View Full Version : slaves for a mind flayer.

2014-12-14, 05:03 PM
I'm needing ideas for 4 x level 6ish monsters that would make sense for a CR8 mind flayer to have under Charm Person basically continuisly, would have to have Will as a weak save (big dumb muscle types likely)

2014-12-14, 05:47 PM
A group of orc barbarians? Throw some illithid grafts onto them (found in the Fiend Folio) and/or make them half-illithid (also FF) for the shiggles.

A haraknin (FF p 26) is also about the right echelon for ya. It's basically a werehellhound.

2014-12-14, 06:40 PM
I second orcs. Maybe fighters?

2014-12-14, 06:44 PM
I second orcs. Maybe fighters?

Yeah! Orcs are a great fit. I always overlook orcs but they would work great. Slap on some barb levels and some gear and I'll be all set. Thanks

mabriss lethe
2014-12-15, 01:12 AM
I probably wouldn't make them all barbarians. That can get nasty, quick. I'd only make one a barbarian as a bit of a surprise and leave the others as stock warriors. (of course, that depends on the level of optimization that your players operate at.)

2014-12-15, 07:33 AM
Low: CW Samurai, Generic Warrior
Med low: Fighter, Rogue
Med: Barbarian, Dungeon crasher Fighter
Medium High: Whirlpounce Barbarian, Psionic Warrior, Warblade, Swordsage
High: Clericzilla, Arcane Swordsage,

2014-12-15, 07:50 AM
Really High: Over-CRed Dragon polymorphed into an Orc.

2014-12-15, 07:51 AM
Trolls and Umber Hulks work pretty well from a fluff perspective.

2014-12-16, 01:50 PM
OK, here's what I got:

A CR8 Mind Flayer with some gear to get his AC into the low 20s

A CR 7 umber hulk as a slave

A level 6 human fighter as a slave (TWF with +2 short swords)

My group is 3- level 7 melee types and 1- level 7 caster. I'm considering not having all 3 of these enemies encountered at once but rather one after the other. I think all at once would be too hard.

I like the fluff of the enemies here but my concern is that the melee types have will saves in the +2 to +5 range. And having will save DCs in the mid to high teens from two monsters would be too tough for the fighters.

I was considering having them find some item(s) that will help them out with that maybe.

What do y'all think?

mabriss lethe
2014-12-16, 02:31 PM
OK, here's what I got:

A CR8 Mind Flayer with some gear to get his AC into the low 20s

A CR 7 umber hulk as a slave

A level 6 human fighter as a slave (TWF with +2 short swords)

My group is 3- level 7 melee types and 1- level 7 caster. I'm considering not having all 3 of these enemies encountered at once but rather one after the other. I think all at once would be too hard.

I like the fluff of the enemies here but my concern is that the melee types have will saves in the +2 to +5 range. And having will save DCs in the mid to high teens from two monsters would be too tough for the fighters.

I was considering having them find some item(s) that will help them out with that maybe.

What do y'all think?

Consider keeping some fodder in reserve. Your players still have a good edge on this encounter. I'd add a pair of level 4 or 5 NPCs with ranged weapons, maybe heavy crossbows and little to no optimization for them. Your 2 ranged thugs start off with a big bang, but then have to spend a round reloading before going at it again, giving your party something to prioritize other than "Distract meat, Kill squid, finish off meat" These mooks aren't bright enough to alternate, so it gives you a round of respite between volleys to take them out of the equation. If you're worried that it's too much, keep them in reserve behind the screen. If your PCs start dominating things early, have the crossbowmen pop out of hiding and take potshots to distract them. If the players are having a hard time of it, don't use'em.

Edit to add: I apparently skimmed the text and didn't pay attention. I wouldn't string your minions out. Just due to action economy a 4 on 1 fight will be greatly weighed in the party's favor.

Maybe break it up into two parts if you're worried. Have the Fighter go out with some mooks, keeping the Umber Hulk in reserve. As the tide turns against the fighter and friends, they release the hulk and the survivors switch to ranged attacks. As your party handles that, Mr.Squidface comes out to see what all the racket is about (he was enjoying a marvelous dinner, and hates to be interrupted mid brain-snatching.)

Fouredged Sword
2014-12-16, 02:36 PM
I would have the Mindflayer just play conservatively and retreat before he is really threatened. He can always planeshift out if the party looks like they have the upper hand. If he can't stick a dominate in a round or two, and the party drops one of his minions, he will book it.

How is the party's defenses VS charms and compulsions? Big deal there, will TPK your party surprisingly fast if they can't stop the flayer quick. 4 on 3 becomes 1 on 6 when those melee types end up dominated.

2014-12-16, 02:57 PM
I would have the Mindflayer just play conservatively and retreat before he is really threatened. He can always planeshift out if the party looks like they have the upper hand. If he can't stick a dominate in a round or two, and the party drops one of his minions, he will book it.

How is the party's defenses VS charms and compulsions? Big deal there, will TPK your party surprisingly fast if they can't stop the flayer quick. 4 on 3 becomes 1 on 6 when those melee types end up dominated.

Will is their weak save +2 to +5. I was thinking about potions of some kind that they might find that would bump their will save temporarily.

2014-12-16, 05:18 PM
throw in some fodder like level 1 goblins or kobolds. Illithids are methodical intelligent creatures and they wouldnt throw their powerful slaves at dangerous adversaries.

I mean I dont think they'd care much if the human died but the umber hulk on the other hand......

2014-12-16, 05:20 PM
Will is their weak save +2 to +5. I was thinking about potions of some kind that they might find that would bump their will save temporarily.

Wands/Potions of Owls Wisdom would be good for this.

2014-12-16, 10:00 PM
/sarcasm Give them a single potion of mind blank and watch them fight to the death...

More seriously point the caster in the direction of the Protection from (Alignment) spell.

2014-12-16, 10:21 PM
/sarcasm Give them a single potion of mind blank and watch them fight to the death...

More seriously point the caster in the direction of the Protection from (Alignment) spell.

Lol. Oh I wish that were the case.

More likely, they would look up the spell and say "OK, that's gonna get sold for more bark skin potions"

Maybe the flayer is too much for them Lol.