View Full Version : Raise Dead

Barbarian Horde
2014-12-18, 11:12 PM
I asked if I could use animate dead DM approved it. I used it to make a 20HD skeleton. After I explained that it doesn't go away until it dies. He said he didn't know thats what the spell did. I wasn't sure what to say. He got upset. Ended up negotiating to get my 3erd level spell back because he said it would go away after combat. How would you guys have ruled this?
{Post edited to correct spell being used not raise dead, but instead animate dead and spell slot level}

Red Fel
2014-12-18, 11:28 PM
I asked if I could use raise dead. DM approved it. I used it to make a 20HD skeleton. After I explained that it doesn't go away until it dies. He said he didn't know thats what the spell did. I wasn't sure what to say. He got upset. Ended up negotiating to get my 2end level spell back because he said it would go away after combat. How would you guys have ruled this?

I don't know where to begin with this. I think you're thinking of the wrong spell.

First: Raise Dead (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/raiseDead.htm) does not create Undead. It raises a dead target back to life, albeit with some penalties. It's a Conjuration (Healing) spell, not a Necromancy spell.

Second: It's not a 2nd-level spell. It's a 5th-level spell.

Third: I don't know of many spells that give you minions with more HD than you CL (or in some cases, more than 2x your CL). It sounds like you don't have a way to control a 20 HD minion.

Now, you may have been thinking of Animate Dead (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/animateDead.htm), which can create a skeleton. However, that spell is 3rd level, not 2nd, and the HD limit is 2x your CL - and I don't think you have a 10 CL (which might allow 20 HD of Undead) if you're worried about 2nd-level spells. Further, in order to create a 20 HD skeleton (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/skeleton.htm), you generally need a 20 HD corpse - again, I'm not sure how you came upon one of those at your level.

2014-12-18, 11:32 PM
Don't forget the 500 GP of Onyx needed for Animate Dead.

Barbarian Horde
2014-12-18, 11:58 PM
I was mistaken when labeling the spell for this post. Yes it was animate dead. The DM had already given permission for all spells on my character sheet. So I was able to desecrate the corpse and get double the normal amount of HD. Now I'm only slightly upset because the decision the DM made half way through combat because he didn't know that I got to keep the skeleton after combat ended.
I'm level 11 cleric so my CL is 11. My charisma modifier offer bonus spells, but yes I meet all requirements.

2014-12-19, 12:22 AM
A 20hd skeleton at ECL 11 is pretty much garbage. I'm not sure why the DM wants to take it away from you but I wouldn't. He's your DM though, he makes the rules.

2014-12-19, 12:32 AM
You asked if you could use the spell.
The DM approved it under a false understanding of the spell.
You used the spell.
You corrected the DM's false understanding of the spell.
Armed with this new knowledge the DM changed his mind on approving the spell.
The DM removes approval for the spell and refunded the cost of the spell.

^This is a Good DM response to approving something under a false understanding.

2014-12-19, 03:19 AM
^This is a Good DM response to approving something under a false understanding.
Indeed. Don't agree with the banning, because animate dead isn't particularly broken, but as long as there was also a refund on the onyx, and as long as you didn't push build resources towards animate dead (or were refunded on that if you did), things seem fine. Not really sure what there is to rule on here.

2014-12-19, 03:27 AM
That said, if your GM panics at Animate Dead, the spells you gain access to now and in the next couple levels will very likely cause him to ban your entire CLASS.

2014-12-19, 03:51 AM
That said, if your GM panics at Animate Dead, the spells you gain access to now and in the next couple levels will very likely cause him to ban your entire CLASS.
It's possible, but I feel like some effects seem more powerful than they actually are, and that it's not so much the DM reacting to actual power as much as perceived power. Something about permanent minions just come across as powerful in a way that other more powerful spells may not.

2014-12-19, 04:16 AM
It's a pretty bad DM if he doesn't know the animate dead spell. Sure, there are a lot of spells and very few (perhaps none) know them all by heart, but animate dead is one of the iconic antagonist spells.

Also, a DM outlawing a 20HD skeleton for lvl 11 characters have a fairly obtuse view on game balance since he has allowed lvl 11 characters to begin with.

And lastly, but far from least. One of my peeves is DMs who see obstacles instead of potential. Things like this offer incredibly ingame storyhooks. Perhaps your character becomes known as a villain, and a paladin nemesis surfaces to swear vengeance on you; perhaps local villages offer you tribute; perhaps necromancer adepts seek you out for study (bringing strengths and troubles of their own) and so forth.

2014-12-19, 05:24 AM
It bears repeating: you need a 20HD corpse. That doesn't mean a 20th level human; all human corpses are 1HD, regardless of how many levels they had when they died. You need a creature that normally has 20 HD. Like... I dunno, a dinosaur?

That said, at level 11, a dinosaur skeleton isn't really over-powered.