View Full Version : DM Help Where can I find stats for all the various Daelkyr?

2014-12-19, 04:24 PM
Eberron Campaign Setting only has one version, and it's CR20.

This being a much lower-level point in my game, I need weaker enemies to fight. Isn't there a Daelkyr spawn floating around somewhere? Where can I find stats on lower-level Daelkyr-like creatures that would appear were the Daelkyr to make it back onto the Prime Material?

The thing here is that I have much worse baddies than the Daelkyr lying in wait for the late-game, but I thought a nice interplanar invasion might do the trick for mid-levels.

2014-12-19, 04:37 PM
While there are no real lower-CR'd Daelkyr (the on in the ECS is an average member of its kind; it's part of the reason why their invasion was so terrifying), there are definitely a few options. Off the top of my head, the closest one I can think of is the Daelkyr Half-Blood, which is what you get when a Breed Leech infests something pregnant or radiation off something nasty and Daeklyr-related in Khyber hits someone. They're almost-humans, but could be given class levels or other abilities to make it fit.

Another possibility is to pick one of the myriad aberrations that the Daelkyr created, since a great many originated from their experiments. Picking out something scary from the iconic aberrations could work, or you could make something up and refluff it into something more creepy (or use an Ozodrin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?153536-Tooth-and-Tentacle-base-class-PEACH), which is a pretty awesome homebrew class along these lines).

A third option is to take a Daelkyr and restat it to be weaker, explaining it as the monster being weakened by being sealed, or something. Maybe apply negative levels to it and reduce the power of its abilities, and give it a group of (possibly even higher-powered) minions that it controls more because of its status and will than personal power. It's possible that its personal goals might be to re-empower itself, growing closer to the average Daelkyr as time goes on and recurring encounters happen. Or something.

Kol Korran
2014-12-20, 06:55 AM
The Darkly themselves are as statted in the ECS. The "lesser versions" serving fact utterly different creatures- they are shape makers, and created most of the known aberrations that now infest Eberron. The most iconic are the mind players, which came from their home plane, the beholders- living artier made to fight the hobgoblin empire, the Medusa and basilisk (made by the shape of stone), chokers, and the unique aberrations for Eberron - dolgrims and dolgaunts (warped from goblins and hobgoblins, both in the ECS ).

Yout can easily use most aberrations and some magical beasts or such (if they are weird enough) and claim that "a Daelkyr did it!"

Feint's End
2014-12-20, 07:36 AM
I'm honestly curious what more dangerous enemies than the daelkyr are there in eberron. I mean a planetary invasion with evil superbeings is exactly what high level play could be.

I second daelkyr half bloods

2014-12-20, 09:06 AM
I'm honestly curious what more dangerous enemies than the daelkyr are there in eberron.

The handful of level 20 casters, maybe? Mordain is a 18th-level wizard specialized in one of the most useful schools of magic who has had centuries to set up elaborate schemes, contingency plans, extra bases...

If Mordain really wanted to, he'd be ruler over Eberron in... a few weeks?

Or the crazy uberevil below Flamekeep possesses the Keeper and goes to wreck havoc with 18th-level cleric casting.

Kol Korran
2014-12-20, 09:53 AM
I'm honestly curious what more dangerous enemies than the daelkyr are there in eberron. I mean a planetary invasion with evil superbeings is exactly what high level play could be.

2 other possibilities come to mind:
1) The dreaming dark. I don't have "secrets of Sarlona", but they seems like another extraplanar threat that might rival the Daelkyr. They were a serious threat to the continant of super giant mages and such after all...
2) The dragons of Argonessen. Seriously- a few thousand of dragons, quite a few of them old or older, with class levels, with hoards containing the most powerful artifacts in the history of Eberron, organized and workign together...

If you want epic level adventuring, Isuggest the "Dragons of Eberron book". It has some interesting ideas and good adventure seeds there. I plan on running a campaign there sometime. :smallamused:

2014-12-21, 03:22 AM
I'm honestly curious what more dangerous enemies than the daelkyr are there in eberron. I mean a planetary invasion with evil superbeings is exactly what high level play could be.

Argonnessen's capital has four mage colleges entirely populated by epic-level spellcasters. Most of the hundreds (possibly a thousand) of great wyrms in the Council have class levels. On top of that, there are thousands of younger old dragons. A decent amount of the continent could eat Daelkyr for breakfast in a straight fight (although neither side would ever let it come to that).

The Lords of Dust also have several epic spellcasters known, as well as the Rajahs they serve. If one of the Rakshasas or demons managed to free Sul Khatesh, she could solo everything in Eberron, then probably make a portal through the Plane of Shadow and go and eat Faerun and Greyhawk as well (really, the only things that'd stand a chance are the gods of Magic).

Eberron's got plenty of super-high-level threats, they just mostly keep to themselves.

On the note of the Dreaming Dark, though, the strongest Quori known top out around CR 18, iirc. However, Reidra is almost to the point of full-on Tippyverse, having already implemented permanent teleportation circles for transport. They just need a little push and one or two extremely high-level mages or psions to become world-ending threats (although they don't seem to be right now, at least. Probably the dragons are too much trouble).

... Thinking about it, the elves of Aerenal are pretty scary too, given their strongest deathless have Astral Projection at-will...

2014-12-21, 03:17 PM
Looking at SoS, Riedra has a fair number of level 18+ inspired psions. The Undying Court of Aerenal has managed to hold their own over various small wars with Argonnessen, which isn't that surprising of a culture that has for the last few millennia turned its smartest and most powerful members immortal.

Back to topic, as has been mentioned, basically all aberrations in Eberron are Daelkyr creations and former or current servants, so there's plenty of weaker stuff to challenge your players with.