View Full Version : Epic boons, any one else notice this little tidbit?

2014-12-12, 11:22 PM
So looking through my DMG, just flipping randomly, I found this section entitled "epic boons" after the artifacts section of the book... And I found that I sort of like the idea. While they aren't "epic levels" as such, they are a way for characters to continue progressing even after they hit level 20. I know they gave epic style progression in 4e core (in the form of epic levels) as well, but I never really played/ wanted to play it, so it didn't excite me nearly as much as these do.

Honestly I don't think many people will wind up using them given their "after end game" nature, but I feel like it would be fun to start a game where you are level 20 and already have 2-4 epic boons on you, or maybe you start out level 20 in a low-magic world, and gaining said epic boons is what launches your level 20 characters from legend to myth.

Alternately, in very high power game, I could see DM's granting specific epic boons to characters below level 20, perhaps for ASI after level 10, just to make these high levels feel that much more epic.

Anyone else have thoughts about this system? Any disappointment that epic levels weren't included in core instead?

2014-12-12, 11:31 PM
It's virtually identical to EverQuest's alternate advancement system which they have specifically so they don't need to add epic levels. There's more ways to advance a character than unlocking new class features.

2014-12-12, 11:37 PM
It's virtually identical to EverQuest's alternate advancement system which they have specifically so they don't need to add epic levels. There's more ways to advance a character than unlocking new class features.

I wish they were a little more like EQ's system to be honest.
In EQ you could start buying their AA features prior to being max level but Epic Boons only apply post 20 and level 20 is when most games tend to end. I'd prefer to take a few epic boons prior to 20, even if the only real benefit was throwing away a bit of xp to extend the game a bit.

2014-12-12, 11:57 PM
I feel it's kind of like e6 but at 20... so e20, or d20 if you will...

Human Paragon 3
2014-12-12, 11:58 PM
I like them. Works a lot like e6 - after max levels, you take feats (or in this case special abilities). It's like a hybrid between e6 and epic levels. Very clean and easy to use compared to previous editions epic level characters.

2014-12-13, 12:16 AM
I noticed them almost first thing. I think it's funny, because my tables have been doing them for years already. These are a little better balanced though. :smallredface:

2014-12-13, 12:41 AM
I could see me giving these things to martials so that they finally have awesome abilities. The following are boons that could very very easily be pre 20.

Boon of...

Combat Prowess
Irresistible Offense
Magic Resistance
Peerless Aim
Perfect Health
Skill Proficiency
Night Spirit

A rogue should already get Boon of the Night Spirit, a Fighter should already get Boon of Irresitable Offense, and a Barbarian should already get Unfettered.... A lot of these could have easily been level 13+ abilities to non casters :smallsigh:

2014-12-13, 03:47 AM
They are a neat way of giving people rewards outside of magic items as well for low magic games, some obviously more than others. Between that and the fact getting training in a feat is kinda a big deal makes non magical reward systems way easier.

2014-12-13, 03:49 AM
Epic Boons are...incredibly awesome, and pretty much a perfect alternative to Epic Levels, which wouldn't really fit what 5E is going for anyway. I also would totally always allow a player to swap them out for an Ability Score Increase or a Feat, and especially appreciate that the "Epic ABSIs" have the ability score cap raised to 30.