View Full Version : Pathfinder Cavalier Build Help

2014-12-17, 11:07 PM
Hey guys, I convinced my GM to give me a bit of a bonus as a Cavalier and I want to be able to milk it for all it's worth.

First, the bonus, I was able to get my GM to allow me to select a Roc as a mount on my Cavalier (as long as I'm small, that it). What this means is that I've got flight at first level, and most likely I'm going to go Luring Cavalier archetype.

So far I've got the following build idea, but I'd like y'all's help in making it better.

Tribin the Luring Cavalier

Wanderlust (+2 Knowledge (geography)/Survival)
Outrider (+2 Handle Animal/Ride)
Polyglot (extra language: Polyglot, +2 Linguistics)
Favored Class: Cavalier


STR 14
DEX 18
CON 13
INT 12 (taking Varisian as the bonus language from Int)
WIS 10
CHA 12

Ancient Explorer (we're playing Skull and Shackles, so this is my hook trait; +1 Knowledge (history)/Knowledge (local), Knowledge (history) class skill, bonus language: Cyclops)
Magical Talent (create water 1/day, CL 1)

Skills Points: 4 + 1 (int) + 1 (favored class)

Diplomacy (1 rank, +3 class skill)
Handle Animal (1 rank, +3 class skill, +2 racial)
Knowledge (history) (1 rank, +3 class skill, +1 trait)
Linguists (1 rank, +3 class skill, +2 racial) - takes Thassilonian
Profession (cook) (1 rank, +3 class skill)
Ride (1 rank, +3 class skill, +2 racial)


Mounted Combat (1st level)
Distracting Charge (tactician bonus)


Far Challenge 1/day (bonuses to ranged attacks versu target, changes to normal challnge once in melee)
Mount (Roc, which rocks)
Tactican 1/day
Order: Order of the Tome
Edicts: Protect Written Word at all costs to preserve for future generations.
+2 Saves vs. spells and spell-like abilities from Challenge subject, +2 Bluff/Sense Motive on checks involving Challenge subject
Knowledge (arcana) and Knoweldge (religion) class skills, use Linguistics untrainsed, +1/2 level (min 1) to Linguistics checks

Not sure how much I'll have, so I'm assuming average of the 5d6x10 gp (175 gp)

Explorer's Outfit - free (because it's the best outfit)
Parade Armor - 25 gp (same bonuses as Studded Leather, but looks cooler)
Buckler - 5 gp (I'm an archer, so free +1 AC is always nice)
Longbow - 75 gp (I'm small, so I've already got damage problems, so might as well use the best bow)
Arrows (2) - 1 gp (might pick up more with my spare cash)
Exotic Riding Kit - 36 gp (everything I need to get my mount off the ground, so to speak)
Pathfinder's Kit - 13 gp (could have gone a bit cheaper, but RP reasons)
Cooking Kit - 3 gp (this is RP, hence the Profession (cook))
Coffee Pot - 3 gp (this is RP, hence the Magical Talent trait)
Ground Coffee (2 pounds) - 0.16 gp (I did the math, and this is enough for 14 pots of coffee, each 1 quart in size, more than enough to last through the rations in the Pathfiner's Kit)
Sugar (2 pounds) - 0.10 gp (again, I did the math, and assuming brown sugar, this is enough for, again, 14 pots of coffee at 1 quart each for a reasonable sweetness level)
Powdered Milk (1 pound jar) - 0.10 gp (got to have milk for the coffee, and again, perfect for 14 pots worth of coffee as the ratio of milk to coffee I prefer)
14 gp, 6 sp, 4 cp (might lose some of this for barding for the bird, might not)

It's a Roc, gains Light Armor Proficiency as a bonus fear, takes Stable Gallop as the 1st HD feat, and takes Fly and Acrobatics as the skills.

I'm planning on playing him as a militant librarian (Order of the Tome Cavalier), and he's in Port Peril as part of a research expedition as a Graduate Student, serving as a guard and cook. Father was a halfling outrider, mother was the best cook in the community, but he wanted to do more with his life, since his oder brother would inherit he's father's prestige as an outrider and his younger sisters would do the same for his' mother's prestige as the community's best cook. He prefers to wake early, before dawn, making breakfast and making a pot of coffee, which he keeps in his waterskin to drink all day.

2014-12-18, 12:09 AM
First, a non-composite longbow can't be used while mounted. If you don't have the cash for a composite longbow yet you'll need to drop back to a short bow or thrown weapon - for now.

If you can persuade yourself that you don't have to create your own water, you could pick an arcane cantrip instead which would open up the possibility of getting Arcane Strike later.

OK, you're an archer, but you still want to carry a melee weapon. Just in case. Maybe even a lance.

Aside from that it's fine.

2014-12-18, 01:23 AM
First, a non-composite longbow can't be used while mounted. If you don't have the cash for a composite longbow yet you'll need to drop back to a short bow or thrown weapon - for now.

Right, forgot that, and that's why it's important to check in here. Should I start with a light crossbow instead of a composite shortbow, since it's got the same damage as a longbow, and since i'm first level I don't have to worry about the reloading?

If you can persuade yourself that you don't have to create your own water, you could pick an arcane cantrip instead which would open up the possibility of getting Arcane Strike later.

Right, forgot that little bit (I've never used Arcane Strike before, so I wasn't familiar with that). I wanted to do create water for the RP reason, but you're right that an arcane spell (perhaps least wish, or is that still called prestidigitation? though the damage spells are always nice)

OK, you're an archer, but you still want to carry a melee weapon. Just in case. Maybe even a lance.

Aside from that it's fine.

Completely forgot about that, especially since I was planning on letting my roc take care of the melee issue, but I guess a cestus isn't that expensive (wait, the Pathfinder's Kit comes with a dagger, forgot about that). But, yeah, a lance wouldn't be out of place.

Thanks for the suggestions.

2014-12-18, 04:09 AM
Right, forgot that, and that's why it's important to check in here. Should I start with a light crossbow instead of a composite shortbow, since it's got the same damage as a longbow, and since i'm first level I don't have to worry about the reloading?
I wouldn't worry too much as by 2nd level you'll surely have more than enough, but I'd get a few javelins (you have a strength bonus, after all) and yeah, a light crossbow for greater range is a good idea.

Right, forgot that little bit (I've never used Arcane Strike before, so I wasn't familiar with that). I wanted to do create water for the RP reason, but you're right that an arcane spell (perhaps least wish, or is that still called prestidigitation? though the damage spells are always nice)
Prestigitation would have many uses for a caffiend away from a full kitchen.

Thanks for the suggestions.
Glad I could help.