View Full Version : (INC) The Eternal Torment- Group Combat

Andrew Markham
2014-12-18, 12:32 PM
This is gonna be a heck of a lot easier if we put group combat in its own thread.

Reginald, Osman, and Ebon Nebula

A human, a gnome, and a Vishkanya appear in an arena. On the other side of the arena, they see a medium-sized beast. It is squat and powerful looking, a canine with scaly skin. Foul-smelling fluids ooze from sores all over its skin. The beast has huge jaws with a large overbite. Its dull orange eyes glare at the three combatants hatefully.


Roll Initiative!

Reginald: [roll0]
Osman: [roll1]
Ebon Nebula the Oncoming Storm: [roll2]
Beast: [roll3]

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-18, 12:38 PM
ENTOS eyes the creature up, determining its true nature.

[roll0] Level Check
[roll1] Knowledge Dungeoneering
[roll2] Knowledge Engineering
[roll3] Knowledge Nature

2014-12-18, 12:41 PM
Reginald looks at the creature, eyeing it fiercely

Level Check:
Knowledge Dungeoneering
Knowledge Planes

Andrew Markham
2014-12-18, 12:42 PM
The creatures licks its slathering lips and charges at Reginald! (+2 to hit, -2 AC)

Beast vs Reginald: [roll0]
Potential damage: [roll1]

The creature leaps at Reginald and rips a huge chunk out of his flesh. Reginald crumples to the ground in a heap of blood.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-18, 12:56 PM
ENTOS eyes go wide realizing what they are fighting then watching Reginald go down immediately.


STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-18, 01:19 PM
Osman hurls himself over to Reginald attempting to avoid the huge beast. He pours a large potion down the older man's throat. [roll0]CMW.

Andrew Markham
2014-12-18, 02:20 PM
Osman's reckless lunge for Reginald gives the trollhound a chance to lash out at him with its sharp fangs.

AoO vs Osman: [roll0]
Potential Damage: [roll1]

Osman twists to avoid the trollhound, and safely pours the potion down Reginald's throat. His wounds quickly seal themselves, leaving Reginald uninjured but covered in his own blood. Reginald awakens to find himself lying on the floor.

(Reginald, make a fort save.)

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-18, 03:41 PM
ENTOS spreads his feet wide as he flexes his tiny tiny muscles. He pulls them from low and in front of them until he holds then above his head. Small ball of transparent, and almost frosted light forms there, little Z's floating inside. With a might effort he flings the ball to 5 feet beyond the Troll hound, so when the orb bursts outward 10 feet, it encompasses only the Troll Hound. (Casts Sleep. Will DC: 15)

Andrew Markham
2014-12-18, 04:07 PM
Will save: [roll0]

The burst of magic has no effect on the Trollhound. It is Reginald's turn.

2014-12-19, 09:43 AM
Reginald feels much better after the potion is shoved down his throat and stands up, throwing his hand out at it

fort save

Perception check

Magic missle

Andrew Markham
2014-12-19, 09:54 AM
Reginald blasts the Trollhound with a magic missile, inflicting some damage. However, the seared flesh of the beast begins to regenerate. The Trollhound turns its attention to Osman and lashes out at him with his teeth.

Trollhound vs Osman: [roll0]
Potential Damage: [roll1]

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-19, 09:59 AM
Osman returns the beast's aggression with a slash of his rapier, still glowing brightly.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] DMG

As he swings he judges the beast's reactions to gauge it's battle skill.

[roll2] lvl √

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-19, 10:15 AM
ENTOS scowls as he begins to play a song that drifts through the room, and bursts behind the troll hound catching him, and no one else. musical notes drift around him, attempting to make him drowzy. (Cast lullaby Wil Save DC 14)

Andrew Markham
2014-12-19, 10:22 AM
Osman's rapier barely makes its mark, slashing the flesh of the Trollhound. It then attempts to resist Ebon Nebula's spell.

Will save vs sleep: [roll0]

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-19, 10:25 AM
ENTOS shouts to Reginald.

"Use fire or Acid! its a troll hound!"

2014-12-19, 10:43 AM
Reginald glares out it "Such filthy creatures" and throws out a ball of acid at it

Ranged touch attack

acid damage if hit

Andrew Markham
2014-12-19, 10:47 AM
The flesh of the trollhound sizzles in the small splash of acid. The three fighters see that the acid prevents the trollhound's flesh from regenerating! The beast lashes out at Osman once more, seeking his flesh.

Trollhound vs Osman: [roll0]
Potential Damage: [roll1]

Osman takes 8 damage!

Osman, make a fort save, and it is your turn.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-19, 11:34 AM
"Ahhhhh" Osman shouts out in pain as the hound's sharp claws tear through his flesh.
[roll0] fort save

"Ebon, give me a beat fit for dancing. This beast will have no more of my blood."

Osman steps 5ft back away from the beast and drinks a small vial of red liquid. [roll1]clw.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-19, 12:42 PM
ENTOS nods to Osman, and begins to play his lute, he strums it to a hard bass, driving the song fast and hard to inspire a forceful battle against the creature. (Inspire Courage +1 to hit and damage to allies)

2014-12-19, 01:21 PM
Reginald throws out his hand again, shooting another ball of acid at the creature

to hit

acid damage

Andrew Markham
2014-12-19, 01:46 PM
Reginald, in his pride, has forgotten that he is well within reach of the Trollhound's fangs. As he casts his spell, the Trollhound snaps at Reginald with his mighty fangs.

Trollhound vs Reginald: [roll0]
Potential Damage: [roll1]

The Trollhound takes a huge bite out of Reginald's midsection. Reginald is still standing, but is close to losing consciousness. (Reginald, make a Concentration check- DC 17) The attack interrupts Reginald's spell, causing it to fizzle.

On his turn, the Trollhound attacks Reginald again to attempt to finish him off!

Edit: With no new acid attack, the Trollhound is able to continue regenerating some of his wounds.

Trollhound vs Reginald: [roll2]
Potential Damage: [roll3]


As the Trollhound lunges at Reginald, blood from his newly opened wound splashes across the Trollhound's face. It gets into the beast's eyes, effectively blinding it for a few moments!

Osman, it is your turn.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-19, 02:07 PM
"Reginald, back off a bit. I'll try to keep its attention."

Osman slashes once more at the hound, moving in close to its side. (5ft back to previous space.)

2014-12-19, 02:08 PM
Reginald grunts loudly as the beast hits him and tries to back up some

con check

Andrew Markham
2014-12-19, 02:43 PM
Osman's attack pokes the Trollhound, but can not pierce its flesh. It turns blindly towards him.

Ebon Nebula, you're up.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-19, 02:50 PM
ENTOS puffs up his chest. He continues singing as he casts his spell of drowsiness again, catching only the Troll hound again. (Casts Lullaby, DC 14 Wil Save)

Andrew Markham
2014-12-19, 05:03 PM
Will save: [roll0]

Reginald, it is your turn.

2014-12-19, 05:26 PM
Reginald takes a five foot step back and throws an acid splash at the creature again

Ranged touch attack

acid damage

Andrew Markham
2014-12-20, 09:06 PM
Reginald's acid strikes the hound, and it hisses slightly. Still, it lashes out at Osman, knowing he is nearby.

50% Concealment, 50 or above hits: [roll0]
Trollhound vs Osman: [roll1]
Potential Damage: [roll2]

The Trollhound firmly swipes at the space next to Osman, landing a solid blow on absolutely nothing. The Trollhound blinks the blood out of his eyes and roars in Osman's face.

Osman is up.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-20, 09:20 PM
Feeling greatful for his dumb luck as the trollhound pounds the ground next to him, Osman slashes at the beast once more.

Andrew Markham
2014-12-20, 09:25 PM
Your combined attacks are beginning to pile up, and the Trollhound is unable to regenerate his wounds due to Reginald's constant acid attacks. The Trollhound looks both angry and distressed.

Ebon Nebula, you're up.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-21, 07:01 PM
ENTOS aims carefully, throwing another drowsy filled ball behind the troll hound to avoid hitting his allys. (Will save dc14)

Andrew Markham
2014-12-21, 07:12 PM
Will save vs Lullaby: [roll0]

2014-12-21, 08:56 PM
Reginald glares at the creature before throwing another acid splash at it

Ranged touch

Acid damage

Andrew Markham
2014-12-21, 09:28 PM
Reginald's acid misses its target, and the troll's wounds continue to seal shut. Its sight restored, it once again snaps its powerful jaws at Osman.

Trollhound vs Osman: [roll0]
Potential Damage: [roll1]

Osman and the Trollhound bob and weave for position. The Trollhound dodges the wrong way and ends up slashing itself on Osman's rapier. (Roll a normal damage roll)

It is Osman's turn.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-21, 09:34 PM
Osman swats the beast on the nose with his rapier and slashes lengthwise along it's snout.
[roll0] Parry
[roll1] Repost
[roll2] possible dmg

He then swiftly outstretches his forearm and swipes at the beast again.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-22, 12:07 PM
ENTOS sees the trollhound beast begin to sway with the sound of his lullaby and a smile slips to his face as he continues to play, His laugh comes with audible air of confidence before he summons a Ball over his head, translucent and frosty before it flies behind the Troll hound and bursts to envelope the troll hound, working to have him encompassed by sleep. (Cast Sleep, Will DC 15)

"Dont wake him should he fall asleep! I have a plan!"

Andrew Markham
2014-12-22, 12:14 PM
Will save vs Sleep: [roll0]

Critical failure!

The Trollhound snorts, then falls into a deep sleep. It is Reginald's turn.

2014-12-22, 05:43 PM
Reginald holds his hand out to the beast, ready to throw another acid splash at it, and looks over to Ebon "What is your plan, little one?"

Andrew Markham
2014-12-22, 07:28 PM
The Trollhound remains asleep; it is Osman's turn.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-22, 08:29 PM
Osman moves as necessary to ready himself for the beast waking. (Readied Action: attack if it wakes up.)

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-22, 10:40 PM
He moves over to the sleeping creature, pulling his dagger out. He stands ready over the beast, looking to them.

"Together, all at once, we deal the killing blow. Then you blast it with acid til its nothing but a smear"

Andrew Markham
2014-12-22, 11:10 PM
(You may ignore initiative to get set up, then roll your coup de graces)

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-22, 11:23 PM
Ebon continues his song to continue to give +1 damage.

Coup De Grace


STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-22, 11:31 PM
Osman seeks the creature's vitals as he drives his blade into the trollhound's ribs.


2014-12-22, 11:53 PM
Reginald throws an acid splash at the creatures face

Acid splash damage

Andrew Markham
2014-12-23, 12:00 AM
Ebon Nebula and Osman impale the beast. The Trollhound attempts to regenerate from its wounds, but Reginald's acid prevents that regeneration. Finally, the beast succumbs to its wounds. It awakens and lets out one last growl before beginning to dissolve.


(You may each have one post to showboat before being teleported back to the platform)

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-23, 12:04 AM
ENTOS pumps his fist into the air and plays upon his instrument in victory before striking a victory pose!


STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-23, 12:08 AM
Osman carves an O in the beasts hide and then wipes the blood from his rapier and sheaths it.

"Osman the quick will not be conquered!"

2014-12-23, 12:37 AM
Reginald wipes his hands on his clothes and looks around at the group "Such a filthy beast. Well, gentlemen, I do believe that was a fight well won"

Andrew Markham
2014-12-23, 12:39 AM
After celebrating their triumph, Team Reginald disappears from the arena.

Andrew Markham
2014-12-24, 11:30 AM
Osman charges at Rialla and slashes her flesh with his rapier. She is injured, but not severely. At this moment, Ebon Nebula feels a shift in the mood of the audience. He looks back towards the other end of the arena, and sees that the devil in the suit has appeared in the middle of the arena. The air goes still and cold. Rialla and Osman turn from each other and look at the devil.

"Fiends of all sorts, what a match thus far! But...shall we give our gnome friend what he seeks?" The air flashes red with the fury of the demonic response, a roar of furious approval. The devil in the suit raises his arms and says, "Long have they hunted all our kinds! Now it is the day where the Beasts serve us in turn! Behold the fallen! Behold the Beasts reborn!"

The devil disappears in a flash of light, and is replaced by two dwarves. They are wearing half-plate armor tinted grey, and wield dwarven waraxes with heavy steel shields. Their shields have a space for a holy symbol, but those spaces have been defaced and replaced with a blood-red stain which glistens in the light of the arena. Their eyes are a dull and cloudy grey. Most striking, their flesh has been changed to the same shade of red as the devil who just left the arena. Rialla growls and says, "Fallen Paladins." The two dwarves grin and advance. Roll initiative!


Rialla: [roll0]
Antipaladin 1: [roll1]
Antipaladin 2: [roll2]

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-24, 02:11 PM
[roll0] Ini
[roll1] lvl √

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-24, 07:24 PM
ENTOS moves 5 feet North West. As ENTOS continues to dance a sphere of what appear to be sound waves forms above him. The spheres slowly descends as the pace of his dancing adjusts. He suddenly slams his foot down and the sphere shatters outward toward the two dwarves. (Chord of Shards. Dc 15 REF, or take [roll0] Damage)

Andrew Markham
2014-12-25, 03:48 PM
#1 Reflex save: [roll0]
#2 Reflex save: [roll1]

The dwarf on the left is hit by the flying shards, but Dwarf 2 evades the attack!

The armored dwarf on the left circles wide (G3-->G4-->F5) so he ends up on Ebon Nebula's right flank. He strikes out with his waraxe!

Antipaladin 2 vs Ebon Nebula: [roll2]
Potential damage: [roll3]

Ebon Nebula takes 10 damage!
It is Osman's turn.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-25, 05:00 PM
ENTOS slumps to the ground as the dwarf cuts him down, unable to stand in combat after the heavy strikes from the assimar and the dwarf.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-25, 05:25 PM
Osman steps up to D6 and funnels a large vial of red syrupy liquid down the gnome's throat. [roll0]cmw

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-26, 08:40 PM
ENTOS's eyes flutter open as his tongue licks at the red potion still on his lips, 99% of his wounds gone, but still covered in blood. His sharp eyes look around still assessing how deep they were in deficating creek without a paddle.

Andrew Markham
2014-12-26, 08:55 PM
Ebon Nebula's eyes open as the potion is poured down his throat. A dwarven antipaladin still looms over him to his right, threatening to do him great harm.

The fallen Paladin #1 readies his waraxe and charges at Osman! (+2 to hit, -2 AC)

Antipaladin 1 vs Osman: [roll0]
Waraxe damage: [roll1]

Rialla moves her mount forward 10 feet, so she is positioned between Osman and Ebon Nebula. (Swift action) She raises her battleaxe on high and shouts to Dwarf 2, "I will smite you, fallen one! You will not have this gnome's life!" She strikes out with her battleaxe.

Rialla vs Antipaladin 2: [roll2]
Battleaxe damage: [roll3]


It is Ebon Nebula's turn.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-26, 08:59 PM
ENTOS begins a dance while on the floor, he begins to spin around, his feet flying into the air as his head, back, neck and arms take turns supporting him.(inspire Courage +1) He then using his momentum to move 10 feet south, feeling quite unsafe on the ground and near the enemy whilst doing it.

[roll0] Acrobatics/Dance vs Dwarfs CMD to avoid AoO

Andrew Markham
2014-12-26, 09:49 PM
Both Antipaladins lash out at Ebon Nebula as he rises up from his spot in the center of the combat!

AoO- #1 vs Ebon Nebula: [roll0]
Waraxe damage: [roll]1d10+4

AoO- #2 vs Ebon Nebula: [roll1]
Waraxe damage: [roll]1d10+4

Ebon Nebula takes 15 damage!

Dwarf 2, having been greatly injured by Rialla, bellows a curse. "I'll have your soul you *itch!" he says in Common. The dwarf turns his blade on her!

Antipaladin 2 vs Rialla: [roll2]
Potential Damage: [roll3]

Rialla moves her horse out of the way of the blow, easily avoiding it.

Osman, it is your turn.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-26, 10:17 PM
Osman flips over Ebon, landing in f4.
Acrobatics [roll0]

He slashes at the 2nd dwarf,

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-26, 11:01 PM
NOW that he is standing, he attempts to dance away from the danger of the dwarves. He dips and slides beneath the Paladin and twirls onto E7.


He then casts upon himself to repair some of the injuries of battle. (cure light Wounds)


Andrew Markham
2014-12-27, 10:52 PM
(Turn order is: Ebon Nebula, Dwarf 2, Osman, Dwarf 1, Rialla. It is Dwarf 1's turn. Ebon Nebula's action will take place in proper turn order.)

The dwarf on Ebon Nebula's left grins and attempts to finish what he started, slashing at Ebon Nebula.

Antipaladin 1 vs Ebon Nebula: [roll0]
Potential Damage: [roll1] (Edit: rolled in Dice thread- 10)

Ebon Nebula takes 10 damage!

Osman's blow has severely injured the second fallen Paladin. Seeing her prey close to death, Rialla seeks to end his life.

Rialla vs Antipaladin 2: [roll2]
Potential Damage: [roll3]

Rialla's prayer pays off as her slightly glowing battleaxe sinks deeply into the flesh of her intended victim. Dwarf 2 slumps to the ground, bleeding out from his wounds. Ebon Nebula likewise slumps to the floor once again.

Ebon Nebula's wounds stop bleeding out- he is no longer at risk of immediate death. The fallen Paladin on the ground next to him continues to slowly die, leaking his blood onto the floor. It is Osman's turn.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-27, 11:38 PM
Osman spins around in an acrobatic arch moving from F4-F3-C3-C4 and ending next to Dwarf 1 opposite Rialla
He seeks to find a weakness in the Dwarf's armor.

Andrew Markham
2014-12-28, 01:05 AM
Osman finds a weak spot in the dwarf's armor and hits flesh with precision, causing some injury. Seeking to remove the weaker threat first, the fallen Paladin strikes hard as Osman! (Power Attack!)

Antipaladin 1 vs Osman: [roll0]
Waraxe damage: [roll1]

Osman takes 12 damage!

Meanwhile, Rialla leans down and lays her hand upon Ebon Nebula.

Lay on Hands healing: [roll2]

Ebon Nebula wakes up once again in a thin layer of blood. This time, he awakens to the radiant amber eyes of Rialla standing over him, and a light surging from her hands into his body. She straightens back up on her horse and says to the gnome, "Move back. Your friend and I will cover you." She does not move, keeping the fallen Paladin defending himself from both sides.

It is Ebon Nebula's turn.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-28, 01:17 AM
Standing up and stepping 5 feet away from combat ENTOS then casts a Light spell of healing upon himself to try an ensure his continued life.


STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-28, 09:10 AM
Osman attempts to parry the heavy Axe as it falls upon him.
[roll0] if >21 then

He the attempts to reposte with haste.

A quick flick of the wrist and a lunge at the other side.

Andrew Markham
2014-12-28, 10:34 AM
The dwarf on the ground attempts to stabilize, DC 10: [roll0]

Osman strikes lighting fast, and it is as if the wounds he took never happened. Instead Osman inflicted another small injury on the armored dwarf.

The dwarf shifts 5 feet north, removing himself from the flanking, and strikes at Osman again.

Antipaladin 1 vs Osman: [roll1]
Potential Damage: [roll2]

Rialla sees that the fallen Paladin has opened himself up to a mounted charge. (Swift action) She determines to smite his evil for good. Her horse rears up and she charges 40 feet north, slashing at the fallen Paladin as she passes.

Rialla Rideby Attack vs Antipaladin 1: [roll3]
Charge damage: [roll4]

Rialla inflicts a grievous blow against the fallen Paladin. He looks like he is on the edge of death.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-28, 10:47 AM
ENTOS pulls a Dagger and throws it at the Fallen Paladin, hoping to finally end the fight.

[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage

Andrew Markham
2014-12-28, 10:53 AM
Ebon Nebula's dagger flies past the dwarf and sticks between links in Osman's chain shirt. However, it lacks the strength to pierce through to flesh. There is now a dagger hilt sticking out from Osman's chest.

Dwarf 2 attempts to stop bleeding to death: [roll0]

It is Osman's turn.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-28, 11:12 AM
Osman swats away the the dwarf's Axe and goes in for another quick hit just as Rialla charges by.
[roll0] parry
[roll1] reposte
[roll2] dmg

He looks down as the dagger strikes him and glances up at ENTOS with a puzzled look. "What are you doing man?"

He then moves over to the 1st Dwarf and lunges with his rapier.

(If he is still standing)

(If he's down CdG)

Andrew Markham
2014-12-28, 11:23 AM
Osman's rapier is deflected by the fallen Paladin's thick metal armor. Realizing he cannot reach the Paladin he seeks to destroy, the dwarf attacks Osman with the last of his strength (Power attack).

Antipaladin 1 vs Osman: [roll0]
Waraxe damage: [roll1]

Rialla charges past, seeking to end the fallen Paladin's life. "Die, devil!"

Rialla rideby attack vs Antipaladin 1: [roll2]
Battleaxe damage: [roll3]

The dwarf manages to deflect Rialla's blow with his shield, and Rialla continues to ride past.

It is Ebon Nebula's turn.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-28, 11:33 AM
Betting his reflexes against the dwarf's strength once more Osman attempts to parry the Axe again. Immediate action per DM.
[roll0] parry
[roll1] reposte
[roll2] dmg

Osman meets the Axe just as it connects with his torso, cutting deeply. He falls unconscious to the ground.

Andrew Markham
2014-12-28, 12:01 PM
Osman falls, and Ebon Nebula chucks another dagger in the dwarf's direction. It falls to the ground at the fallen Paladin's feet. Meanwhile, the dying dwarf attempts to stabilize, and so does Osman.

Antipaladin 2 to stabilize: [roll0]

Osman and the dwarf both continue to leak their blood onto the floor.

Dwarf 1 sees Ebon Nebula ineffectively throwing knifes from behind him, and Rialla some distance away on her horse. She is waiting near the southern wall of the arena, turning her horse around. The fallen Paladin moves 20 feet south to engage Rialla, shouting a curse in Dwarven. (Swift action, Smite good)

Antipaladin 1 vs Rialla: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Rialla shouts to Ebon Nebula, "Tend to your friend!" and seeks to end the battle in one swift stroke.

Rialla vs Antipaladin 1: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Neither the Paladin of good or evil is able to hit the other. Rialla overreaches and swipes at the space around her, but fortunately no one is nearby.

It is Ebon Nebula's turn.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-28, 12:08 PM
entos moves to osman and casts clw.

[roll]1d8+1[/ roll]

Andrew Markham
2014-12-28, 12:19 PM
Osman heals 4!

Antipaladin 2 to stabilize: [roll0]

Osman awakens to find Ebon Nebula leaning over him. He can hear the clashing of metal on metal 20 feet to the sound and 5 feet east. It is Osman's turn.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-28, 04:45 PM
Osman stands, sore and bloody, he wipes the blood from his brow and eyes then flicks a small metal object into the fight, hoping to hit the dwarf.
[roll0] shuriken to hit (melee penalty acctd for)
[roll1] dmg

Andrew Markham
2014-12-28, 04:55 PM
Osman's shuriken falls far short, and the duel between the Paladin and the Antipaladin continues unabated.

Antipaladin 1 vs Rialla: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Rialla vs Antipaladin 1: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

The fallen dwarven paladin gets a solid hit on Rialla, doing a fair bit of damage, but the silver-haired Paladin uses the opening to slash open his chest. He collapses to the ground and begins bleeding out all over the floor. Rialla breathes heavily and closes her eyes in prayer.

(The fight is over unless you guys choose to continue it. You may ignore initiative order unless you are attacking.)

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-28, 05:10 PM
Osman bows to Rialla in respect, while never taking his eyes off of her. He knows that she must finish her task or be turned into something similar to the dwarves they had just bested.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-28, 11:32 PM
Ebon Nebula, the Oncoming Storm Raises his hands to the stands.


He breathes a laugh as he moves behind Osman, placing him between himself and the paladin.

Andrew Markham
2014-12-29, 09:47 AM
Rialla dismounts, and her horse disappears. She raises her axe high, and decapitates the fallen Paladin. "May you be brought back to the light," she mutters.

Rialla turns her intense gaze onto Osman, wary and prepared to defend himself. She begins approaching him at a slow walk, amber eyes staring into his. "Virtue demands I give you a chance to yield. The two of you are at the limits of your abilities, and are both heavily wounded. Any battle between us would end far too quickly, and I somehow doubt those above want to see a Paladin triumph so easily." Her gaze flickers to the red-eyed gazes watching from above.

Osman and Ebon Nebula hold their breath, waiting to see what happens. They hear Rialla sigh in relief as the two of them disappear. Osman and Ebon Nebula are now back on the platform.

Andrew Markham
2014-12-30, 08:07 PM
(OOC note: all small red potions heal 1d8+3 HP)

Ebon Nebula the Oncoming Storm, Osman the Quick, Hassan, and Reginald Featherbottom appear in a 50'x50' stone arena. The stone walls are covered with a thin layer of frost, which lowers the temperature of the arena by about 10 degrees. There is no one else present in the arena until the devil in the suit appears a few feet in front of you. He holds a talisman similar to the one Ebon Nebula now wears around his neck.

Speaking into the talisman, the devil's voice rings out loudly, "Fiends of all types! As you well know, death means nothing in this place, where we have exclusive control over who lives and who dies." He begins to pace slightly. "But these four men have chosen to put something even more important than death on the line for this fight." His right arm whips out, pointing at the four warriors. "THEIR PRIDE!" He lets the stillness stand for a moment before he continues.

"These four, all undefeated, have asked for a challenge worthy of their small training. They have tied their own hands, and loosened their foes. In short, here they have a battle they cannot win against an overwhelming foe!"

"Will they fight to the death? To the very last DROP of blood?!? Will they stand triumphant, with the aura of heroes around them? OR...will they beg and plead for their lives in their last moments? Will you see fear in their eyes when they realize they are outmatched?!? There's only one way to find out! Let the battle...BEGIN!"

The devil in the suit disappears. A small flurry of snowflakes fall from the sky and coalesce into a pair of small icy humanoid torsos with slithering tails of ice. The snow piles up behind them, huge, until a snow giant bursts out of it and roars, flinging spittle that freezes as it falls. The snow giant wields a hefty great axe and a shield, and carries four javelins on its back. It looks like a fearsome martial opponent.

But this is not the only thing that happens. Ebon Nebula jumps as a blue light climbs up from the floor, enveloping his entire body. It solidifies around his legs, turning them into huge chunks of ice. As it reaches his head, all sound from the arena cuts off. He can hear nothing, and nothing can hear him. Meanwhile, a green aura has enveloped the giant, and it jogs in place with great swiftness. It seems eager to begin the battle. Roll initiative!

(OOC: Ebon Nebula is under effect Silence, as the spell, for the duration of the battle. He cannot hear or be heard. He must make a DC 18 Will save to attempt any sound-related action (be it a Free Action, Standard, or otherwise), including speaking, stomping, verbal Bardic Music, and all bardic spells). He also moves at half speed.)


Ebon Nebula: [roll0]
Osman: [roll1]
Reginald: [roll2]
Hassan: [roll3]
Ice Elementals: [roll4]
Snow Giant: [roll5]

Osman draws his rapier at the very moment combat begins.

It is Hassan's turn. Turn order is:
Ice Elementals
Ebon Nebula
Snow Giant

2014-12-30, 08:42 PM
Hassan looked around the arena, "that commentary for anyone's benefit besides us? Oh well. Time go get this party started! You just stand back Ebon, looks like they gave you the worst handicap," He looked at the two ice elemenals that were closer. He broke out his new greatclub thinking it would be easier to smash than to chop these things and he let out a mighty roar of defiance against them, his own handicap forgotten with a rush of new strength! He moved right between the two creatures of the cold and let out a mighty blow to the one to his left!

(now in rage, the temp boost to STR increased his carrying capacity as well, he is no longer hindered)
(moved to E5 and is attacking elemental 1 with a power attack)

Potential Damage:


STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-30, 09:31 PM
Osman knows he needs to tilt the odds quickly. He moves around to his right and turns back to the left. He then lunges at Elemental #2 while holding a flanking position with Hassan. (G6,H6,H5,H4,G4)

Andrew Markham
2014-12-30, 09:52 PM
Hassan's enthusiastic strike fails to meet the elemental he is targeting.

Osman moves wide around the elemental to move into a strategic position. However, moving from H4 to G4, the giant is able to swing his greataxe wide to swipe at Osman as he passes.

AoO vs Osman: [roll0]
Potential Damage: [roll1]

Osman's blow strikes deep into the center of the elemental, but there are no fleshy bits for him to skewer. His strike is less effective than he originally thought.

At the same moment Osman began to move, the two elemental attacked Hassan in tandem!

Elemental 1 vs Hassan: [roll2]
Physical damage: [roll3]
Ice damage: [roll4]

Elemental 2 vs Hassan: [roll5]
Physical damage: [roll6]
Ice damage: [roll7]

Both elementals miss their mark. Elemental 2 twitches its head in disorientation.
It is Ebon Nebula's turn.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-12-30, 10:04 PM
Bloodwind scowls at his predicament. This was not what he signed up for. But a deal was struck, and he would stick to it, no matter who the deal was struck with. He taps against his necklace, failing to hear the thud he continues to frown. He pulls out his Lute and attempts to violently strike a Chord to cause an explosion of sound between the Ice elementals and the Giant. (10 ft burst centered on the South West Corner of the Giants Square, Will to use, [roll0], If DC18 Met, [roll1] damage to all three, DC 17 Fort save from each or be stunned for 1 round)

Bloodwind attempts to speak to the crowd watching. (Will save [roll2], if DC 18 met)


Andrew Markham
2014-12-30, 10:16 PM
[B]Giant fort save vs Sonic Burst: [roll0]

Although all three creatures are hit by the blast of thunder, the two elementals don't even flinch at the sound. The giant drops his greataxe and shield as the peal of thunder hits him, and his defenses are weakened.

It is Reginald's turn.

2014-12-31, 08:20 AM
Reginald pulls out his scroll of fireball and casts it as E-1 "Let's hope our team doesn't get hit by this massive spell"

Andrew Markham
2014-12-31, 12:27 PM
Reginald reaches into his bag to remove the scroll (this is a move action). Reginald unfurls the scroll to unleash its magic...and realizes that he had not previously taken the time to read it! He won't be able to use the scroll until he deciphers its contents, which will mean abandoning his attack for now...or he can put the scroll away and attack in another way.

(You must decipher the scroll before using it. This can be done in two ways- by casting 'Read Magic' on yourself and then deciphering, or making a DC 23 Spellcraft check. Either way, deciphering is a full-round action, and you have already made a move action this turn. You have a standard action remaining.)

2014-12-31, 12:52 PM
Reginald holds out his hand at the giant and fires a magic missile at it "Take this, foul beast!"

magic missile damage

Andrew Markham
2014-12-31, 01:38 PM
Reginald's magic missiles hit the giant, injuring him slightly. He is still stunned from the sonic attack and cannot act.

It is Round 2, Hassan's turn.

2014-12-31, 08:55 PM
(Round 2/12 for Rage)

Seeing his ally taking a hit while trying to back him up only continued to fuel Hassan's anger as he struck against Elemental 2 "Hassan Smash!" he shouted swinging his new greatclub.


Potential damage


STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-12-31, 10:19 PM
Osman reels back in pain from the Giant's Axe. Seeing that the Ice elemental seemed far more vulnerable to Hassan's club than his rapier he decides to take advantage of the giant's stupor. He moves 5ft north and strikes at the giant.
[roll0] to hit
[roll1] dmg

Andrew Markham
2015-01-01, 01:00 AM
Hassan's rage-fueled strike literally smashes the ice elemental into a thousand pieces, which slide across the floor and lay still.

Osman quickly moves into close range with the giant. His nimble strike hits the giant's armor and is unable to penetrate it.

The remaining ice elemental strikes out at Hassan.

Elemental 1 vs Hassan: [roll0]
Physical damage: [roll1]
Ice damage: [roll2]

It is Ebon Nebula's turn.

Darius Vibrtrar
2015-01-01, 01:10 AM
Bloodwind taps the necklace at his throat, activating it to enhance his voice.

[roll0] Will Save to Speak

"Perhaps you will all hear me now. My allies have already slaughtered one of the Giants minions, and we are gearing up for the next. Fire will soon be coming! Cheer Daemons! Cheer for the flames! Cheer Devils, Cheer for the Hell Fire!"

[roll1] Will save to use Bardic Music

Bloodwind violently strums his lute to try and make the space between the Giant and Ice elemental burst with sound, trying to avoid hitting his friends. [roll2] Damage, DC 17 Fort or be stunned for 1 round.

Andrew Markham
2015-01-01, 01:17 AM
Fort save vs Stun: [roll0]

It is Reginald's turn.

2015-01-01, 08:28 AM
Reginald casts read magic so he can decipher the scroll and takes a five foot step to the right

Andrew Markham
2015-01-01, 10:57 AM
The giant looks at his greataxe and shield on the ground, shrugs, and takes a 5-foot shift south to stand above them. Then he full attacks with his massive fists!

See rolls in OOC thread

Osman takes 7 damage!

2015-01-01, 11:03 AM
(Round 3/12 for Rage)

Hassan grinned at the remains of the ice elemental and looked to the other one ready to smash it just as well. "NEXT!" he shouted as he smashed into it.


Potential damage


Andrew Markham
2015-01-01, 11:07 AM
Hassan misses his mark. The ice elemental is intact.


It is Osman's turn.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2015-01-01, 12:39 PM
You can almost smell the adrenaline as Osman's reflexes take over and he moves with incredible speed.
[roll0] parry vs 26
[roll1] reposte

[roll3] parry vs 17
[roll4] reposte

[roll6] parry vs 18
[roll7] reposte

[roll9] attack

Andrew Markham
2015-01-01, 01:27 PM
Osman takes one heavy fist to the face from the giant, but responds by deflecting the other two blows and responding in kind. The giant's arms have wounds on them, but the giant does not seem to be slowed.

The remaining ice elemental attacks Hassan!

Elemental 1 vs Hassan: [roll0]
Physical damage: [roll1]
Ice damage: [roll2]

It is Ebon Nebula's turn.

Darius Vibrtrar
2015-01-01, 01:33 PM
Bloodwind attempts to speak again.


He violently strums again on his Lyre to cause sonic vibrations against the Giant and Elemental
Target c3, 10 ft sonic burst. [roll2] DC 17 Fort save or be stunned 1 round

2015-01-01, 01:46 PM
Reginald opens the scroll and starts to decipher it

Andrew Markham
2015-01-01, 04:05 PM
Reginald holds up his scroll. With a spell active to translate magical writing, he spends the few seconds that it takes for him to read and comprehend the scroll. He realizes that it is a scroll of Fireball made by a 5th level caster. This could cause a problem when he casts it, as it is a more powerful spell than he is capable of casting on his own.

The snow giant reaches down to pick up his greataxe (move action), giving Osman an opening for an attack if he so chooses. After picking up the weapon, he takes a swipe at Osman.

Snow Giant vs Osman: [roll0]
Potential Damage: [roll1]

Beginning of Round 4- it is Hassan's turn.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2015-01-01, 05:16 PM
Osman reacts quickly, taking a stab at the Giant.

The he attempts to stop the Giant's
[roll2] parry vs 20
[roll3] reposte

2015-01-02, 09:46 AM
(round 4/12 for Rage)

Hassan shivers from the cold of the Ice Elemental's attack, "That's COLD!" He shouts as he retaliates.


potential damage


STDM Grizzly Ad
2015-01-02, 10:20 AM
Osman scrapes the tip of his rapier across his most recent wound (swift action poison blade) then takes a quick thrust at the Giant hoping to improve his luck.
[roll1] + [roll2] dex dmg poison.
He then does a series of somersaults to move to the east wall away from the giant.
[roll3] Acrobatics to avoid AoO.

Andrew Markham
2015-01-02, 10:20 AM
Osman is able to deflect the damage away from himself, but is unable to land a solid blow on the giant. Likewise, Hassan is unable to hit the elemental he is fighting.

It is Osman's turn.

Andrew Markham
2015-01-02, 10:45 AM
Fort save vs poison: [roll0]

Osman scores a hit on the giant, who is now leaking from many wounds, but he does not appear dismayed.

As Osman backs away, his acrobatic tricks are not quick enough to save him from the giant's sweeping greataxe.

AoO vs Osman: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Meanwhile the ice elemental shifts 5 feet south and continues attacking Hassan.

Elemental 1 vs Hassan: [roll3]
Physical damage: [roll4]
Ice damage: [roll5]

(Hassan, make a Fort save, DC 12)

It is Ebon Nebula's turn.

Darius Vibrtrar
2015-01-02, 10:49 AM
Bloodwind attempts to play his lute violently again.

[roll0] Will save
[roll1] damage to giant and elemental. centered in E3, DC 17 Fort or be stunned 1 round.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2015-01-02, 11:01 AM
In the middle of his acrobatic stunts Osman sees the oncoming axe and attempts to block it and reprise with his rapier.
[roll0] parry
[roll1] reposte

The Axe proves too powerful and Osman collapses bleeding and unconscious to the ground.

2015-01-02, 04:39 PM
Reginald casts the scroll at b-2

caster lvl check

damage if cast

Andrew Markham
2015-01-02, 05:10 PM
There is a huge fiery explosion in the northwest corner of the arena! A wave of fire rushes over the giant, Elemental 1, and Hassan!

(Hassan, make a Dc 14 Reflex save for half damage)

Giant vs Fireball: [roll0]
Elemental 1 vs Fireball: [roll1]

The Elemental melts into a puddle on the floor. Only the snow giant remains- he is singed and scarred and has lost his shield, but he appears angry. He abandons his shield on the ground and wields his greataxe in both hands. Using his magically enhanced speed, he moves 10 feet east, stepping over Osman's body, 30 feet south, and 5 feet west until he stands directly behind Reginald and looms above Ebon Nebula. As he passes, Reginald has the chance to make an attack of opportunity if he wishes. (Reginald may roll an AoO vs the giant)


The giant attempts to cleave through Reginald and also hit Ebon Nebula.

Greataxe vs Reginald: [roll2]
Potential Damage: [roll3]


Cleave vs Ebon Nebula: [roll4]
Potential Damage: [roll5]

Both men are severely wounded by the giant, and within his range of attack.

Beginning Round 5, it is Hassan's turn.

2015-01-02, 05:17 PM
Reginald takes his attack of opportunity on the giant before it crunches into him

to hit

damage if hit

2015-01-02, 11:12 PM
(Round 5/12 for Rage)

REF Save


Hassan cries out in pain as the fireball hits him as well, sparing an angry glance at Reginald for burning him. He drops his greatclub and charges towards the giant drawing his new falchion as he lets out a war cry (moving to e7).

Charging Power Attack vs. Snow Giant:


Potential damage


STDM Grizzly Ad
2015-01-02, 11:29 PM
Osman's body ceases to bleed as he let's out a haggard breath.

Andrew Markham
2015-01-02, 11:43 PM
Hassan charges into battle against the giant. Although the snow giant could easily reach Hassan with his greataxe, he chooses not to do so. He seems to pay little attention to the man. That changes when Hassan slashes a large gash across the giant's chest. The giant roars out in pain! The many small wounds he has taken, added to the fireball and the attack from Hassan, are piling up, and the giant looks greatly injured now.

Meanwhile, Osman's body stops leaking blood. He is stable, but unconscious.

(Ebon Nebula is gone LARPing for the weekend and has left me instructions for him.)

Ebon Nebula shifts 5 feet northwest to D7. He tries to overcome the silence field to heal himself.

Will save vs silence: [roll0]
Casting defensively, DC 17: [roll1]
If successful, Cure Light Wounds: [roll2]

The silence field disrupts Ebon Nebula's spell. He stomps his feet in frustration, but even that can't be heard.

It is Reginald's turn.

2015-01-03, 03:38 PM
Reginald wields his sword cane, the base gone to reveal the sword in it, while casting a shocking grasp through it "Have at you, foul beast!"

to hit
weapon damage if hit
spell damage if the weapon hits

Andrew Markham
2015-01-03, 07:55 PM
Reginald charges his magic to take down the giant, preparing to use a new power in tandem with his weapon. However, this is the moment the giant has been waiting for. He take the opportunity to strike out, interrupting the spell! (Rolled in OOC thread) Reginald is dealt a lethal blow by the giant's greataxe, and drops to the floor before he can attack.

With Reginald fallen, the snow giant turns his full attention to Hassan, hoping to eliminate the last threat to him with a flurry of blows. Hassan's charge has left him vulnerable to attack- only his raging blood has a chance to save him. If he manages to take down Hassan, his last attack will strike out at Ebon Nebula, attempting to finish the fight. (Full attack + Power Attack)

Attack 1 vs Hassan: [roll0]
Potential Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2 vs Hassan: [roll2]
Potential Damage: [roll3]

Attack 3 vs Ebon Nebula: [roll4]
Potential Damage: [roll5]

Hassan falls with the first two blows, despite his thickened blood, but Ebon Nebula's armor protects him from the third blow. Still, he is heavily wounded, and all three of his comrades are lying in pools of their own blood. Ebon Nebula can sense the audience watching intently, feeding on his every emotion.

Beginning of Round 6. Hassan's chest stops moving. It appears he is dead. Osman is unconscious and stable. It is Ebon Nebula's turn.

Andrew Markham
2015-01-04, 11:35 AM
(Instructions from Ebon Nebula)

Ebon Nebula refuses to give up. He shifts 5 feet north, out of the giant's attack range, and attempts once more to overcome the silence effect to create thunder. He aims the thunder behind the giant so it will not strike Reginald's prone form.

Will save vs Silence: [roll0]
Sound burst damage: [roll1]

Giant's Fort save vs Stun: [roll2]

Andrew Markham
2015-01-04, 11:42 AM
Ebon Nebula strains, but is unable to bypass the silence field he is in. His thunder is never heard. He attempts to speak once more before the giant ponders forth to attack.

Will save vs silence: [roll0]

"I kept my word."

The giant shifts 5 feet northwest, bringing Ebon Nebula back into his attack range, and attacks with his magically hasted speed. (Full attack)

Attack 1 vs ENTOS: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack 2 vs ENTOS: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Attack 3 vs ENTOS: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

The giant pounds against Ebon Nebula's magical chain shirt. It holds solid against the first two blows, but the giant's greataxe finds a weak point at the last moment. Ebon Nebula is cut cleanly in half, and his corpse hits the ground.

The giant stands in a silent arena. He is cut in a dozen places and scorched from magical fire, but he is the victor.

All four bodies disappear from the battlefield.