View Full Version : E6 To Make Reality: Challenge

2014-12-18, 01:17 AM
Reality was destroyed, but one E6 Demigod(5) survived. Assume you are in a featureless plane, no magic, gravity, time or matter other than you and your carried WBL. All other planes were destroyed so you don't have the ability to just call an army of celestials to do your work. How would you go about re-creating as much of reality as you can? Stat out your deity and say what they would do.

2014-12-18, 01:35 PM
Creation domain and spam true creation because you have it as an SLA will get you everything nonliving as a start. If your "Featureless plane" happens to be the Ethereal, then Genesis will be pretty useful, otherwise you're stuck. Because the sun is nonliving, you can solve the problem of not having any light.

Gravity is a pain, and so's time. If you're on a plane where gravity doesn't exist (rather than just that there are no objects for gravity to take effect), then you're probably going to have to Genesis it up because I can't see any way of adding it in. You could cheat with Automatic Metamagic: Persist and reversed seek the sky, but that only works on creatures and you need to redo it every day and the Law of Resistance is a pain and the Law of Sequence is also a pain (though if you heighten your utterances cleverly it's a lot less of a pain). If you have community domain and a really liberal, RAW-abusing reading of Sympathy ("Attracts," you say?) then by casting it nine times you can cause gravity to affect any creature of any of the nine alignments. It doesn't affect objects though.

Time's even more of a problem. Beyond IHSing away the timeless trait I can't see any way to do it. That said, the timeless trait doesn't seem to do anything except possibly stopping you needing to eat/getting killed by poison, and making no time pass on other planes, which is fine because they aren't any.

I'd love to play in this world - you can take a will save any time you like to fly, and you go shooting off into the stratosphere if you're mind-blanked.

To recap:

- The earth, sun, moon, other planets, stars, and so forth all exist.
- There is no gravity but creatures are attracted to earth.
- Time appears to pass normally, but no-one understands the idea of eating or drinking, and potions and poisons alike don't work.
- Actually, scratch that, there are no creatures.

Hmm... how about grabbing a domain that lets you PaO (like Trickery), and then turning things into creatures? You could AMM persist it and then renew it every day if it had a fixed range, but unfortunately you can't do that. What you can do, however, is far better - turn something into something very similar to the target (pebble into Great Wyrm red dragon), which will last 20 minutes, and then PaO the result into the thing you want to end up with (GWRD into GWGD) which will last forever. Of course if we're talking real world then there won't be dragons, but shh.

So now:
- Everything exists except time and gravity.
- Time appears to pass normally but no-one eats or drinks and potions/poisons don't work.
- There is no gravity but creatures are attracted to earth. The great deity known only as Steve comes down every so often to renew this pseudo-gravity.

This is done as follows:
- Steve has the Creation, Community and Trickery domains
- Steve uses True Creation to make everything that's actually an object.
- Steve can't change time in any meaningful way.
- Steve uses great RAW abuse and Sympathy on the earth (which is an object so not subject to range limit) to attract any creature to earth.
- Steve made all the first living creatures by using PaO twice on each thing he wanted to change.

2014-12-18, 01:49 PM
Earth Mother
Divinity 5 Goddess of Earth, Travel, Creation
ClassCleric 1/Wizard 1/Mystic Theurge 4(via test based before the reality bomb)
Medium Magical Beast(Dragonblood) Unseelie Fey Anthropomorphic Raven Chosen of Mystra Familiar Formed
Hit Points: 26 hp
Speed: 50ft, Climb 50ft, Swim 50ft, Glide 30ft
Armor Class: 23 (+6 Dex, +7 Natural, +2 Cha, -2 Flaw)
Full Attack: Unarmed +15 melee (ld3)
Special Attacks: Spellfire, Silver Fire, Chosen SLA: 1/day Whispering Wish, Whispering War Genesis, Command Earth and Water elementals 5/day each, Divine SLA(True Creation, Plane Shift, Gate), Item Creation: Within portfolio up to 4,500g without feat, SDA:Divine Earth Mastery, Command Plants, Gift of Life, Mind of the Beast, Power of Nature
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, Immune(Disease, Poison, Transmutation, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Cold, Electric, Acid, Mind-Altering), Fire Res 10, DR 15/epic, Fast Healing 1, SR 37
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +14
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 22, Con 19, Int 14, Wis 19, Cha 15
Feats: Very Vulnerable, Slow, Dragon WingsB, Spellfire Wielder, Extraordinary Artisan, Magical Artisan, Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Portal
Racial Boni: +5 All Skills, +10 Jump, +8 Swim, Climb, Balance, +4 Hide, Listen, Spot

The Earth Mother uses Silver Fire to create The Weave so she can use magic. Then she uses her Genesis SLA to create 150 planes on initial cast and increase their size by 15000ft radius on each successive cast. Plane Shift SLA into one of them an call it the material plane. You can true create living eggs or true create corpses and use Gift of Life to make them creatures again. Alternately, you can make seeds and Command Plants to grow, or add the grass growth side effect to a spell. Make them sentient creatures with Mind of the Beast and transform them into animals(the transformation's duration is suggested but not a stated so no need for Alter Reality). It will take a long time but you can repopulate reality. Plane shift to the new astral plane and make one way portals to all others.

There would be a problem with what happens to souls though, how do we send them to an afterlife plane?

Edit: Drat, forgot about the Ethereal and Astral requirements of Genesis and Word of Genesis. Have your Godly Realm be on the Ethereal. Your divinity will be supporting a 500ft radius circle of the plane. Leave the old ethereal behind and make two plane wide portals that are keyed to the ethereal travel spells and abilities as well as the genesis spell's light. As long as the new ethereal is dark, you will be able to see the material but not the ethereal. Not a very elegant solution, but it could work.

I feel as though to solve the death issue you need to employ grim reapers of some sort to take the souls of the dead away.

Without your divinity being able to sustain some astral/ethereal essence, you could magnetize everything to simulate gravity.

2014-12-18, 11:14 PM
Alternate method: Start with +1 LA and then LA Buy-Off template classes until you're high enough class level to take the Force of Nature Non-Epic Destiny and finish the quest. If you are the only one left but you are literally part of the material plane then you would have a nice base to grow from.