View Full Version : HEIL HYD... I mean TIAMAT! Questions about Camp. Spoilers HotDQ.

2014-12-16, 05:50 PM
Ok. My team is just about to arrive at Raider's Camp. We think that we can just walk in with other raiders and try to look tough and raidish.
Only question. How to you think they will react to Dragonborn (my character) of the gold descend. I know that scales doesn't mean you can't all be like: "Hail TIAMAT!" With 5 fingers and everything. But what do you think? Very weird. Or just not so much.

2014-12-16, 07:50 PM
That would be up to the DM running the campaign. If I was DMing, then you're character would probably be confronted by another raider ... maybe a dragonborn of an evil dragon descent to see how you react. If it escalated, then I would have it be an honorable duel like the one in Part I where the half-dragon calls out a party member or guard for one-on-one combat.

If it didn't escalate and your character handles it well, then some odd looks, insults, and maybe another confrontation in the future. =)

Have fun with it and good luck!


2014-12-16, 08:41 PM
"Hail TIAMAT!" With 5 fingers and everything.

Tidbit for out-of-character knowledge: The hand sign of Tiamat is actually three fingers raised and two closed to the palm, to signify the fact that Tiamat's power is kept secret and the fact that her presence isn't nearly at it's fullest yet.

That said the fact that we again have dragon sorcerers, dragonborn, and half-dragons all trying to be different things at once makes it hard to make certain differentiations. I have a dragonborn in my HoTDQ campaign who I allowed to paint his skin into a chromatic color with things like berries and paints so he can infiltrate the camp. If that sounds logical enough for your character to consider feel free to toss the suggestion out. Scavenge for berries and use them to paint up, it'll work.

Safety Sword
2014-12-17, 06:23 AM
Tidbit for out-of-character knowledge: The hand sign of Tiamat is actually three fingers raised and two closed to the palm, to signify the fact that Tiamat's power is kept secret and the fact that her presence isn't nearly at it's fullest yet.

I believe both are acceptable with the right amount of sincerity.

That said the fact that we again have dragon sorcerers, dragonborn, and half-dragons all trying to be different things at once makes it hard to make certain differentiations. I have a dragonborn in my HoTDQ campaign who I allowed to paint his skin into a chromatic color with things like berries and paints so he can infiltrate the camp. If that sounds logical enough for your character to consider feel free to toss the suggestion out. Scavenge for berries and use them to paint up, it'll work.

Disguise checks are a thing. DM's should consider rolling for the player to increase the tension :smallamused:

Falcon X
2014-12-17, 10:45 AM
Without a really good disguise, you would at least be questioned and watched. The reason the book says you can blend in is because you wouldn't stand out. But nothing will stand out more than a gold dragonborn.

You could bluff your way through it, but it would have to be a good bluff.

2014-12-17, 11:01 AM
Do it anyway. Full on "HAIL TIAMAT!". If anyone questions you, fall back on the classic. "What the ****, man? Are you some kind of racist?" And make up a whole line about how bull**** and stupid and negligent and wussy metallic dragons are.

2014-12-17, 11:09 AM
When Captain Bahamut throws his mighty shield....all those who choose to oppose his shield must yield!


The J Pizzel
2014-12-17, 12:39 PM
Do it anyway. Full on "HAIL TIAMAT!". If anyone questions you, fall back on the classic. "What the ****, man? Are you some kind of racist?" And make up a whole line about how bull**** and stupid and negligent and wussy metallic dragons are.

This! So much this!!!

2014-12-17, 01:59 PM
I though that dragonborn were so interbred that scale color did not have much correlation to behavior. That is what the PHB suggests.

Shining Wrath
2014-12-17, 02:32 PM
I do not think that there is anything RAW that suggests scale color correlates strongly with alignment. But OTOH, ignorant people might think that, and followers of an evil cult might include some ignorant people. By tradition evil cults don't attract the finest minds (the LEADERS are a whole different matter).

So a blank look followed with "Whut? My parents were Tiamat worshipers before it was cool!" ought to work.

2014-12-17, 03:19 PM
All ideas great :D

Do it anyway. Full on "HAIL TIAMAT!". If anyone questions you, fall back on the classic. "What the ****, man? Are you some kind of racist?" And make up a whole line about how bull**** and stupid and negligent and wussy metallic dragons are.

Although this was great :D

But i just saw in PHB that normal Dragonborns, are somewhat brass or bronze with a little hint of some other color.
And only Dragonborns from some great clans are full blown gold or silver or RED like hell :D

So i think that mine Dragonborn: Lareth Aerosclughpalar is ok.