View Full Version : Halfling Charger

2014-12-10, 04:24 PM
Background: My DM told me he was starting a lvl 10 campaign, and I could make whatever I wanted. 32 pt buy & 3 magic items worth no more than 18,000 each. He said the party needed a fighter type, but I was already thinking in halfling terms. So I made a halfling barbarian with an arrogant swagger (and a low life expectancy, I'm sure).

There seems to be a difference of opinion of how to calculate damage. He wields a small +2 keen greatsword. With PA, leap attack, shock trooper, and combat brute as feats how is the math done?

Barbarian Horde
2014-12-10, 04:40 PM
Background: My DM told me he was starting a lvl 10 campaign, and I could make whatever I wanted. 32 pt buy & 3 magic items worth no more than 18,000 each. He said the party needed a fighter type, but I was already thinking in halfling terms. So I made a halfling barbarian with an arrogant swagger (and a low life expectancy, I'm sure).

There seems to be a difference of opinion of how to calculate damage. He wields a small +2 keen greatsword. With PA, leap attack, shock trooper, and combat brute as feats how is the math done?

explaining mutiplier stacking is annoying.

Can you take variation of barbarian?
Take lion for pounce
This will boost your damage... be careful not to over optimize. If it's not a high power campaign.
Suggestions for magical items
Strongarm Bracers 6k
"When wearing strongarm bracers, you can wield weapons as if you were one size category larger than normal." In MIC Moving your damage up to 3d6. But it looks like you already invested into a weapon.
Valorous Enchantment would be better for a charger.
A valorous weapon allows its wielder to make powerful charge attacks. When used in a charge, the valorous weapon deals double damage, much like a mounted warrior with the Spirited Charge feat. More than one doubling of damage increases the damage multiple by one per additional doubling, so double-double damage is triple damage, triple-double damage is quadruple damage, and so on. It's a +1 so it'll come cheap.
Tooth of Savnok
Tome of Magic, 2000 gp) Move at your normal speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.
Soulfire +4 Armor Enchantment 16,000
(BoED 112, +4 Bonus) Immune to death spells, magical death effects, energy drain, and any negative energy effects.

2014-12-12, 03:44 PM
I was thinking it would be:

[(base weapon damage) +(enhancement bonus) +(Strength bonus) +(Power Attack damage=pa penalty*2for Leap Attack)]*2 for Combat Brute

I was also thinking Belt of Battle for extra move actions, and then Anklet of Translocation to gain distance for additional charge attacks. Since those items are cheaper than the dm allows, he is allowing extra charges on the items so they will last beyond one combat.

2014-12-12, 04:51 PM
You are mostly right for damage, it goes as follows assuming everything proc's that can and full BaB classes:

On the charge- weapon damage + enhancement bonus + Str bonus + Power Attack bonus(X2 for leap attack or rather +3 damage for every 1 Ac lost)

Turn after a charge attacking same target- weapon damage + enhancement bonus + Str bonus + Power Attack bonus(X2 for Combat Brute or rather +3 damage for every 1 to BaB lost)

Turn after charge and charging new target- weapon damage + enhancement bonus + Str bonus + Power Attack bonus(X3 for Combat Brute and Leap attack, or +4 damage for every 1 Ac lost) *Best option*

Combat brute and leap attack apply separately unless you can chain charges, but Leap Attack is far superior as you do not lose to hit so always, always try and charge. As pointed out check with optimization level of table as it is possible to destroy CR challenges well above normal with the shear amount of damage you can put out.

Oh, and for items, Strongarm Bracers (MiC pg139, 6,000gp) and a Belt of Giant Strength +4 (16,000gp) are going to be what you want.

2014-12-14, 04:46 PM
That makes more sense now, thanks.