View Full Version : Char sheet app

2014-12-14, 11:42 AM
Hey playground!

So simple question: is there any official char sheet app by wizards? Fightclub is nice but they cant add that much to the app cause of copyright.

Spacehamster to infinity and beyond!

2014-12-14, 11:52 AM
I have the same issue. When I did my research I think they are behind because of the scrapping of dungeonscape. They were really putting their eggs in one basket them threw it overboard.

I think that it'll be a while before we see something usable that doesn't require major input from the user as far as race features go and whatnot.

2014-12-14, 12:00 PM
I have the same issue. When I did my research I think they are behind because of the scrapping of dungeonscape. They were really putting their eggs in one basket them threw it overboard.

I think that it'll be a while before we see something usable that doesn't require major input from the user as far as race features go and whatnot.

Really hope they do make one, Im sure they would make quite a profit cause so much more handy with apps compared to sheet. So sure loads of ppl would buy the app.

2014-12-14, 12:04 PM
I'm sure they would. Im against form filler and apps at the table. I find that a sheet is more in line with the feel. I require my players to buy books and not pirate them. And even in parhfinder digital copies were only ok if they showed me a receipt for them. Besides I'd never hand my phone over to someone. I have to many naked pics of my wife. But if the days let me see your character for spot inspection I can't tell them no.

2014-12-14, 12:57 PM
There is a really nice android app, but I wouldn't know about Apple users. Although I agree that paper is bestest.

2014-12-14, 02:21 PM
There is a really nice android app, but I wouldn't know about Apple users. Although I agree that paper is bestest.

Paper is okay but its so annoying to have to erase and write again every two second getting eraser parts all over the table. :P

2014-12-14, 02:41 PM
I bought a huge sheet of plexiglass and put our grid under it band then we just use dry erase markers all over the glass for hp and round counts and drawing an area etc etc

2014-12-14, 02:59 PM
I bought a huge sheet of plexiglass and put our grid under it band then we just use dry erase markers all over the glass for hp and round counts and drawing an area etc etc

Now thats cool. :D

2014-12-14, 04:07 PM
I just want to let you know that dungeonscape is still a thing. They have a kickstarter now to fund the project. They currently have almost $40K of the $425K they need. It's going to have all the functionality as the original, but I may not be as refined.

just wanted to put that out there.

2014-12-14, 04:43 PM
I just want to let you know that dungeonscape is still a thing. They have a kickstarter now to fund the project. They currently have almost $40K of the $425K they need. It's going to have all the functionality as the original, but I may not be as refined.

just wanted to put that out there.

I don't see how they can still be making it. There is no dnd next ogl.

2014-12-14, 04:57 PM
I've never heard of dungeonscape. What is it? Also, what is the android app called?

2014-12-14, 05:05 PM
I've never heard of dungeonscape. What is it?
What was it would be more appropriate. WoTC contracted a third party to make an app for D&D 5E doing pretty much everything this thread is about, along with a few other goodies. However, the project was recently scrapped, so no luck there. WoTC may contact another software company about it at some point, but in the meantime, nothing is coming anytime soon.

2014-12-14, 05:09 PM
I don't see how they can still be making it. There is no dnd next ogl.

That's just the thing, though. They're making it system-flexible, with the hopes of WotC eventually releasing the OGL at some point afterwards.

2014-12-14, 05:13 PM
I've never heard of dungeonscape. What is it? Also, what is the android app called?

The one I use that's pretty neat is "Fifth Edition Character Sheet". It costs like 3 bucks to unlock auto-leveling. Totally worth it. It's very nicely streamlined.

2014-12-14, 05:15 PM
I used Filemaker Pro to create a character database that includes a character sheet as one of its layouts. The database looks up and calculates quite a bit of information for me, which speed up the creation process. It's not too hard to do if you're familiar with Filemaker, although at the moment mine is only complete for Barbarians, Fighters, and Wizards.

Unfortunately, it incorporates some of the game rules, so I don't think I can share it without the permission of WotC. If it weren't for that, I'd be happy to make it available when it's finished.

2014-12-14, 08:44 PM
The one I use that's pretty neat is "Fifth Edition Character Sheet". It costs like 3 bucks to unlock auto-leveling. Totally worth it. It's very nicely streamlined.

I think that is the one. The free version is still pretty good though.

2014-12-14, 08:51 PM
I think that is the one. The free version is still pretty good though.

Oh, definitely. Well worth downloading even without paying.

2014-12-16, 10:26 AM
I actually started making a heroforge style excel sheet for use within my group but realised 1/2 way through that 5e character creation is so streamlined that it wouldn't actually speed things up by much.