View Full Version : DM Help Help me build a badass

2014-12-14, 10:50 AM
So I have a player character who had his consciousness transferred to a warforged body. He plays a Dungeon Crasher fighter/ Warforged Juggernaught going into War Hulk. He is absolutely obsessed with getting bigger and stronger. Having gone out of his way to get a psionic item of expand, and a PAO into a larger size.

However, unbeknownst to him his old body has risen as a Curst creature. The only thing on its mind is destroying the warforged shell that prevents his soul from passing on. He is the main muscle of team evil.
I’d like for him to take a similar path as his warforged counterpart, but I’m having trouble coming up with a build. I looked into Psychic warrior and war mind, but the hit to mental stats from the template make casting of any kind very hard. Does the playground have any ideas that will help this guy compete with his bulldozer counterpart?

The party is level 10,
The creature is a Human Fighter with the Curst template
Scores(after Template): 16, 12, - , 10, 4, 6

Any help is apreciated!