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2014-12-18, 02:01 PM
~opening theme~ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9mvQneHEws&index=54&list=PLBBC34526330B792F)

The Island of Koritochi, 1,852 miles North of the Blessed Isle

Kraguri and Howls

The wind blows harsh and biting across the smooth, unblemished snow drifts. They tower above you at times, nearly fifty feet high at their tallest. When you reach the peak of each drift you can see the snow extending in all directions like rolling white hills. Your Exalted bodies are naturally resistant to the cold weather but nevertheless you find yourselves keenly aware of just how cold it is. The two of you are the only figures to be seen; your tracks lead back to the horizon, cutting across the drifts in a straight line that leads directly south. Hovering over your tracks is the peak of the Imperial Mountain, a pale specter shrouded by thin white clouds. It nearly touches the half-moon nestled in the firmament, casting its shadow on all the land.

Occasionally the crests of the snow drifts curl over onto themselves like the whitecaps of a storm-tossed sea. It is beneath one of these curling crests that you find it.

Nestled beneath a wall of white is a single silver tower capped with a dull grey dome. The lone sentinel stands nearly one hundred and fifty feet tall and must be nearly fifty feet in diameter at its base. This is the observatory you have long sought: through thick and thin you have ventured together to find this place. What perils may await you? What solace lies at the tower’s summit? Only time (and Fate) may tell.

Please describe your manner of approach to the observatory. It is currently a half mile or so from your position.

Also, could I get some Perception Checks? If you don't have any ranks in Perception, just roll 1d20 and add your Awareness.

2014-12-19, 11:14 AM
Kraguri takes his arms out of the sleeves and stores them in the abdomen of his robes, slightly shivering. He coughs a few times as he trudges beside Howls, looking over at the Lunar with a slight thought of disbelieving, seeing as how Howls walks through this weather with no upper clothing. Shrugging, (Lunars...)Kraguri checks that his sword's sheath is not dragging in the snow, lifting it an inch or two and readjusting it so that it will stay at the angle.

"In your true Form, you would not care of this weather, khe khe khe...", Says a voice in Kraguri's Head.

Kraguri Scowls and taps the end of Nakru's Hilt, muttering to it, "No, you blasted Sword. It's not as though i shiver from the snow."

Looking around, Kraguri shivers again, the Resonance gained from the past village was hitting him hard. The tattoos across his body squirm with anticipation, they know the resonance levels are rising, Kraguri will have to find a secluded spot to let it loose soon.

He looks up at the observatory, smiling slightly, maybe soon torment will end.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-19, 11:47 AM
Howls looks up at the observatory with an expression of glee. He quickens his steps.
"FINALLY, we are here, lets hurry up and build a fire so i can stop freezing my bare, sculpted, chest off. My Lady needs this man."
Wraping his tails around his bare skin, he looks over at Kraguri.
"Ya think we should build a fire outside or inside, i prefer inside as there is probably not as much snow." Reaching into a pouch Howls grabs a bundle of extremely old Jerky (300 years old), it has a slight moldy look to it, but Howls just rubs it off and starts chewing.

2014-12-19, 12:12 PM
The wind continues to blow, sending up a plume of fluffy white snow from a nearby drift-hill. You approach the observatory slowly, forcing your way through the waist-high snow. The icewalkers you spoke to a few hours ago were a superstitious folk; the said that, after a while, the earth drops away from beneath the snow, and from then on it is ice all the way down. A grey-haired hunter, the only person in the village who knew Riverspeak, warned you that the highest drift-hills were the domain of Sila, The Snow Ghost.

From your closeness, you can both pick out a small entrance where the tower meets the snow. A red glow flickers from somewhere within the darkness, and a thin trail of smoke pours from the top of the entrance and winds its way into the sky. Someone has lit a fire, it seems.

At first you think that your eyes must be playing tricks on you, but as you get closer you begin to see them more clearly: shallow trenches cris-cross the snow between you and the entrance to the observatory. They aren't deep enough to be footprints, or the trail of a sled, however.
If you wish to figure out what could have made these trails, make an Intellect check or something. Idk.

2014-12-19, 12:29 PM
Kraguri stops and keenly stares at the smoke and light (Perception in Roll Chat), then he points to it.

Maybe we won't have to make one, unless that is no friendly light.

Staring at it Kraguri hopes that it is, truly, friendly.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-19, 05:01 PM
Howl's looks to his ally and smiles
If its not we should still keep up our guard that snow ghost is said be in this domain.
Howl's hand glows faintly with essence bright and he quicken his walking to the observatory leaveing his friend in the dust

2014-12-19, 09:04 PM
As Howls begins to march forward through the snow the wind picks up, sending a massive plume of snow cascading from around the observatory tower. As the snow begins to settle a small bump appears in the snow, about sixty feet from where Howls is standing. The bump begins to move, surging forward as if something is moving under the snow at a rapid pace. The bump leaves a shallow trench in its wake, as snow collapses inwardly in the wake of... something's passage.

Then, just before the bump would hit Howls, it explodes in a flurry of white, revealing gnashing off-white jaws and eyes as dark as the night sky (http://community.bowdoin.edu/news/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/ice-worm.jpg). The creature lunges at Howls, striking forwards with its teeth.

~battle, joined!~ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xm2eUl1sJI)

The big worm-thing attacks Howls! Make me a Parry Check and a Toughness check, please.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-20, 12:42 AM
Seeing the new foe Howl try to block but see it as a useless act. Howl waits and brace himself for the coming attack.

2014-12-20, 12:53 AM
The Ice-Worm lunges towards Howls, jaws open wide and mandibles gnashing... only to meet the silvered hide and eternal resolve of a Steward of Creation. The creature bounces off of Howls' stalwart defense, digging its many limbs into the snow to stop itself from sliding backwards.

With the Ice-Worm's body almost fully out of the snow, you are able to make out its size more clearly. The beast must be nearly twenty feet long, with a body as thick as a barrel. It shrieks (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z39ttegpJFI) in frustration, clicking its mandibles together.

The Ice-Worm successfully hits Howls, but fails to do any damage.

Howls, you're up! Remember, you only have 1 standard action during surprise rounds. Use it wisely.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-20, 01:59 PM
Howls see the cold foe and smiles.Howls hand bursts into a large blue flame and playfully toss it up and down.Howl baseball chucks it at the worm hoping to burn it to a crisp!
Take this you damn beast!

2014-12-20, 08:00 PM
The blast of fire strikes the Ice-Worm's side, just to the left of one if its eyes. The creature jolts back in surprise, but the flames do not penetrate its hide.

Howls' attack hits, but fails to do any damage. We now shift to Round 1!

Frenzied by its failure do damage its prey, and the quick retaliation it recieved, the Ice-Worm turns its black, lightless eyes towards other prey: Kraguri. With another shriek the monster dives into the snow, surging towards the black-robed Abyssal. It bursts from the snow at Kraguri's feet, jaws gnashing.

The Ice-Worm moves towards Kraguri, then attacks him with its mandibles. Make me Parry and Toughness checks, please.

2014-12-20, 11:40 PM
Kraguri looks on as the wom barely harms Howls. Then as it burrows towards himself he feels a vibration along the lenght of Nakru and Kraguri feels the power of his swords hunger.
Kraguri also feels the terrible anger inside him, the disgusting, horrible presence that has been lashing at the walls of its meek prison. Kraguri forces himself to resist, he musnt let it out, he held it in for so long. He then reaches within his robes as the wom bears down upon him, lifting a hand, Kraguri attempts to force the worm aside.

2014-12-21, 12:27 AM
In spite of Kraguri's warding hand the beast slams its bulk into the Abyssal's side, ripping and tearing with its mandibles.

Those rolls (and the 1-point stunt) weren't nearly enough to protect Kraguri. He takes one bruise (a -1 to future Toughness checks).

Kraguri, you're up!

2014-12-22, 04:44 PM
As the Worm thrashes against Kraguri, he rips from his robes a short katana, slashing with such force that the air around the blade collects snow and creates a silver and white slash against the gray background.

2014-12-22, 05:03 PM
Kraguri's blade strikes the Ice-Worm, biting deep into its hide. The force of the strike carves a massive furrow into the creature's side, and blueish-grey blood spills from the wound. The beast shrieks in pain, its limbs thrashing.

I'll count that as a 1 point stunt.

Kraguri successfully hits and damages the monster, inflicting 1 bruise and the vulnerable condition. The Ice-Worm's Dodge and Parry defenses (not DCs, though; just the defenses) are halved until the end of Kraguri's next turn.

Howls, you're up!

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-22, 05:18 PM
Howls inrage by his past failure to damage the beast become serious.Both of his has ignite in larger blue flame Howls then brings both flame togather and create a palm sized blue orb.
Burn beast! By the might of Howls at the shadow!
Then Howls throw the orb at the worm but slows at it face hovering. Then the worm is engulfed in a inferno of blue flame as the orb explodes and quickly vanish.

2014-12-22, 05:34 PM
Howls' attack strikes true, and the Ice-Worm screams in agony.

A faint blueish light appears in the center of each of the monster's eyes, and it glares daggers at Kraguri. Then it lunges at the Abyssal with new-found enthusiasm.

Howls successfully hits and damages the Ice-Worm, inflicting 1 bruise. The worm now has 2 bruises.

Kraguri, make me a Parry and Toughness check.

2014-12-22, 09:57 PM
Kraguri looks tiredly up at the enraged beast and gives a deep sigh as it rushes at him from the leavings of the inferno. Pointing the katana upward as though to meet its charge, Kraguri gives a slight angle to its position, allowingthe worm`s body to slide against the blunt side of the blade. As the woms mandibles reach thecrossgaurd, Kraguri turns the blade to make a slight surface, then shunts it back with tremendous force.

2014-12-22, 10:15 PM
The Ice-Worm charges heedlessly into Kraguri's defense, and chirps in surprise as he casually shoves it aside. It crouches low in the snow, wounded, disoriented, and very angry.

I'd say that qualifies as a 1 point stunt.

Kraguri successfully parries the Ice-Worm's attack.

Kraguri, you're up!

2014-12-22, 10:55 PM
Kraguri extends his right arm which holds his katana, a pale blue sheen of the worms blood slowly dribbling upon it. Raising the amr he lifts his left arm and touches the tip of the katana as it becomes pependicular with his body. A small amount of black blood seeps from his finger as the blade presses in, and Kraguri steps toward the beast. Bringing the katana down in an execution slash, the blood forms an arch from thblade to his cut finger until a strange snapping noise resounds along the frigged wasteland. The tendril removes itself from Kraguri`s finger, and as the blade comes down, the tendril cracks like an elastic whip upon the worms hide before detaching from the blade, which was barely an inch from the worms hide. The tendril squirms before expanding along the worms shell.

2014-12-22, 11:27 PM
The Ice-Worm is silent as the ichorous tendril spreads along its off-white carapace. Then it roars in fury, rejecting Kraguri's Abyssal essence. Its wound bleeds freely again: a thick grey blue flow that darkens the snow beneath it. The creature slides back in the snow, clicking its mandibles together feebly.

Well, that'll be the first 2-point stunt of this game.

Kragrui successfully hits, wounds, and inflicts vulnerability on the Ice worm. It now has 3 bruises, and is Vulnerable again.

Howls, you're up!

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-24, 03:27 PM
Howl looks at wounds of the beasty. he thinks to himself and thinks his wounds could use some spice. Howls turns around and pulls out a few of his sliver hair.He blows the hair into the chilly air. the hair drift softly in the air then they glow with sliver light and straighten out and multiples in the air. intill there is a giant silver cloud of sharp hairs. Howls closes his hand and the cloud turns into a giant spear and impales the beast.

2014-12-24, 03:38 PM
Howls' spear of silver light pins the Ice-Worm to the earth beneath it. It makes as if to burrow away, but the magnitude of its injuries keeps it firmly rooted to the snow. It lashes at Kraguri feebly.

I'll count that as a 1 point stunt.

Howls successfully hits and damages the Ice-Worm. The Ice-Worm is Staggered and has 4 bruises.

The Ice-Worm successfully recovered from its Vulnerable condition. The worm attacks Kraguri again. Kraguri, make me a parry and toughness check, if you would be so kind.

2014-12-25, 02:11 AM
As the worm attacks, Kraguri raises his hand toward it, then clenches it into a fist. The Black mass still spread across the creatures hide quivers then begins to taut itself, attempting to divert the creature`s attack.

2014-12-25, 06:05 PM
The worm lurches to the side, pulled as if by an invisible force.

I'll count that as a 1 point stunt.

Kraguri manages to block the Ice-Worms attack successfully.

Kraguri, you're up!

2014-12-26, 07:33 PM
Attck 22
Afflc 23

Kraguri lunges foreward as the worm`s underside is thrown into sight. Dragging his cut finger along the back of the blade, Kragurijabs foreward with the blade poised an inch from the monster. Then the blood extends out with the force of the jab and hardens into a black mockery of the blade, stabbing and shattering into brittle and sharp fragments as it meets.

2014-12-26, 08:19 PM
Kraguri's blade of blood scythes down on the Ice-Worm, but the beast rolls at the last second and catches the brunt of the blast on its side. The impact is enough to send chips of chitin flying in all directions, but the Ice-Worm recovers and crawls back into place.

I'll call that a 1-point stunt.

Kraguri successfully hits the Ice-Worm, but fails to do damage. He does, however, inflict Vulnerable.

Howls, you're up!

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-27, 01:08 AM
Howls throws a blue flaming ball of ...fire at the worm not really giving a dam and letting the fate spiders handle it

2014-12-27, 01:28 AM
And lo, the Pattern Spiders did grin, and Howls' attack did curve in the air and throw itself right into the Ice-Worms largest wound. The beast shrieks (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z39ttegpJFI) one last time and falls, the snow around it darkening to a bluish black: not unlike steel.

~battle end~ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YCN-a0NsNk)

The silver tower of the observatory looms before you, and you find yourselves only a stonesthrow away from its single door. You can both see a flicker of light from within the tower, and a faint trail of smoke emerges from the darkness at the threshold.

Congrats on defeating your first enemy, guys.

Please make me Perception checks, if either of you would be so kind.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-27, 01:43 AM
Howls dose not care about his surroundings and walk over to the beast and kneels down by it. Howls set his hand a flame and cuts into the beast looking for it heart taking time to make sure to get as much blood on him as possible.

2014-12-27, 02:21 AM
Kraguri checks his wounds before looking over at howls dirty work. Shrugging, Kraguri observes the observatory (MOM, I DID A FUNNY), then stares at the small light.

~Should have let me eat it...~ Says a voice indignantly within Kraguri's head.

Looking down at the hilt of his washing pole, Kraguri scowls, then shivers again.

Note to Self: Maybe find a nice warm place to destroy everything.

2014-12-27, 02:31 AM
You see a flash of movement from the darkness within the observatory. It was large--too large to be a human.

Also, you notice that the trail of smoke does not emerge from within the observatory, but rather a small object placed barely inside the doorway; a steel brazier of some description (https://img0.etsystatic.com/053/0/8974468/il_340x270.695432528_e1dj.jpg) sits on a small lip of snow in the open entrance.

It is slow going. The Ice-Worm's blood is like icewater on Howls' skin, threatening to snuff out the fires of his essence. Its innards are labyrinthine, not those of any normal animal. This beast is an elemental, not a normal animal. As Howls works the winds above him and Kraguri intensify, sending up massive plumes of snow like smoke signals.

He eventually manages to locate it's heart, a fragile ornament of ice that darkens that coats everything it touches with a thin sheet of frost.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-27, 09:04 PM
Howl stuff the heart into one of his many pouches.
By Luna breasts! that was annoying!
Howl gets ups and licks his hands off.Runs inside because the blood is freezing his skin.
This is a stupid idea!

2014-12-27, 10:32 PM
Kraguri slows as he spots the shadow, then tries to attain a better sight of what is inside, but as Howls starts to pass he stares at the lunar, thinking on what maybe to do. At first Kraguri thinks about stopping him, but then thinks it over, cannot risk more resonance, so instead Kraguri passes along a few words, keeping attention to the volume of his own voice.

I'd be careful if i were you, there is something in there...

Skirting to the left of the archway, Kraguri situates himself a yard or two away from it. Paying attention to what occurs as the Lunar enters as closely as he can.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-27, 11:46 PM
Howls stops a few steps away from the entrance.
Friend or Foe? Kraguri What do you think the next plan of action should be? I rather not have to deal with another worm!
Howls hand glow blue a few licks of flame come off.

2014-12-28, 10:15 PM
Kraguri contemplates on what he saw, then starts to edge closer to the archway and the lamp.

I have no idea if it is friendly or not, nor do i know what it even was. My best idea is to gain some sight on what it was, then possibly continue from there based on what we find.

As Kraguri gets right to the edge of the arch he looks down at the small lamp that is there, then quickly takes a quick peek into the inside of the observatory, using his darkvision to see more clearly in the dark interior.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-29, 12:51 AM
Howls looks at the lamp and smiles.Howls activates his anima with a snap of his fingers.A sliver light is given off Howls and enhanceing the silver of his fur.
heh lamps...
One of his hands becomes engulfed in his blue flames and he walks in further.

2014-12-29, 12:41 PM
Within the Observatory

The passageway into the observatory extends about fifteen feet before opening up into a larger chamber. There chamber is unlit but for the light of Howls' anima and a small fire in one corner. The room is about forty feet in diameter, with two doorways on the opposite side of the chamber. Situated directly between the doorways is a raised platform with a podium. Lying on the platform, curled up, is a strange animal (http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/146/e/f/Orca_Hound_by_darksilvania.jpg) about the size of a bear. It looks up as the two of you enter, and grows in a low tone.

You hear movement directly behind... and above you. It sounds like a climber struggling to find purchase on a rock wall.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-29, 01:04 PM
Howls walks over to the animal a few step before it.
I am Howls at the shadows lunar exalted! I come in peace!
Howls flashes his anima banner before the beast

2014-12-29, 09:31 PM
Kraguri turns quickly to the noise, drawing his katana in a flash of bluish silver.


2014-12-29, 11:05 PM
Within the Observatory

Crouched ten feet above Kraguri, clinging to the observatory's inner wall with one hand, is an icewalker (http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs51/i/2009/337/c/7/Edritein_Warrior_by_Kharneth.jpg). He wears thick grey furs around his torso, and carries a spear of sharpened whale-bone in his free hand.

Hvað ert þú að gera hér, og hvers vegna hefur þú drepið forráðamanns!? He barks, pointing his spear downward. Þú ert fæddur af tunglinu, já? Fara í brott! He points his spear towards Howls and tenses, as if preparing to leap.

The beast on the other side of the room growls a warning, unfazed by Howls' anima display.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-29, 11:13 PM
Can you speak my tongue mortal?
Howls let his hands flames go out as he turns to the ice walker and trys to give him a sign of peace.

2014-12-29, 11:25 PM
Kraguri glares at the northman, slightly lowering his sword.

"Don't dare try me walker of these snows"

Kraguri's voice vibrates with energy switching from his common voice to another, more deep and angry voice. A deep burning red appears upon Kraguri's brow, showing a sun that bleeds.

No touchy touchy ya bastardo.

2014-12-30, 12:01 AM
The icewalker narrows his eyes at Kraguri. Ég veit ekki hvað þú ert, en ég mun ekki vera ógnað af þér.

A gap appears in his stoical facade as his grip on the wall dwindles. He shuffles his feet, looking for purchase, but the wall is too smooth and so he begins to fall.

Or does he?

The icewalker kicks away from the wall, sailing thirty feet over the pair's heads before landing beside the Orca-Hound in a display of super-human agility. He flourishes his spear and stakes it into the ground beside him, resting his other hand on the beast's shoulder.

Ég kallaður Dornald. Hver ert þú? His voice lacks its previous edge, adopting a more curious, questioning tone.

You two can make Intellect or Awareness checks to get the gist of what this guy is saying. DC 12.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-30, 12:27 AM
Howls think very hard on what vibe this werid icewalker is giveing but gives up.
Howls goes over to his friend and stands there upset with him self while keeping eye contact with the ice walker
Grr...should have learned ice walker speak ...grrr

2014-12-30, 12:54 AM
No matter, we can just wait and see what he does. But if i could guess, i would say he might be responding to our caste marks...

Trailing off, Kraguri twinges at a new bout of Resonance. The Tattoo's across his body writhing once more.

~Hm, both look delicious, come forth Ikuma, release me, you starve my existence with this petty resistance.~

Kraguri backs a small amount away from the ice walker and lightly pushes Howls forward.

Your better with mortals, have a go.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-30, 01:03 AM
Howls goes over to the ice walker and writes in his book
Hi am Howls at shadows lunar exalted we come in peace
he shows the icewalker this message

2014-12-30, 01:13 AM
The icewalker steps back as Howls draws forward, putting a hand on his spear. His beastly companion roars (http://youtu.be/YexQcXnVSzg?t=6s) and stomps its forelegs, clearly unnerved by this show of boldness.

The icewalker places a hand on his Orca-Hound's shoulder once more. Aftur burt, barn af tunglinu. Olgrun er alveg svöng.

He tilts his head to the side, squinting at the words Howls has written... but then he shakes his head. þetta er fugl klóra mér, he says, shrugging.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-30, 01:17 AM
UGH GOD DAMMIT! .... kraguri I feel like hes in our way should we just rid of them?
he looks back at his friend.
I mean I seriously don,t think this dumb ice licker knows anything
Howls turns back to the pest and gives him a pissed off look.

2014-12-30, 01:27 AM
The icewalker returns Howls look and pats his Orca-Hound on the shoulder.

Kraguri, it has been more than a minute. Your bruise is healed.

2014-12-30, 02:31 AM
Kraguri shrugs, and feels a popping sensation in his shoulder as he heals.

Maybe if we just try and search the place he will leave us be. But it might be he guards this place, or just is staying for the night. If i was mortal in these lands i would do just that.

Sizing up the icewalker, Kraguri walks foreward, and gestures around at the observatory, then at Howls and himself. Proceeding this Kraguri adds a slightly questioning look to his features and points out at the Worm, then at the Observatory.

Trying to ask without speaking: Can we look around, and then questions the worm outside and if it might be tied to this place.

2014-12-30, 08:17 PM
Hvað ert þú...? The icewalker tilts his head to side. He nods to Kraguri, pointing to the eastern doorway, where the firelight is emerging from. The icewalker makes as if to say something, but then shakes his head and whistles. Bræður mínir! Mér! He calls.

And then, as if on cue, a procession of icewalkers emerges. Half a dozen of them, with sleds in tow. The first one to enter the room - a short, plump woman made even more plump by her thick fur parka, speaks. Dornald, sem eru þessir tveir?

A hópur Ég vil ekki að fara yfir, the spear-carrying icewalker says. Við verður að fara núna.

The plump woman nods obediently and calls to the other icewalkers. They stop and turn towards their leader.

The room is getting somewhat crowded now, and the Orca-Hound lets out a low growl.

You're gesturing seems to be effective, Kraguri. You are at least 67% sure that you got your message across. Though, he probably won't be able to explain it to you.

2014-12-30, 08:36 PM
Kraguri backs off a little as he watches the tribe, then looks around. Resonance high and surrounded by peaceful (sorta) icewalkers, not a good time. Gesturing quickly once all have entered, Kraguri tries to express the fact that leaving might be the best of ideas.

Presence. [roll0]

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-30, 09:14 PM
Kraguri leave i shall handle this i understand
Howls shows his anima banner
Bring me your chief !

2014-12-30, 09:41 PM
The icewalkers give Howls confused looks and back away as he raises his anima banner. Their leader - the first to meet the party; the one with the Orca-Hound companion - steps forward with his arms extended, palms out in a gesture of peace.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-30, 10:20 PM
howls shakes his hand and lets the annoying icewalkers pass trying to not to kill the mortols for not learning how to speak differnt languages.

2014-12-30, 10:31 PM
The procession of icewalkers moves past Howls and Kraguri as quickly as they can. On his way out, their leader stops to pick up the metal braizer beside the entrance and stow it on one of their sleds.

Howls and Kraguri now find themselves alone inside of the Observatory, lit only by the pale silver light of Howls' anima. There is a door to the east and west, as well as a raised platform in the northern side of the room. On the raised platform is a podium that stands four feet high.

2014-12-30, 11:36 PM
Check each door, then call back our findings?

Kraguri stars to scoot to the western door, all the while checking that the icewalkers have left.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-31, 12:09 AM
Howls goes over to the other door and opens the door.

2014-12-31, 12:22 AM

The west door opens into ruin. The hallway it leads is choked with rubble and ice. The rubble has the same dull silver sheen as the rest of the tower's interior, but has been pitted and scarred by the ages.


The east door opens into a long chamber. There is a small fire burning in the center of the room, created by burning driftwood. Other than that there is no trace of the icewalker's stay there, aside from a few puddles of water where snow they tracked in melted. The fire keeps the chamber at a somewhat comfortable temperature, and a silver door is set into the wall on the opposite side of the room.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-31, 12:23 AM
Howls go over to the sliver door and looks at it

2014-12-31, 01:13 AM

The silver door eight feet tall and four feet wide lies flush with the Observatory's inner wall. If it wasn't for the door's outline, it would be impossible to tell where the wall ended and the doorway began. Despite its obvious door-ness, the silver door is graced by neither handle nor knob.

2014-12-31, 01:25 AM
Kraguri stares at the rubble and walks foreward, attempting at the movement of some of the rubble, maybe gain a glimps at its old path.

Hey! Nothing over here but rubble, i am going to try moving some of it in order to gain some more information. Let me know if something happens on your end!

Kraguri looks back once before starting on the ruin.

2014-12-31, 12:53 PM

As Kraguri digs it becomes apparent that, despite his best efforts, there is no hallway to clear anymore. The entire chamber has fallen in on itself and become buried under layer upon layer of snow and ice. Even the floor is little more than pitted and rusted sheets of silvery metal, bent in on themselves from the weight of the ages.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-31, 03:27 PM
I think i found a door!
Howls trys to slide the door.

2014-12-31, 03:42 PM
The Eastern Hallway

When Howls' hand touches the door, he feels and sees a massive pulse of essence that nearly blinds him. He sees threads of essence twisting within the silvery metal, forming a glowing shape (http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs9/i/2006/054/4/f/Celtic_Eye_Knot_by_ppunker.jpg) on the door's surface.

Then the door opens, retracting into the ceiling. All the hairs on Howls' many tails stand up as frigid air, untouched by the centuries, washes over him.

Beyond the opening, lit by the light of Howls' anima, is a small chamber. It is similar to the large chamber in the center of the Observatory, with a small podium in the center of the room. This podium is made of jade, near-black in color, and stands waist height.

Hiding Dragon
2014-12-31, 05:06 PM
Howls goes to the podeium and touchs it

2014-12-31, 09:31 PM
Kraguri stops moving rubble and retreats into the main chamber, walking up to the Podium in the north side of the room, studying it.

2014-12-31, 11:03 PM
The Main Chamber

The podium appears to be crowned with an elaborate display of blue and black jade. The two colors intertwine in a knot-like image (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/198/1/5/Celtic_yin_yang_dragons_by_FullmetalDevil.png) of two elemental dragons, one of water, and the other of air. The dragon of water glows in a strange purple-blackness, writhing like a living thing. The other does not move.

The Eastern Chamber

Howls finds the podium empty. As soon as he lays a hand on it, though, he hears a voice speaking softly in Old Realm.

<Essence readings detected.>
<Lunar Anima detected.>
<Initiating "welcome" protocol.>
<Closing exterior entrances.>
<Opening heat vents.>
<Activating flood-lights.>
<Hearthstone status: bereft.>
<Initiating geomancy scan.>
<Dragon-Line shift detected.>
<No Dragon-Lines nearby.>
<Switching to backup hearthstone reserves.>
<Backup reserves at 42%.>
<Welcome, Chosen of Luna, Steward of Creation.>

The Main Chamber

Several things occur over the course of the next few seconds. The doors behind Kraguri shut, blocking out the dull moan of the wind. Then, the temperature within the Observatory rises several dozen degrees, to a much more hospitable level. Then small silver lights, like stars, open in the high corners of the main chamber.

And then the air dragon begins to glow.

2014-12-31, 11:27 PM

Kraguri draws his katana and watches for what happens next.

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-01, 12:15 AM
Hmm Uh Protocol database open!
Howls try to pour some of his essence in to the stone

2015-01-01, 12:20 AM
The Eastern Chamber

There is silence for a few moments. Then the voice begins to speak again, emanating from all directions, as if the whole structure were speaking.

<Processing command.>
<Command not recognized.>
<Activating True-Intention Gleaning Technique.>
<Activate lift: y/n?>

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-01, 12:26 AM
Howl lifts his headband from his eyes and opens his eyes.he try to not get blinded by the light his green eyes shines in the light so he able to see stuff in detail.

2015-01-01, 12:28 AM
The Eastern Chamber

<Your wish is my command, Steward of Creation.>
<Proceed to main console for further instructions.>

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-01, 12:31 AM
Uh thing more info where is it....... OH it where that hound thing was!
Howl turns into fox form and runs on all four legs to get there quickly

2015-01-01, 12:47 AM

Kraguri looks around at the eastern door and waits for something to happen

And then of course Howls comes into the room like YOOOOOOOOOOOO, then i was like YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

2015-01-01, 01:20 AM
The Main Chamber

Howls emerges from the eastern door in his vulpine spirit shape. His headband is up and his green eyes shine with an enticing radiance.

Kraguri, make me a Will save. You may take 10 on this save, since by now you're fairly accustomed to Howls' weird eye problems.

2015-01-01, 01:43 AM
As Howls enters Kraguri looks at him with curiosity and a questioning upraised eyebrow.

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-01, 09:29 PM
Howls goes over to the podieum and stands on his hind legs and puts his front paws on the other podium and looks at it .

2015-01-01, 10:07 PM
The Main Chamber

As Howls approaches the podium on the raised platform, the voice begins to speak again. This time, however, the voice seems to emanate from the two dragons.

<Greetings again, Chosen of Luna!>
<Welcome to the Auroral Belfry Of Boreas.>
<You are currently on the main floor.>
<If you would like to ascend, please invoke the Dragon of Air.>
<If you would like to descend, please invoke the Dragon of Water.>

Both of you are aware that "invoking" is a process used in the summoning of elementals and demons, wherein one repeats the creature's name and titles multiple times.

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-01, 10:10 PM
Air dragon Mela!Air dragon Mela! Air dragon Mela!.

2015-01-01, 10:31 PM
The Main Chamber

The raised platform that Howls At Shadows and Kraguri stand on rises two feet in a fraction of a second. Kraguri and Howls stagger from the sudden shift, but manage to regain their footing just as fast as they lost it.

<Command understood.>
<Opening ceiling hatch.>

A metallic snapping noise, like wires breaking under high tension, sounds from above the Exalted. A trapezoidal shaped hole opens in the high vaulted ceiling. The platform on which they stand begins to move vertically on a pillar of silver steel, rising a few feet every minute. Faint music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpqucmEA3P4) plays; a short, repeating ballad.

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-01, 10:41 PM
Air means up water means down but up and down to what?
Howls turns back to his human form

2015-01-01, 11:46 PM
Kraguri watches the proceedings with an air of expectation and worry.

-What the hell is going on with this place?-

cannot use tools like color on my iPod so I'm going to use --

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-01, 11:50 PM
I have no idea my friend only the fate spiders know.But I be wary there still that god and this still it domain I think.

2015-01-02, 12:00 AM
Lets hope it hibernates, or at the very least is out and about...

Kraguri raises his katana again and attempts to get a better look at the floor above before they fully arrive at it.

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-02, 12:34 AM
Hm I wonder who built this....man I wish it GO FASTER if I built it it go as fast as light
Howls crosses his arms and taps his foot.his tails swish back inforth

2015-01-02, 12:42 AM
After a few minutes the platform has risen to the top of the main chamber. As soon as the platform enters the tunnel, more silver lights begin to glow, and another membrane of wires uncoils above the two Exalted's heads. They are now in a long shaft that extends nearly seventy feet before ending in another silver membrane. The music continues to play.

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-02, 01:01 AM
Am I going to die here? on this crappy elevator maybe if I yell the dragon name a few times.... DRAGON OF WIND MELA! DRAGON OF WIND MELA!
Howls stops and lay downs

2015-01-03, 12:00 AM
By the time Howls has finished shouting to the heavens, the elevator has risen to the top of the shaft. The final silver wall unravels, and the Exalted are lifted into the top floor of the observatory.

~The Summit of the Belfry~ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhVCvz1sRdw)

The walls of this room are not true walls - they curl unto themselves and form a massive dome that reaches nearly thirty feet at its highest point. The dome is a blackish silver in color, much like the night sky, and wrought with tiny cracks. In places where the cracks meet tiny points of light are formed, like little stars. The whole dome reminds you of the night sky, save that it is devoid of any moon (or the peak of the Imperial Mountain on the southern edge). In fact, the entire chamber seems to be designed to give of the appearance of an unobstructed view of the night sky. The only other color is that grey-silver panels that make up its floor, which look not unlike the rolling dunes of snow that the pair crossed on their way.

The room would feel vast, if it was not taken up by a massive orichalcum-and-brass telescope: a goliath of First-Age design, with twisting wires and thousands of tiny glass and jade lenses of all colors and shapes, suspended like leaves in a forest of golden trees. The space where the device meets the floor is dominated by more rugged pieces of machinery. Cogs the size of wagon-wheels with thousands of razor-thin teeth. Argent support beams the width of tree trunks.

Seeming almost out of place in all the majesty is a small black leather cushion, held by a thin golden servo. Perched atop the cushion, legs folded in a lotus position, is a young boy with silver hair (http://41.media.tumblr.com/c576b31d3ad5ee4e08c10909accc4edc/tumblr_mp30vq1Evb1s5wk8po1_1280.jpg). A pair of goggles with blue-jade lenses sits on his forehead, keeping his shock of platinum hair at bay. Gleaming beneath the pale blue disks are the boy's eyes, the same silver color as the rest of the Observatory.

"<Greetings>," the boy speaks in the cheerful voice of the Observatory. "<My name is Twice-Wrought Boreas, the god of this tower.>"

"<How might I be of service?>"

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-03, 12:26 AM
Howls bows to the god.
I am Howls at shadows Lunar exalted! we come in peace we seek the secrets of this obviatory.

2015-01-03, 12:58 AM
I am Kraguri, Divider Of The Broken Day Seeking Redemption, and i am thankful that so far you have not been.. too hostile.

Kraguri takes a slight bow during his name, then raises himself back up. Kraguri's eyes scan the room, looking wary and tired. Meanwhile Nakru vibrates in his scabbard, almost with anticipation, causing the slight sound of metal vibrating against metal to be heard only slightly (Probably easily heard with those of keen ears, or those near Kraguri.)

2015-01-03, 02:18 AM
The Summit

I am Howls at shadows Lunar exalted! we come in peace we seek the secrets of this obviatory.

Boreas' features brighten. "<Welcome once more, Chosen of Luna!>"

"<Seek away! But please, if I may. What secrets do you seek?>"

I am Kraguri, Divider Of The Broken Day Seeking Redemption, and i am thankful that so far you have not been.. too hostile.

The god beams. "<Well met, Kraguri!>" He tilts his head to the side in puzzlement.

"<'Too hostile'? I give you my sincere apologies, Kraguri. It was not my intention to come across in any way hostile.>"

2015-01-03, 04:21 PM
I only saw hostility in the Worm, a strange beast that is most definitely not of normal creation, and i key it to you as it had burrowed its way across your very doorstep enough to make me feel it was somehow attached to this place. But that matters little, we came here under rumor of a prophecy that holds tale of something that can change the aspect of ones Exaltation, something that can change those who are led by the Deathlords, into one who follows the sun and guides creation. Which i ask you now, is it here, or shall do you have any idea where it may else be.

Kraguri's eyes never leave the god, and he attempts to sound as strong as possible, forcing back as much of his current weakness as he can. Meanwhile his hands are hidden within his robes, each flexing fingers without Kraguri's want.

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-03, 09:57 PM
Yep by the way nice goggles I trade you the worm heart for them plus my Headband of Dark Gorgeous the Wind.
Howls closes his eyes and unties his headband.
I mean *cough* we seek a cure for the abyssal blight.

2015-01-04, 05:02 PM
I only saw hostility in the Worm, a strange beast that is most definitely not of normal creation, and I key it to you as it had burrowed its way across your very doorstep enough to make me feel it was somehow attached to this place. But that matters little, we came here under rumor of a prophecy that holds tale of something that can change the aspect of ones Exaltation, something that can change those who are led by the Deathlords, into one who follows the sun and guides creation. Which i ask you now, is it here, or shall do you have any idea where it may else be.

At first, Twice-Wrought Boreas looks aghast. "<Then I must beg your forgiveness, Divider!>"

"<The Ice-Worm is an elemental native to the regions around my domain. I did not call it here. If I may hazard a guess, I believe that the leader of the icewalker party enticed it guarding them with a gift of burning incense.>"

When Kraguri mentions the prophesy, Boreas' features brighten. "<So you search for the http://i1231.photobucket.com/albums/ee508/Kymme777/TheScepterresised_zps890a9447.png?>"

“<I do not possess the artifact you seek, but I do have a map that may guide you there.>”

Yep by the way nice goggles I trade you the worm heart for them plus my Headband of Dark Gorgeous the Wind.
Howls closes his eyes and unties his headband.
I mean *cough* we seek a cure for the abyssal blight.

Boreas smiles, closing his eyes to mimic Howls. “<I am flattered that a Chosen of Luna would deem to complement my choice of eyewear, but I am afraid that I cannot accept your offerings. It would not be my place as a custodian to take them.>”

The Old Realm Script up there is pronounced "The Scepter of Voltekau".

2015-01-04, 05:39 PM
Kraguri looks slightly crestfallen, thinking that he might even be free in the near future.

"Well, then. I guess we will see this map, and with haste. Lead on custodian of this observatory..."

Then a deep rumbling laugh echoes within Kraguri's mind, and the vibrations of the scabbard fall in tune.

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-04, 11:34 PM
Oh okay do not look in my eyes though.I would like to see you in the light.
Howls opens his eyes and looks at the tower god straight in his eyes
I knew our quest would not be as easy but would a adventure be fun without some difficult trails ahead eh? so about this map?
Howls smile very broadly allowing his fangs to show and crossing his arms

2015-01-05, 12:26 AM
Oh okay do not look in my eyes though.I would like to see you in the light.

Boreas opens his eyes and they promptly widen in amazement. "<Your eyes are lovely like the moon and stars, oh Chosen of Luna.>" He fawns, before turning his attention to more pressing matters.

I knew our quest would not be as easy but would a adventure be fun without some difficult trails ahead eh? so about this map?

"Well, then. I guess we will see this map, and with haste. Lead on custodian of this observatory..."

Boreas smiles once more. He stands, stepping off of his small black chair. Golden servos fly to his feet, forming a small staircase as he walks through the air. The custodian god moves to the center of the chamber with his arms raised. "<The map is above you, oh Exalted-Searching-For-http://i1231.photobucket.com/albums/ee508/Kymme777/TheScepterresised_zps890a9447.png.>" And as he speaks, the black ceiling above begins to change. The mosiac changes from jet black to vibrant green, deep blue, in some places fading to a light brown or flat grey; from the night sky to the lands of creation. You see the world as if from the firmament: the whole of the world arranged before you like a colossal map of fractured glass (http://www.theredepic.com/Web%20Images%202/Pieces/Exalted%20World%20Map%201%2085dpi.jpg).

Boreas speaks again. "<The scepter you seek is no longer as it once was. In times long past (and long regretted) the http://i1231.photobucket.com/albums/ee508/Kymme777/TheScepterresised_zps890a9447.png was broken into four parts. The shapes of these parts have been lost to time; their exact whereabouts lost to Fate.>"

"<In the East there sits a Keeper most Fair. Her court is the trees and the leaves are her hair.>"

"<In the South there lives a Keeper great and strong. His eyes are the sun and victory his song.>"

"<In the West there rides an old dragon of a Keeper. His children number many and his ship is a reaper.>"

"<In the Sky there is a Keeper who strides amongst stars. She has eyes like saffron and a friend beneath Mars.>"

2015-01-05, 01:28 AM
That is all and well custodian, but these different keepers seem far and wide, and from what i can guess, the one in the east is one of those fey, the one in the west is some kind of dragon blooded (hopefully no real dragon though), as many western dragon blooded have houses of such standing. Meanwhile the others...

Kraguri ponders, having ideas as to which the others might be, then becomes deflated again. This journey is turning out to be more and more extended then he would've thought

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-05, 01:53 PM
Howls looks towards the heavens and see the map.He immanently take out a sizable piece of parchment out and starts copying the map down.
Hm okay so do we owe you? I mean this extremely valuable info. oh where dose the dragon of water take us?

2015-01-05, 02:04 PM
That is all and well custodian, but these different keepers seem far and wide, and from what i can guess, the one in the east is one of those fey, the one in the west is some kind of dragon blooded (hopefully no real dragon though), as many western dragon blooded have houses of such standing. Meanwhile the others...

"<I know but the words, Kraguri. All else is above my station.>"

Hm okay so do we owe you? I mean this extremely valuable info. oh where dose the dragon of water take us?

Boreas clasps his hands together. "<No payment is needed. It is my purpose to aid the Exalted in all ways that I can.>"

"<The Dragon of Water? Why, it merely serves as a command phrase to allow the lift to descend.>"

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-05, 02:31 PM
Okay I guess we shall take our leave oh tower god your help will not be forgotten.
Howls bows to the god and walk over to the elevator smiling to himself for he a another step closer to cureing his beloved.

2015-01-05, 05:19 PM
Kraguri takes the prophecy to mind, and then takes a bow, turns toward the lift, and waits for Howls to make it descend. Nakru stops rattling and gives off an air of disappointment.

~Would have been nice to at least give me a morsel, maybe two...~

2015-01-05, 08:48 PM
Boreas waves to the two Exalted as they leave. As the lift begins to descend they both spot the custodian god slowly vanishing from sight, a euphoric grin on his face. The next moment he is gone and they descend in earnest. Every twenty feet or so a sheet of silver metal closes above them, obstructing their view the lift shaft. They can still hear odd music, though it is quiet. Somber, perhaps.

When they enter the main chamber of the Observatory, they find it very much as they left it. Still scuff marks and puddles where snow was tracked in (by either them or the icewalkers) dot the floor, and still the chamber remains comfortably warm. When the lift settles the two dragons darken as their glow fades, and the door to the outside opens once more. Through it you can see the white snow stretching endlessly and above it the wispy northern clouds and the stars of the firmament. Above them, almost out of frame, hangs the peak of the Imperial Mountain and, further still, the moon.

It seems that Luna herself is watching over the two Exalted on this, a most auspicious of nights.

~ending theme~ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75kJb_aAvKY)

~opening theme~ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9mvQneHEws&index=54&list=PLBBC34526330B792F)

The Auroral Belfry of Boreas, 1,853 miles North of the Blessed Isle

You find yourselves in the main chamber of Boreas' tower. Before you lies the entrance to the outside world.

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-05, 09:01 PM
Ah well Kraguri the path is set what path should we should go after first ? personally the east sound quite interesting plus forest would be a new change of pace then snow.
Howls puts on his head band and take out the worm heart taking a small bite out of it then put it back. Howl turns into his fox form (much easyer to travel in) and lays down waiting for his traveling friend to answer him.

2015-01-05, 09:45 PM
"I have no idea which way to start, lets just hope no fey remember me."

Kraguri sets off, keeping a light jog as he departs the observatory to the nearest ship yard. (To find a great place to cross an expanse of ice)

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-06, 12:22 AM
Howls follows his friend at a light speed cause he is on all four legs

2015-01-06, 10:12 AM
The Island of Koritochi, Outside of the Auroral Belfry Of Boreas

Just as Howls is bounding up beside you, you feel something snap. Thoughts of a shipyard, of moving through a town, of having to see more healthy, perfectly living mortals, prove to be too much for you. It is as if a pitcher of water that has been filling for many days finally begins to overflow its edges. And everything around it becomes inundated. A faint, steely laughter rings in the back of your head.

Your Black Miracles triggers. Have a Hero Point.

Progress is slow going through the hip-deep snow drifts. Kraguri's light jog slows to a walking pace, and Howls finds himself sinking into the snow with every bound.

And then the snow begins to change. It darkens, just as it did when they slayed the Ice-Worm. Only now, instead of a bluish hue, the ground around them adopts a crimson color, the shade of dried blood.

2015-01-06, 04:37 PM
Kraguri's tatoo's start to writhe and lash out, appearing as though they even leave his skin, then a large burst of darkness issues from his entire body. Once again Nakru begins to rattle, but this time with less energy, and more of a slow back and forth motion.

"You got to be kidding me. Howls, um, sorry..."

Do your worst Mr. DM

2015-01-06, 04:42 PM
Howls, please roll a Toughness check.

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-06, 04:52 PM
Uh what?
Howls looks at kraguri

2015-01-07, 12:12 AM
Howls At Shadows looks up just as the strands of blackness hit him. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWInWdKBIVs) Through his blindfold he can see them as whip-like streams of a darkness beyond belief. When he is struck it is as if frozen knives have been driven into his heart and dragged through is veins. The pain is absolute; the sheer shock of it stuns him for a moment, and when he wakes he is lying on his side in a snow drift. He feels a wetness on his upper lip and dripping down his muzzle. Every part of him aches with the pain of one thousand rending needles. He has been struck by the Black Miracles of a Deathknight.

Howls fails his toughness check by 2 degrees. He is dazed for one round (worn off already) and has one Incurable wound.

2015-01-07, 12:16 AM
As the Black Miracles end, Kraguri shakes himself, then looks around for Howls, then looks to him upon the ground.

"I, Uh..."

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-07, 12:27 AM
underneath Howls blindfold tears pricks his eyes. He stands up carefully and walks past kraguri
If that happens again near me I will not hesitate to rip your heart out with my teeth if you have one I am already in pain I don,t need more
Howls flash his fangs while he walks by him.He start softly sings to himself.

2015-01-07, 12:41 AM
Kraguri watches Howls with a tired, and sadened look. This damned Exaltation, maybe if it had never happened, or maybe if i had never became a renegade, instead accepting it all. Then he turns and trudges on, dragging his feet more than he did before.

~Maybe, hehehe, maybe if you had, then i could be restored, you could be restored, we would be glorious, even if we have to lead those weaklings, khekhekhe....~

Nakru continues his rattling purr as they move on.

2015-01-07, 02:18 PM
The Island of Koritochi

The going is slow and cold through the tundra. The wind screams above you and pulls snow from the hilltops in massive plumes of white.

Eventually the sun rises, creeping over the Western Horizon. It passes over you, disappearing to the East. And it does so again the next day. That evening the two Exalted arrive at the Icewalker village they encountered before. There they trade for snowshoes and food and continue south. They cross the tundra for many days and nights before arriving at its edge. There, thousands of trees burst through the snow in a forest many miles wide. Kraguri and Howls spot a small road (a path where the trees do not grow as thick). As they travel the snow thins and they enter a palace where the forest becomes vibrant with evergreens and small shrubs. Birds begin to chirp as the duo approaches, some of them taking flight in surprise.

Perception/Awareness checks, please!

2015-01-08, 01:28 PM
The Island of Koritochi, Southern Forest

The two Exalted enjoy a relatively peaceful (though somewhat tense; the effects of the Black Miracles might have worn off, but their shadow still hands over the team) walk through the forest.

Until Kraguri steps on a particularly crunchy patch of snow.

RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH! Suddenly, leaping from behind a nearby bush, comes a green blur of frenzied motion. The blur collides with Kraguri, knocking him off his feet. For a split second it is as if a massive beast (http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/248/2/9/utahraptor_by_ignius_fa-d2y3wzc.jpg), upright and scaled with a spiraling pattern of silver lines engraved upon its hide and mane of green spines cresting the back of its long, reptilian head stands over Kraguri, pinning him to the ground with one powerfully-muscled hind leg. A sickle-like claw on the creature's largest toe presses lightly on the Abyssal's clavicle. The beast's green eyes gleam with confident intelligence and its whole body is surrounded in a nimbus of silver light.

You! The creature roars. For many moons I have searched for you, and now you are mine! The creature grins, a harrowing sight as its mouth this filled with rows upon rows of sharp teeth.

And then it is gone.

In it's place stands a short, stocky woman, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKwt85owK6Q) standing with one leg pressed to Kraguri's chest. (http://i1231.photobucket.com/albums/ee508/Kymme777/TalonThatRendsFleshFromSpirit_zpsab89d7f6.png) Her hair is a mess of green spikes arranged into a mohawk and in the center of her forehead the image of a shadow-shrouded moon glows with silver and purple light. Her eyes are still bestial, her pupils thin, reptilian slits. Her body, clad in a thin tube of fur that covers from her armpits to her waist and a long skirt of hide panels, is criss-crossed with spiraling tattoos. The woman is shrouded in the same nimbus of light as the reptilian beast was, moments before.

And now I can finally introduce myself! The woman steps away from Kraguri, allowing him to rise. Her eyes shine with excitement and not small amount of cockiness. My name is Talon Who Rends Flesh From Sprit, No-Moon Caste of the Lunar Exalted!

Yup. She's a Lunar, alright.
It's not easy to describe, but you feel a pull to this woman; through a haze of only partly-known memories you see her face. You've seen it before, many times. When you first dreamt of life as a Chosen of the Sun, you remember a figure much like her standing by your side.

2015-01-08, 02:19 PM
Kraguri stand up and shakes the dirt from his robes, continuously looking into his mates eyes. Warily watching her in case she attacks again. Will she be offensive or be friendly?


Kraguri backs a step away just in case.

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-08, 10:07 PM
Sister of luna!
Howls steps forward and opens is arms for a warm embrace a silly grin is plastered on his face

2015-01-08, 10:24 PM

The woman who introduced herself as Talon Who Rends Flesh From Spirit tilts her head to the side, her look of cockiness replaced with one of confusion.

You... you aren't saying anything. Don't you remember me...? Her brow furrows. Are you telling me that I've traveled five months to find the wrong guy?! And why are you just standing there dumbstruck? Say something!

Sister of luna!

Hey guy--what?! Talon Who Rends Flesh From Spirit snaps to attention, jumping back a pace. Another Lunar?! I didn't know about another Lunar... She shakes her head. Whatever. Who are you, what's your name, and where in the name of Luna did you come from?

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-08, 10:56 PM
I am Howls at Shadows! Changing moon Lunar exalted! and I am this man uhhh *cough* traveling mental doctor.
Howl transforms into human form

2015-01-09, 02:06 AM
Mental Doctor?!

Kraguri looks over at howls, slightly forgetting the fact of his mate standing before them.

What do you mean, i need nothing of the sort! Also no, i am most definitely your mate Talon Who Rends Flesh From The Spirit, unless of course my dreams of my reverse fate were completely wrong, and you are just a stranger who stands next to me, almost like him...

Kraguri looks over to Howls, a look of distaste on what you can see of his face, then he coughs, and looks back to his own mate.

I merely wonder if you are out to kill me or something, of which case i am most curious...

Kraguri takes a step away from her, just in case...

Meanwhile Nakru's constant rattling starts to increase in rhythm and a feeling of dread permeates form him.

2015-01-10, 02:34 AM
I am Howls at Shadows! Changing moon Lunar exalted! and I am this man uhhh *cough* traveling mental doctor.
Howl transforms into human form

Talon Who Rends Flesh From Spirit looks Howls up and down, as if sizing him up. Howls At Shadows? I think I've heard of you before... Aren't you from Nexus?

Mental Doctor?!What do you mean, i need nothing of the sort! Also no, i am most definitely your mate Talon Who Rends Flesh From The Spirit, unless of course my dreams of my reverse fate were completely wrong, and you are just a stranger who stands next to me, almost like him...

The wild woman laughs; a hearty, loud laugh of someone accustomed to a simple existence. Tall, dark, and awkward! You must be my Mate.

I merely wonder if you are out to kill me or something, of which case i am most curious...

Kill you? Of course not! In fact, I've been looking for you so that I can keep you safe!

2015-01-10, 08:08 PM
Keep me safe... you are going to have to explain your strange amount of knowledge, what do you know about me, and what is it that you are protecting me from, as I am being hunted by more than one thing if you don't even know that...

Kraguri looks warily at her, waiting to hear her explination.

2015-01-11, 11:44 PM
Keep me safe... you are going to have to explain your strange amount of knowledge, what do you know about me, and what is it that you are protecting me from, as I am being hunted by more than one thing if you don't even know that...

Talon Who Rends Flesh From Spirit arches an eyebrow at Kraguri. Strange amount of knowledge, wha..? I don't even know your name! My sensei told me to 'follow the path that Luna has painted in my heart' until I found you. I was aware, vaguely, of the fact that you would be a Deathknight, as opposed to a Lawgiver. As Luna would have it, you turned out to be a renegade Deathknight. Lucky me, right?

2015-01-12, 02:00 AM
Kraguri looks at her with a small amount of exhaustion.

More like lucky me, one less person trying to murder me or take me back to the underworld...

Then Kraguri shifts into a more relaxed stance and arches his eye brow back.

So, why did you think to look for me here in all of creation, why did you just attack me instead of waiting a moment to get the connection going, and what is it you think you are protecting me from (see if i can't find my list...)?

Nakru begins to rattle again. (If he could have a small speech bubble with a small anime face in it. (https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTBaGzj1tGKYbO3PalKefNXzklueU7Am e3UTMNGix-Wm3aE4L8wRg))

~I don't like her already...~

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-12, 09:45 AM
Howls see the situation and takes a back seat and goes and lean against a tree a tree and takes out his book and starts humming.

2015-01-12, 02:22 PM
More like lucky me, one less person trying to murder me or take me back to the underworld...

And I'm sure there's a lot of people trying to take you back.

So, why did you think to look for me here in all of creation, why did you just attack me instead of waiting a moment to get the connection going, and what is it you think you are protecting me from (see if i can't find my list...)?

Have you not been listening? I was guided here by... uh "a trail that Luna painted in my heart..?" That's how I found you. And I tackled you because... well, chalk it up to to an eagerness to meet you?

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-13, 10:33 AM
Howls shuts his books and turns into fox form and starts walking towards the next village.
Oi kraguri am going to walk to the next village okay?

2015-01-13, 02:20 PM
"We shall follow soon..."

Kraguri shifts his overcoat, and raises an arm pointing after the fox.

"So, are you to stay by my side in my venture?"

2015-01-13, 08:56 PM
Talon Who Rends Flesh From Spirit rolls her eyes as Howls walks away. Bored already? Alright. Have fun walking hundreds of miles, Brother.

"So, are you to stay by my side in my venture?"

More the other way around actually. The wild woman steps past Kraguri, running a hand along his shoulder and turning him around to face North. My Sensei didn't just send me to find you. He also sent me to fetch you. He has some business that he thinks a Deathknight can resolve. She looks over Kraguri's shoulder at the retreating form of Howls. ALSO, HE'D PROBABLY BE INTERESTED IN ANOTHER LUNAR! IF YOU COME WITH US, IT'LL BE WORTH YOUR WHILE!

2015-01-14, 12:37 AM
But our business is in the east! This will further withhold me from both our goals, which are both similar on this end!

He turns to her, and looks into her eyes.

What task may your master wish of me in such great a time?

2015-01-14, 02:11 PM
But our business is in the east! This will further withhold me from both our goals, which are both similar on this end!

So is my Sensei's. Talon Who Rends Flesh From Spirit nods. He lives on an island called Twisted Stone, in one of the fjords of the White Sea.

What task may your master wish of me in such great a time?

I don't know the specifics, but I do know that it has something to do with Gradafes.

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-15, 12:20 AM
Blah! Blah! We need to get a move on this quest! By lunas breasts! man we not going to cure you over night!
Howl yells at the top his foxy lungs and his tails wave back and both for he has kept a slow pace hoping his friend will catch up

2015-01-15, 11:39 AM
"GRADAFES!?! Forgive me, but is your sensei insane? I am trying not to get caught, and especially go nowhere near any Shadowlands, that would be the doom of me! If i go anywhere near that place the Lion could easily find me, let alone Magnificent herself being able to tell where I am at will!"

Kraguri looks away from Talon Who Rends Flesh From Spirit. Putting a hand on Nakru's hilt to stop him from his increased rate of rattling.

~"Oh, wouldn't that be just nice, to finally be repaired, and feed once again! Khe Khe Khe!~

Kraguri scowls, torn between the happiness of finally finding his mate, and the fact that she came to him with the idea of performing tasks in such a dangerous area. Kraguri looks up at the slowly darkening sky, after some time he looks back at his mate (http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/9455/415480-screenshot063.jpg).

"I lack the purpose to throw myself back into the arms of the Underworld, so why would you think it might be important to call on me for such a deranged mission."

2015-01-15, 12:25 PM
"GRADAFES!?! Forgive me, but is your sensei insane? I am trying not to get caught, and especially go nowhere near any Shadowlands, that would be the doom of me! If i go anywhere near that place the Lion could easily find me, let alone Magnificent herself being able to tell where I am at will!"

Talon Who Rends Flesh From Spirit's eyes narrow. Don't insult my Sensei. I'm sure he has a plan, and I doubt it will result in you getting captured.

"I lack the purpose to throw myself back into the arms of the Underworld, so why would you think it might be important to call on me for such a deranged mission."

I have no idea why it's important. Gerd--er, my Sensei didn't tell me the particulars.

Her hands drop to her sides and her face is blank, hard to read. Her bright green mohawk seems to droop a little. You're business is in the East, right? Well, I can take you there! Just give me ten minutes and I'll show you! Follow me, ... She drifts off, still not knowing the name of her Mate. The sun emerges from behind a muted grey cloud, and the shadow of a large tree is cast between the Abyssal and Lunar like a large divide.

From your distance you can only faintly make out Kraguri's shout. Your senses, however, are stirred southwards by.. something on the horizon. Fire, this far north? The flickering of light on metal and the clash of steel on steel rings softly in your ears, like the the symphony of violence that Kraguri sometimes hums.

The village ahead is under attack.

2015-01-15, 05:08 PM
~Maybe she is talking east as along the white sea... if so this is becoming a sick joke.~

Kraguri watches her for a moment, and then sighs deeply, again gaining an exhausted expression.

~Just as long as it doesn't keep me from some feasting, i am starving, khekhekhe~

Watching his mate, go, he wonders whether she might trick him into visiting her Sensei. Then he sighs.

~Seems i have disappointed her, and have slightly disappointed myself. (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ1DSyByN-7JaqSLgQYfP_ofpgJz2vFArRPmC4Uq_W5p6jFg2OzVw)~

~You sure are good at it, khekhekhe, I have been with you longer in your existence than with her, and still i sit here with no food! (https://thestefankeysblog.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/watamote1.png) I did not agree to serve you so that I may starve... :smallannoyed:~

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-18, 11:30 PM
Howls runs at a full sprint to the two before coming up to them he does a slow cool walk.
huh hey guys I scouted ahead I think there a fight or a village on fire or even dragon blooded.
Howls turns back to human form and crosses his arms and leers Rends
What should we do? am not in the mood for a fight

2015-01-18, 11:53 PM
As Kraguri's silence stretches on and on, Talon Who Rends Flesh From Spirit's hands begin to clench into fists. Her brow furrows and her whole body seems to tense.

Before anything else happens, however, Howls returns.

huh hey guys I scouted ahead I think there a fight or a village on fire or even dragon blooded.

Raksha. She shakes her head. When I was on my way I passed over a Wyld Cloud rolling down from the northwest. They must've been hiding in it. Inhaling sharply, she glances back at Kraguri. Come with me. She turns to Howls. Both of you. I can take you somewhere where you can be safe, and have a staging ground for your own mission to the East. There's a Haslanti Airboat moored about two miles from here. If we hurry, we can get there before the Raksha catch wind of us.

2015-01-19, 01:42 AM
"Then let us be off!"

Kraguri notes his mates impatience and takes a firm note of it.

~"I always love my food with kick to it, khekhekhe!"~

He readies to follow her, with any speed required.

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-20, 10:26 AM
Okay whatever
Howls rolls his eyes and turns back to fox form and gives Rends a toothy smirk.

2015-01-20, 10:55 AM
Talon Who Rends Flesh From Spirit nods and is swallowed in a cloud of silver light. When she emerges she is a great Claw Strider, mottled grey scales crisscrossed with silver tattoos. And with that the three depart.

It takes about thirty minutes of hustling through the trees, leaping over dry creek-beds and bursting through areas where the undergrowth grows too thick. By the way, Kraguri's mate huffs as they run, you never did tell me your name.

2015-01-20, 11:03 AM
Kraguri smacks aside a low hanging branch, shattering it and sending shards flying in many directions.

Kraguri, he says as he then jumps over a molded log. If you want my full wretched name though, it'll have to wait!

~Kraguri, i doubt your sanity, we are running away from such a feast, I have not tasted fae...~

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-20, 12:12 PM
Howls runs and catches a bird and munches on it in savoring the flavor
So uh do you even know our quest? Who owns this air boat?
A few feathers comes out of his mouth.

2015-01-20, 12:36 PM
Kraguri, she says as if she were rolling it in her mouth. Tasting it. You can call me Kynsi.

Not really, no. Now that she's entered her Claw Strider form, Kynsi speaks much more tersely than before. Perhaps it is her predator instincts coming forth, or perhaps the gravity of the situation is finally getting to her. Regardless, her next words are brief. Friend of mine. Haslanti captain. Owes me a favor.

And then, as if on cue, the Exalted reach the base of a small hill. The trees are sparse on the hill's slopes, and its summit is barren and smooth like a snow-dune. Held to the ground by a dozen thick cables is a massive dirigible (http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs39/f/2008/349/3/b/Class_1_Airboat_by_newtman001.jpg), about four hundred and fifty feet in length. The exterior of the air bladder bristles with masts and sail frames, and the whole ship is crawling with crewmen. A few men on the highest part of the ship spot you and begin waving down to their fellows. Some of them call out, but their voices are lost to the wind.

You are currently at the base of the hill. It will take about three minutes to make it to the summit. Make perception checks (or take 10 on them or whatever), please. You can stunt these if you like, but please put something in the OOC so that I know what you are doing.

2015-01-20, 12:58 PM
Kraguri looks around while running, a strange feeling of instinct taking over him.

Because you friggen cant have more than 2 tabs for some reason: 23 Perception, and X isn't going to roll

2015-01-20, 10:19 PM
From behind the party come the sounds of hurried footsteps and high-pitched, quailing voices. Then, emerging into view from the treeline is a warparty of Fair Folk. Leading the charge are six squat spear-wielding creatures (http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs44/f/2009/083/d/e/Exalted____Goblin_weapons_by_darkeyez07.jpg), large mouths brimming with needle-like teeth. Following behind them are the archetypal beauty and brawn: a muscular tusked man (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs31/f/2008/195/d/4/Ogre_by_NuMioH.jpg) with a two handed ax and a waifish man with knife-shaped ears (http://www.essentialsequential.com/assets/images/productimages/825.jpg) and a long falchion.

"~Villains~!" The pointed-eared man shouts in an singsong voice. "~Come and face your doooooooom at the hands of me, Narcim the Gorgeous!~"

Kynsi hisses. Why'd it have to be Fair Folk?

~battle, joined!~ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-PML1RCxgM)

Kraguri, you go first. Here is the map. (http://i1231.photobucket.com/albums/ee508/Kymme777/SnowyFieldsSurpriseRound_zpsf971b292.png) I'll update it at the start of every round. The Gs are the smaller creatures, the O is the bigger one, and the N is the one currently speaking.

The party starts off in the purple area. You pick what square you are in at the start of your first turn.

2015-01-21, 12:29 PM
Kraguri turns to the enemy, a look of slighted rage across his expression. Instead of reaching for his katana, he reaches for Nakru, but before he can draw, he looks over at his mate. (Sonofabatch (http://i1117.photobucket.com/albums/k594/reddevil40/naruto_ugly_face_by_skurpix-d4vvj1f_zps58a10622.png))

~YOU ARE NOT SERIOUSLY GOING TO HOLD ME BACK BECAUSE HER KIN IS YOUR ARMOR!?! (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8V7rxj9rQYA/UbQ_oBzRdeI/AAAAAAAAAEo/0Y2HHDy5IQY/s1600/The-Many-Funny-Faces-of-Misaki-junjou-romantica-10329553-704-396.jpg)~

Kraguri then exhaustively reaches into his robes for his Katana instead. Then Drawing it charges the nearest Goblins, slashing horizontally. As he slashes though, a small line of darkness if left behind, that then proceeds to change its angle and slash across multiple enemies differently.

2015-01-21, 09:19 PM
Kraguri's essence-aided attack strikes true and two of the Goblins fall back, cream-colored blood blooming from their wounds. They spasm as they fall and land in a gruesome heap on the snow-choked tarn.

In response the Ogre behind them steps forward, raising his ax. Then, with a porcine shout, he brings the flat of the blade down upon Kraguri.

The Goblin to Kraguri's right dashes forward, not wanting to meet the fate of its fellows. It charges at Howls lunging forward with its spear.

The three remaining Goblins back off, moving to the party's left.

"Villains!"The knife-eared leader shrieks, drawing his sword. "Those men had non-existent wives and children to return to!" He dashes towards Kynsi, his sword glowing with a prismatic light. He swings it in a wide arc across the Lunar's chest, shouting like mad. "Will no one think of the non-existent children?!"

Kynsi, still in the form of a Claw Strider, blocks his weapon with a swipe of her claws. Shut up!

Kraguri's Turn:

Kraguri gets 1 hero point for not using his Release ability. Use it well, brave Deathknight! I'll call your attack a 1 point stunt. It manages to take out the Goblins in K6 and K7.

The Ogre's Turn:

The Ogre steps forward and attacks Kraguri. He'll need to make me a Parry check and a Fortitude check.

The Goblins' Turn:

One of the Goblins charges to D8, attacking Howls (who is now in C8). Howls will have to make me a Parry check and a Toughness check.

The three remaining Goblins move to G2, I3, and J3.

The Noble's Turn:

The Noble charges Talon Who Rends Flesh From Spirit (who is now in C5), attacking her with a 1 point stunt. She successfully blocks his attack.

That ends the surprise round. Howls, you're up!

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-21, 09:50 PM
Howls sees the the sad excuse of hero attacking the low intelligent Krynsi and sighs. Howls gets in a wide fighting stance like a typical animal would his tails flared out behind him and white fangs showing .All nine tips of his silver tails are lit one by one by Blue flames. Howls whips one of his tails like a catapult at the Knife eared Hero hoping to make a deadly blow.

2015-01-21, 11:11 PM
Howl's attack strikes the Raksha Noble completely unawares. The blue flames of essence envelop the Fair Folk just as the blue clouds of Howls At Shadows' anima ignite around him.

I'll call that a 1 point stunt.

Howls hits the Noble, inflicting 1 bruise and the staggered condition.

Kraguri, you're up!

2015-01-22, 11:26 AM
Kraguri raises his hand to the flat of the Ogres axe, and just before they connect, a dark tendril splits the skin of his hand and shoots up to divert its force.

Kraguri jabs foreward, but just before it touches the skin of the Ogre it seems to split and shimmer, causing a strange haze that makes the blade look like it has several different points to it. Each point forces itself forward, jabbing in individual speeds.

2015-01-22, 11:33 PM
The Ogre's two handed ax strikes Kraguri across his shoulder, but he manages to shrug off the pain and respond with an attack of his own.

Acting quickly--too quickly for something that large--the Ogre swings its ax in a downward arc and parries the Abyssal's katana.

The Goblin in front of Howls dashes forward and stabs with its spear, shouting gibberish. The two on the left side of the battlefield hurl their spears at Kraguri and Howls.

The Ogre, enraged, swings its ax in a brutal uppercut, aiming for Kraguri's sword-arm.

Eyes twisted into slits in his pain, Narcim flurries at Kynsi, his sword (and arm) splitting down the middle to create even more limbs with which to attack. As he does so, bits of his arms and legs seem to dissolve into pinkish mist. His first strike catches Kynsi's flank, cutting deep and spilling her blood in an arc across the snow. His second blow pierces the Lunar's shoulder and she gasps in pain despite herself.

Kynsi staggers backwards, stumbling in pain. Then a fire ignites in her eyes and she leaps into the air, twisting, and plants a talon-edged kick directly into the Raksha's chest. There is a wet crunch as his chest caves in, the impact sending him sprawling into the snow. He does not stir.

Kraguri misses the Ogre (alas, even a 1 pt stunt could not salvage his attack roll). He also hit by the Ogre's attack, though he manages to shrug off the effects.

Goblin's Turn: The two Goblins on the left throw their spears at Kraguri and Howls. Make me dodge and toughness checks, please. The Goblin in front of Howls also strikes at him with its spear. Howls will have to make a parry check and a toughness check against that attack, as well.

Ogre's Turn: The Ogre attacks Kraguri with a normal strike. Make me parry and toughness checks, please.

Noble's Turn: The Noble, still staggered, uses extra effort to make an additional attack on Kynsi. He damages her twice, inflicting 2 bruises and the dazed condition. He is now fatigued.

Kynsi's Turn: Kynsi, dazed, strikes back at the Raksha noble. She manages to hit and damage with three degrees of success. Thanks to Howls' damage earlier, that means that the Noble is incapacited (ie, dead. really, really dead).

Howls, you're up!

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-25, 10:40 PM
Howls see the whirl attacks and inhales and unleashed a thundering howl deflecting the spear being stabbed at him.But the howl leaves him open for the Spear flung at him and in beds in his shoulder but Howls merely flex and the spear falls to the ground. Howls eyes glow blue under his blindfold his Anima banner flares and turns to the goblin next to him blue steams of light follows his eyes. The 8 flames on the tips of Howls tails vanish and Howls opens his mouth.Reveling a small candle sized flame that floats out of his mouth hovering in front of his mouth.He focus a great deal of Essence into the flame as it grows larger and larger. It becomes large enough to touch the goblin skin making it sizzle then Howls release the massive orb and it as if a small sun was chucked at the poor creature made of children nightmares.

2015-01-25, 10:52 PM
Kraguri leaps slightly, then kicks hard at the Ogres stomach, landing upon his hands and smoothly transfering to his legs with a small leap, attempting to escape the range of the attack.

2015-01-25, 11:29 PM
Kraguri's kick catches the Ogre right below the ribs, causing his attack to swing wide.

Howls' efforts manage to deflect the first spear, sending it, and the Goblin carrying it, flying backwards into the snow. The Goblin grunts in pain as it stumbles backwards, jet black eyes narrowing in frustration. Before it can retaliate, however, one if its brethren succeeds in striking the Lunar. The spear twitches slightly in Howls' shoulder, but the Lunar dislodges it with a modicum of effort. The Exalted can hear porcine cursing coming from the other side of the battlefield.

The smaller Goblin, still sitting in the snow, screams in fear just before Howls throws his ball of moonfire. There is a flash of blinding blue light and when the glow clears, nothing is left of the Raksha but a patch of scorched yellow grass -- the tips of the blades tinted bluish-silver.

I'll call that a 1 point stunt, Kraguri.

Howls, you're defenses will both be 1 point stunts. I'll call your Blue-Essence shot a 2 point stunt. Howls destroys the Goblin in front of him.

Kraguri, you're up!

2015-01-26, 02:54 PM
Kraguri stares determinedly into the Ogres eyes, and a brief gleam of dark red shines from deep within his dark sight. Through Kraguri's vision he sees the creatures every continuous system, every weakness, every fear. Reaching out with his katana, Kraguri thrusts forewards, barely touching the skin of the Ogre, and then the brutes flesh begins to flay, begining with his torso, and continuing with outward, towards his limbs and head.

Flay the Flesh from his very BEING! (Everyone nearby hears this shout both mentally and physically)

Kraguri raises a hand, and then clenches it into a hard fist. Every muscle on the Ogre contorts and flexes, causing the exposed meat to split. A shower of blood explodes from the Ogre as every exposed vessel of blood is slit by thousands of small cuts. Spinning around to face the Goblins, Kraguri sheaths his Katana, and allows the effect of the showering blood to cause fear.

2015-01-26, 09:21 PM
In the space of a second the Ogre is rent asunder, spilling its all-too-red blood into the winter air like so many rose petals. The husk that was once such a proud Raksha falls to the ground, striking the frozen dirt like a hollow log. It sighs faintly, that which was once an Ogre. It sighs a sigh of repose--of death brought to a being that thought itself above death.

It appears nothing can escape the ire of a Deathknight.

The two remaining Goblins, now leaderless and weaponless, glance at each other for a brief moment and then promptly cheese it, running for the cover of the forest as fast as they can. There is a rumbling as they flee; a sound like an entire horde of the Fair Folk charging through the forest. And it is coming this way.

Kynsi curses in Skytongue, transforming in an orb of silver light and emerging in her human form. The wounds to her chest and flank have transitioned into a deep gash along her collarbone and a similarly-deep cut on her thigh. She regards Kraguri and Howls with weary eyes. We've got to get out of here. Up the hill, now! The turns to face the Airboat at the hill's summit and begins shouting in Skytongue, no doubt telling them to ready up.

Kraguri's attacks (which i'll count as a 1 point stunt) obliterate the Ogre. The remaining 2 Goblins retreat. And so ends the battle.

If you want to make a parting potshot, Howls, you may do so now. Also, if either of you have any looting that you want to get done, the body of the Raksha Noble is still lying on the ground. Warning: all of his stuff is probably gossamer, and as such not that great in the hands of a Non-Fair Folk

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-26, 11:37 PM
Howls turns back to human form and brings one of his blue flames to his spear wound. Howls goes over to the noble and searches him.
Stupid creatures and say Rends interesting essence control... are you a mage or a priestess eh no moon?
Howls grits his teeth and looks towards Rends.

2015-01-27, 10:44 AM
Kraguri flicks his blade, sheathes it, then derobes. Underneath is a tight-skin suit that shows off his figure (Heavily Muscled, but still bowed a little.). Storing it into a back that was before concealed under his robes just on his lower back. Then he starts to wind sprint up the hill towards the Airship.

2015-01-27, 11:09 AM
The Raksha Noble's broken body has little of value. Some severed fingers (no doubt taken from the village they attacked) hang from a string around his neck. His sword, wedged in the cold dirt, bends over like a limp flower.

Stupid creatures and say Rends interesting essence control... are you a mage or a priestess eh no moon?

Kynsi places a hand on her hip, arching an eyebrow at her fellow Lunar. I was just about to say the same thing to you, Howls. You're a Changing Moon, and yet you throw silver fire like it's nothing. Isn't your Caste a bunch of thieves and bards?

She glances over her shoulder at the forest one more time before bolting up the hill after Kraguri. I'm a priestess, by the way! She calls back as she runs.

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-27, 11:41 AM
Howls grits his teeth hard fury flows through him.
Bard!? Thief!? Grrrr I can steal if I want and am good singer! but am a mage! channler of lunas harth flame!!!
in a fit of rage Howls sprits at full speed and passes rends

2015-01-27, 01:36 PM
Kynsi's eyes widen as Howls speeds past her. She hustles to compensate, but her injuries slow her somewhat. Simmer down, Brother! I was only kidding. I'm sure you're great at... whatever it is you do. She grins.

After a few moments of frantic running, the three Exalted arrive on the summit of the hill. The thick cords that bind it to the ground are tied around yard long iron stakes. Dangling from either side of the gondola are segmented rope ladders that hang about three feet of the ground. The ladders sway slightly in the winter breeze.

The entire vessel is still swarming with Haslanti airmen (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6nwEHc_7ytc/ULeo4qNOg1I/AAAAAAAAFcc/8mHaq44T3_w/s1600/climb-mallory-irvine_19160_600x450.jpg). At least a dozen of them scramble along the vessel's rigging and masts, unfurling sails and securing loose ropes. Another dozen swarm about the Airboat's gondola, closing hatches and pulling up cables that where up until recently staked to the ground. Two of them on the ship's bow carry repeating crossbows (http://static.mijnwebwinkel.nl/winkel/celticwebmerchant/full29179468_a.jpg), and when Kraguri crests the top of the hill they level their odd weapons at him.

A few tense moments pass as the Haslanti and the Abyssal stare each other down. Before anything can come to pass, however, Howls bursts from the trees, with Kynsi hot on his tails. Kynsi waves frantically at the Haslanti, shouting at them in Skytongue. The two men on the bow nod and begin relaying her message to the rest of the Airboat's crew. Soon the whole ship is alive with voices as the airmen rush to complete their tasks and prep the Airboat for takeoff.

Kynsi glances at Howls and Kraguri. Unless you two think you can square off with a couple hundred Fair Folk, this is where we get on the boat. She points to the ladders. You two first. I've gotta unhook the cables. And with that she starts off towards the east-most cord, moving quickly over the rough rocks of the hilltop.

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-27, 02:01 PM
Howls nods and his face darkens he grins to himself.
sure what ever am not talking to airheads though
Howls climbs up the rope ladder and hop on the deck
Greetings I am Howls at the shadows! (flashe anima banner)

2015-01-27, 03:15 PM
Kraguri watches Howls climb with distaste. Looking back towards the army of Fair Folk, Kraguri sighs, then rushes the nearest Rope. When he gets there he unstraps Nakru and takes Careful aim, then throws him over to the other rope, where the sword slightly unsheaths. Tendrils of flesh lash out, and cling to the rope, while the blade bites into the rope.

Meanwhile, Kraguri's arm begins to unfurl in dakrness, and the tatoos left bare begin to turn into shadow. Wincing slightly, Kraguri draws his Katana and hacks at the rope in front of him, one arm above where he is cutting, clutching hard to the rope.

2015-01-27, 11:44 PM

The Haslanti crewmen murmur excitedly as Howls' anima washes over them. "Tundýrlingur!" comes the shout. "Tundýrlingur! Tundýrlingur!" Spoken like a mantra. The crewmen turn to each other and clasp hands, slap each other on the back, and laugh hearty northern laughs. Some of them reach out and brush their hands along the Lunar's arms as he passes in a display of reverence that Howls has never seen before. "Tundýrlingur! Tundýrlingur!"

A short, broad shouldered Haslanti man in the back murmurs in Riverspeak. "Great. Another showoff."

The exitement is cut short by a sharp whistle. Emerging from below decks is a tall, lanky man wearing a tall hat and a massive navy overcoat that covers him head to toe. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75QC59i-dIY) A red soapstone pipe peeks over his tall collar, spilling a thin line of green smoke into the air. Nestled under the brim of his hat are beady bright eyes that seem out of place compared to the oily black hair that frames them on either side.

Til baka í innlegg þitt, karlar! He barks from around his pipe. Það er enn mikið verk að vinna! Leyfa mér að höndla þetta Tundýrlingur.

The man glides up to Howls, his feet obscured by the hem of his overcoat. His hands are tucked into his pockets. He adresses the Lunar in heavily accented Riverspeak. 'Allo, Chosen of the Moon. Mine name is Arvid Stjörnur. Are you the one Kynsi has come to retrieve?


The Abyssal's sword strikes true, severing one of the lines and tangling itself on the cord. His katana cuts deep, hacking the cable cleanly in two.

Across the hilltop Kynsi launches a scything kick at one of the cables, snapping it off from the ground. With three cables released, the entire Airboat begins to rise, lifting higher into the air as it's sails fill with the Northern Wind. The final cable begins to uproot it's anchor from the earth, flicking stones into the air as the cold steel bends and cracks under the pressure. It snaps, and the moment of its final fracture hangs in the air.

Until the silence is pierced by Talon Who Rends Flesh From Spirit's cry as she leaps for the last cable. She digs her fingers into the rough hemp and clings to it as the ship begins to rise into the cloudless Northern Sky. The forest, and the Fair Folk that rampage through it, begins to fall away until it becomes a carpet of green, brown and white.

The Exalted are safe, and heading East.

2015-01-28, 12:38 PM
Kraguri begins to climb, but a buffet of wind from the ship careens him wildly, and he is forced to rely on both hands. Then he reaches up and continues to climb.

Meanwhile Nakru (Currently beside himself) (http://images5.fanpop.com/image/answers/2571000/2571928_1333580317122.36res_500_281.jpg)flings a tendril of flesh upward, but it doesn't stick to the hemp.

Hiding Dragon
2015-01-31, 01:40 PM
No I can,t say that I am my ally Kraguri is the one she seeks but she has found his in the middle of our quest.
Howls coughs for he is tried and needs of rest
Good sir may I ask if there is a place for me to rest prehaps some food and drink? I quite tried from my battle.
Howls smiles a large toothy smile and extends his hand in friendship.

2015-02-01, 04:18 PM
The Haslanti Airboat

Arvid Stjörnur nods. You're ally, you say--

Just then Kraguri hauls himself over the Airboat's railing. The crewmen on the deck shout in alarm and leap backwards, some of them drawing their weapons. The Abyssal's shadowed arm still thrashes and whips at the air around it, and the effect Kraguri and his bleeding caste mark have on the Haslanti is obvious.

Captain Arvid takes out his pipe and swears in Skytongue. What... is he? He asks Howls.

Hiding Dragon
2015-02-01, 06:26 PM
Hes Abyssal obviously duh. Our quest is to cure him and hes my friend! so if you have a problem please do tell me
Howls pokes the captain in the chest and looks at him with the face of " whatcha going to do about it"
Now about the rest I requested

2015-02-02, 12:53 AM
Kraguri nods towards, howls, the barrels past the crew to the opposite end where Kynsi is climbing. Reaching down with his shadow arm, he heaves her up with very little difficulty, and when she is about to the top, he extends his unchanged arm out to her to let her up.

Wish you would hurry, these so called friends of yours are about to shoot me in the back any second.

2015-02-02, 01:21 AM
Kynsi takes Kraguri's hand. Don't worry, I'm coming.

Captain Arvid stares blankly at Howls. His eyes are dull and blank as he takes a long drag from his pipe. He pops open his collar just long enough to exhale a cloud of greenish smoke into the Lunar Exalted's face before turning on his heel and gliding towards where Kraguri is hauling Rends up over the railing.

You forget yourself, Tundýrlingur, he calls back. You may be a living saint, Chosen of the Moon and kin to Gerd Marrow-Eater, but I am the captain of this ship. I suggest you remember that, Howls At Shadows. Then, to his crewmen: Menn! Taktu Tundýrlingurin neðan þilfar og sjá til þess að hann recieves mat og drykk. Hann er heiður gestur, og þú munt fram við hann sem slíkt.

The crew members eagerly rush forward, ushering Howls below decks.

The tall Haslanti man walks over to Kraguri and his Mate. Kynsi. I see your labors have borne fruit. A faint smile graces his lips as he looks the Abyssal up and down.

Kynsi grins back. 'Borne fruit'? That kind of language is a bit above your pay grade, friend!

The captain claps Kynsi on the shoulder and gives her a shake. He then turns to Kraguri and peers at him with amused eyes. Ah, a fine specimen. In all my years, I never thought I'd see a tamed Deathknight. Now tell me, what is this man's name?

2015-02-02, 01:36 AM
Tamed by my own will, thankfully for you mortal.

Kraguri then feels a very loud voice nearby, moreover he hears it within his head, and then remembers. Looking down at his shadow arm he then slowly looks over to where a rope is still overboard.

Excuse me captain, but my sword is in need of me at this time...

Rushing over to the rope where Nakru hangs, he wrenches hard. The rope lashes up above all their heads, and then a scabbard partially undrawn, with tendrils of flesh covering where the blade might be, falls towards the deck. Before it can fall though Kraguri catches the handle and shoves the butt of the scabbard's end into the deck, closing it and ending the shadowy mass of an arm, leaving in its stead a pale arm covered in tattoos of deep black.

Hiding Dragon
2015-02-02, 10:30 AM
Howls allows himself to be lead down below decks.
ah man I wished I had plenty of mortal maids to my self or maybe elemental.... maids
Howls mumbles to himself

2015-02-02, 10:35 PM

The Airboat's interior is cramped and hot, consisting of a network of rectangular passageways interspersed with curtained walls that divide off side rooms. Eventually the six Haslanti crewmen lead Howls to a larger chamber clustered with barrels. A large Haslanti man, devoid of the coverings that the other crewmen wear, stands over a small iron oven. The crewmen call out to him and he shoots back a look of annoyance that quickly disintegrates when he spots the Lunar in their midst.

In a matter of seconds the man is before Howls, bent down on one knee like a pious knight. "Tundýrlingur," he says in stunted Riverspeak, "how might I be of service?"


As Kraguri is otherwise occupied with retrieving his blade (and nagging companion), Kynsi makes his introduction for him. His name is Kraguri.

She does a quick double-take when her eyes land on Nakru for the first time. Before she can even comprehend what she is seeing the sword is sheathed once more. Unbeknownst to her, her wounds have begun to bleed freely once more.

And I'm sure... he's really... happy... to see... The Lunar drifts off as she succumbs to her wounds; her eyes roll back in her head and her knees buckle. For a split second she is falling backwards.

And then Captain Arvid puts an arm behind her back and holds her against his shoulder, keeping her on her feet. Kraguri, he says with steel in his voice, your Mate appears to be in need of medical attention. What in Creation happened down there?

2015-02-03, 10:34 AM
Damnable Fair Folk as usual!

Kraguri rushes over to his mate, and takes her from the captains arms.

Where is the nearest medical treatment?!?

Kraguri looks down at his mate, suprised to see how much damage she took.

Hiding Dragon
2015-02-03, 01:30 PM
Ah yes my good lad I am Howls and (Howls pats him on the head) I would like some food and drink perhaps some strong hearty stuff oh yes and..
Howls looks at the man and maybe sees a story
Tell me your story uh
Howls makes the hand gesture for a name.

2015-02-03, 07:10 PM

Where is the nearest medical treatment?!?

The captain grimaces. My ship has a surgeon. Come, we will take her there. The captain ushers Kraguri below decks. He shouts a command to his crewmen in Skytongue and they hustle back to their posts.

Howls At Shadows

Tell me your story uh...

"My name is Merry Pelican, Tundýr Howls." The large man sits down on a barrel after fixing Howls up with a mug of stew. He nods to the mug, encouraging the Lunar to drink. "But you can just call me Merry." And so the man leads into a long and colorful story of childhood, heartbreaks, and cooking.


Two figures stand atop a thin brass catwalk. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y10sAvOCo9k) Unfolding before them is a tapestry that defies comprehension. Woven of infinite threads that shift and turn like a great nest of serpents, this masterpiece is but a small section of a greater work. The majority of the threads that writhe below the figures are blue and white, with some occasional spots of green and brown and silver. On the right side of the chamber several threads drop slack and darken, casting the entire Eastern side of the room into a bottomless shadow.

A half-dozen spiders the size of small dogs patrol the vast tapestry. Their bodies are built of brass and orichalcum, studded with hundreds of glass lenses that function as eyes. The spiders fall upon any knots they find in the tapestry and untangle them with precise, needle-like fangs.

The taller of the two figures stands shrouded in a cloak as black as pitch. Over her face sits a wooden mask in the shape of tengu, with a long nose and a wide smile. One of the masks eye holes is sealed and offers no glimpse of the eye behind it. The other is set with a brilliant red ruby the size of a silver dinar. The creature beside her is half her height, a bipedal squirrel-like god (http://i1231.photobucket.com/albums/ee508/Kymme777/Selective%20Mutism%20God_zps24swntwu.png) with a wooden mask of its own. The two of them are currently watching the progress of a new thread; one of bright yellow intertwined with red, blue, and green.

"Their journey appears to be progressing just as planned, my Lady." The squirrel-like god quips, glancing expectantly at his companion. His bushy tail swishes from side to side.

"Indeed," she replies. Her voice is raspy and hoarse, but possesses a youthful air to it all the same. "Let us be off. There are many more wheels that must be set in motion."

She takes as step towards the exit of the catwalk and has suddenly crossed half the chamber. The small god has to sprint to avoid being left behind. "Y-yes, my Lady," he says between breaths.

The Pattern Spiders continue their tireless and thankless work. They mustn't rest or tire, for their work is the most important work in all of Creation. They mustn't grow lax in their duties, for if they do all of Creation will fall.

They have promises to keep. And miles to go before they sleep.

And miles to go before they sleep.

~ending theme~ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75kJb_aAvKY)

2015-02-03, 07:40 PM
~begin intermission~

Onboard the Haslanti Airboat known as The Plummeting Albatross, Somewhere over the White Sea

It has been two days since the three Exalted boarded the ship. The sky is hidden by a thick veil of clouds that the Airboat's highest sails barely skim. The endless expanse of the White Sea stretches out beneath the Airboat in all directions, the same bleached color as the clouds. Only occasional spots of blue mark the places where the ice (and clouds) end and the water (and sky) begins.

The Albatross rumbles at it enters another bank of cold air. Some of the crewmen in the other rooms murmur quietly, but none raise their voice. The Captain is meeting with his guests.

Captain Arvid sits across from Kraguri, Howls, and Kynsi, his feet kicked up on thick wooden desk. Even within the ship he does not take off his long coat. His hat, however, sits on a bent and rusted hook on one side of the room. Without the hat's support Captain Arvid's hair cascades all around his face. Every few minutes he pauses to push it away from his eyes. The desk has been cleared off to make room for a cloth tafl board (http://www.gamesmuseum.uwaterloo.ca/VirtualExhibits/Vikings/Tafl/viking/overhead.jpg) which is pinned down on all four corners by thin knives. The pieces lay scattered across the desk, and a few sit on the floor.

The Captain folds his arms behind his head, resting on his hands. So, he begins. Kraguri and Howls. What is this little mission of yours, exactly?

Hiding Dragon
2015-02-05, 10:29 AM
It none of your dam business and hey get a hair cut!
Howls crosses his arms and gives him a pissed off look.

2015-02-05, 10:52 AM
Kraguri peeks scoldingly over at his pal. Then looks the Captain in the eyes with exhaustion.

Our mission is to reverse the Darkness in both me and Howls own Abyssal Mate with a strange item that was propheted have a some part of it in the East. Which reminds me, we would like to know where in damn creation we are actually going, because it seems you want to take us just into the North East of Creation, and not really into the actual east!

Kraguri folds his arms.

Also i do hope this is not a trick to get us to my mates master, which would be a foul trick.

2015-02-05, 12:24 PM
Our mission is to reverse the Darkness in both me and Howls own Abyssal Mate with a strange item that was propheted have a some part of it in the East. Which reminds me, we would like to know where in damn creation we are actually going, because it seems you want to take us just into the North East of Creation, and not really into the actual east!

Kynsi springs forward in her chair and looks towards Kraguri. So, you're trying to redeem yourself? That's awesome!

The Captain leans in, resting his elbows on the desk. Your question is easy to answer. I'm taking you three to Smoke Spring Greenfield. We're about eight days away from it and making good progress. After that, I'm not sure. Kynsi still has her mission, and I imagine she'll probably take you to Twisted Stone.

The Lunar blushes and inches away from the other two Exalted as he says this.

Also i do hope this is not a trick to get us to my mates master, which would be a foul trick.

It's not a trick! Kynsi snaps. Gerd Marrow-Eater still needs your help, Kraguri. It's my duty as his student to complete this mission. And who knows? Maybe he'll be able to help you two on your mission.

Hiding Dragon
2015-02-05, 02:07 PM
But that totally out of our way and who is this master of yours I bet hes some old codger with wink old face that Rends changes his old man diapers.
Howls sticks out his touge and stands up flips over his chair and goes to the door way
Thanks captain for the information I am greatful and Rends
Howls glares at rends
I could beat him if I wanted but I rather not kill a a feeble old man who trains inexperienced students.
and with that Howl leaves the room and makes his way to Merry his new best friend.

2015-02-06, 11:42 AM
Kraguri gains a even more exhaustion as Howls pulls his bark off. Then as he leaves Kraguri puts his head in his hands, and sighs deeply. Looking back up from his position he looks over at his mate.

If you cannot give us the mission's details now, then I doubt it will be worth it. I wish no harm upon your master, but we can not allow time to seep into the hands of my old masters. The longer time goes, the more opportunities the will have to kill Howls, and take me back for retraining. Even now they most likely know of our plan, and at a single glance, my master can see through my eyes. There is only one hope of safety, to keep on the move...

2015-02-06, 12:19 PM
Captain Arvid whistles as Howls storms off. He is lucky that most of my crew do not speak the language of the Scavenger Lands. They hold great respect for Gerd Marrow-Eater, and would not tolerate such insults. He leans forward. I, however, know that it is not wise to anger one of the Tundýrlingur. He stops, turning his gaze to Kynsi.

The Lunar is seething with rage, the bristles of her mohawk standing on end like the the barbs of a morningstar. She stares into Kraguri's eyes with a gaze that could boil water.

Three. Days. Give me three days. Once we land I will take you to Twisted Stone, you can meet with Gerd, and then you can be on your way. You seem to think that I know what my Sensei has planned, but I don't. But I think he is wise. I trust his judgement. He knows that you are pursued. He knows that it would be dangerous for you to linger anywhere.

2015-02-06, 03:38 PM
Kraguri stands and then takes his leave of the room. Scaling the nearest stair he opens a hatch to the deck and climbs out. Looking around, he finds it bare enough, so he closes the hatch behind him and sits in the middle of the deck, lays back, and stares up into the giant balloon above him.

These days seem to be getting longer Nakru.

Nakru rattles a few times, before responding

~And my insides seem to be getting deeper, a wish a mortal might come along one day, Khekhekhe.~

Kraguri shakes his head, and takes out his mask, feeling its edges, each of which is burned into his memory after his many lonely nights.

2015-02-07, 12:00 AM
The Plummeting Albatross continues it's journey Eastwards. As Kraguri reclines on the Airboat's deck he hears whispering (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxj4yhoOTN4); some sort of faint song drifting on the winds. Though, perhaps it is but an echo.

~end intermission~

~eight days later~

~opening theme~ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9mvQneHEws)

The Plummeting Albatross soars through another layer of clouds, parting the fluffy white wall like a ship cutting through waves. The crew's vision is obscured as the mist washes over them, coating everyone above decks with a thin layer of morning dew. Captain Arvid stands at the prow of his vessel, beside his three Exalted passengers.

Emerging from beneath the clouds you are greeted by a bizarre sight: a row of turf-roofed houses (http://i.imgur.com/aGdPl.jpg) nestled into a patch of grass--a small farm, indeed--that sits in the shadow of a rocky outcropping. A curtain of mist brings your attention to a small hotspring behind the buildings, close to the tall rock. A dozen people sit in the pool of water, no doubt enjoying some respite from the cold. One of them spots the Albatross and calls out. In a few moments the entire group is waving at the Airboat as it passes overhead. Some of the crew-members wave back from their positions along the hull and sails, calling down greetings in Skytongue. As soon as the farm vanishes from sight beneath the ship you spot another one... and another... and more and more farms dotting the tundra like a green-and-white quilt.

And then the Albatross glides over the edge of an abrupt cliff and you see it.

Smoke Spring (http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs50/f/2009/257/f/c/fc3c4c09b9d263e2d9398081ed33778d.jpg) Greenfield (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75QC59i-dIY)

Stretched through the canyon's interior is an entire village of houses much taller and larger than the farmhouses you passed over before. These buildings stand three stories on average, with bridges connecting their roofs to one another. The whole village is bustling with people. From your lofty viewpoint you see children playing in the streets, men and women walking on the boardwalks, and the occasional oxen-pulled cart. Further down a yeddim (http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs12/f/2006/340/2/4/Exalted_2nd_Ed___Yeddim_by_chriss2d.jpg) trods through the street, laden heavily with boxes and barrels and reams of cloth; no doubt some merchant's beast of burden.

With an upraised hand and shouted Skytongue commands, Captain Arvid guides the Airboat down into a clearing on the eastern side of the greenfield. There stands a mooring post, emerging from a wooden shack like a spear stuck in a corpse. The Plummeting Albatross glides up to the mooring post and the crewmen in the rigging affix heavy ropes around it. The Airboat is moored.

His work done, Captain Arvid signals for his men to cast down the rope-bridges. As they do so he turns to his passengers.

It appears that our journey together ends here. I am happy to have aided you all - even you, Howls At Shadows. I wish all of you luck in your quest. He steps up to Kraguri and places a silver coin in his hand. This, he explains, is a token of trust. If you ever find yourself without the companionship of a Tundýrlingur and have need of the League, simply show this to a Haslanti. Man, woman, child, it does not matter. All know what it means. And Howls, he walks over to the Lunar, here is my pipe. He presents the Lunar with his soapstone smoking pipe, freshly cleaned and full to the brim with greenvine. It will burn most anything. I hope it serves you well.

Talon Who Rends Flesh From Spirit rolls her eyes at the Captain's parting gifts. Arvid, you brown-noser! Trying to give gifts to the new guys so you can get on their good side? She folds her arms. Didn't work on me, probably won't work on them.

Hiding Dragon
2015-02-07, 12:52 AM
Howls looks at the pipe that was handed him and closely examines it and and then sticks the pipe in his mouth. he lights it on fire with a blue flame from his finger and takes inhumanly long drag and looks the the sky in remembrance .Then releases the smoke in the air.Tears prick Howls eyes then quickly wipes them away before anyone can see the Unmanly tear.
Thank you I will always keep this by my heart King of the sky I repay this immediately.
Then Howls flares out his tails and pulls out ten sliver hairs and his fingertips glow blue.Howls straighten out the hairs into needles and hands the captain the needles.
May our paths pass once more ya know after our quest.
Howls turns and starts walks slowly and climbs down the rope ladder a smoke trail follows him and his tails swishes back and fourth in enjoyment of the smoke.

2015-02-09, 02:20 PM
Kraguri checks his inventory (coat, sword, nakru, clothes, mask, bluuuuuuuuuuuh), and decides. Taking off his coat he hands it over to the captain.

Well... you may need to wash it, but it is a good coat, durable, and apparently fashionable to one of the most fashion focused deathlords in the underworld...

Taking out a small loop of leather, Kraguri makes a necklace peice out of the coin, and then puts it around his neck.

A present for a humble gift, I guess that will do.

2015-02-09, 11:17 PM
Thank you I will always keep this by my heart King of the sky I repay this immediately.

Captain Arvid takes Howls' offerings and places them in one of his jacket's many pockets. Thank you, Howls At Shadows. He bows to the Lunar.

Well... you may need to wash it, but it is a good coat, durable, and apparently fashionable to one of the most fashion focused deathlords in the underworld...

A-ah, yes. For the first time in ten days the Haslanti's stoic facade cracks. He takes the coat gingerly from Kraguri and rests it over his shoulder. Thank you, Kraguri.


Talon Who Rends Flesh From Spirit whistles when she spies Kraguri's coat-less body. Her eyes linger on the musculature of his back and unclad chest. Seems you were right, Arvid. 'A fine specimen, indeed'. The captain claps her on the back and they share a quick embrace. Arvid murmurs something to her, but Kraguri cannot understand the words.

Kynsi steps away from the captain and punches him in the arm. Arvid winces, but he is smiling as he rubs his bicep. Then they part, the captain to his ship and crew, and Kynsi to her Mate.

Well, Kraguri? You ready to go? Kynsi is grinning from ear to ear.


The field beneath the Albatross is humming with activity. Men in Haslanti military fatigues as well as workmen from the village hustle to and from the wooden tower to the Airboat's ladders. The majority of them communicate in Skytongue, but one of them (no doubt an officer of some description (http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/228/1/f/Monster_Hunter___Jury__by_Endling.jpg)) approaches Howls and calls out in Riverspeak. Hello, Tundýrlingur! She rests her left hand hand on the hilt of her reaper daiklaive and cheerfully offers her right.

Hiding Dragon
2015-02-10, 12:55 AM
Interesting choice in weaponry child
Howls eyes dimly glow a threatening blue.Howls does not take her hand and lands hard on the ground.
What is your name child?
His pipe still burns and smoke turns blueish with each inhale and gets darker and darker with each passing moment not know if this stranger is friend or foe.

2015-02-10, 10:19 PM

The young woman seems taken aback by Howls sudden hostility. Her hand drops to her side. "Its just a daiklaive. Not that 'interesting'. You, on the other hand..." She pinches her chin between her thumb and forefinger, humming to herself, peering at Howls.

"Name's Carlia, by the way." She speaks absentmindedly, still engrossed in watching Howls. Carlia paces around Howls like a circling shark, a faint smile on her lips.

It's somewhat difficult to make out at first, but as she moves you can clearly see that this woman is more than she appears. You feel a bizarre twinge in your heart, the same that you felt when you first met Rends. This woman... she is your kin.

Hiding Dragon
2015-02-11, 12:36 AM
Howls is taken back by this lady lunar and tears flow freely his eyes dim to a soft comforting glow.Howls ponces at her and wraps his arms and all nine tails in a loving huge.The pipe clatter to the ground as Howls starts to speak.
F-F-Forgive my sister for my heart is clouded I trust no one.
Howls steps away from her.
My Quest ....my damnable quest It brings me so much woe all I want is my love and help my only close friend back all is want is peace and love is that so much to ask for!? My mind My mind it hurts why sister why! I just want it to end.
Howls grabs his head and shakes his head wildly tear re flows stronger his mind is on fire also all the ground and his tails his eyes glow wild fiery blue.
Howls roars to the heavens flames engulfs his arms the uncontrolled essence fires burns his arms.He screams turns into pain and sadness then he shots a rolling flame ball at a random direction trying not to hit any one or building.

2015-02-11, 01:00 AM
The Haslanti men on the ground run for cover as the air around Howls explodes into azure flame. Crates, crossbows, and cloth all fall to the ground as the mortals race to escape the Exalt's sorrowful wrath. Howls' anima bursts into life, his caste mark flashing and seething on his forehead. A ghostly fox howls mournfully beneath a full moon.

Kynsi glances over the edge of the Plummeting Albatross. Carlia, what did you do to him? She shouts down.

Carlia leaps away from Howls the moment he loosens his grip on her, unsheathing her daiklaive as she flips backwards. I don't know! But if we don't stop him now he's gonna--

Before anyone can react, Howls has loosed a ball of fire directly upwards. The blue flame seems to keen softly as it strikes the underside of the Albatross. A heartbeat afterwards the flame explodes, showering everyone below with bits of burnt wood and scorched metal Even though the ship's substructure is built of feathersteel, the wooden paneling (and cloth rigging) catch fire quickly, until nearly the entire underside of the gondola is aflame.

--break something.

The Albatross is lifted a couple feet in a split second, tossing those still on board into the air before sending them crashing down to the deck.

Have a Hero Point, both of you. Kraguri, make me a reflex save.

2015-02-12, 11:43 AM
As the Airship is rocked, Kraguri puts an arm around his mates shoulders and crooks the other arm around the railing.


Hiding Dragon
2015-02-13, 02:47 PM
Howls hears his friends voice and it sounds like a roaring heroic voice of solar and breifly sees a solar.
Howls essence disappers and falls to the ground his tails wrap around his body and makes a caccon a spike one at that

2015-02-14, 08:28 PM
Onboard the Albatross

The Plummeting Albatross lists to the side slightly, still prevented from floating away by a thick rope.

Kynsi clings to Kraguri, barely avoiding a fall from the Airboat's deck. From below-decks comes a fuming Captain Arvid, coat hanging loosely about his shoulders. His hat has been discarded, and his every hair seems to be standing on end. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!? His speech is peppered with Skytongue curses, and he shouts for his crew to get back onto their feet. He shoots Kraguri a look that could curdle milk. He is your friend, is he not?! THEN CLEAN UP HIS MESS! He turns back to the deck, pulling his fingers through his hair, barking orders and curses at his crewmen.

On the Ground

Luna's BOOBS that's a lot of fire. The woman who introduced herself as Carlia runs to Howls' side, eyes wide with scarried intensity. Hey, man, get up! You can make fire, which means you can put it out, right? The woman pleads with Howls. Please, dude! A lot of people are going to get hurt if we don't do something quickly.

Hiding Dragon
2015-02-15, 01:52 PM
Howls hear the cry's and curses of his own work he wonders if he be better off died in that alley rotting away into nothingness.
.....no....no...NO. NO NO NO!!!!!!
Howls yells at the top of his lungs
I will make right of what I have done!
The cocoon flourish open Howls emerges new found energy flows in him. Howls reaches out to air before him as if there was some thing and grabs it. Its as if a great wind flowed though out the area and each flame vanishes.With renewed courage he turns to his Lunar sister. He runs his hand though his sliver hair.
Uh hey sorry for freaking out on you I just been bottling up some heavy stuff ya know? hey I will be right back am going to say sorry to the captain.
Howls lifts up into the air by his tails and crawls up the ship like a silvery spider.

2015-02-15, 09:03 PM
On the Ground

The fires that blanket the underside of the gondola go out at once, leaving behind pockmarked feathersteel and scorched masts.

Carlia stares, dumbfounded, as Howls pulls himself back onto the airboat.

Onboard the Albatross

Atop the deck, all of the Haslanti airmen have stopped. They peek over the rim of the gondola, looking for signs of a fire now extinguished.

Captain Arvid whirls to face Howls, digging through is pockets. Here! He pulls Howls' gift of silver fur from his pocket and casts them onto the deck in front of the Lunar's feet. Take them! I should have known better than to allow one of your kind on my ship! He glares at Kynsi. Talon Who Rends Flesh From Spirit, you are my friend, and so I will forgive you for this. However, you must take your Mate and his friend and get them off of my boat. Now!

Arvid turns his back to the Exalted, walking back to his crewmen.

Hiding Dragon
2015-02-15, 10:48 PM
Lord of the sky am deeply sorry but am not taking my gift back take it as remembrance of me in hate or in happiness after all it is a gift I am sorry once more I hope our paths cross once more and take this.
Howls take off his blindfold and pins it down it the sliver needles/
a gift from a god to exalted to a lord of the sky's.... poetic.I Howls at shadows owe you a great debt
Howls bows and stands up. he touches kraguri and rends shoulder as a sign as they should go then he tail spider climbs off the side of the airship.
He lands on the ground his eyes wide open and looks at Carlia.
man I feel like a abyssals ass right now sooooo. Howl eyes brighten and he smiles. am hungry know any where there good noodles maybe some hard alcohol ? oh maybe some magic lizard piss that would help.

2015-02-17, 03:18 PM
Kraguri scowls, the situation is just getting worse the longer they stay. Now that the ship has stopped, he releases Kynsi, then rights himself. Damnable Mortals...

Probably for the best...

Moving towards the anchoring rope, he leaps over the railing and descends, barely even damaging his hands with the friction. When Kraguri reaches the bottom, he reaches into a wrapping of the overclothes he still owns and picks out a red and white mask, fitting it over his face to hide it from the mortals around him. Damnable mortals indeed.
Looking up, Kraguri is reminded of the harshness of the bright day. Tilting his mask so that it shades his eyes from the sun, he crosses his arms and waits for Kynsi.

2015-02-18, 12:37 PM
Kynsi slides down the ladder to Kraguri, leaving her friend behind. She tips her chin in curiosity as her Mate dons his mask, but remains silent. That is, until she spots Carlia. Carlia, why are you here!? Last I saw you, you were out on the White Sea with a squadron of Ice-Skimmers. What's brought you to Smoke Springs?

Carlia frowns, flicking her silver daiklaive back into its sheath. Gerd. He contacted me while I was out at sea and told me to find you. I knew you were heading back to this Greenfield, so I figured I'd just stroll over, sample the local delicacies, and wait for you and yours to arrive. She glances at Kraguri, still frowning. Who're you? I didn't expect Kynsi to come home with two men.

2015-02-18, 02:56 PM
A vein behind Kraguri's mask twitches in his forehead. (http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTjfvrCJWF3kRx59B7UYDNOPLqk_-C7RZdUzIcGBLmEpYvDb8OedA:www.pics4world.com/vb/imgcache/2/4585showing.png) Then he looks into this womans face and dips his head slightly.

Kraguri, an acquaintance to the lunars both before you, one more sentimental than the other.

Lifting back up his head he eyes this woman, she seems fairly more decked out than the average mortal. Kraguri concentrates a moment, and his eyes turn a lighter shade of red. A definite exaltation is within her he can see.

~Perhaps another lunar, khekhekhe, if only we had a release right here and now, then i would be able to taste more lunar flesh than even back then!~

~You know I can control those urges well enough!~

~Not towards everyone though Khekhekhe!~

2015-02-18, 10:44 PM
On the Ground

Interesting... Carlia nods to herself, glancing between Kynsi and Howls. Her eyes linger on Kynsi for just a little while, and the other Lunar furrows her brow and folds her arms.

Gerd sent you here, then? Why?

Carlia glances around at the now-recovering Haslanti airmen, picking up their fallen tools and bringing themselves back to the task at hand. Some of them watch the four Exalted with wary and frightened faces, but they continue to work nonetheless. Carlia starts moving towards the south side of the greenfield, gesturing for the party to follow.

She leads Kraguri, Howls, and Kynsi to where the greenfield meets the bare rock of the canyon's wall. A narrow path, carved directly into the stone, winds its way up the side of the canyon towards its eastern point. Carlia turns back to the party, biting her lip.

...Wyld tribes. There is a whole pack of them coming in from the East. Gerd's seen them from on high. They're sweeping across the White Sea and they'll be here in just a couple days. Gerd wants you... Carlia stops her eyes darting from Kynsi to Howls to Kraguri. And your two companions to get to Twisted Stone as fast as you can. It's the safest place to be right now. If you go now, you'll be at Twisted Stone a full day before the Horde.

Kynsi stares at her friend, outraged. So that's it? We're just going to run to Twisted Stone with our tails between our legs? Who's going to defend the Greenfield?

Carlia smirks. She tilts her head to the side, puts her left hand on her hip and places the other on the hilt of her daiklaive. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWLO4acMTCM) I like to think I'm more than just a decent messenger, Talon Who Rends Flesh From Spirit. There's no time for parting words. Go.

2015-02-19, 01:32 PM
Kraguri shrugs.

A few mortals, sounds like its more a sport for you more than anything.

Then Kraguri looks out towards the east.

~But if there are Abyssals with them...~

Hiding Dragon
2015-02-22, 02:29 AM
Uh yeah lets go to that place that you just talked about.

Howls starts losing interest in the area around him and starts walking pulling kraguri with him to the path pointed out to him . (YEAH)

2015-02-22, 05:54 AM
Kragur wrenches his arm from Howl's grip, looking annoyed.

I think I am able to walk without needing to be dragged along

Kraguri walks on, wherever the hell they are going.

2015-02-22, 12:41 PM
Kynsi nods to Carlia and sets off behind the duo. As the three Exalted leave her behind, Carlia turns on her heel and begins walking back towards the airfield where Haslanti airmen are still scrambling to refuel and repair the Airboat.

Eventually the cliffside path winds around a corner, and the trio lose sight of what is happening in the Greenfield. After a few more minutes of hastened walking the path ends, and they come spilling out on a bluff overlooking the White Sea. A few miles to the south the land drops away abruptly, and extending further than that is the endless expanse of snow and ice that marks the north-most sea of Creation. To the east the land continues, still bordered on its southern side by the White Sea. On the horizon faint grey clouds stir, spiraling upwards in points like the spears of a great army held aloft. Though they are still a long way off, the Exalted notice their movement: westward, at a rapid pace (http://tommilsom.bandcamp.com/track/wintersong).

Kynsi turns to Howls and Kraguri. We've got a lot of ground to cover, and not much time to do it. Those clouds fly over the Wyld Barbarians, but I'd be surprised if they didn't have outriders or something like that scouring the White Sea already. Be on your guard.

And then she heads out, moving towards the cliffs that mark the edge of the White Sea.

Kraguri + Howls, make me Perception checks.

2015-02-22, 11:36 PM
Kraguri looks back at his mate, then at the clouds she mentioned.

Hm, not the first time I have seen such a sight...

A glazed look comes over Kraguri's eyes as he remembers that day many a long year ago. Then he comes back to reality, in case anyone noticed.

Hiding Dragon
2015-02-22, 11:51 PM
Howls whistles a happy tune of his youth eyes still closed and looks up at the clouds in the sky.
I wonder if that is the smoke of a air dragon who has lost her child....
Howls scratch his chin and continues walking making sure not to get walk near rend since she a silly girl who likes his best friend.
Howls thinks to him self
why kraguri hes a abyssal with some with some serious mental problems it like there nothing going on in his thick skulls and that sword he has not once has howls seen it drawn its horrible cursed howls thinks it a wise idea not to mess with it.

2015-02-23, 05:22 PM
Just South of Smoke Springs Greenfield

Kraguri's eyes, flashing with the intensity of a hardened warrior, catch the silhouette of a bird darting through the clouds overhead. A brown beak and light wings belies a silver eagle, flying much too far from its home amognst the Northern Steppes. The eagle veers to the side, diving... spinning... and vanishing once more, consumed by the clouds. It is flying South.

Howls eyes, blinded by the sun on the snow as they are, do not reveal any creatures hidden in his surroundings. His foxlike ears, however, detect a faint crackling - like ice breaking - all around him and his fellow Exalted.

2015-02-23, 10:36 PM
"Kynsi, do you perhaps know if a nearby lunar is a sliver eagle? Because if not, we may have company soon..."

Kraguri loosens the straps holding Nakru's scabbard, and waits for a response, staring at the place where the eagle vanished, back towards the barbarians.

2015-02-24, 09:22 PM
Wait wha? Kynsi's eyes widen and she glances upwards to look for the eagle Kraguri mentioned. She does not find it, however, and looks back to Kraguri with a furrowed brow.

There's only one Lunar that I know with that kind of animal shape, and if that was him then I'm going to kick his ass the next time I see him.

2015-02-24, 11:00 PM
The chance for that may not be far off, but lets hope he doesn't return, we might have trouble already in our hands. Lets just hope these barbarians are only mortals, rogue lunars and abyssals would not be an upside to this trek.

Kraguri shifts Nakru again in his hands and looks around the lands nearby in case there is a scout not far away.

Hiding Dragon
2015-02-25, 12:22 AM
Hey guys do you hear that ice breaking? maybe a trap is set before us on guard every one!.
Howls fists burst in to Blue flames and his eyes snap open hoping to meet eye contact with the opponent with azure sky eyes that glows. His tail spikes in alarm for danger.

2015-02-26, 10:45 AM
As if on cue, a crackling rumble echoes up from beneath the snow. Furrows appear in the snow all around, like deep wounds. The ground beneath Howls' feet breaks, the ice beneath it having given way. The cracking spreads out in all directions and the whole shelf of snow and ice begins sliding, sending all three Exalted hurtling down the side of the cliffs in an avalanche. The sharp rocks and jagged ice of the White Sea rush up to meet them.

~challenge, joined!~ (https://soundcloud.com/user3311772/monster-hunter-portable-3rd)

Kynsi attempts to spin in the air, kicking off of the falling rocks to try and catch herself on the cliff face. Halfway there, one of the tumbling stones breaks, sending the Lunar back into a free fall. HOWLS! She shouts, her voice ripping through the air. THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS!

Turns out, Howls is gorgeous enough to cause an avalanche. Have a Hero Point, everyone.

This is a skill challenge.It's going to be a DC 30 Toughness check to avoid taking damage at the bottom. You guys have three rounds before you hit the ground. You can make skill checks, DC 20, to reduce the DC of the final toughness check by 5 per success you get. I'll let you use whatever skills that you want, as long as you make a convincing argument for it.

Also, using a skill in this way takes your whole turn.

Kynsi tried to use her Athletics to steady herself, but she didn't quite succeed.

Kraguri, you're up!

2015-02-26, 11:59 AM
Kraguri, watching his friends fall, looks around at his surroundings that fall with them. Seeing a large shard of ice and rock, he allows it to level near to him, and drives his feet as hard as he can into it, pushing him even more quickly towards Kynsi and the water below.


2015-02-26, 12:49 PM
Kynsi attempts to stay still, keeping her limbs outstretched. Kragur manages to close his hand around her wrist and pull her closer to him. The two now spin slowly as they fall.

The faint buzzing in the back of Kraguri's mind flares up and then falls quiet again. Kraguri is at 4 Resonance.

Kraguri succeeds on his Athletics skill check (with a 2 pt stunt to boot!) and successfully reduces the DC of Kynsi's Toughness save to 25.

Howls, it's you're go.

Hiding Dragon
2015-03-05, 12:07 AM
Howls quickly regains focus as he falls and tries to make quick work of the problem. The flames in his hands warp and turn, fusing with his hands to become super heated claws.

Beads of sweat roll down the side of Howls' forehead to keep his trick up. His claws dig into a nearby chuck of falling rock. Howls legs turn into fox hind legs. Small flames flicker around them. Howls starts hopping from rock to rock with dazzling speed. He bites his lower lip and a small drop of blood forms.

It is starting to get a extremely difficult to use his powers in this way, but the thought of death by blood splatter is not very welcoming.

2015-03-05, 11:11 AM
With a burst of Lunar power and some aerial acrobatics, Howls manages to slow his fall. He is still plummeting, quite fast, but now his fall is more controlled.

Kynsi twists in the air, still clutching Kraguri's wrist. The lunges for a large chunk of falling ice, reaching out with her foot in an attempt to push off from it. However, she only succeeds in kicking the block away, uselessly.

Howls' check + a 2 pt stunt is enough to reduce the DC of his toughness check to a 25.

That ends round 1.

Kynsi doesn't quite roll high enough (even with a 2 pt stunt) to meaningfully effect her fall. Her DC remains at 25.

2015-03-05, 12:08 PM
Kraguri cringes as he holds up Nakru

...You had better not.~

Kraguri prepares...

~Ikuma, you had better not...~

Then he jabs half of the scabbard into the rock/ice wall closest to them.

"NOT IKUMA, YOU DAMNABLE SWORD" (insert Kraguri's face here) (http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR9KGlDi9rw7-hOn7TFoUW_tJ8ZNSRbnMMNdoLAQPukoIsF8YRd3TJLKg) (he does shout this out normally)

~YOU HOLY PIECE OF FILTH!! (http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQlXkuN4EbPYPTYnDy0w1ngNFZU5kFJv J_a0hWTP9Q3JdpFvmKvTA:wallpaperest.com/wallpapers/hyakko-face-anger_771765.jpg)~

The scabbard bites into the wall, slowing down Kynsi's and Kraguri's fall.

2015-03-05, 12:57 PM
Nakru's sheath bites into the icy cliff, carving a deep furrow into the bluish grey rock. Just as Kraguri and Kynsi are beginning to slow they pass over a lip in the rock. The force of their fall jolts Nakru and sends the two Exalted (with sword in tow) back into the air.

Kraguri's 2 pt stunt successfully reduces Kynsi's Toughness save to a 20. Good work! The anime faces are a nice touch, as always.

Howls, your go!

Hiding Dragon
2015-03-08, 12:39 AM
Howls thinks of a better idea and lets his focus slip away from his shape. Then he surges with power. His eyes turn bright blue, his caste mark shows and a silver bonfire glows around him. His anima flairs up and a large and beautiful fox howls at the moon. Howls yells in Old Realm: "Come forth gods of the earth, I demand your answers! Come forward to protect us with your power!" Howl then focuses all of his essence in his right hand, moves towards the debris, and touch it.

2015-03-08, 04:49 PM
The cliffside surges to meet the Lunar's call, eager to prove themselves obedient to a Steward of Creation. Ice morphs to water and back into ice, forming a wide bowl around the three Exalted. Fingers of stone emerge from the cliff's face, shattering on the ice and slowing their fall. All the frigid spirits of the White Sea sing their wintry songs in a great chorus (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWqnU5lFksA) as the Exalted fall, still quickly, but not quite as fast as before.

Kynsi holds Kraguri tight about the chest, her eyes narrowed into reptillian slits as she maneuvers them closer to Howls' great shield of ice.

Howls' check (which is also a 2 pt stunt, btw) is way more than enough to reduce everybody's Toughness saves down by 5. This puts Kynsi's save at DC 15, Kraguri's save at DC 25, and Howls' save at DC 20.

Kynsi goes after that, further reducing her save to DC 10.

If you guys want to, we can skip to the three Exalted landing and making their Toughness checks. You're choice.

2015-03-10, 10:50 AM
Kraguri looks at the upcoming water with distaste. He turns his mate so that she is above him, and puts a bent leg between them.

"See you on the other side!"

Then kicks as hard as he can, shoving his mate upward, hopefully to lower her momentum, shooting himself down with even greater force.

Don't know if there is sacrificing of my toughness for her toughness, but if there is, then this would be a perfect moment for it!
Close Combat 20

2015-03-20, 11:18 AM
Kraguri's body goes limp as he looks at the upcoming shrapnel of ice, earth, and churning waters, and blinks. First impaled by a large shard of ice, breaking that with the force of his fall, and then colliding with a dense rock, cratering and cracking it into two. Then Kraguri rolls off of that with many a crunch and a crackle, his abdomen ripped open in several places and a missing shoulder, and then he disappears behind a grouping of rubble.

Only several moments later though a blast of darkness emanates from where he disappeared, and just visible in the cloud is a bone plated arm clawing at a floating chunk of ice, then a large form rising from the spot, hidden mostly by the fumes, and then it crumbles and Kraguri emerges, rotating his shoulder and balancing himself on the ice he stands on.

Dooble Posting OP, nat winning toughness check.

Hiding Dragon
2015-03-24, 01:18 PM
Howls lands down on the stoney earth in a elegant 8 point landing using his sliver colored tails.

2015-03-24, 11:02 PM
Kynsi shouts something to Kraguri as he kicks her away, but her voice is lost to the wind and the shattering ice. As Howls' shield shatters and he and Kraguri tumble to the ground, the lady Exalt spins through the air above them. Her legs morph, twisting into vicious grey talons and muscular, scaled flesh. With a flash of silver light she lands atop a boulder, having taken the form of a massive grey clawstrider. She barks (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwr0NFdTAho) at the party in a reptilian tongue, then leaps over them and begins weaving through the rubble left by the cliff's collapse.

What was once jagged rocks and knife-edged ice has become packed snow and shattered boulders. The entire field at the base of the cliff has been rent asunder by the falling earth and ice. Here and there, dark spots rapidly spread through the snow: places where the shore of the White Sea has been broken.

As she walks, Kynsi slowly transitions back into her human form, until she is walking barefoot on the snow of the White Sea. Hey! She turns to look over her shoulder. We've still got to get to Twisted Stone. Come on! Thanks to the little avalanche stunt, we've shaved off about an hour of climbing.

As he absorbs the trauma of impact, a familiar buzzing returns to Kraguri's mind.

Gain 1 point of Resonance.

2015-03-25, 11:29 AM
Damnable north

Kraguri mutters this under his breath, leaping from boulder to boulder to ice chunk to follow her. Attempting to keep up.

~Keh Keh Keh, if only i could consume it all.~

Hiding Dragon
2015-04-06, 01:19 PM
Yes we must move quickly I don,t feel comfortable with what just happened and am rather tired from using so much of my essence.
Beads of sweat fall down howls head. Howls looks and waits for a answer from Rends to tried to sneer or be mean right now Howls is hopeing to get to a soft bed soon.

2015-04-08, 09:57 PM
The White Sea

Clouds roll down from the North (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_er0ESaErU), hanging low and grey with snow. They seem to expand to fill up the whole sky as the three Exalted venture forward to Twisted Stone. Eventually snow begins to fall, in thin palm-sized flakes. The flakes clump together on the heads and shoulders of the three, and Kynsi occasionally stops to thrash furiously in an effort to cast off the snow.

Before long the whole world begins to grow dark as night falls over the White Sea. Kynsi's eyes scan the horizon, darting from place to place with every step. After a few minutes of searching she spots a place where the snow rises into a small hill. She points towards it, addressing Howls and Kraguri. I think I see some rocks poking out of the snow over there - there's probably a cave or something we could rest in for the night. Whatta ya guy's think?

2015-04-09, 04:23 PM
Kraguri frowns at the hill/possible cave. (http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSwpuezWRavt3hE4gvjVGwEulNLbDDUj ByxEOyBiGzRYrs0X6wKCg:i1039.photobucket.com/albums/a479/Keyblade474/Evil%2520Joey/JoeyWheelerEvilScowl.jpg)

What if there is something in the cave, or possibly if something passes by that seeks shelter as well? Even an outrider stopping for a piss could find us with one chance glance.

~Then we eat it of course, Khe Khe Khe (http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRNcX4N5_pJIUG2PfuKLXVCXPvjfmoyq hdoufP8LmF_FFTEdrwQlw:static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/shion_laughing_3622.jpg)~

2015-04-12, 09:57 PM
If there's something in the cave, we can kill it. Kynsi flashes Kraguri a confident, fang-toothed grin. And once we're in I can weave an glammer that will cover the entrance. Lunars, especially Lunars of my caste, are pretty good with illusions. The No-Moon caste mark on her forehead flickers faintly, as if to illustrate her point.

Hiding Dragon
2015-04-13, 06:20 PM
I seriously don,t care I just want to rest my head right now and if there is something in there hopefully we can eat it
Howls pops his back making unsettling noise and gives out a Hmph and starts walking onward

2015-04-14, 12:35 PM
Fine, might as well, I could use some rest.

Kraguri starts forward, a fake face of being okay with the situation plastered on the skin of his face. (https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSYSxIXOdeiCp39pbd3mriclXn24nlO3 95FcFzp3Xl2u1DSU7JV)

~Liar, khekhekhe (http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/31018470/images/1395599535520.jpg)~

2015-04-15, 10:55 AM
The White Sea

Thanks. I think we could all use some rest about now. Kynsi waits, watching Kraguri and Howls move towards the hill. Then she starts on after them, casting her eyes skyward one more time as night settles over the tundra.

Howls is the first to approach the hill. On the southwestern side the snow thins, revealing large grey rocks partially embedded in the snow. At first blush it doesn't appear to be anything more than a couple big rocks. But then Howls' ears twitch as he detects a faint breeze emanating outward from the rocks. Then his eyes begin to adjust, and he spots a narrow opening where two of the larger boulders run together. A cave entrance.

2015-04-15, 11:21 AM
Kraguri slowly follows Howls, at at a slower pace.

See anything?!

Kraguri calls this to the lunar as he makes it to the hill. Then looks around for any possible enemy.

Perception - 19

Hiding Dragon
2015-04-19, 10:56 PM
I think there a cave hurry up am going to scout it out first
Howls Yells back to his friend.
and hey maybe there be a beast to eat and I would get first dibs on the taste bits
Howls says under his breath and licks his lips before entering the cave with a blue flame in his hand.

2015-04-21, 12:24 PM
The Cave

The light of Howls' Essence-Flame illuminates the cave entrance--it is somewhat larger than it first appeared; large enough to accommodate a short human. With a bit of squeezing, Howls easily fits inside. After the first half-dozen feet the cave begins to widen into a chamber about ten feet across and seven feet high. The walls are rock and ice layered together haphazardly, and the floor is dirt with the occasional pile of rocks where the walls have fallen in.

Then, out of the corner of his eye, Howls spots something. Movement behind one of the rock piles, and a faint rumbling, like a growl. Warily, the Lunar moves over to investigate. He peeks over the rocks and flinches back when a white, four-limbed creature jumps at him. It takes a second for him to realize that the creature standing before him is nothing more than a northern fox (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_jL4zJWMslgc/TRcR-limzDI/AAAAAAAAFP0/65yzW6tJTYY/s1600/Snow_White_Arctic_Fox.jpg), defending it's den. It yips as menacingly as a tiny fox possibly could.

Hiding Dragon
2015-04-21, 12:31 PM
Dam pattern spiders I was hoping you be something tastey
Howls says to himself then he throws the flame in the center of the room it grows larger reassembling a campfire.
Howls then snaps his attention to the fox and kneels down to it and not fearing it will bite Howls hand goes to pet the creature.

2015-04-28, 10:35 PM
Kraguri reaches the incline, and then takes a single leap up to the mouth of the cave, then peers inside, looking for the familiar crazy face of his traveling companion.

Oi, Howls! How far back and down does it go?!

Kraguri waits for a response, sitting down by the entrance as Kynsi slowly joins.

Hiding Dragon
2015-04-29, 09:32 AM
am at the end just come down!
Howls turns his attention to the fox before him.
You a god? maybe a demon who cares.
Howls lays down and cover himself with his tails.

2015-04-30, 09:48 AM
Inside the Cave

Whether or not the fox had any answers for him, Howls doesn't learn. He closes his eyes and allows the warm embrace of sleep to comfort him. The fox yips once and bounds to the other side of the chamber.


Kynsi steps up beside Kraguri, regarding the cave entrance with a raised eyebrow. Any response from our vixen companion?

2015-04-30, 11:30 AM
Kraguri looks up from the cave mouth just as she speaks.

Something abrupt, crazy bastard must be sleeping or eating by now. Either way I suggest you ward now, Ill take first watch, so make sure I cannot be seen, you should probably rest.

He then unstraps Nakru, and ascends the hill to sit atop it, watching the distant horizons and the shadowed terrain.

~Can we find something to eat? You are cruel enough to your loyal weapon! Maybe she would do, possibly add another to your armor perhaps? Khe Khe Khe~

Kraguri holds an expression of annoyance crossed with focus on what is around him, waiting to be cloaked. (http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSHFbZ2D2KoVrxDD4aUVzaIXc3FoqFyL AiNmirAzNTCcPRj--Jt:3.bp.blogspot.com/-AMGJ59ryYCk/UUcMWCLhaRI/AAAAAAAACio/1uMAaXVj59g/s320/angry%25EF%2580%25A2nothappy%25EF%2580%25A2gray.gi f)

2015-05-02, 02:39 PM
As Kraguri ascends the hill Kynsi sets to work weaving her illusion. With a short prayer to the goddess of the Moon the ritual begins.

Over the course of a few minutes Kynsi serenades the winter snows, causing the land around the hill to rise up and bubble in delight. Then, with a dim flash of green energy, the Lunar implants the slightest of Wyld energies into the snow, resolving them into gossamer threads. She twirls the threads over her head, casting them down upon the hill like a net. They settle into place and the glamer of a tall snow dune settles into being.

Her work done, the Lunar ascends the hilltop, sitting down beside her Mate. The two of them sit in silence for a while.

Then, Kynsi speaks. Kraguri, I... I need to know: do you resent me? She laughs sheepishly. I mean--I know I would! Somebody barging into my life and interfering with my goals! Wouldn't you... Sighing, Kynsi wraps her arms around her legs, pulling her knees close to her chest. She stares out at the horizon, looking Southwards. It's a clear night, and through gaps in the clouds the two Exalted can see the moon and the stars. I never figured that I'd find you, or that you'd be this way. I never really put a whole lot of thought into this 'Mate' stuff, anyway. But, since I have found you... where do we go from here? Do we like, get married or somethi--no, that's probably stupid. What do you think?

2015-05-02, 05:30 PM
Kraguri sits in silence for a few moments before sighing a long, deep sigh, and puts a free hand on Kynsi's head.

I see no reason to resent you, if anything I am thankful you arrived, especially since I am almost alone out in this world, even with that fur-for-brains down in that cave.

He then scans the horizon, as part of his watch.

Meanwhile marriage is almost out of the question, I will be hunted either to death or to back into a dark existence, if anything you should attempt to get yourself away from me by a large distance, I can only spread death and pain around me, while what would you do? Take it all because we are apparently brought together by fate? No, you should find a nice life away from me as soon as you can, hell this world is ****** up already, might as well not busy yourself with shortening your existence as it is.

He then looks up to the night sky, a distant shimmer of of the sky signaling an aurora.

Either way, you should head to sleep, you are going to need it more than I already, if we are to get to your master and make it in full strength, both you and him.

Kragri taps Nakru's pommel down twice on the rock as though pointing down where the lunar is asleep.

2015-05-04, 12:12 AM
Something buzzes in the back of your mind, and you think you can hear Nakru laughing. Gain 1 point of Resonance.

Kynsi flinches as Kraguri ruffles her mohawk, but after a few seconds her shoulders slouch and she relaxes.

Meanwhile marriage is almost out of the question, I will be hunted either to death or to back into a dark existence, if anything you should attempt to get yourself away from me by a large distance, I can only spread death and pain around me, while what would you do? Take it all because we are apparently brought together by fate? No, you should find a nice life away from me as soon as you can, hell this world is ****** up already, might as well not busy yourself with shortening your existence as it is.

Kynsi meets her mates eyes, her lips upturned in a smirk, and her eyes narrowed wryly. Kraguri, we are Exalted. I am hunted at all times by the Realm of the Dragonblooded, the Raksha of the Wyld, and all manner of beings godly and fiendish. I will never live a long or nice existence. I'd much rather have a short and exciting one.

Either way, you should head to sleep, you are going to need it more than I already, if we are to get to your master and make it in full strength, both you and him.

You have a point, there. She yawns, stretching her arms out to demonstrate her already-obvious fatigue. I'll leave you to your steadfast watch.

And with that the Lunar stands up and descends the slope of the hill, vanishing into the cave without another word.

The night sky is beautiful. (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2a/Aurora-clouds-and-Senja.jpg) From his lonesome height Kraguri can make out lines of Essence tracing through the air in their great Dragon Lines, known as Auroras to the the people of the North. A quiet sets over the White Sea, despite the approaching clouds from the East. The air is still, and the snow has ceased its falling to leave the frozen tundra is stark relief. All is peaceful in this land, though the months of Wood are approaching and soon enough the tundras will melt away into the sea. It is magnificent to think at how drastically this land will change. The hill of slow and rocks will become an island, the fox that lives within it will seek a new climate to take refuge in. Its fur will darken to a brownish grey and the ice turns to water. And then, just when this land has changed so much that it is, in a way, an entirely new place, it will change again. The frigid airs will blow down from the North and tear the leaves from the trees. Snow will again blanket the land and the White Sea will again turn to ice. The island will become a hill, and the fox will return with fur as pallid as death.

Kraguri shivers, but not from the cold.

~ending theme~ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75kJb_aAvKY)

2015-05-12, 11:50 AM
~opening theme~ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9mvQneHEws)

The White Sea

Kraguri rouses from his watch, his clothes crackling where the cold had frozen them stiff. Surveying the nearby tundra, he finds nothing... save that the tall, spiked storm clouds have moved rapidly during the night. They now hang low in the sky only a few miles to the east of the hill, looming over them like vultures waiting over a dying animal. The morning wind howls, sending up a plume of white snow from the hilltop.

Within the Cave

Howls rises to find Kynsi crouched beside him, one of her toeclaws tapping lightly on the stone of the cavern floor. You're up. Good. She extends a hand to help Howls to his feet. We should be able to make it to Twisted Stone by nightfall, if we hurry. You doing alright? Yesterday was a long day for you. Her tone is frank, but Howls can detect a hint of honest concern.

2015-05-12, 01:35 PM
Kraguri hears the slight mumble of voices from within the cave, then prepares to stand. The standing was the easy part, but as Kraguri begins to stretch several bones pop and muscles noisily stretch like a taught rope that was not properly wound. Nakru in hand, Kraguri belts him and looks around once again.

Damn north, going to freeze my already cold body one of these days and it is gonna be hell to just stretch.

The scabbard at his side seems to bend and the common rattle of Nakru within causes enough disturbance to crack what frost has permeated along the sheath.