View Full Version : How rare is this?

2014-12-11, 10:17 AM
Hello people, i'm "creating" a magic weapon and i'd like some opinions on it's rarity.
It has a +1 bonus (on attack rolls and damage) and it deals an extra d6 for each size category the opponent is larger than me. That means (as long as i stay medium size:smallwink:) it deals +1d6 to large, +2d6 to huge and +3d6 to anything bigger.
It'd definately require attunement as it's absolutely personal item and i wonder weather it should be rated rare or very rare. It would be very convinient for me to
My personal estimation is that it is a bit better than other rare weapons and it's based on the fact that there 452 monsters known and 254 of them are bigger than large. On the contrary, all the other weapons that are rare grant bonus a) on specific creatures (eg dragons or constructs), b) on limited uses per day c) unlimited times but with fixed (no scaling) save.
Also many of them don't have the +1 quality, though some of them have a better effect than just straight damage (scaling in my case)
My best argument is that big opponents may be easy to found but they are not lots of them in a single encounter. Also they're mostly monsters and the vast majority of npcs are out.
I could write endlessly but i'd leave the rest to you. Any opinions?

2014-12-11, 10:27 AM
If it weren't for the Attunement drawback, I'd consider it Very Rare but with it, I think Rare seems reasonable.

2014-12-11, 02:11 PM
If it weren't for the Attunement drawback, I'd consider it Very Rare but with it, I think Rare seems reasonable.

I agree. Even without the attunement i feel it would be weak for very rare but anyway. Given the fact that lots of people saw the thread but didn't say a thing maybe i'm overthinking it! Hope my DM sees it the same way, thanks for the answer mate!

2014-12-11, 07:54 PM
I'd kick it up to Very Rare. It's pretty effective against a large section of the MM, particularly those likely to see much use later on. Then there's the real kicker, which is that small characters get a real edge out of it, and a bit of bonus damage even against medium characters.

2014-12-11, 08:03 PM
I'd kick it up to Very Rare. It's pretty effective against a large section of the MM, particularly those likely to see much use later on. Then there's the real kicker, which is that small characters get a real edge out of it, and a bit of bonus damage even against medium characters.

There aren't that many Gargantuan critters to kill with it though. Against huge or smaller the bonus is 2D6 or less, so in effect the best expected situation is that it is a Flametongue with a +1 bonus. That makes it sound to be a higher level than actual Flame Tongue weapons which are rare but the ability to be weaker than the Flame Tongue against Large or smaller enemies is enough of a balancing factor vs the +1 bonus.
I do agree about the small race issue though - it would be best to make the weapon a Halberd or some other kind of heavy weapon that a small race swings with disadvantage.

2014-12-11, 08:19 PM
There isn't actually any very good correlation between utility and rarity. Just look at Universal Solvent and Sovereign Glue.

If I were your DM and you asked me what rarity this thing should be (presumably as a starting item in a high-level campaign where I'd offered you magic), I would say, "Doesn't matter, you can't design your own items. Pick something from this instead," and I would offer you a list.

2014-12-11, 08:47 PM
I am curious as to why you are asking about its rarity? Is it an item you wish you add to a portfolio of House Rule Magic Items, or an item specific to a character in one game?

I really like the item, and think its a neat idea. As an overall item I think it wouldn't be the best idea to limit it to weapons only medium creatures (or above) can use. I like the idea of having a little halfling wallop a giant with his tiny club of giant slaying. That being said, given how it increases in power, by changing your race size, I would say its a very rare item. Maybe give it some other non-combat heavy use to make up for the jump from rare to very rare.

Like, this warhammer is light as a feather, but delivers one hell of a punch.

Just a thought.

2014-12-11, 11:12 PM
1) No small race abuse etc. It's definatelly personal item and my barbarian would never agree to get reduced just to hit harder.

2) The item has it's properties set. I'll take anyway (. Now that we have the dmg we must clarify its value. I know it sounds like the bad wealth by level system but if my dm says it's very rare i won't get any other magic item and i'm lvl 8.
We don't care to see how rare it is and set the next level i get the next magic item. It is about determining its power, while rarity being a determining factor. I have gathered some other goodies that can potentialy have some magic bonus, eg dragonscales. If my so personal weapon is considered very rare (something i should get somewhere at lvl 11) i think the others will stay just "mundane"...