View Full Version : Suggestions for an LE Ruby Knight Vindicator

2014-12-18, 06:41 PM
Warning: if any members of my Campaign should notice this thread: Please do not read any further or view the comments. Thank you!

With that Disclaimer out of the way, I need a little help in constructing a Level 15 Lawful Evil Ruby Knight Vindicator NpC. Plan to have her human With the following ability score numbers: 18, 16, 16, 18, 20, 13. I would like for her to be a battlefield controller whose effective commanding soldiers, but also decent on her own. Any Class, Feat, and/or Equipment-item recommendations would be super! Thanks for the help and Merry Christmas/ Happy Hannukah / Happy Kwanza / Merry Solstice / Ect XD.

~Lynx D.

2014-12-18, 06:51 PM
Well, I think the Obvious Solution (TM) is to make a bunch of your pre-RKV maneuvers White Raven ones.

After that, stack on some buffs, like Haste. I think some Warweaver might be nice.

2014-12-19, 02:31 PM
That was, definitely, a strong idea in my mind. What about classes for he build though? Should I go with a Paladin of Tyranny/Crusader combo into RKV? Or, are there better options? Btw, I appreciate the suggestion! Thanks!

~Lynx D.

Red Fel
2014-12-19, 03:28 PM
I generally prefer Cleric entry to Paladin entry, but if you want to be cruel you can take Cleric, grab a dip of Prestige Paladin (adjusted to be a Paladin of Tyranny1) to add Paladin spells to your Cleric list, and just be a monster that way.

As for your ToB chassis, Crusader is obvious. So the question is really how much of which you want under your belt.

The maneuver-heavy option is Cleric 1/ Crusader X/ RKV X. That gets you as much as you'd like, maneuver-wise.

The spell-heavy option is Cleric X/ Crusader 1/ RKV X. That shortchanges you in terms of your maneuvers, but it means that you can DMM Persist buff with the best of them.

The spell-bonus option is Cleric 6/ Prestige PoT 2/ Crusader X/ RKV X. That gives you Cleric casting, Paladin spells, Divine Grace, Special Mount, and so forth. Take as many or as few levels of Crusader as you want before entering RKV.

1 By RAW, both the Prestige Paladin and the Paladin of Tyranny are variants. As the DM, you're entitled to blend the two; frankly, I see no reason that the Prestige Paladin should be LG-exclusive. Note, however, that your players may someday ask for the same treatment.

2014-12-20, 07:35 PM
Alright... After boosting her 3 levels, I decided to write up everything minus her Armor and accessories/items. Tell me what ya think!

Cloistered Cleric 6th
Prestige Paladin (of Tyranny) 2nd
Crusader 3rd
Ruby Knight Vindicator 7th


• Str: 18|+4
• Dex: 16|+3
• Con: 16|+3
• Int: 16|+3
• Wis: 20|+5
• Cha: 18|+4


• Fort – Total: 19 = Base: 13 | Abil: 3 | Magic: | Misc: 3 (Divine Grace)
• Refl - Total: 11 = Base: 5 | Abil: 3 | magic: | Misc: 3 (Divine Grace)
• Will - Total: 19 = Base:11 | Abil: 5 | Magic: | Misc: 3 (Divine Grace)

Touch: | FF:
BaB: 15; 10; 5; 0 | Grapple: 19

+ Ravenous Magebane Jovar|+3 to hit|2d6+4|18-20/x2Crit|Melee|Slashing|Note: When unsheathed from Scabbard of Keen edges; 15-20 Crit. Magebane: adds +2 to hit Vs. Arcane spellcasters w/2d6 extra damage. Ravenous: If striking the Same opponent: every hit after the first adds an additional 2d6.


Scabbard of Keen Edge

-Class Skills- (161 Pts)
• Balance – Dex: 3 | Score: | Rank: 5 | Misc:
• Concentration – Con: 4 | Score: | Rank: 10 | Misc:
• Craft – Dex: 3| Score: | Rank: | Misc:
• Decipher script – Int: 3| Score: | Rank: 6 | Misc:
• Diplomacy – Cha: 4 | Score: | Rank: 6 | Misc:
• Handle animal – Cha: 4 | Score: | Rank: | Misc:
• Heal - Wis: 5 | Score: | Rank: 12 | Misc:
• Hide - Dex: 3 | Score: | Rank: 6 | Misc:
• Intimidate - Cha: 5 | Score: | Rank: 6 | Misc:
• Jump - Dex: 3 | Score: | Rank: 2 | Misc:
• Knowledge arcana - Int: 3 | Score: | Rank: 8 | Misc:
• Knowledge architecture & engineering - Int: 3 | Score: | Rank: 6 | Misc:
• Knowledge dungeoneering - Int: 3 | Score: | Rank: 6 | Misc:
• Knowledge geography - Int: 3 | Score: | Rank: 6 | Misc:
• Knowledge history - Int: 3| Score: | Rank: 6 | Misc:
• Knowledge Local - Int: 3 | Score: | Rank: 6 | Misc:
• Knowledge nature - Int: 3 | Score: | Rank: 6 | Misc:
• Knowledge nobility & royalty - Int: 3 | Score: | Rank: 6 | Misc:
• Knowledge religion - Int: 3 | Score: | Rank: 8 | Misc:
• Knowledge the planes - Int: 3 | Score: | Rank: 6 | Misc:
• Martial Lore - Int: | Score: 3 | Rank: 6| Misc:
• Profession - Wis: | Score: 5 | Rank: | Misc:
• Ride - Dex: 3 | Score: | Rank: 4 | Misc:
• Sense motive - Wis: 3 | Score: | Rank: 10 | Misc:
• Speak Language - N/A: | Score: | Rank: 15 | Misc:
• Spellcraft - Int: 3 | Score: | Rank: 9 | Misc:

Class features:

-Cl. Cleric-
Domans: War, Knowledge
Rebuke Undead

Aura of Evil
Detect Good
Smite Good 1x Day
Divine Grace
Deadly Touch

Furious Counter strike
Indomitable Soul
Zealous Surge

Divine Recovery
Armored Stealth
Divine Impetus

Knowledge Devotion
War Devotion
Combat Reflexes
Battle Blessing
Adaptive Style
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Jovar
Extra Turn Undead
Evasive reflexes

Turn undead:
Greater Visage of the Deity
-Spells: Cleric-
8th level spells & Extended spell-options from C. Cleric list.
Spell Dc: 0 = 15, 1 = 16, 2 = 17, 3 = 18, 4 = 19, 5 = 20, 6 = 21, 7 = 22, 8 = 23

0 level – 6
[Create Water, Detect magic, Detect Poisen, Mending, Purify food and Drink, Read Magic]
1 level – 5+1
[Deathwatch, Detect Good, Detect Undead, Divine favor, Doom, Sanctuary]
2 level – 5+1
[Darkness, Enthrall, Gentle Repose, Hold Person, Shatter, Silence]
3 level – 5+1
[Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic, Invisibility purge, Magic Circle against Chaos, Magical vestment, Wind wall]
4 level – 4+1
[Death ward, Dimensional anchor, Divine Power, Freedom of Movement, Greater magic weapon]
5 level – 4+1
[Divine agility, Righteous Might, Superior Resistance, True Seeing, Wall of stone]
6 level – 3
[Greater dispel magic, Harm, Word of Recall]
7 level – 3
[Inflict Serious wounds – Mass, Repulsion, Righteous Wrath of the faithful]
8 level – 2
Antimagic Field, Earthquake
(Note: Take Visage of the Deity, greater at 9th)

Up to 7th level Maneuvers at Crusader 3rd initiator + 3 maneuvers & 1 readied from RKV

Maneuvers Known:9
1.)Leading the Attack - WR
2.)Foe Hammer - DS
3.)White Raven tactics - WR
4.)White Raven Strike - WR
5.)Charging Minotaur - SD
6.)Defensive Rebuke - DS
7.)Flanking Maneuver - WR
8.)Order Forged from Chaos - WR
9.)Clarion Call – WR

Maneuver Granted:6 (3)

Stances: 2
1.) Leading the Charge - WR
2. ) Thicket of Blades - DS

~Lynx D.