View Full Version : Background Help for PCs in "The Hoard of the Dragon Queen" (spoilers)

Zach J.
2014-12-15, 05:25 PM
So after a lengthy hiatus from D&D I've decided to make the plunge into 5E. I recently purchased the Player's Handbook and "The Hoard of the Dragon Queen" and am currently in the process of recruiting friends and relatives to play. My girlfriend, who has never played D&D before, has rolled up a wood elf druid. She chose the hermit background which gave her the discovery feature. I'd like to tie this discovery into the larger campaign, but was hoping to get a little input from some more experienced players.

The obvious solution seems to be for her discovery to be tied to some sort of draconic mystery or the Cult of the Dragon, but I'm very open to suggestions. I was also thinking that it would make the most sense or whatever it is to be located in the High Forest because that seems to be a relatively safe place for a young wood elf to have grown up. However, it doesn't look like the adventure will really lend itself to travel that far inland so I'm a little lost.

Zach J.
2014-12-15, 06:54 PM
The bond she chose are recurring apocalyptic dreams. What if her discovery was that there is an event coming that may change the Realms for the worse? She wouldn't necessarily know that some cultists are trying to summon Tiamat to the Material Plane, but rather that something bad is happening and if she isn't in the right place at the right time that things may go sour for Faerun.

2014-12-15, 08:27 PM
I've played HotDQ very little, so I can't help specifically. However, reading through the hermit background, it's pretty clear that the "Discovery" isn't something simple that will be addressed and forgotten over the few first levels. It could be for example that the whole seam between the material and some other plane is being torn apart, which would cause the creatures from that plane to pour into the material plane, destroying life as it is. It would be a recurring fact that only the specific character would know about, and would discover clues throughout the game. Maybe the goblins where gathering victims for a mage, who was preparing a ritual, which would bring back to life an ancient evil etc etc.

Recurring apocalyptic dreams as a bond? I did not see that option.

p.s. now that I read through this it sounds like the OotS story. huh...

2014-12-15, 08:33 PM
In the back of the Hoard of the Dragon Queen adventure has optional "Bonds" the player can roll or choose. The last one on the list is where the character used to be a dragon but has lost all memories of it. I think it would be perfect for a hermit who has images in her dreams that leads her to Greenest.

Zach J.
2014-12-15, 09:30 PM
The "former dragon" bond would be pretty convenient. I might have to encourage her to consider that option...

Zach J.
2014-12-16, 12:37 PM
So I'm not sure the "former dragon" thing will work for the druid after all. The next character made was a sun elf fighter folk hero. He chose the option which revealed that a celestial, fey, or other creature revealed his destiny or blessed him in some way. Given that option, it makes a lot of sense for his character to find out that he used to be a dragon. Plus, the druid's player really likes the apocalyptic dreams for some reason.

Would the knowledge of shape shifting be a worthwhile discovery? She's planning to be part of the Circle of the Moon.

Shining Wrath
2014-12-16, 01:09 PM
I would strongly encourage any and all players to make up bonds, traits, and flaws rather than using the published ones, unless you see a published one that really suits your character.

As for the hermit's discovery, maybe Tiamat has a weakness - and as you progress through HotDQ, the druid discovers more and more about exactly what that weakness is. Weak scale just under the left foreleg, terrified of spiders, something.

2014-12-16, 01:51 PM
My group also has a hermit in it. Here's what I gave him:

"For months now, your character has been receiving visions of a great malevolent force that's been locked away. At first they were vague and blurry, but over time they've become clearer and clearer. After digging through old religious texts, your character has fit the puzzle together. The malevolent force is Tiamat, the Queen of Dragons who's been locked away deep within the Nine Hells. And she's figured out how to escape the Hells and enter Faerun."

This is something the party isn't supposed to know about at first. Basically, his background let him skip ahead past some of the mystery. But since his character likes to keep secrets and doesn't talk much, he's kept a really good lid on this. The rest of the party STILL doesn't know what the cult is up to. :smallbiggrin:

2014-12-16, 05:16 PM
So I'm not sure the "former dragon" thing will work for the druid after all. The next character made was a sun elf fighter folk hero. He chose the option which revealed that a celestial, fey, or other creature revealed his destiny or blessed him in some way. Given that option, it makes a lot of sense for his character to find out that he used to be a dragon. Plus, the druid's player really likes the apocalyptic dreams for some reason.

Would the knowledge of shape shifting be a worthwhile discovery? She's planning to be part of the Circle of the Moon.

I think you might be able to mix in the apocalyptic dreams with discovering her ability to shape-shift. You could even tweek Madfellow's suggestion to not give away what you don't want to give away, with a malevolent force starting to awaken. Maybe the druid has a vision of a Druidic ceremony where a druid shape-shifts into a large bear, but the ritual is interrupted by a fire-breathing dragon. After that, her dreams / visions grow more apocalyptic in nature. Zooming into her character's eye as she shape-shifts and then it transforming into the world globe of Faerun and zooming back out to see Tiamat destroying it with her breath weapons.

I dunno. Just had a thought there. =)


Zach J.
2014-12-16, 05:32 PM

I really like your suggestion. Assuming I can find enough players I think that's what I'll end up using. Thanks!

2014-12-16, 05:42 PM
Awesome! I'd be interested to read how your campaign progresses!

Good luck!


2014-12-17, 05:12 PM
I think you might be able to mix in the apocalyptic dreams with discovering her ability to shape-shift. You could even tweek Madfellow's suggestion to not give away what you don't want to give away, with a malevolent force starting to awaken. Maybe the druid has a vision of a Druidic ceremony where a druid shape-shifts into a large bear, but the ritual is interrupted by a fire-breathing dragon. After that, her dreams / visions grow more apocalyptic in nature. Zooming into her character's eye as she shape-shifts and then it transforming into the world globe of Faerun and zooming back out to see Tiamat destroying it with her breath weapons.

I dunno. Just had a thought there. =)


Seconded. You could also have a recurring and progressing dream, where each night the player receives more and more information.

So, the first night she dreams: It's a warm spring evening, and she is at the edge of her favorite glade, sitting against a comfortable old oak tree, watching the fireflies blip through the grass. The sky above is just starting to show the stars, and a pleasant breeze stirs the leaves above. The sky begins to brighten suddenly, turning crimson, and the air starts swirling visibly above. With a loud CRACK! the sky rends in twain, and... you wake in a cold sweat.

Second dream: As above, but the sky splits open and you see an omenous, shadowy figure. As it reaches out a clawed appendage, grasping the sides of the portal and begins to pull itself through, the very trees around begin to wilt, and the ground below you trembles knocking you to the ground, waking you.

Third dream: This time, you can see that the figure reaching through the portal is a dragon (or shares features with perhaps some draconic opponent that the players have fought), but it has many heads. As you cower in terror each head rears back looking at you and unleashes a blast of cold, acid, lightning, and flame! You remain somehow untouched, but the land around you is seared, the trees and forest, your home, is gone, all that remains is the twisted ashy remains of tree stumps, soon blown away by a cold wind. As you wake, you know that this is not merely a dream, but a warning of things to come.