View Full Version : Player Help Questions about Dragon Shaman, Dragon Lord, and Draconic Aura

2014-12-12, 04:29 PM
So I had a few questions regarding the base class Dragon Shaman, the prestige class Dragon Lord, and the feat Draconic Aura.

The PC that I'm using this with is a Silverbrow Human, so she has the draconic blood subtype.

First Question, if I had levels in both Dragon Shaman, Dragon Lord, and took the feat Draconic Aura, am I still only able to have 1 aura projecting at a time until I get the double Draconic Aura feat? Or does each source allow me to have a different aura being projected so long as their not the same aura?

Second Question, if I had 5 levels of Dragon Shaman to get Draconic Aura plus two, and then I took a level in Dragon Lord which gets Draconic Aura +1 at first level, is my effective aura bonus now +3, do I have a +2 Aura and +1 Aura, or does Dragon Lord do nothing for my Draconic Aura aside from allowing me to know more auras I could potential project?

I'm making a character which Dragon Lord fits thematically very well as a PRC choice, but in the build I have there is 5 levels that the character can take for any base class, and I'm not sure if 5 levels of Dragon Shaman would help him out a lot, or if I should look at having her take 5 levels in another class/other classes.

Can anyone help me clarify how these classes and that feat interact?

mabriss lethe
2014-12-12, 05:26 PM
1. I'm pretty sure you can only have 1 draconic aura going at a time, regardless of the source, unless you have a feature that grants more.

2. You track each aura's power source separately based on the rules given for each one.

2014-12-12, 05:49 PM
1. I'm pretty sure you can only have 1 draconic aura going at a time, regardless of the source, unless you have a feature that grants more.

2. You track each aura's power source separately based on the rules given for each one.

So if I wanted to do Dragon Lord is there any point to take levels in Dragon Shaman, or should I do something else with those levels?

2014-12-12, 08:34 PM
The relevant rule is here:

Projecting a draconic aura is a swift action, and you can only project one draconic aura at a time. An aura remains in effect until you use a free action to dismiss it or you activate another aura in its place. You can have a draconic aura active continually; thus, an aura can be in effect at the start of an encounter before you take your first turn.
You can project one draconic aura at a time, regardless of the source.

Marshal is probably a better choice than Dragon Shaman if you're looking for more auras, as its major and minor auras can be used at the same time as draconic auras. Personally, I think it's also a better fit with the flavor of Dragon Lord.

2014-12-12, 09:53 PM
The relevant rule is here:

You can project one draconic aura at a time, regardless of the source.

Marshal is probably a better choice than Dragon Shaman if you're looking for more auras, as its major and minor auras can be used at the same time as draconic auras. Personally, I think it's also a better fit with the flavor of Dragon Lord.

Last Question then about Aura's regarding major Marshal Aura's. Dragon Magic says that Marshals are allowed to choose Draconic Aura's as an option for their major auras. If a marshal chooses this option, would their aura conflict with Dragon Lord, or would that be allowed since the class feature granting the aura is a different name game element from Dragon Lord?

2014-12-12, 10:34 PM
It's still a draconic aura, however you got it, and you can still only have one of those. But the really good marshal auras are the so-called minor ones, anyways.

mabriss lethe
2014-12-12, 10:54 PM
So if I wanted to do Dragon Lord is there any point to take levels in Dragon Shaman, or should I do something else with those levels?

They sort of step on each other's toes. If you find that there are abilities in both classes that your build can't live without, then go ahead and keep them, otherwise go for one or the other. There doesn't seem to be a lot of direct synergy between them. Sort of like how there would be very little reason for most Psions to take levels in Warmind.