View Full Version : Pathfinder Random Character Idea (Requesting Aid)

2014-12-11, 09:20 AM
As the title states, this is a random character idea. I've been playing several hours of Viscera Cleanup Detail and I'm starting to get curious about what kind of class a Janitor would be. The biggest line I just stated as I was playing this game was,
So I thought about it and why not make an antihero janitor that cleans up after the party. Support will be the strong suit, as he'll be cleaning things up while the party does their business.
My only thoughts are, what class could I take, or would I just be taking NPC classes?

2014-12-11, 09:26 AM
Hmm, prestidigitation, gust of wind, disintegrate...wizards can be as good as janitors as they are at everything else. Take a mop as your bonded item.

2014-12-11, 09:31 AM
Hmm, prestidigitation, gust of wind, disintegrate...wizards can be as good as janitors as they are at everything else. Take a mop as your bonded item.

Also rope trick could move the junk to a different dimension, Floating disk to move them around, or you can simply create an illusion sphere spell where if someone fails the save, he can't see any junk around. In any case, wizards all the way.

P.S. You can also play a mindless aberration with a huge appetite. You can eat all the junk the party leaves back.

2014-12-11, 09:33 AM
I was thinking he carries around a pocket incinerator, that'll only accept dead, or inanimate, and non-magical matter. Meaning it's a niche item for janitors. "Hey anyone need this? Can we sell it? Okay, into the incinerator."

2014-12-11, 09:36 AM
I was thinking he carries around a pocket incinerator, that'll only accept dead, or inanimate, and non-magical matter. Meaning it's a niche item for janitors. "Hey anyone need this? Can we sell it? Okay, into the incinerator."

So.... Wand of scorching ray??

2014-12-11, 09:41 AM
Aberration with a huge appetite? (http://ovalkwiki.com/Sergeant+Schlock)

2014-12-11, 09:52 AM
I'm trying to think if Wizard would be the best idea though, considering he'll need to be versatile with casting. Can't predict what setting the barbarian brand blender will go with. Will it be Crush, Puree, or Pin Cushion? Would an Arcanist be a good idea? Spells per day and spell list of a Wizard with the spells known (prepared) and spontaneity of a Sorcerer.
Background idea would be a Apprentice Janitor of the "Guild of Sanitation" assigned to the party as part of his graduation requirements. Must spend at the least one year cleaning up after a party of heroes. It's his life's goal to be one of the top Master Janitors (which would be an antihero quality).

2014-12-11, 10:28 AM
Caster with Ooze Puppet controlling a Gelatinous Cube to "scrub clean" the hallways. If it ends up devouring the pesky adventures who caused the mess in the first place, well... they had it coming. :smallwink:

2014-12-11, 10:40 AM
A box filled with portable holes and gate scrolls or any item that opens a portal to the plane of fire. The rest are masterwork tools to clean with.

2014-12-11, 10:51 AM
Alright guys, the idea isn't to minimize effort, but to actually act like a janitor from Viscera Cleanup. The only tools I have in that are a mop, bucket of water, biohazard containers, (dispensers for buckets and containers) and an can-burn-anything incinerator. There's also a welding gun, but that's to remove bullet holes. So I'm thinking of these kinds of things.

2014-12-11, 11:06 AM
Okay, as far as the janitor build you're looking for, let's break this down.
The actual build of the character is fairly irrelevant. You could play an expert or high-int commoner and get away with it. The Janitor is about gear.

A portable hole or other extra dimensional space probably doubles fairly well as a biohazard container. Failing that, brewing a temporary extra-dimensional space as an item or spell(loot bag!) should be fairly simple.
A Bag of Devouring will do for your incinerator. Keep your hands clear of it.
Decanter of Endless Water to fill actual buckets from.
Masterwork Mop (+2 to Profession: Janitor)
Bucket of Prestidigitation (prestidigitation on the contents of the bucket to scent the water for that lemony fresh scent)

Find some way to get some of the fix-it spells either for yourself or on a wand, and that should cover it.

2014-12-11, 11:22 AM
Okay, as far as the janitor build you're looking for, let's break this down.
The actual build of the character is fairly irrelevant. You could play an expert or high-int commoner and get away with it. The Janitor is about gear.

A portable hole or other extra dimensional space probably doubles fairly well as a biohazard container. Failing that, brewing a temporary extra-dimensional space as an item or spell(loot bag!) should be fairly simple.
A Bag of Devouring will do for your incinerator. Keep your hands clear of it.
Decanter of Endless Water to fill actual buckets from.
Masterwork Mop (+2 to Profession: Janitor)
Bucket of Prestidigitation (prestidigitation on the contents of the bucket to scent the water for that lemony fresh scent)

Find some way to get some of the fix-it spells either for yourself or on a wand, and that should cover it.

This list looks like it'll cover everything I need, and you're right about the NPC classes, I was actually looking at them for ideas. I'm just looking for the RP of it and things that'll cater to that janitorial image, but I may settle on Arcanist because of the item creation. What's better than being able to make your own janitorial equipment? Having someone do it free of charge, which for most GMs would be out of the question.

2014-12-11, 11:36 AM
Just a thought - cleaning up messes is not a million miles from preserving the environment, and there's a cave druid archetype ... wildshaping into an ooze could clean up those really difficult to remove stains too.

2014-12-11, 11:37 AM
Dust of Dryness would be useful for flood removal if need be, Acid Splash can be used for heavy duty cleanup, and the Decanter of Endless water can double as a power washer.

2014-12-11, 12:28 PM
Well, the good news is that pathfinder doesn't require you to spend XP on crafting. The bad news is that most of these are going to require spells and money. The Master Craftsman (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/master-craftsman---final) feat would let a mundane character with craft ranks qualify to take create wondrous item. Expert is probably going to work better then because you'll need the skill points for this to work.
I also recommend (assuming an adventuring campaign) would be the Improvisational Equipment (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/equipment-traits/improvisational-equipment) or Rough and Ready (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/equipment-traits/rough-and-ready) traits augmented by Suprise Weapon (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/combat-traits/surprise-weapon) and the Catch off Guard (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/catch-off-guard-combat) feat if possible. As far as having gear, there's a Halfling Feat called Well-Prepared (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/well-prepared) that gives you a chance to have useful, mundane things you might need on your person.

That said, there's another way to do this beyond NPC classes. Which is to play a Monk of the Empty Hand (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk/archetypes/paizo---monk-archetypes/monk-of-the-empty-hand). Monks get catch off-guard as a bonus feat and MotEH gets bonuses to working with improvised weapons. Like a mop or broom. You could even go full on Terry Pratchett reference and call yourself Sweeper.

2014-12-11, 12:35 PM
I was thinking of Scruffy Wilco as a character name. Paying homage to two Janitors I remember from games and television.

2014-12-11, 09:30 PM
There is a Slayer Archetype (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/slayer/archetypes/paizo---slayer-archetypes/cleaner), that while normally pretty cruddy may actually work for you.