View Full Version : Player Help [3.X] Weapon of Legacy help.

2014-12-11, 08:22 PM
I have been building a Yang-themed weapon of legacy, where in this setting I'm in, the Yin-Yang represents an Iaijutsu house from the distant east. For this time, I want to build Yin and Yang, the Right Hand, and the Left Hand, respectively.

As with the concepts, light within darkness and darkness within light, Yang should be focused in darkness and/or negative energy, and Yin in the opposite. Because of the rules of WoL, I am kinda confused of what to place in certain slots to do not make the weapon useless at almost every level. This is what I have come up so far with Yang, as I haven't started Yin (my character actually wields Yang, so this is why I want to finish this quickly.)


Yang is a katana with black-colored metal on its blade. On the tip of the blade it is a white circle, made of the same metal, that appears to leave a trace of light at every swing.
Nonlegacy Game Statistics: +1 katana; costs 2,335gp.
Omen: Whenever Yang strikes an opponent in-combat, that opponent can see (if it has vision) a Yin-Yang symbol behind the wielder of the blade. This symbol continues to be in the opponent's sight as long as Yang is drawn. Whenever the sword is sheathed, for half a second, every creature around 30-ft can see a sphere of darkness cover the wielder, as the spell.
Shared Omen: If Yang is any close to Yin (5 ft.), both blades will emmit a black and white sphere for half-a second, forming a medal-like object that levitate 5 ft. above them, if a creature is holding both weapons, the medal floats behind its head. The symbol appears as an illusion, but it cannot be disbelieved. It does not appear inside an anti-magic field.

The First Trial: You must summon a Guardian of the Balance* and have an Iaijutsu Duel with it. Whether survival or dead is enough to pass this trial. Though mostly the Guardian of the Balance won't kill the character, if it has enough Karma accumulated, it will.
Cost: 2,000 gp. Feat Granted: Least Legacy (Yang, the Left Hand)

Inner Darkness: You must enter the Dreamscape, and have a fight with yourself. You will be fighting inside your own mind, and you must do it alone. Whether the battle is made inside any dreamscape or the Dreamheart is up to where you find your inner self. To enter the Dreamscape, you must perform the oratory and the next time you sleep, you will be inside the dreamscape.
Cost: 13,500 gp. Feat Granted: Lesser Legacy (Yang, the Left Hand)

Light Within Darkness: You must own both Yin and Yang. You also must travel to the Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus and swear in front of a Marut eternal care of balance within the Light and Darkness inside your heart. Wether the Marut kills you or not depends on your Karma.
Cost: 38,000 gp. Feat Granted: Greater Legacy (Yang, the Left Hand)

Skill Check
Hit Point

Skill Enhancement +5

+1 eager katana (+2 Weapon)


Darkness, self 1/day

AC Bonus



+2 eager katana (+3 Weapon)

Invisibility, at will.




Skill Enhancement +15




Yang, the Left Hand Wielder Requirements
Base Attack Bonus +3
Iaijutsu Focus 8 ranks
Lucid Dreaming 1 rank

Legacy Item Abilities
Skill Enhancement +5 (Su): At 5th level, Yang grants a +5 competence bonus on Iaijutsu Focus skill checks.
Eager Weapon Enhancement: At level 6th, Yang gains the Eager enhancement (MIC, p34).
Darkness, Self (Sp): Begining at level 7th, once per day on command (whispering Darkness), you can cause Yang to shed darkness as the spell (CL 5th).
AC Bonus (Ex): Starting at 8th level, you can add your Intelligence modifier as a bonus to Armor Class, so long as you wear no armor, are unencumbered, and do not use a shield. This bonus to AC applies even against touch attacks or when you are flat-footed. However, you lose this bonus when you are immobilized or helpless.
Initiative: Yang's battle experience guides you at every battle. Starting at level 10th, you gain a +5 bonus on initiative checks.
Evasion (Ex): As long as you are carrying Yang within arm's reach, you gain the benefits of the Evasion class feature (see the rogue's class feature in the PHB).
Skill Enhancement +15 (Su): Beggining at Level 17th, your mastery over the Iaijutsu when wielding Yang is notable, you gain a +15 competence bonus on Iaijutsu Focus skill checks.

As you can see, I have a lack of imagination when rules are being used, and I need some help, here... About the features already in, those were aproved by my DM (including AC). Also, features in this handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=5907) are approved.

2014-12-11, 11:24 PM
Just in case you didn't intend to swap them - in Chinese, the word Ying means "shadowed" or "shade" (and relates to negative/female energies).

Yang means "bright" or "sun" (and relates to positive/male energies).

So it'll be more apt to switch your design theme of the 2 weapons around.

Now for actual help, since you've got something done up for the darkness theme, a good reference for the light theme would be the Sunsword (Weapon of Legacy in Expedition to Ravenloft). It's a longsword that be wielded like either a longsword or a shortsword. Kinda helpful for TWF.

Can also produce Daylight, and has other anti undead abilities.

For more ideas, Weapons of Legacy has a set of dual weapons that you can refer to. Plus of course the mix and match list of menu abilities.

Imho, due to the sacrifices that have to be made, at level 20, the weapons should have at least a total of +7 to +10 worth of WSA. On top of of the filler abilities from the menus.

Other filler abilities that might be nice - grant the TWF line of feats, increase crit range, improved crit damage etc

Probably a bit more general than you were asking for, but I hope it helps anyway :)

2014-12-11, 11:46 PM
Wow, embarrasing x///X
Well, I should rush Yang's true abilities then, also as you suggest, what would be nice to add as WSAs?

EDIT: A question popped into my mind. Can legacy weapons be enhanced the same way normal weapons can? Like converting a +1 into a +2 for 6000 gp.

Divayth Fyr
2014-12-12, 05:10 AM
EDIT: A question popped into my mind. Can legacy weapons be enhanced the same way normal weapons can? Like converting a +1 into a +2 for 6000 gp.
They cannot.

The power of a legacy item cannot be further enhanced using any regular process (such as magic or psionic item creation feats). However, spells or effects that temporarily alter a weapon (such as greater magic weapon or keen edge) work normally on weapons of legacy. The only way to permanently change a legacy item’s abilities is through a new founding.

2014-12-12, 05:22 AM
They cannot.

Thanks for the clarification.