View Full Version : Favorite third party content, 3.x - Pathfinder

Fatal Rose
2014-12-15, 02:06 AM
Some third party content is really bad, some is amazing. Some third party developers make superior martial classes when compared to Paizo/Wizards. Sme third party classes are way overpowered.

Green Ronin makes awesome third edition material. The Mythic Vistas line was amazing. Wild love to see that for PF.

What are some of your favorites?

2014-12-15, 02:08 AM
Dragonmech for 3.5. Just for the sheer concept of it.

Dreamscarred Press' stuff for PF, because it's actually balanced. :smalltongue:

2014-12-15, 02:09 AM
Well, Dreamscarred Press has a significant presence on these forums, and I for one am grateful for it. Their porting o most 3.5 subsystems to PF is fantastic.

Radiant House also did a fantastic job with the Occultist, a PF Binder.

2014-12-15, 02:14 AM
I used to really loathe 3rd party material but when I made the shift to Pathfinder I really came around to dreamscarred press's material. It's all very balanced and fair. Even before I found these forums I was a fan but the longer I've stuck around the more I came to like them.

2014-12-15, 02:15 AM
Dragon Magazine, Lot5R, Dragonlance, I love all those.

2014-12-15, 02:24 AM
Dragonmech for 3.5. Just for the sheer concept of it.
How well is it balanced? I haven't gotten to look at it, but I liked the concept.

I used to really loathe 3rd party material but when I made the shift to Pathfinder I really came around to dreamscarred press's material. It's all very balanced and fair. Even before I found these forums I was a fan but the longer I've stuck around the more I came to like them.

I generally loathe 3rd party, but DSP's PoW is pretty good. I can't speak for the others. One is a psionics conversion.

2014-12-15, 02:26 AM
How well is it balanced? I haven't gotten to look at it, but I liked the concept.

I haven't really had a chance to play it.

But what it adds is the Mech Jockey base class, and mechs, so.. Probably as well as any other 3.5 splat.

Fatal Rose
2014-12-15, 02:36 AM
Dreamscarred press is awesome. Love all they come out with.

Stuff I like.
Genius Guide stuff.
Mongoose Publishing
Tripod Machine
Midgard campaigne setting for PF
Green Ronin
Sword and Sorcery

2014-12-15, 02:38 AM
I haven't really had a chance to play it.

But what it adds is the Mech Jockey base class, and mechs, so.. Probably as well as any other 3.5 splat.

Well, I was looking for a tier number. :P

It would be interesting if it was an interesting decision to get in a giant robot or to just be a badass on foot.

Jeff the Green
2014-12-15, 03:07 AM
How well is it balanced? I haven't gotten to look at it, but I liked the concept.

I've had very limited experience, but... it's better than Serpent Kingdoms. And it's somewhat less confusing to use than Magic of Incarnum. And less dysfunctional than Monk.

2014-12-15, 03:37 AM
I've had very limited experience, but... it's better than Serpent Kingdoms. And it's somewhat less confusing to use than Magic of Incarnum. And less dysfunctional than Monk.

And less harmful than Complete Psionic, right? :smalltongue:

2014-12-15, 03:44 AM
Isn't "more balanced than Serpent Kingdoms" like saying "cooler than Venus?"

2014-12-15, 03:46 AM
Well, I was looking for a tier number. :P

It would be interesting if it was an interesting decision to get in a giant robot or to just be a badass on foot.

I would personally place the Psionics within tiers 2-3. They have some real power and if min/maxed might be a headache, but they aren't a god.

2014-12-15, 03:47 AM
My problems aren't really with Psionics tier, since it's a fullcasting system like spells. It should be strong.

Isn't "more balanced than Serpent Kingdoms" like saying "cooler than Venus?"

2014-12-15, 06:06 AM
The Dragonstar setting from FFG. D&D in space. Spaceships, lasers, plasma weapons, computers and all the other wonderful SF toys with the same amount of magic and swords as normal D&D. Dragons rule a mighty empire and PCs just have to accept that they can't go raiding poor flying lizards for cash anymore. (well they can try but it's harder and more dangerous than ever before). An ancient and immense empire painted in broad, compelling strokes, tons of fun ideas and interesting mechanics, set-ups and room for all sorts of adventures - from Shadowrun to the Tomb of Horrors to Traveller.

Malhavoc press. A bit hit and miss, but when they hit, they hit very hard indeed. Lots of fun splatbooks with some of my all-time d20 favorites like Beyond Countless Doorways, Chaositech and Hyperconscious.

Honorable mention to AEG for their L5R stuff (the d20 version got me into the setting and I still use it for a couple of games even if I mostly use R&K).

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-15, 01:37 PM
Dang near anything by Goodman Games (but then, most of their stuff adds fluff and not crunch). X-Crawl is hilarious. For those who aren't familiar, think Smash TV crossed with standard dungeon crawls.

2014-12-15, 01:50 PM
Anybody want to take a guess at what 3rd party stuff I like? C'mon, anyone?:smalltongue:

Feint's End
2014-12-15, 02:24 PM
Anybody want to take a guess at what 3rd party stuff I like? C'mon, anyone?:smalltongue:

Uh I know ... it's that one book. Ahm.... what was it ... Ahm ..... oh yeah!
Anime Weeaboo Fightan Magic 2: Bigger Fighters with Bigger Swords

(No insult intended ... I love PoW)

On a slightly different note. Psionic classes in pf range from t2 to t4 and i love every single one of them (though I feel the dread is the least well designed ... still amazing flavour though)

2014-12-15, 02:39 PM
Uh I know ... it's that one book. Ahm.... what was it ... Ahm ..... oh yeah!
Anime Weeaboo Fightan Magic 2: Bigger Fighters with Bigger Swords

(No insult intended ... I love PoW)

On a slightly different note. Psionic classes in pf range from t2 to t4 and i love every single one of them (though I feel the dread is the least well designed ... still amazing flavour though)

Pretty much everything DSP puts out is excellent. The Occultist from Radiant House is good, although I'm not really a fan of binding.

2014-12-15, 02:48 PM
Anybody want to take a guess at what 3rd party stuff I like? C'mon, anyone?:smalltongue:

I'm going to guess Book of Erotic Fantasy.

Which, by the way, while a complete joke subject, is actual better than it sounds. The art is more tastefully done than I honestly expected, and it is a fair resource if the content of it ever comes up.

Jeff the Green
2014-12-15, 02:53 PM
The art is more tastefully done than I honestly expected

Damning with faint praise there.

2014-12-15, 03:10 PM
I'm going to guess Book of Erotic Fantasy.

Which, by the way, while a complete joke subject, is actual better than it sounds. The art is more tastefully done than I honestly expected, and it is a fair resource if the content of it ever comes up.

Actually, not a bad book. I read it and it definitely answered some questions I had, and even presented some really interesting moral implications (Paladins respecting love vs. slaying evil).

2014-12-15, 03:12 PM
I'm a fan of Kobold Press (and a patron!), and I adore Raging Swan Press. Zombie Sky Press has done some flavorful work, too.

2014-12-15, 03:31 PM
Damning with faint praise there.

To be fair, with the stereotypes that get thrown around about tabletop gamers, you would expect something titled "The Book of Erotic Fantasy" to look quite a bit more like the FATAL Core Rulebook's front cover. Google at your own risk, and warning you: NSFW

Manly Man
2014-12-15, 03:50 PM
Actually, not a bad book. I read it and it definitely answered some questions I had, and even presented some really interesting moral implications (Paladins respecting love vs. slaying evil).

This. It actually is a decent book, since there has been a lot worse 3rd-party stuff made. The only problem I've got with it is how there are a couple of broken things in the Nookie Book that... have absolutely nothing to do with nookie. It's still great for both role-playing opportunities, and helpful if and when such things come up.

Also, I share most PF fans' opinion about DSP, and I absolutely love their psionics reboot, and what I've used with Path of War so far as well.

My other favorite 3rd-party material is probably Sword & Sorcery's Scarred Lands material; it makes me think of a sort of proto-Golarion, and anyone who's into the darker, pulpier side of fantasy would love that setting. It's a shame that they haven't gotten to make any material updated for Pathfinder.

2014-12-15, 04:47 PM
One of the lead designers of BoEF (Gwendolyn F. M. Kestrel) was also one of the big names on MM3, MM4, Expeditions to the Demonweb Pits, Planar Handbook, Underdark, and Races of the Dragon. That gives it a decided air of legitimacy over most "3rd party" ventures. It's not official, but it's about the next best thing.

Unfortunate art though.

2014-12-15, 10:21 PM
Rite Publishing has some great stuff; In the Company of Ironborn and Masquerade Reveler are my favorite.

Obviously Dreamscarred is a staple at my table.

Rogue Genius Games has a lot of cool stuff I like to use in my games, especially the Mosaic Mage and Death Mage.

I've only ever read one book by Geek Industrial Complex, Companions of the Firmament, but it was excellent enough that I bought it in hardcover and use it regularly.

Alluria Press is just flat out amazing. Cerulean Seas and all the supplements for it have great art, mechanics, everything. They're the company that got me into 3pp material for Pathfinder.

Northwinter Press has a book called Mystical: Kingdom of Monsters. It's basically Pokemon for Pathfinder, but done so well and with such skill that it doesn't seem at all ridiculous. It's honestly amazing.

2014-12-15, 10:29 PM
Northwinter Press has a book called Mystical: Kingdom of Monsters. It's basically Pokemon for Pathfinder, but done so well and with such skill that it doesn't seem at all ridiculous. It's honestly amazing.

This one intrigues me. I will have to check it out.

Fatal Rose
2014-12-16, 01:57 AM
Anything by Ian Sturrock and Aeryn “Blackdirge” Rudel is gold. Love what they've come out with.

2014-12-16, 08:12 AM
Well, Dreamscarred Press has a significant presence on these forums, and I for one am grateful for it.

I for one welcome our new DSP overlords.

Isn't "more balanced than Serpent Kingdoms" like saying "cooler than Venus the Sun?"

Milo v3
2014-12-16, 08:46 AM
Aside from Dreamscarred Stuff, there was a group of colour magic classes for 3.5e. It had red be a mix of bloodragers and warmages, brown be technology, black be earth based and had you go around covered in metal.

But the main thing I liked was just simply that it didn't just use the Magic the Gathering colours and associations.

2014-12-16, 09:07 AM
I for one welcome our new DSP overlords.

Mountain Dew for the Dew Gods! Dice for the Dice Throne!

2014-12-16, 10:52 AM
I like playing as monstrous characters, or ones that are somewhat transhuman. Unfortunately, most 1st party limits that stuff, trying to stick with the basic humanoid mold, or just some minor variation. So there are two books that I like to help with this. Enyclopedia Arcane: Flesh and Blood, and Silverthorne Games Book of Templates. The first one is about providing mechanics for when the books say "Some wizard managed to combine these things to produce a new creature". Even better it provides the GP cost for such services, so I can benefit from it without being a caster able to cast the rituals myself. Only real problem is that the system is A:3.0, and needs slight updating; and B: open to some abuse, due to prices only being based on amount of abilities, not power of abilities. The latter is just what it sound like: a big book full of templates. Given how most first-party templates are either completely worthless, most of the templates in the book are better than most of the first party ones. Has some minor issues with some variable ECl templates that are a bit vague as to how their ECL is determined, but fairly good.

2014-12-16, 10:59 AM
I'd say that the idea, if you want to play something monstrous from low levels without fiddling with PF's pseudo-LA-buyoff rules, is to throw together an analogue of what youy want in the Race Builder.

Given how most first-party templates are either completely worthless, most of the templates in the book are better than most of the first party ones. Has some minor issues with some variable ECl templates that are a bit vague as to how their ECL is determined, but fairly good.

How so? Things like werewolves, vampires and half-fiends are actually playable now for instance.

2014-12-16, 05:47 PM
Mountain Dew for the Dew Gods! Dice for the Dice Throne!

You owe me a coffee-less key board. I really need to stop drinking things while reading this site...

2014-12-16, 06:11 PM
You owe me a coffee-less key board. I really need to stop drinking things while reading this site...

I'd offer you mine, but its attached to my laptop.

Fax Celestis
2014-12-16, 06:51 PM
Goodman Games' Complete Guide to Fey and Book of Templates are DM staples for me.

The Book of Experimental Might II (or just the feats and fighter domains bits out of The Consolidated Book of Experimental Might) is allowed in any game I run.

I also generally allow material from Final Redoubt's Echoes of Heaven campaign setting and Sword and Sorcery's Hyperconscious.

Fatal Rose
2014-12-18, 10:34 PM
Goodman Games' Complete Guide to Fey and Book of Templates are DM staples for me.

The Book of Experimental Might II (or just the feats and fighter domains bits out of The Consolidated Book of Experimental Might) is allowed in any game I run.

I also generally allow material from Final Redoubt's Echoes of Heaven campaign setting and Sword and Sorcery's Hyperconscious.

I have that Fey book. Very good.

My DM staples are Green Ronin: black company, thieves world, and many more of their products.