View Full Version : I made this

Jack Scoundrel
2007-03-27, 09:17 PM
Heya, I'm new to the boards, but I would like to link the movie that I and about 9 others have gone through almost 2 years of work and 5,000 dollars. Besides some 5 minute homework assignments we've never done anything vast.

It is a feature length. The writer of the script is also the director. I am the one of the producers of the film.

The movie is a dark comedy that revolves around four friends that have a really bad day.

My Movie (www.betterluckyesterday.com)

2007-03-27, 09:41 PM
Hmm, sounds like a pretty good story. Definitely like to see it. Is there a link to it on the site? Or are you trying to sell it?

Jack Scoundrel
2007-03-28, 02:05 PM
Hmm, sounds like a pretty good story. Definitely like to see it. Is there a link to it on the site? Or are you trying to sell it?

Click on the link, "My Movie".

2007-03-28, 02:13 PM
I though the subject was referring to the soundbyte for Ten Thirteen Productions.

2007-03-29, 09:59 AM
You really like Guy Ritchie, don't you?
It reminds me of Snatch, somehow. Looks very promising. I can't believe that the movie cost you only $5000

Mr Croup
2007-03-29, 10:02 AM
Congrats on completing the film. I'm all too familiar with all the time, money, work, and more time that goes into making a feature. But getting it finished and on a screen really does make it all worth it. Have any plans for festival submissions? And hooray for micro budget film making!

Sadly I'm at work so I can't watch the trailer with sound, but just from the visuals I'm intrigued. What did you shoot on?

Jack Scoundrel
2007-03-29, 07:56 PM
Congrats on completing the film. I'm all too familiar with all the time, money, work, and more time that goes into making a feature. But getting it finished and on a screen really does make it all worth it. Have any plans for festival submissions? And hooray for micro budget film making!

Sadly I'm at work so I can't watch the trailer with sound, but just from the visuals I'm intrigued. What did you shoot on?

Thanks, so far we are finished with everything but sound. We have some audio tweaks to work out as well as finding a full soundtrack. So far we only have about five songs that fit the scenes.

Not sure on the festival route, it would be a dream for sundance, but we are going to try to hit some of the other larger festivals like Toronto.

We shot digitally, it was all done on a dvx 100B. We had a couple of lenses, as you can tell one of which was a very nice telephoto. For info on the specifics I'd have to talk to my DP.

Yes, well one of the main reasons we were able to shoot the film for 5,000 dollars was the equipment was rented for free. We are/were (some are not current students) students of the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. The director and myself ended up getting the President of the school to coarse the equipment director to let us borrow 8k worth of equipment for three weeks.

So we kinda cheated I guess, the actors also did everything for free. We fed them and gave them a poster for their pay.

If you have any other questions please ask.

2007-03-29, 08:31 PM
Hey sounds pretty cool. Me and 4-5 other friends are doing something similar, that is writing an action sitcom and then recording it, but we're having a hard time finding time to meet up with IB exams and everything~