View Full Version : Chameleon spells known.

2014-12-11, 07:35 PM
So looking at the prc Chameleon, it states the amount of spells per day for whatever arcance spellcasting class you mimic, but it doesn't explain from what i can see how many spells i would know from said mimicked class... care to enlighten me of anything i missed?

2014-12-11, 07:55 PM
You have a spellbook, like a wizard, for your arcane side, and for your divine side, you pray for whatever spells you want, like a cleric.

2014-12-11, 08:20 PM
Yeah, basically what chronos said.

Personally I'm a fan of taking a level of wizard before chameleon and taking the eidetic spellbook ACF from dragon magazine. That way you don't actually need to have a physical spellbook, you can just prep spells you know from memory, and since it's treated as a spellbook, you can scribe any arcane spell you want in there thanks to chameleon.

Remember, chameleon can scribe and use any arcane spell from any list at any available level (trapsmith level 1 dispel and haste yeeeh!). As a bonus, you can use your floating bonus feat to scribe those spells into the spellbook for free (using the extra spell feat, worth picking up sanctum spell so you can scribe spells of your max level), getting a free spell every day. As for your divine side, yeah, you can just prepare any spell you want from any divine list at the available level without worry. It's really quite amazingly sweet.

2014-12-12, 06:39 AM
Personally I'm a fan of taking a level of wizard before chameleon and taking the eidetic spellbook ACF from dragon magazine. That way you don't actually need to have a physical spellbook, you can just prep spells you know from memory, and since it's treated as a spellbook, you can scribe any arcane spell you want in there thanks to chameleon.

Unless your DM has a habit of going after your spellbooks that's a waste of a level and quite a bit of money (since there are no cost reducers for Eidetic Spellcaster and Blessed Books are a thing).
Complete Arcane also has options to get your spells as tattoos if you're worried about losing a book without costing you too many character resources.

For maximum efficiency pay (or use retraining) a Geometer with the Arcane Shorthand feat to get up to 160 spells (of any level) scribed on your body. Use skill boosts and the rules on mastering foreign spellbooks to use them without trouble after a single spellcraft check.

2014-12-12, 08:50 AM
I think the best option is to craft yourself a blessed book. Since you cast and prepare spells "as a wizard" you can use the blessed book just like "as a wizard" and get rid of the scribing costs.

Fouredged Sword
2014-12-12, 01:12 PM
Yeah, and remember to use your floating feat on extra spell to get access to spells without research of paying for scrolls/access to wizard spellbooks. You can get new spells as fast as you can scribe them.