the same should apply to wielding a weapon in two hands.

Fouredged Sword
2014-12-10, 07:59 AM
Still spell or a spell without somatic components. You can cast with both hands full without problem. Now, it sets you back a spell level, but if you are playing more melee then magic, it can be an option.

2014-12-10, 08:32 AM
Can a Duskblade channel spells with a two-handed weapon? I can't remember whether taking a hand off to cast a spell and putting it back is a free action, so if it is, could you please tell me where it says that if its true?

It's from a Rules of the Game (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20041102a) article by Skip Williams. (Someone check this link, please?)

It can also be inferred from the rules for bows, since you have to remove your hand to draw an arrow and re-grip the bow to shoot it. We know by RAW that drawing ammunition is a free action, so presumably re-gripping is also a free action.

Thus, the default weapon for a Duskblade should always be a two-handed weapon. This allows them to cast spells with somatic components and still get decent damage output from Power Attack without spending a feat on Somatic Weaponry or Still Spell.

However, this rubs some DMs the wrong way, as it allows polearm wielders to un-grip their two-handed reach weapons to make unarmed strikes/spiked gauntlet attacks. So for some, it breaks their sense of realism... for others, it's Tuesday.

2014-12-10, 08:46 AM
However, this rubs some DMs the wrong way, as it allows polearm wielders to un-grip their two-handed reach weapons to make unarmed strikes/spiked gauntlet attacks. So for some, it breaks their sense of realism... for others, it's Tuesday.
... What's the problem with this? There's no realism broken here (It's really not that hard). All I can see it breaking is 'gamism'.

2014-12-10, 10:27 AM
... What's the problem with this? There's no realism broken here (It's really not that hard). All I can see it breaking is 'gamism'.

Ok, well, you may be right that this is a "gamism" issue rather than a "realism" issue. Some DM's see the "can't attack adjacent" as a limitation to offset the reach advantage. Being able to circumvent that limitation as a free action rubs them the wrong way, and they may accuse a player of being a twink for circumventing what was supposed to be an important design goal of balancing reach weapons vs. close-melee weapons.

On the gripping hand, I think the game designers really should have done some actual polearm training before they came up with that idiotic "can't attack adjacent" thing. (Hopefully someone could set them straight on how a "composite bow" works as well.)

2014-12-10, 10:52 AM
Duskblades are intended to channel with any weapon, including shields and 2Hers. I haven't played one in a while, but I believe I it's part of the progression to get the ability to cast any spell without using hands.

As far as move economy, we consider changing grip a free action. Any action that doesn't require much effort can be performed while holding a weapon. Drawing a potion from a HHH while holding a 2H with one hand is perfectly doable, as is putting your hand back on the hilt. But hitting an opponent or quickdrawing and throwing a javelin while holding another weapon imposes penalties for TWF and an additional one for being unbalanced as if with an exotic weapon. That's how we have always handled it.