View Full Version : Ways for a druid to non-lethally mess with characters

2014-12-14, 12:33 AM
Pretty much what the title says, what would be good nonlethal ways for a fairly high level (10ish) druid to mess with low level characters without putting them in much danger of permanent harm. Basically this character has to let some people up on her mountain but doesn't want them to get any crazy ideas about wanting to come back, ever. What would be some good ways of doing this? Pathfinder is the system.

2014-12-14, 01:09 AM
- Charm/coax various insects to take up residence in their bedrolls and gear.
- Same, but with irritating varieties of plant.
- Divert a river through their campsite, and gosh, how could that have ever happened, the wilds are erratic around here. Also, make the weather less than hospitable, conspicuously in the vicinity of the party and nowhere else.
- Give their names and numbers to some mischievous fey (Pugwampis are especially nasty, and all they have to do is stealth nearby.)
- Have some annoying critters destroy their loot just as they get to it - e.g. Disenchanters or oozes.

2014-12-14, 01:17 AM
Give them lice :D

2014-12-14, 05:36 AM
Kill them and then Reincarnate them — OK this is lethal, but only temporarily.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-14, 06:00 AM
Deal nonlethal damage until they're unconscious, then throw them off a nonlethal cliff (for most characters, a 10+10*level ft. cliff).

2014-12-14, 06:14 AM
baleful polymorph them into newts and make monty python refrences untill they leave.

2014-12-14, 07:04 AM
baleful polymorph them into newts and make monty python refrences untill they leave.

"He's a druid he is! He turned me into a newt!... I got better..."

2014-12-14, 09:10 AM
Grapple them to (nonlethal) unconsciousness.

2014-12-14, 09:27 AM
Grapple them to (nonlethal) unconsciousness.

Deal nonlethal damage until they're unconscious, then throw them off a nonlethal cliff (for most characters, a 10+10*level ft. cliff).He's trying to annoy guests (From what I gather), not almost-murder people.

I second "Make the weather miserable, the surrounding flora obnoxious, get harmless vermin everywhere, and feed them terrible-tasting food... And be speaking like this, you should!"

2014-12-14, 11:31 AM
Baleful Polymorph the group's ranger/druid's animal companion into a neat, leave it in a jar at home, then wildshape into it, taking its place.

2014-12-14, 01:42 PM
Oooooh, impersonating someone's animal companion or familiar, that is a good one. Nice and personal too.

2014-12-14, 02:17 PM
Hit them with a Merciful Flame Strike. No level adjustment to the spell but it makes it all non-lethal. 10d6 damage should knock most low-level people out, if not, hit them again. Nonlethal heals at 1 per hour per character level so they will wake up in at most a day, two if you feel like teaching them a lesson. No long lasting damage done but it will hurt like hell, be a big wound to their pride, and teach them to leave the woman alone.

2014-12-14, 07:18 PM
He's trying to annoy guests (From what I gather), not almost-murder people.

Nonlethal damage never puts anyone at risk of death.

2014-12-14, 07:36 PM
Hit them with a Merciful Flame Strike. No level adjustment to the spell but it makes it all non-lethal. 10d6 damage should knock most low-level people out, if not, hit them again. Nonlethal heals at 1 per hour per character level so they will wake up in at most a day, two if you feel like teaching them a lesson. No long lasting damage done but it will hurt like hell, be a big wound to their pride, and teach them to leave the woman alone.

Without the merciful spell feat, you can do the exact same thing with water ball. It's druid level 4, and otherwise it's non-lethal fireball. Still would do 10d6 damage from a 10th level druid.

2014-12-14, 09:40 PM
Give them lice :D

And remember, there are multiple areas lice can nest.... :smalleek:

2014-12-15, 07:41 AM
Abberant Wildshape into a Tochichari and take over their body, walk it off the mountian then leave.

2014-12-15, 07:48 AM
Abberant Wildshape into a Tochichari and take over their body, walk it off the mountian then leave.

That is most definitely not nonlethal.

2014-12-15, 09:35 AM
10+ lvl druid has Control Winds. "Blow" them around until they are bored of your sh1t and decide they are too weak to "face the mountain" and leave.

2014-12-15, 10:00 AM
Wild Shape, Tree Stride, Transport via Plants and similar spells are great for hit & run tactics and you get them long before other characters can reliably counter them. Combine them with long lasting spells (Wall of Thorns, Transmute Rock to Mud, Insect Plague, Baleful Polymorph, Spike Stones, Snare, Arctic Haze, Binding Snow, Call Avalanche) and SNA to turn their travel into a walk through a hell of bad weather, natural obstacles and constant harassment in difficult terrain that will sap the will of even the most motivated hero or villain.

Some of of those you can prepare days in advance, others last only a few hours but with your mobility and stealth from the right Wild Shape forms you shouldn't have much of a problem harassing them without any fear of retaliation. Try to stop before they cry IRL. :smallbiggrin:

Fouredged Sword
2014-12-15, 10:12 AM
Wall of thorns makes a great way to close down a path for an hour and a half.

Take a dark edge. Give them a nasty sickness that doesn't do con damage. Climbing a mountain is rough. Climbing a mountain with the red ache... super rough.

Rock to mud makes paths really a pain to cross.

Summon a satyr and have it play it's pipes to put the whole party to sleep, DC 13 willsave or sleep within 60ft of it.

Spike stones is a hour/level trap that slow anyone who steps on them. 1d8 damage won't kill anyone, but it will likely slow them down and make them waste healing spells restoring their ability to move at full speed.

Also, snare is a spell that lasts until triggered. Funny as hell, cover the mountain with merciful fell weaken snares.

2014-12-15, 02:28 PM
Animal Companions(and all other iterations of animals under the druids control) with the Subdue, Stalk, and Disable tricks.