View Full Version : Enchanting any weapon you use

2014-12-15, 05:26 AM
Is it possible? I know there is the necklace of natural attack and amulet of might fist. But I want to build a thrower build that throws 4 different, maybe more, daggers a round. Enchanting all those would be hard. I know there is ghost shroud that makes all your weapons ghost touch. Anything else along those lines?

2014-12-15, 06:30 AM
Bracers of Lightning (11000 GP, MIC): Swift action, all your melee/ranged attacks gain the Shock property.

Feint's End
2014-12-15, 06:54 AM
If you are not deadset on classes the pathfinder soulknife can do this.

Alternatively have you considered going bloodstorm blade for a few levels? You won't need more than 1 (or 2 for twf) weapons then.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-15, 06:56 AM
You can enchant a dragonshard pommel from Five Nations (?) as a normal weapon and insert it into any masterwork weapon you need to be enchanted, but it won't be useful to you if you need to throw your weapon rather than switching between them.

If you can finangle 4 Bloodstorm Blade levels into your build you can get Lightning Ricochet to use and enchant one weapon instead of four.

How about chain Greater Magic Weapon? Can work if you have a caster on hand or can get it on an item.

2014-12-15, 03:51 PM
I am using Blood storm blade, and master thrower's palm throw. So that's at least 4 different daggers needed. Maybe more if i get more hands.

Oh greater magic weapon is great if i use Shuriken.

Uncle Pine
2014-12-15, 04:07 PM
Oh greater magic weapon is great if i use Shuriken.

*cough* It's also great if you use +1 morphing shurikens. But at that point you're probably better off enchanting all the weapons at 4/50 the price for enchanting a single normal weapon while using the leftover moneys to acquire DR against thrown books.

2014-12-16, 03:50 AM
I recall that there are some spells that add some form of flat damage to all attacks by the creature under effect. Others add damage to a weapon touched at the time of casting, but those probably aren't as useful.

You might be able to get some of those spells permanenced or put on a continuous magic item for a reasonable cost, if your DM lets you.

I'm not much of a spell encyclopedia, but someone is bound to know a good few of them.

2014-12-16, 04:01 AM
Why don't you just ask your DM to create an item to do this? Make some special bracers that can be enchanted like a bow and bestow their enchantments upon thrown weapons?

2014-12-16, 04:11 AM
Why don't you just ask your DM to create an item to do this? Make some special bracers that can be enchanted like a bow and bestow their enchantments upon thrown weapons?

I'd suggest this. Show them the Gloves of Infinite Javelins (MiC) and see about finagling one for daggers instead, and the possibility of further enchanting it for added effects.

2014-12-16, 04:25 AM
I'd suggest this. Show them the Gloves of Infinite Javelins (MiC) and see about finagling one for daggers instead, and the possibility of further enchanting it for added effects.

I have successfully gotten Gloves of Endless Daggers by arguing how Darts are described as essentially small javelins, how the gloves never specifiy the size of the javelin it creates (meaning Darts should be okay), and how changing darts for daggers just equates to trading 10 ft of range for 1 point of crit-range and some minor melee capacity.

Technically, there is also a difference in damage type (Slashing or Piercing VS Piercing); but since the gloves create weapon made of force they very arguably count as force attacks and thus deal force damage, making that part moot. Incidentally, I just started a thread about Force effects, if you're interested. *shamelss self-plug*

For adding properties, it would genuinely be easiest to ask your DM for some lenience. And if you feel mean while at it, ask if you can add the older version of the burrowing WSA and have it over-ride the dagger's 1 round duration limit :smallbiggrin:

2014-12-19, 12:36 AM
So I asked my GM and he's okay with an item that enchants any manufactured weapon you wield (so the opposite of amulet of mighty fist). We were thinking of having them be the same price as the amulet but letting it work like the necklace of natural attack. 3 times more expensive is a lot though. I mean if it cost twice as much next to no one would use it still because its better to enchant the weapons and leave your bracers for something else. And it's way easier to get a bunch of natural attacks than it is to use a bunch of different weapons. It pretty much is only good for throwing builds. So what if the item only worked for thrown weapons then. Could you see it being reduced to only twice as much or maybe twice as much plus some arbitrary amount?

2014-12-19, 01:35 AM
Is it possible? I know there is the necklace of natural attack and amulet of might fist. But I want to build a thrower build that throws 4 different, maybe more, daggers a round. Enchanting all those would be hard. I know there is ghost shroud that makes all your weapons ghost touch. Anything else along those lines?

Well, there is Vow of Poverty's 4th-level "Exalted Strike" ability. It's kind of a drastic measure, but it will give anything you wield a bonus of +1 to +5, depending on your level; and it's considered Good for the purposes of overcoming DR. (EDIT: Since Daggers are simple weapons, a non-masterwork version is Vow of Poverty-legal. The Vow doesn't actually require that you only own one weapon; just that it's "usually" just a single quarterstaff.)

2014-12-19, 02:12 AM
I'd use the pommel stones from Forge of War as a starting point for haggling with your DM. They cost 125% more than enchanting the weapons, taking 1 minute to attach and a full round action to take off. The Necklace you speak off can be equated to the ability to confer the pommel stone's ability to a weapon without having to attach one in the usual way, which is very similar to what the Necklace of Natural weapons does.

Pricing: The pommels are limited to melee weapons, so that equates to thrown weapons in your case. I'd suggest adding 50% to the price for it being an "inappropriate body-slot", bringing it to 175%. Then comes the non-contact benefit, which I believe should be a Flat charge based on the Necklace of Natural Attacks, at it provides a similar benefit. The base amulet is 600 gp, so taking the 175% for simplicity, 1050 gp. Alternatively, pump the total cost up to 200% for the necklace and makes maths easier on everyone.

Yeah, paying double seems fair overall.

Emperor Tippy
2014-12-19, 02:27 AM
Well arguably you could Supernatural Transformation a Psion's powers and then use a Quickened, Twinned, XP free Reality Revision along with a Celerity Twinned Reality Revision and immunity to the Daze condition to create 4 enchanted weapons each round while only using up your swift actions, although you need to be in the form of a Chronotyrm so that you get two complete sets of actions.

The Supernatural Transformation bit is kinda rules hazy but it is only actually necessary if you want to avoid the XP costs involved.

If you want a clearly RAW legal but absurd method you can use a Soul Crystal of Twinned Ice Assassin to make Ice Assassins of Intelligent Magic Items with the capabilities that you want, although this can't be quickened but you can combine it with Psion action economy abuse to get unlimited standard actions per round and thus use that.

2014-12-19, 02:32 AM
Well arguably you could Supernatural Transformation a Psion's powers and then use a Quickened, Twinned, XP free Reality Revision along with a Celerity Twinned Reality Revision and immunity to the Daze condition to create 4 enchanted weapons each round while only using up your swift actions, although you need to be in the form of a Chronotyrm so that you get two complete sets of actions.

The Supernatural Transformation bit is kinda rules hazy but it is only actually necessary if you want to avoid the XP costs involved.

If you want a clearly RAW legal but absurd method you can use a Soul Crystal of Twinned Ice Assassin to make Ice Assassins of Intelligent Magic Items with the capabilities that you want, although this can't be quickened but you can combine it with Psion action economy abuse to get unlimited standard actions per round and thus use that.

I would like to avoid flying books

Emperor Tippy
2014-12-19, 02:35 AM
I would like to avoid flying books

House rules are your best bet then.

All three of the ways I can think of off the top of my head to create multiple enchanted weapons each round while in combat are things that would cause most DM's to at least pause.

Homebrewing something that does what you want with the DM is pretty much your best and only realistic choice.

2014-12-19, 03:55 AM
In this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?386639-No-room-for-Rapid-Shot), I went into quite a bit of detail for a Ninja Master Thrower, including a bit of math and some shenanigans, but specific to your case, I would possible bring up the following:

my DM ruled that if I use Aurorum Returning Shuriken, they return to me at the beginning of the next round and reform during the round, meaning if I have 10 of them, and throw 5 on round 1, the broken pieces return to me at the beginning of round 2, on round 2 I throw my other 5, at the beginning of round 3 those pieces return to me and the pieces from round 1's 5 shuriken reform, allowing me to throw them at the beginning of round 3. Obviously, I need to do a little bit of math to figure out exactly how many shuriken I will need so that I don't run out in future levels.

Additionally, I determined that for my character's build, I would eventually end up needing 24 of those wonderful little throwing stars (enchanted as +1 Aurorum Distance & Returning), costing me a grand total of 10,560 gp, which is about 1.5k less than a single +2 Adamantine Dagger (12010 gp).

Unfortunately, expect books or dice to fly. Virtual dice flew at me after I first got the DM to OK Aurorum ammunition not being permanently destroyed, followed by showing him what I came up with with regards to awesome shuriken. Really, my DM should know me better by now >.>

Feint's End
2014-12-19, 05:28 AM
House rules are your best bet then.

All three of the ways I can think of off the top of my head to create multiple enchanted weapons each round while in combat are things that would cause most DM's to at least pause.

Homebrewing something that does what you want with the DM is pretty much your best and only realistic choice.

I just got a new idea for breaking wpl .. go martial monk 2 (for the epic deflection feat) / whatever rest of the levels (probably wizard)

Then survive all the daggers thrown at you while gathering them. Wait till all your bags are full -> profit

Edit: though then again ... wpl doesn't mean a whole lot in a world where this trick works (unless just one person knows of it and doesn't use it for getting the cash already)

2014-12-20, 03:09 AM
Does greater magic weapon legions really not work on thrown weapons? What's with the thrown weapon hate.

2014-12-20, 03:45 AM
Maybe you could refluff shuriken as a type of exotic dagger. They're a lot cheaper to deal with because it will be a long time before you get 200 hits (50 x 4 daggers), possibly 15-20 levels. So the amount you spend on shurikens at any given level will typically be 5 to 10 times less. Because even as you run out and buy more you'd be spending way way more to upgrade daggers.

For example:
Throwing knives, require exotic weapon proficiency, 1d3 damage 20/x2, enchant and draw as ammo (pay per 50 and they get expended on hits, free quick draw), -2 penalty to hit in melee and still get expended like ammo in melee. Anything that gets around improvised weapon penalties gets around the -2.

2014-12-20, 06:08 AM
Does greater magic weapon legions really not work on thrown weapons? What's with the thrown weapon hate.

I don't think the desginers ever considered someone wanting to seriously play a thrower. I generally get the vibe that throwing was never intended to be more than a back-up strategy for your average martial character. I think that's why there are only 3 decent thrower prestige classes about (one of them race specific), less than a dozen thrower-specific feats, and a grand total of 2 throwing related WSAs.

2014-12-20, 07:12 AM
Throwing is pretty good at low levels but it falls apart once magic weapons become major. You can delay this point by spending your gold on other magic items as long as possible, including other magic items that boost your attacks.

2014-12-20, 07:38 AM
Buy a runecaster's permanant rune that casts greater magic weapon (or any other buff you want) when a weapon moves across it and attach it to wherever you keep your daggers.

Im away from books so I cant recall the price but it can be expensive, especially if you want multiple ones for supremely enchanted daggers.