View Full Version : Sun Hunters Extras

2014-12-11, 01:52 PM
As Seth opens his eyes and see's himself under the skies of his ancestors once more. No longer plagued by the evil of that dark world he breaths in a sigh of relief, it seemed to have been making him weaker then normal. But it was no matter, his ancestors would hear him here and they would respond in kind as the creature tried to grapple him once more and sap his strength away. You are in my world now dark spirit, feel the wrath of my people. Seth calls out in his native tongue, as he fights off all but one of the branchs holding him. However he was not done yet as he got ready to slam both his fists hard into the tree, however before he could something seemed to come out of it, making the tree drop him to the ground.

As Seth slowly gets up the pain of his wounds begins to be felt, as his rage begins to subside. Looking up to the shadow calling himself Oval, Seth bows his head slightly. Another of the dark spirits like the other that was with me. However you saved me, as such you have earned my debt Oval, and that is something I won't forget. Seth explains as he shrinks back to his normal size. I suggest we keep heading in the direction we were going in the world of darkness. Seth says looking around at his surroundings.

"It's Ovel. Oval is a shape, almost like a circle or an egg..." Ovel says. "I agree, the general direction should be the same, and once the others manage to find their way back here, I'll be able to use the other shadow to adjust our path."

"But how are you? Are you sure you can handle this? The tree seems to have hurt you quite badly... Traveling through the forest during the night can be dangerous..." He sounds concerned.

2014-12-11, 09:47 PM
Apologizes I meant no insult, while my tribe is taught this language to communicate with servants of the eye of the sun, we rarely have to use it. Seth explains to Ovel for the mistake he made with the spirits name. As for if I can go on I have no choice, I do not know those who I traveled with, I do not know if they will rest or press on. As such I must do the same, should I fall it is the wish of the Ancestors for me to join them, my quest complete. However that trees ability to sap away my strength is worry some. Seth says knowing full and well what could happen to a weak warrior in the wilds.

Looking around at his surroundings he takes out his giant sword and swings it at a nearby tree to make sure this one would not attack him. Perhaps a short rest will not be a bad idea. Will you be able to keep watch as I rest? Seth asks as he uses one of his simplest spells, the stick spell to make the leaves stick to his open wounds to help them close quicker. Once done Seth looks at the tree he had attacked with his blade before jumping into the air, and grabbing onto one of the branches, pulling himself up as he did so. If anything happens wake me up Ovel, I am trusting you something my tribe has learned not to do, however in this condition I will not be of much help. Seth agreed as he cast a simple illusion around himself to make it look as if he was not their.

Jump check [roll0]
Climb [roll1]
Silent image to wrap him up into part of the tree so he seems to not be their to any looking.

2014-12-14, 01:01 AM
"Don't worry about hiding too much. Shadows are my domain, and here I doubt we'll find my equal." Ovel says confidently. "Besides, isn't that spell of yours requires constant concentration? I doubt you would be able to rest while keeping it going." Ovel slides on the tree after you. "Just... Let me try something. I think I can... You did say you trust me..." He says as he slowly wraps around you, the both of you blending into the darkness among the branches. You feel comfort washing over you. "Now sleep, I'll keep watch. We'll meet the others in the morning..."

Ovel will act as a Magic Bedroll, doubling your HP regen. You'll still only heal 1 point of strength damage, but regain 12hp instead of 6.

2014-12-14, 01:12 PM
As Ovel explains to Seth that he need not worry about hiding, that the shadows were his domain, and that Seth's spell itself required concentration he smiled to the spirit. You are indeed correct, I had forgotten about such a thing after the battle. It is not often my kind are bested in battle, and it makes me curious as to what manner of beast it was that I fought against. After all had it not been for you and the others I would no longer be here in the world of the living, but instead in the great heavens with my ancestors doing battle all day and feasting all night. Seth explains as the spell he had cast earlier seems to evaporate around him. As the spell leaves his body he feels Ovel's spiritual form wrapping around him, cloaking him in darkness. Thank you my friend, please do not forget to wake me when dawn comes so that we may set out, after all we can not delay, the spirits seemed like they were rushed when they spoke to me, short on time almost. Seth says before falling into sleep.

As the morning sun rises in the sky Seth can feel the coldness of that evil world slowly beginning to leave him, no doubt it would still be a few more days before it was all gone, however at least he knew that his body could heal from the vile effects of those dark spirits attacking him. Looking up at the sky Seth follows the path of the sun with his eyes to determine where he was, as well as get a view of his surroundings before heading back down below to Ovel. I think we should begin moving to catch up with the others. We have no idea how far ahead they may be. Seth explains as he jumps down from the tree waiting for the spirit to follow.

If you do not want to count the survival roll from before

[roll0] Survival
[roll1] Spot

2015-02-21, 01:39 AM
Fred wins initiatve, but he is also invisible. You can hear his approach, but how good does that do to you?

Unless you can see him, you are denied dex:

Attack 29, damage 17, negative level. If you are hit, it tries to trip you, with a check of 30. Oppose with Dex or Str.

If you fall, he'll follow with another attack:

Attack 40, damage 18, negative level.

If you were hit but manage to oppose the trip, you can try to trip in return.

2015-02-21, 05:37 AM
Elyrion watches from the distance of 50 ft, carefully hiding himself


2015-02-21, 10:13 AM
Elariel simply watches, wondering if Noegle's arrogance was going to be reduced.

2015-02-21, 09:39 PM
As Seth watches the creature drop Noegle like a sack of potatoes he calls out to the man he calls a friend. This is where I suggest you submit. He has you down on the ground and wounded quite badly. Their is no point in dying for no reason, and if you die we need to return you to life in some shape form or way. There are many other ways to learn what you are seeking, throwing yourself at the first one you found has proven useless. I advise the use of caution, and admitting surrender. Seth says to his friend as a he is filled with luck.

Seth is casting Improvisation to gain a 12 bonus pool he can place in many different things.

2015-02-22, 08:33 AM
Noegle fall to the ground and hit hit again and feels his soul being drained away twice.

Without wasting time to get on his feet he hits the devourer with everything he's got.

If the devourer looks like it'll drop from a similar round Noegle will bite the pain in and prepare for the next round.
If not Noegle will throw out his arms and despite much resistance he manage to swallow his prride. The wounds and drained soul helps. I surrender

HP 45/84
Free: Using action point to emulate blind fight.
Free: Activating mountain stance
Free: Assume aspect

Last damage is acid. Rest is slaahing. Attacks are +1 magic.

Attack1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]+[roll2]+[roll3]
Miss [roll4]

Attack2 [roll5] dmg [roll6]+[roll7]+[roll8]
Miss [roll9]

Claw1 [roll10] dmg [roll11]+[roll12]
Miss [roll13]

Claw2 [roll14] dmg [roll15]+[roll16]
Miss [roll17]

Bite [roll18] dmg [roll19]
Miss [roll20]

2015-02-22, 10:16 AM
Noegle tries to get to his feet waving to the side to avoid getting hit.

If he's hit he'll acknowledge defeat. I surrender

If he isn't he'll step away from the stinky undead and cast obscuring mist. Smiling at the devourer he feints running to the right before the mist covers him.

Bluff [roll]1d20+16

2015-02-22, 10:20 AM
As Noegle rises, the invisible Devourer swings at him:

It's invisible and you are still prone for these attacks:

Attack 26, Damage 15, negative level
Attack 25, Damage 18, negative level

Yes, two attacks of opportunity.

Feinting in combat is a standard action. That's for the Feint action or trying to confuse your foe for stuff like getting a Hide check.

You also took a 5ft step and cast with a standard action, so an intelligent foe wouldn't be as confused as you would like.

Do you surrender or cast?

Standing up without provoking is a tumble DC 35 and a free action, for future reference.