View Full Version : help designing a Pf campaign

darth gadget
2014-12-18, 10:42 PM
As the title states I'm looking for help.

6~8 PC's startking at lvl 3 with wealth of a lvl 4.

First dungeon is a haunted house near a small village. Using the hh from rise of the rune Lords with some tweaks, and a ghost ship feel. 25pt buy all pathfinder available no psionics or 3rd party for pc's. To bring the PC's together runners from the village travel to every point on the compass to find an institution (ie. Church, druid hollow, fighter academy, Pf lodge). The main power base of the world is religion and divine casters. The average person fears magic, and when a catastrophe or great maladies occur people of the different sectors are sent to investigate. So with this all classes and archetypes are available except play test. Because many causes of the great maladies occur do to arcane arts the practice is highly feared and in many places banned, if there is any instance of the arcane in an area that was not reported it just might become "clensed". If you want to play an arcane caster you must be sanctioned and have papers, but because of the stigma they are still untrusted. To combat that fear each caster is assigned a hand to be with them at all times, this is for the protection of the caster and the common person. The hand is a small group of people that can handle the caster and what ever they may come across.

darth gadget
2014-12-18, 11:06 PM
I want a Salem witch trial feel. I do apologize for the thrown together post. Non evil campaign and non evil gods for the PC's. Recently played rouge trader war hammer 40k and will be pulling from that a bit.
I enjoy anime so any easley doable ideas are welcome. This should start in about 6~8 months.
The main idea is the PC's quest to collect 7 crystal shards so they can be combined to create the time orb. This major artifact has the ability to reduce dr, fast heal, regeneration, and the like. With this the PC's can be god killers and take on the likes of tree razor. Wanting there to be a fair bit of undead, demon, daemon, and devils. If anyone can point me to a few lvl appropriate modules 3rd party or not that would flow with this would be great. If the PC's want this can go as high a lvl as they want but at least 12. Defenatly wanting there to be a good bit of role playing. So lots of fluff. Wanting there to be many opertunaties to use many different skills.

darth gadget
2015-01-07, 03:47 AM
No love, no help for a new gm. Or am I posting in the wrong area?

Firest Kathon
2015-01-07, 05:11 AM
It may help if you ask a specific question... The only one I can find (after reading your post twice) is for level-appropriate modules. I recommend to check out the PFS scenarios (http://paizo.com/pathfinderSocietyScenarios), which can be bought as PDFs for cheap. You'll be looking for Tier 1-3 or 1-5 scenarios, which can be played at level 3. Season 5 scenarios should cover your demon needs, they play a major role as opponents in that season ("Year of the Demon").