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2014-12-20, 08:30 AM
In the beginning, there was the light. From the light came all matter, all energy, and each piece fled from each other piece, scattering to fill the universe.

It was only after billions of years more that a planet even formed for gods to vie over, and if the gods of that world were present before that world began to exist, then it made little difference to the planet below.

All that concerned it, and the lives that would soon walk upon it, was that the gods watching it would determine its fate, one way or another.


OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?389076-Lords-of-Creation-Abridged-OOC)

2014-12-20, 12:17 PM
The Eyes of the Heavens formed. Madalena's eyes. . . they formed from stars in the Heavens, and they came into the form of a single, beautiful woman. She looked out into the void, in front of what would be the world of mortals, and she smiled, and she watched and waited. She observed. Her hair was as red as fire, but she burned with peaceful expectation, mingled with the excitement of a lover waiting for marriage to her husband. She waited like a mother about to give birth.

Madalena looked into what would be the world and smiled.

2014-12-23, 01:10 PM
Zin gazed upon the world in mild disgust; its rocks were too jagged, its surface too imperfect - but most of all, its surface was too pointless. There was nothing and no one to serve his holy will there - a circumstance he could not endlessly abide.

And endlessly abide it he did not. A beam of divine light scorched the earth below, burning a section of it into flat ground. This flattened place suddenly became fertile, sprouting an unnaturally precise forest, trees growing in perfect rows spaced a few feet apart, forming a maze garden instead of, well, a forest. A suitable location, an example of perfection, and a reward for those who served in a perfect manner. He set ravens to watch over it, intelligent and with an innate knowledge of their pecking order; within the Pure Land itself, even such feeble

Already, the Law-Giver could sense the presence of beings other than himself, beings of the same order of magnitude - beings who needed an example shown, lest they dare corrupt the world, lest they dare take it from him. He created Humans, beings in his own image, as custodians and masters of the Pure Land; they were weak and feeble of body and soul compared to their master, lest they forget who was superior to who. Zin commanded these beings to work in a particular order. Among the males, the weak gathered food and gave a greater share to the strong, who distributed it according to the law of Zin. Among the females, it was expected to remain home and do such tasks and patrols as were needed there, a law based around the physical difficulty of a pregnant woman defying those stereotypes.

Resentment of this structure came within hours of the organisation of the First Men; Zin had refused to simply take direct control of the minds of his slaves, feeling that there was no satisfaction in the submission of a tool.

7 AP starting player

0 AP: Create Lesser Species "Fruit Trees". I am not making people spend a special action for every slight variation of every crop.

0 AP: Create Lesser Species "Grass"

0 AP: Create Lesser Species "Ravens"

2 AP: Create Land "The Pure Land", a garden of fertile trees in perfect rows forming an elaborate labyrinth, carpeted with grass.

1 AP: Create Concept "Hierarchy". The worse must serve the better, such is the law of Zin.

1 AP: Create Concept "Law". All beings, everywhere, have an innate understanding of the concept of following a set of rules, often one which maintains a particular hierarchy.

2 AP: Create Race "Humans", bald apes in Zin's image, only smaller and a lot weaker.

1 AP: Organise Tribe "The First Men", a hierarchical and sexist faction in obesiance to the stratifying law of Zin

2014-12-23, 11:45 PM
Ko was the first. Ever had it tumbled through the void, waiting. And now there was another. A stone, much larger than it, but bereft of will and power. But in its drifting, Ko had arrived too late. Already, another had placed creatures on the world - strange soft things, which grew with unnatural colors, and tiny crawling naked creatures, even softer, which scuttled around the first.

The world was polluted. Ko could not shape it freely so long as it was contested by these other gods. But it would not cede it so easily. From out of the void it came, plummeting like a falling star, burning an arc through the atmosphere. As it fell, fragments sloughed from its surface, scattering across the barren rocky surface of the world. Where they landed, they took root, soaking up the minerals of the stone around them to sprout in jagged protrusions of crystal. The rock around them, drained of minerals and shattered by their impacts, drifted loose.

All the while, the burning arc of Ko descended, fractionally, towards the land below.

Create Legendary Race (Spires): 5 AP
To look at, Spires are just uneven clusters of crystal spines, standing massively tall. They possess no limbs, nor any obvious brain or sensory organs. Indeed, to an outside observer they seem as lifeless as stone. Yet slow sparks of intellect travel along crystal pathways in their cores, and these conduits allow them to focus these thoughts as a weapon or tool.

Create Land (The World Desert): 2 AP
The Pure Land formed by Zin now stands as an atoll of peace and beauty amidst a shattered land. Crags and cliffs of broken stone sprawl across the world, dominated by jagged crystalline Spires. Think post-searing Ascalon from Guild Wars.
Since I am affecting basically the whole world with this, there won't be a penalty for anyone who wants to change it. I fully expect someone to flood the entire world.

2014-12-24, 09:25 AM
And so, out of nothing, or perhaps everything, Kyrrus materialized from the great void, himself sheathed almost entirely in the dark. This bright, seared world disgusted his tastes. Barren wastelands produced no secrets, hid no knowledge, simply pointless waste. A worthy world, lush with life and resources inspired Kyrrus. Certainly not out of beneficence, but rather, it gave something which could be lost, and loss is one of the greatest proponents of fear. Thus, Kyrrus forced the world itself to weep with divine fear, causing the first rain. The clouds poured seas over the entirety of the land, and only were those high upon their atoll truly safe from the engulfing flood.
Of course, with the land itself fearing his divinity, should not those leeching it for their very survival know fear as well? And so, Kyrrus instilled the concept of Fear itself into the minds of mortals.
Create Concept (Fear): 1 AP
Create Land: The Great Sea: 2 AP?

2014-12-24, 02:38 PM
The first rainfall came swiftly; a veritable wall of water splashing from the skies. The great sprawling desert drank the rain at first, until at last its thirst was quenched. But still the flood rose. Water surged up, rising in a great tide to swallow the world. Soon enough, the cracked and shattered land was submerged completely.

For the shards of Ko, this affected them no more than a change of scenery at first. Soon enough, though, the swirling depths soaked up minerals from the land over which they washed, carrying it hither and thither. Reaching out with a sieve of their minds making, the Spires could draw on this much wider pool of resources, and grow still further.

2014-12-25, 12:21 PM
Charles was drifting around the world. And he was bored. Quite literally there was nothing to do here. That was until he noticed a changed somewhere in the bag of his head. Secrets..[/[I]I]. In the blink of an eye he appeared at the earth. That's brilliant! He exclaimed as he realised what was going on. When there isn't any fun you have to create it! He wondered why he had never gotten that idea before. However looking at the crystal trees he found them boring, and due to his lack of creativity he created something that looked like the trees but would move! And also they would be his favorite color, green.
And these should have fun!

CREATE LESSER SPECIES x3. He creates 3 underwater variations of trees.
Create Concept(1): Joy

Current AP: 9

2014-12-25, 01:24 PM
She looked on the creation. They had some things already that the gods needn't give them. Not much. Though they already had the instinct of self-preservation. . . one of the gods needed to grant them actual fear. She looked across the world. Fruit was in abundance but there still wasn't much for folk to consume. This could mean a lack of nourishment in the future if the folk only had a little to consume. Furthermore, if things continued at this rate, the eating of food would become very boring. So Madalena peered into the lives of the Human beings down below. "The laws given to them are good. They are being stuffy, however, and rigid. They should need enjoyment and love in their lives." Madalena created ritualized weddings. . . given to the first people, Humans, followers of the two gods that favored Humanity, their maker, and Madalena, one person among one a village were given the right to perform marriages.

Marriage demanded monogamy among people. Marriage brought blessings of stability in a community, generally better moods and the familiarity of father and mother to a child. Sex before marriage is frowned upon, not out lawed, but is against the rules of a marriage. More than rules, they are an oath one takes at marriage. Never break the oath of marriage and fidelity. Love is also demanded from both woman and man. They are to show each other love that is affectionate, sacrificial, and genuine, to the extent that they would give up their lives for their love. Of course, the god who made Humans in this world of Urduin would likely make marriage into a Law. Already however, cheating on your husband or wife is grounds for divorce.

Which brings us back to the food. Wives often cooked for husbands and for people who he brought to their house. But these were the days when there was hardly anything to eat, and there was no point in cooking since all they had to eat was fruit. However, Madalena brought the gifts of wheat, honey, and vegetables to man kind. Flavoring vegetables with honey, and bread with honey would be all well and good. In these days, before large amounts of food could be stored, all communities were small. Thus, with the first tribe's sexist ways, anyone leaving found that leaving their old misogynist ways behind was good, and joined Madalena's new tribe, the Mada'Nu.

The Mada'Nu still followed their maker's ways, the respect to Law and Order was followed, but so was the way of Madalena. Meanwhile, there was yet another tribe arising. These folks followed the ways of both deities as well, but felt that their maker's ways were better. Yet although they held to a more rigid way of life, they felt more that the "betters' who were served should be more protective of their charge.

-1 AP Concept: Marriage - children are happier under marriage, married couples experience an early year of happiness, then have each other to rely on for the rest of their lives, with the husband protecting her, and she serves him. The man is equally obligated to take care of her needs. Also, with most adults married, communities become more stable.
-1 AP Concept: Agriculture
-1 AP Concept: 1 create Tribe, the Mada'Nu.
-1 AP Concept: 1 create Tribe, the Lena'Madd

0 Wheat
0 Honey/Bees
0 Vegetables

2014-12-25, 06:59 PM
The gods moved across the face of creation. Some were methodical, some acting on the spur of the moment. Everything was fresh and new and wonderful. But in the corners, the edges, there were unconsidered trifles. Parts of the rays of purity that didn't quite hit the ground. Footsteps in the stars from where new gods formed. Parts of joy, and law and trees and Raven's wings that didn't quite make it into creation.

And these lost, forgotten peices, started to move, rolled into a ball. From them, Karnus was formed. And he looked upon the new creation, and saw a good start. But there was room for improvement almost everywhere. What to do first....?

2014-12-26, 02:52 AM
At last, the burning arc of the descent of Ko struck the planet, with an impact felt the world over. Diametrically opposite the Atoll of Zin, his great form smashed into the waves, embedding deep into the sea floor, yet still protruding in a great mound of an island from the surface of the waves.

Besides the slight earthquake, the force of his impact threw up a mighty wave, radiating outwards across the world-sea until it began to converge again on the sole other landmass. Under the waves, the Spires endured the wash with little difficulty, continuing their slow growth, barely perceiving the brief lives of their new lookalikes. Some - those closest to each other - had begun to reach out and communicate with their neighbours.

Create Land (The Body of Ko): 2 AP
Like it says in the description, this is literally on the other side of the world from the orderly plateau.

Curse (The Great Wave): 2 AP
This won't eradicate the humans. But it will kill a lot of them, destroy anything they might have built, and make a complete mess of your pretty garden >:)

Create Magical Concept (Telepathy): 1 AP
What it says on the tin. For now, restricted to my race. If you want it, ask.

Current AP: 0/10

2014-12-26, 08:49 AM
Charles spend some time looking that the branches go back and forth in the water and it did bring him some joy. For 5 minutes and then he went off exploring more of the world. He went to see the humans but the fear that he felt from the wave were.. not enjoyable. Then he travelled to the crystal trees and sat down beside them, disguised as one of them. He realised that his joy was also spread to them but that he needed to give them a way of experiencing them to he invented a game that they could play even by standing still.

Create concept: Games
9/10 AP

2014-12-26, 06:11 PM
The deeds of the other gods were - as expected - not wholly pleasing to the Silver King. The emphasised concepts of Fear and Joy were useful motivators for following the Law - mostly the Fear of retaliation from your betters, but there was Joy to be had in some of the acts that the Law demanded, even though some sources of Joy were forbidden.

The rites of Marriage were not an unvarnished good - while Marriage helped keep Law-abiding tribes united, it was also more reciprocal than any loyalty that Zin had inspired. The Law had mandated that a master not damage his slaves without due cause, and that slaves were to be provided for so that they could seve, but that was not the same as truly being loyal to one's inferiors in the way that Marriage demanded, to the point of having only one servant in that position.

None of this was entirely displeasing either, until the day that the impact struck. Until a great wave washed over the earth, and risked undoing what Zin and the mother-goddess who brought Marriage had created. Societies suffered terribly under the crashing waves, and nine in every ten drowned, innocent, guilty, strong or weak, honest or deceitful, all condemned without regard to their obesiance.

Almost in a panic, Zin raised new land for the Humans to flee to, raising great highlands that channelled the waters away. When the flood was done, some of this water had pooled into lakes, so Zin named this place the Lakelands, and created water sources so that the rivers created by the flood would stay present.

Then, he found the humans giving him thanks, and special praise, for saving their lives. It was no more than they ought to have expected - their master was not going to simply let his slaves slip through his fingers - yet Zin found that he enjoyed this new form of submission, this gratefulness for simply doing what benefited him the most. Indeed, many felt they owed him an increased amount of sacrifice, or more careful adherence to the LAw, as thanks for his apparent kindness - and so Zin formalised and generalised this concept, so that all people of the Law would know that if their neighbour or a stranger went beyond the call of the Law to help them, they ought to do something to repay the Debt.

The concept of Games did not appear to be harmful, but by the time it showed up Zin was too exhausted to react instantly in any case. As Humans began to adopt this concept, even using it as a tool to instruct their children in the Law, Zin made a mental note to try to understand the appeal - at first glance a "game" seemed to just consist of pretending that a counterfactual Law applied for the duration.

0 AP rollover
+3 Midnight GMT 23rd-25th Dec

2 AP: Create Land "the Lakelands", an area of rivers, lakes, and hastily raised mountains, created by Zin in a slight panic when he realised the Pure Land was about to become uninhabitable for long enough to drive humanity extinct

1 AP: Create Concept "Debt", originating from the idea that favours should be returned and helpful deeds appreciated.

0 AP remaining

2014-12-27, 02:35 PM
Karnus wandered the new creation. There were things to see everywhere!

He went down, into the water, and started to invesigate the sea bed. After a bit of tinkering, and a lot of digging, there was a vast explosion. Rock, lava and vapourised water rose up in a mighty torrent. When the steam finally cleared, a vast range of rocks had emerged. Karnus stepped through the dust and water and looked at the devastation.

I definitely need to try that again.

Several explosion later, the smoking island starts to cool.

Blackrock Spires
So called from the sight of the central peaks rising up from a stormy sea, this is actually a mountainous island, complete with a series of high plateaux. Mostly ringed with high cliffs and beset by near-continuous foul weather, the island is far from welcoming. It does however, boast of some exotic jungles in the high reaches, from which come the rare spices that give life to tired limbs and make the mind wander through phantasmal worlds.

Once he had the island, he wanted to see what else he could do with large explosions. But he also wanted to see what he could see from the top. And he wanted to stare at the stars. And play with all the new people. Decisions, decisions...

Clearly what he needs is some help.

And so, in the lightning and wind-swept rain of a rocky hillside, the Sorn came into being.

The Sorn
These tall slender, seven fingered humanoids were created near the dawn of creation, in order to help observe and understand the unfolding universe. They have three joints in each limb, large black eyes, and long hair that extends in an electrostatic corona around their heads.

Although physically frail, their incredible mental abilties, inventiveness and curious perceptive talents make them a force to be reckoned with. Shy and detached, they generally gather in the high places of the world, although when forced to lower altitudes, will set up a base of operations in as remote a location as they can manage. They prefer to interact with the world through emissaries, and avoid contact with others as far as they can. Not just a cultural taboo, this seems to be a precaution given to them by their creator, although what the consequence of breaking it would is hard to judge.

AP Log
7AP to start, +1AP for 26th +1AP for 27th

2AP Create land (Blackrock Spires)
5AP Create race (Sorn)
0AP Create 'jungle'

2 AP carried over

2014-12-27, 03:09 PM
The first time that any one or thing could note the appearance of Bevron was a streak of light, which only the most observant would realise was not pure white but a very, very pale blue, which dove into the endless ocean. The second time was when the surface of that section of the ocean slowed down and froze. From the spot the light streak had descended the ice was the thickest, almost reaching down to the sea floor. It gradually thinned out as it spread, resulting in basically an upside down mountain of frozen water. Not a circular mountain though, but hexagonal.

A figure seemed to slide through the ice to the craggy surface - not at the centre but on one of the edges. A chunk of ice broke off and floated away, slowly starting to melt as it drifted off. Water which had splashed up onto another part of the iceberg froze, effectively maintaining its mass as a whole. The figure, watching this, spoke loudly to no one at all, "Nice. Could do with some inhabitants though." His tail shook a few times, and a very basic arctic ecosystem came into existence on the ice and the water around it.


Create land (2 AP) - Ghlandra, the inverted, hexagonal iceberg mountain (or a -0 degrees C area area in that shape which won't melt)
Create lesser species (0 AP) - Fish, seals, arctic birds

2014-12-28, 01:36 AM
Woont did see the world as it was, and disapproved. It was static, unable to change on its own without the influence of the other gods. Its beings finite, living their lives and then ending, their spirits fading away into oblivion. This would not do. Woont reached out to the world and placed in orbit around it a much smaller body, the Moon. It did not rotate, forever hiding its dark side from the gaze of the world below. Upon the light side he did place a beacon, which blazed with a divine spark. As it spun slowly around the world the beacon touched the races of the world and its intelligent beings, giving each a touch of the divine. When they died, it would guide their spirits to the beacon rather than oblivion. He was not sure what to do with them for now, but it was better than non existence. To keep the Soul Beacon safe, Woont made a servant. The White Phoenix, the Bird of White Flame. He tasked it with overseeing it, but left it with the promise another would come in time relieve it of its duty.

Create Concept (1 ap): Souls. The Soul Beacon will grant a divine spark to intelligent beings on the world, which protects them from oblivion.
Create Land (2 ap): The Moon. A large celestial body that orbits the world. It takes a month to orbit. It does not rotate, hiding its dark side.

Create Artifact (1 ap): The Soul Beacon. Upon the light side of the moon lies a beacon. It shines brightly, but can barely be made out from the world below. It burns with a divine spark. As the Moon orbits the world, the beacon's light shines down, granting a divine spark to intelligent beings on the world below. It can take up to a month for a soul to be granted this way, depending on when the beacon is overhead. When a being with a soul dies, instead of fading slowly into oblivion the beacon calls to the soul and guides it to the beacon, where it resides. For now.

Create Servant (3 ap): The White Phoenix. A large intelligent bird, 2 stories tall and adorned with white feathers. It can burn with divine white fire, and is reborn each month from its own ashes. It is content to stay where it is, but hopes one day to leave.

2014-12-28, 11:56 AM
Too much light, Charles thoughts. So he created shadow.

He was getting rather curious about who had the same power as him. Surely they would be like him and meeting them would bring joy. He figured that he would create a place for them to meet.

He raised a mountain so high that no human (or crystal tree) would be able to reach the top. On the top me made a giant round hall. However he was displeased with it's emptiness so he created art and made statures or painting that caught the essence of all things in creation. He also improved the look of the hall such that it radiated with divine power. After waiting for a bit he wanted to sit so he created a the most magnificent throne ever to be seen. He sat on it and waited with a stunning self-satisfied to the others to show up.
He'll create everyone a throne that fits their taste if they don't object

Create concept (1) shadow
Create concept (1) art
Creqte land (2) the Divine mountain..
AP: 6

2014-12-28, 08:18 PM
The Firstslain

The aftermath of the Great Wave was death as it had never been seen before. The lives of ninety percent of living things were snuffed out in a terrible instant. Souls had yet to be invented, and so the minds and consciousnesses of the living faded until but a single spark remained. One spark would be but an ember compared to even a living being, but all the sparks at once, they amounted to something. The sparks began to clump together, fragmented memories and emotions being mixed and added to a new whole. For many days, this amalgam of sparks festered, the last painful moments of their former lives replaying within the collective consciousness of the clump.

Then, souls were made. Living beings would no longer endure the agony and fury that was oblivion. Life would persist after death, thus that even the lowliest of men would know his place in the cosmos. The cosmos rejoiced, having found souls an adequate solution to the problem it faced. But the sparks, they grew jealous. As the living died and were drawn to the moon, the shreds of what was once the majority of life began to rage. They glowered with envy, simmered with anger at the cruel circumstances of their existence. Thus the Amalgam planned, it watched and waited as the remaining living began to die. And then they struck. As the soul of a good man was drawn upwards from his body, the Amalgam snatched it up. A surge of fiery light was the only sign of the amalgam's passage as the soul disappeared from the view of the gods.

Deep in the darkness beyond the world, the Amalgam tore at the soul. Its anguished cries and screams echoed across space, pushing the Amalgam forward in a demented perversion of joy. Finally, they wounded the soul, and as a great swarm of burning embers, they surged inside it. The soul grew dark as the last moments of thousands of lives flowed into his memory. Jealousy, rage, hatred, they all filled his mind as the amalgam transformed. A burning comet of hate, the soul and its parasites plunged towards the world, and impacted into the soul's dead body. His eyes opened, flesh cracking and peeling as wounds began to form all over him. The flesh of his face melted off, and his eyeballs evaporated. His hair fell out and his flesh withered to become tight over his bones. He staggered to his feet, howling in agony. The Firstslain had been born.

Xulos is born.
7 AP - 1 AP = 6 AP
1 AP: Concept (Pain), the opposite of joy.

2014-12-30, 06:46 AM
Laws greater than Zin had once decreed that things died, fell away, and made room for their replacements. Zin had merely adhered to these when he gave Humans limited lifespans, rather than try and inevitably fail to make something as perfect and unchanging as himself - indeed, though he'd never admit it, he didn't even know if he was truly eternal or merely had yet to show signs of aging and deteriorating.

The creation of Souls changed all that. The world became if anything more static, unable to discard the old, instead stashing spirit copies of all those who had ever died on the moon. Yet it transpired that this had merely fixed an existing problem - despite Zin's intentions, there had been a part of the humans that lasted after death, and the united spirits of those killed in the Great Wave became a being akin to a god.

More disruptions to the existing order.

The living began to know Pain as never before, and Zin leveraged this, encouraging the First Men to inflict suffering on those who broke the Law. Briefly, Zin considered making an example of the very souls of dissenters, but rejected the notion out of hand - there was no use in torturing people in a place where they could not be seen, and in any case it was a waste of useful beings to have them trapped in pointless endeavour forever.

Instead, Zin commanded the three existing tribes of Humans to a common endeavour, to reunite them under the same Law - a more complicated Law than was originally planned, since it was not worth destroying the three already existing traditions, but a single Law all the same. First a wooden, then a stone castle was raised on the highest mountain of the Lakelands, so that its highest towers pierced the clouds. Many buildings formed around it, at first simply to service the construction camp, then to service the people who kept the castle running, then to take advantage of the large administrative centre that had formed seemingly by accident - travel links in the Lakelands nearly all led to the Silver Keep one way or another, and it was at Silver Keep that anything produced by the many farmers of the Lakelands could be sold or paid as tax.

At first, Zin thought he would be irked by the presence of an unclimbable mountain far away, but the people of Silver Keep took it as a reason to cleave ever closer to the Law, assuming that it was their creator's throne. Taking credit for it would allow Zin to sustain the same existing system.

4 AP gained, 0 AP saved

1 AP: Create Concept "Punishment", the deliberate use of Pain to enforce the Law.

4 AP -1 (First Men) -1 (Mada'Nu) -1 (Lena'Madd) = 1 AP: Create Human City "Silver Keep" on the highest mountain of the Lakelands

1 AP: Create Concept "Roads", infrastructure designed to make travel easier, so that larger areas may all be part of the same Law

1 AP remaining

2014-12-31, 05:43 PM
The walls of the cavern flickered in the dim torchlight. Here and there movement in the darkness shows more of the Sorn gathering, solitary wanderers gathering in one place for the first time. Across the cealing the

There were more than they had expected.

The discussion was, by human standards, brief and passionless, but for many of them, it was the first time they had tried to reach something strange, something precious. A consensus.

The demands of the deity had grown. Not too much, for they had no limit to their time, but too... involved. Too physical. And they had, or were starting, to have their own concerns, their own agendas, their own schemes.

They quietly evolved a plan. To create something that would do the tasks they weren't suited to. Something good at understanding the created world and working with it. Something... small and strong. The K'Tiki.

Once they had decided on a course of action, they broke up into smaller groups to discuss other projects, things that it wasn't practical to do by themselves. In time, it became a tradition.

The K'Tiki
This race was created by the Sorn to do the design and building work required for their schemes. These small four-limbed chitenous insectile humanoids excel in mining, crafting and manufacturing. They see no difference between magical and non-magical items and buildings, and happily work with both.
K'Tiki are, once you get past their rather odd appearance and movement, friendly and cheerful, although other races complain of their tendenacy to multitask while talking, and that they apparently have raised sarcasm to a high art.

AP Log

Held over 2AP
28th, 29th, 30th, 31st +4 AP
Sorn form a tribe 3AP
Create a new greater race - K'Tiki 3AP

2015-01-01, 12:25 AM
From the howling cold of the black void, the walker in white descended to the planet, leaving winter in his wake and teaching the people of the world the pain of cold.

The god sat in the middle of the great sea, watching the ice coalesce around him, hammer propped against his shoulder. And he waited for the snows to come.

7 AP
Create Concept: Winter. Its cold, it snows, and living things die.

Bless: Winters are mild and short across the world, leading to less death and starvation.

New AP: 4

2015-01-02, 10:38 AM
Charles grew bored of waiting. Was the other beings ignoring him? Or maye the invitation wasn't obvious enough?Maybe they were blind, that would explain the ugly hairless monkeys? Or possibly they were unable to come? He couldn't force the other creators to come but he might be able to lead them there. Drawing from the art around him he created a instrument which he could use to channel art into sound. He blew it and tones of inbelievable beauty spread across the world.

Create Artifact, Flute of god summoning: The user of this item can create tunes that aside from being tear-causing beautiful. Dieties recognize the tunes as a call but are not forced to answer, however if they are naturally unable to teleport and manifest the tunes enables them to do so near the musician.
9 AP

2015-01-02, 01:01 PM
The Ice Floes
Renalth raised his head as the music drifted lazily through the air, beckoning and guiding him to some other god. He sighed and closed his eyes, content to simply listen to the tune for a while. When the enjoyment had run its course and the incessant calling became grating, he pushed himself up with his hammer, and started walking the land to the mountain. The sea where he had waited remained frozen, waiting for its master to return.

The Divine Mountain
As he reached the summit, Renalth remained unimpressed. Such grandeur and splendor, and all of it empty and useless. The music, still incessantly grating, had worn on his nerves the entire walk to the Divine Mountain. In a voice as colder and harsher than any winter the world had seen he asked, "What do you want, godling? What is the purpose of your summons?"

AP Refresh: 6

Create Land: The Ice Floes. A massive plain of shifting and grinding ice slightly north of the massive sheet of ice that occupies the southern pole. No matter the season elsewhere, it is always winter among the floes, and it is nearly constantly wracked by heavy storms.

New AP: 4

2015-01-03, 08:16 AM
Karnus came, following the music. It was a new thing in the cosmos, and he wanted to know more. It was in a new place, and he wanted to see it.

Karnus arrives, struggling through thick snow. It melts slightly where he steps, and then refreezes as he moves on, leaving a trail as if a vast long-legged creature had been hopping from step to step.

He breathes a sigh of relief as he arrives at the hall.

Who left all this frozen water lying around? he asks cheerfully. He stop and looks around. Nice place this. The Sorn have just been meeting in a big cave with sloping sides, but this is.. more... He waves his arms More airy.

2015-01-03, 04:24 PM
To talk and to discuss the future. Charles responded, immitating the short and precise way that Renalth spoke. He put the flute back in his mouth but this time the tune had changed. This tune wasn't beautiful, summoning and didn't reach outside the hall. Instead it was cold and harsh and almost created small ice crystals in the air that formed a throne, that while it was simple still had some divine grace. Art is supposed to be pleasing to all, do you like the chair or would you prefer to wait for the others standing?

Charles automatically liked Karnus due to his cheerful attitude. Smiling he says Thanks you. Do you like airy? Do the sorns enjoy their caves?

Not sure if I took someone else's color, I'll swap
The tunes are still lingering the universe, it's just silent inside the hall since someone doesn't find joy in it.

2015-01-04, 04:58 PM
A Growing Conclave

Renalth sighs. Why are you including me in this. My place is not to plan, but to destroy and erase your works." He ignores the chair, instead leaning heavily on the pole of his hammer. "And the ice is mine."

2015-01-05, 06:54 PM
Charles automatically liked Karnus due to his cheerful attitude. Smiling he says Thanks you. Do you like airy? Do the sorns enjoy their caves?

They seem to.says Karnus, prowling around the chamber. In fact, they seem to enjoy being by themselves more than anything.

He pauses at an archway. Frowning, he slides one of the supporting blocks out, waving absently at the arch to keep it standing. After close examination, he slides it back in.

This is a nice place... They certainly don't seem to appreciate me around. He turns, a puzzled expression on his face. If I didn't know better, I'd say they find me.. irritating?

He throws his hands up in the air.

I don't know. There's so much to see, so much to explore, so much to create! Far too much for just me, so I created a race of creatures to help me understand it all. I told them to investigate, using my methods as an example.

He frowns

So they got together and created a race of creatures to help them out. I feel I should object in some way, but I'm not sure I can put my finger on what I feel they've done wrong?

He turns to Renalth

So.. Snow. What's that for then? Why death, why ice, why kill everything? He blinks. The utility of it escapes me.

2015-01-05, 08:24 PM
"The point is that plants and other life don't choke the world to death. And it's quiet." Renalth shifts slightly, as if annoyed. His cold stare bores into Karnus

"You don't see me questioning you about the utility of your frivolous creations that you make to satisfy unknowable whims."

2015-01-06, 09:38 AM
Well no... Karnus blinks. But then I don't dump my creations from the sky to cover hundreds of miles... Hey, wait! Are you saying a whim isn't a reason?

He shakes his head.

Well, have you thought of doing different colours? A nice deep blue or purple might work well.. And maybe making it warmer?

2015-01-06, 05:00 PM
"My creation only lasts for a few months at a time, and I'm fairly certain I saw your creations constructing idols of you using the snow."

Renalth looks amused by the last question. "Its frozen water, so I don't think I can do either of those things."

2015-01-06, 05:34 PM
The Enforcers were less formal than the other factions of humanity, being simply a loose gathering of those who sought to bring order to their surroundings by violence if necessary - security guards, gang members, administrators, the like. They formed in the wake of Silver Keep, as the pressures of large gatherings of humanity required new, special focus to keep the Law enforced.

Winter proved to be a boon and a bane, like many things. A bane, in that it reduced supplies of food, causing an existential threat to the Law itself; but a boon, in that it forced humans to gather together merely to survive - and gathering was the first step towards obedience to the Law.

Zin became aware of the summons to the great mountain, but he refused to bow to the demands of another god. Yet at the same time, it would be worth observing what went on there. Thus, he took a pillar of marble, and from it the Silver King forged a servant, shaped in his rough image, his features younger and less mature, his body statured to reach Zin's shoulder, clad in white robes of office instead of silver armour, wearing leather sandals instead of Zin's mighty boots. This was Inlux the Messenger, and it was Inlux who answered the summons. Although he was not truly a god, and could not benefit from the music of Charles' flute, he had been empowered by Zin to fly, and thus defied gravity in his journey to the hall of gods.

The Messenger landed on the floor of the hall, to see a being surrounded by ice, and two more conventional humanoids who did less to ruin the ambience.

"You who would summon the gods themselves, I am Inlux the Messenger, servant of the Law-Giver and Silver King. He wishes to know why you dare call upon Him."

For the time being, Inlux ignored the humanoid surrounded in ice, though he briefly wondered if that was the cause of the recent winters.

Far away from the mountain of the gods, Zin sharpened his great blade, suspecting that the talks boded ill and would not end well.

7 AP gained, 1 AP saved

1 AP: Your GM is an idiot and forgot that Organise City costs 5 AP (not 4) base, so underspent by 1.

1 AP: Create Human Tribe "Enforcers", more a social class than a tribe - those who enforce order, one way or another, have enough in common to aid Zin.

3 AP: Create Servant "Inlux the Messenger", a weaker, younger, beardless facsimile of Zin, in robes and sandals instead of armour and crown, designed for long-term use as a more merciful intermediary for matters not yet demanding the Silver King's personal attention.

1 AP: Create Artefact "Clemency", the executioner's sword wielded by Zin, tied inherently to Law and Punishment. As a godly weapon, it cannot be easily destroyed or even marked. No substance in the world can protect the guilty from Clemency's edge - it will pass through armour and weapons as if through air, if the armour and weapons in question are held by someone who under Zin's law has earned the death penalty.

2 AP remaining

2015-01-07, 07:40 AM
Sort out the future? We're all creating stuff, and it gets mixed up. Your land got a whole lot of water, Renalth's creation is being dumped over everyone else's...

He look at Renalth again.

Hang on. You said you can use it to build stuff? This I got to see!

There a scurry of movement, and he is out of the door, and into the snow. After a few moments, a snow ball sails through the air, missing Charles' head by about a foot.

2015-01-08, 09:32 AM
Charles had been sitting in his throne for a while and was enjoying the debate as the messenger shows up.

Before he had had a chance to speak he concludes that that he wants one of those. Secretly he pours some of his trength into a room deep within the mountains, starting the creation of sentient being
The law-giver eh, must be the creator of the humans with the number of crazy rules the have He thinks with a smirk I was hoping to gather the beings that have been creation things on this planet to disguss the future. However if the Silver King doesn't want to participate in the meeting I suppose we should just make the laws of gods without him. He then turns away from the messenger, hoping that he will deliver the message to his master. Such a bait should be irresistable.

So Renalth, if I understand you correctly then your motivation is to create cold stuff and surround yourself with non-living things, is that it? And Karnus..He pauses when the god disappears and is a bit saddened since he was starting to fancy the guy. His face lightens up when the snowball pierces the air in his direction and it's only because he is aware of the importance of this meeting that he can hold himself for returning the light-hearted firAnd you Karnus, is your motivationt to be happy? If so what makes you happy?

As a true god of manipulation and secrets Charles secretly creates a champer, hidden in the mountain and inspired by Inlux he creates spheres of divine energy that he will form into servants immediately after the meeting.
Create servant: 3AP


2015-01-08, 10:59 AM
"You seek to impose laws on the gods. We're done here."

With that, Renalth turns and leaves, nodding to the Law Giver's servant as he goes.

2015-01-08, 12:54 PM
Rather I seek to agree on laws. We all have different wishes and with our powers that might well destroy the planet and everything we are working to create. Charles manages to put in before Renalth passes the gate.

2015-01-08, 06:56 PM
Inlux did not move to deliver the bait, but instead watched as the other two guests departed, one in petulant rage, the other in flighty wonder.

"It would appear that there will be little discussion of laws here," said the Messenger. "Of those you called to treat, one is more interested in childish things, the other ran away the moment you said the word 'law'. Is there in fact a reason why the Silver King should pay attention to this place?"

2015-01-08, 09:09 PM
Let's play a little game of "what if", shall we?
What would happen if two human who have never before encountered anything that could oppose their will wanted two different things, say they wanted a rock to be placed on two different locations?

2015-01-10, 06:32 PM
Another snowball, this one larger, breaks into icey peices somewhere in the heights of the Dome.

This thing is great! Enthuses Karnus as he comes back in. In his hands he's carrying a thick leather strap, laced at both ends. I mean I'm using it to throw snow, but you could form and thrown just about anything. It's like an arm extension, except that you can keep on adding power to it just by swinging it around for longer. Of course, if you add too much power, the leather smokes and the snow boils, but I'm pretty sure I can compensate for... Hey, where did Renalth go?

He looks around.

And who is this guy? And he thinks this is childish? I get that that's supposed to be an insult, but has he really thought that through?

He advances a few paces on the newcomer, then shakes his head slowly.

Everyone thinks they're being serious and everyone else is just playing games... Like this idea of everything being dead, and white and boring, ok, that threw for me a bit, but I think I'm beginning to get it. I think what will happen is that, for a few months each year, it will be the time of those who handle snow.

He turns towards their host, and now the newcomer can see what was obvious to their host - a long thinnish stips of leather missing from the back of his coat, as if it had been cut in haste by someone who just couldn't wait to try their new idea. It's also obvious that one of his shoes is missing, and the other is about to come off, since someone has removed the laces.

But I think you're missing a trick with this 'laws of the gods ideas'. The Sorn are getting snowed on, don't you see? I didn't plan that, I doubt Renalth planned that, but now we have wet, cold Sorns. There's no fun keeping all your creations to yourself, and not letting them touch anyone else's.

And what would happen to the rock is that the two gods would argue about it, and the argument would be won by the god who stopped moving the rock first. Because noone is going to spend eternity guarding some dumb rock. Although I suppose you could create someone to guard it for you.., or nail it in place, or maybe a decoy rock... hm...

He rouses himself from thought with a visible effort.

But the point... ah... the point is, there's nothing I can see to be gained from talking about where all the rocks should be in advance, because who knows how much we'll care about it when the time comes?

He turns back to Inlux.

And I don't think you understand how important what I do is... I suggest a bet. You make something, a law or a ritual or whatever it is you do. And I make something, of the kinds of things I do. And we each give both creations to a race of creatures that walks the earth. And then we see which one turns out to be more important. Winner's race has to give a big party to the loser's. Charles here chooses three deities, not either of us or our creations, to judge. What do you say?

0 AP carried over
1st Jan-10th Jan = 10 AP
Create Magical Artefact - The First Sling 1 AP
This crudely fashioned object was the first weapon ever created by Karnus, the Burning Wheel. It functions just like an ordinary sling except that the longer you swing it, the more it builds up speed, with no obvious upper limit. Swinging the sling for too long, too hard, can result in projectiles going through walls, or exploding on impact.
Create Concept - Slings 1AP
8 AP remain

2015-01-11, 07:48 AM
Inlux turned to the now-returned Karnus.

"I had misjudged you - I thought you more interested in making snow effigies than in getting anything done. I mistook experimentation for child's play.

"As to who I am - did you miss the introduction? I am the messenger of Zin the Law-Giver, the Silver King, maker of the Pure Land, father and master of the human race. In the example of the rocks, if you knew anything of Him, you would know that he would be prepared to hold onto the rock forever to see the Law obeyed."

Inlux took a moment to think about the proposed bet; it had a plan, but it saw a flaw in that plan, and then realised that it was more of a flaw in the whole arrangement.

"I do not believe that would work. The Law-Giver has already given unto all living beings the idea of the Law, the basis of all peaceful interaction. Wherever two people agree to split their kills, they have enacted a law. If a group of families work together to build a village and run a farm, then they will be obeying a set of laws, written or not. Even when a group of hostile violent tribes have an understanding that they do not burn down the homes of non-combatants, and only steal the unmarried women, that is a kind of law. Even your games, Charles, are but an expression of Law - a group who are playing a game must by definition be following the rules. If they decide that one thing about it is stupid, and change that rule... then they are still following a set of rules. Once they throw out the rulebook, they are but mucking about, and no longer playing a recognisable game.

"The Law is all-pervading, and I doubt that anything could be even more important to any civilisation that developed past individual wanderers. Thus the contest would not be fair." Inlux did not voice his concerns of the selected gods voting against Zin out of spite - as he spoke, it dawned on him that to do so was unnecessary.

2015-01-11, 08:00 AM
Charles smiles as the arrogant messenger is schooled by the joyful god. Renalth left when I said that we should make laws. He seems to be opposed to the concept.

I didn't say that we should keep our creations to ourselves He corrects when Karnus talks about the cold wet Sorns .
But no that wasn't the point. Now let's take it a step further and say that both gods had Zin's determination and none of them could create anything to keep the rock in place that the other god couldn't destroy?

2015-01-11, 04:21 PM
Karnath looks at the messanger, open-mouthed.

Wait, you seriously believe that?

He shakes his head

First off, child's play is experimentation. As you'd know if you watched any children. But since you seem to hold them in contempt, I guess you haven't. Which is probably why you seem to think that games have to have recognised rules or else they're just mucking about. As if there is anything that has happened in this new creation that doesn't qualify as someone 'mucking about'.

He makes an adjustment to his new toy and for a moment it seems like he'll stop. But he doesn't.

But it gets worse. You're trying to define everything that people have ever done as an expression of 'laws'. It's nonsense. You can pretend that people making agreements and sleeping around and hoping and dreaming are all somehow laws. You can pretend that people are encompassed by your law no matter how they behave towards eachother, but people just don't work that way. You can try and put everything that people do under a law, and you can try and stretch the law to cover everything that people to, but I can tell you now, as one designer to another...

He bares his teeth in what could be a smile.

...it will never, ever, fit.

He blinks, and looks back at Charles

Where were we? Oh yes, rocks. If they're both determined to keep on moving the rock, then they'll they both keep on moving it forever. And anyone who doesn't care, which is most of the rest of us, and most of the universe, will never hear from them ever again.

2015-01-12, 06:49 PM
"You are overly generous to the idea of child's play. I have seen children run around and shout, are you saying that is 'experimentation'? That they need to constantly test the hypothesis that their legs still work and their larynxes still make loud noises? Or do you say that when a child imitates his father, he is performing a rigorous test of the rather well-proven theory that what his father is doing will have either the same results when he does it, or worse results because of his weaker, clumsier frame?

"A child is innately inferior to a grown adult, practically by definition. His potential is not yet realised, and his status is determined by the present, not the future. His mind is not capable of seeing all the dangers around him, and he must be ruled by older heads in order to become anything more than what he is. It is not my purpose to deeply understand children - they are inferior to their fathers, to their grown brothers, and to the men they will become. When a child acts like a child, he is pitiable at worst; when an adult acts like a child, he is contemptible. When a god acts like a child, he is very contemptible.

"In your new example of the rock... I am forced to concede, in such a situation the rock would never move. But, your example is absurd." For a moment, Inlux wanted to say that Zin's determination and purity of purpose was unmatched, that no other god could possibly be as... determined... as the Silver King, yet it realised that that would not persuade the present company. "Already, some of us have created things that cannot practically be destroyed. It is thus ridiculous to assume that neither of these two gods could find a way to keep the ball in his preferred place."

Inlux turned then to Karnath, expressionless, serene, not even with the perpetual slight scowl of Zin. He wondered internally what to say to Karnath's determination to miss the point.

"I would actually put it to you that not a single thing that the gods have done has been 'mucking about'. Everything that a god has done, has been done with a plan in mind, a reason to act. Even if the creation of a thing is the entire purpose for which it was created, that is purpose enough to not be 'mucking about'." It was then that Inlux felt a thunk in his pocket, reached in, and found a small pocket book. "...Excuse me for a second."

As the Messenger opened the book, he understood what the Silver King had done behind his back. This book was the proof that Karnath was wrong, that the Law not only could stretch to cover everything, but that it already had. For Inlux held the second copy of the Book of the Law, in which were codified all laws that existed. As he contemplated how such a thing could work while turning the page, he found himself reading a chapter containing an explanation of the workings of the Book of the Law... and then realised it would be impolite to continue too long.

"It would appear, Karnath, that the Law already does fit." Inlux gestured as if putting the Book of the Law onto a table, then stopped, and put it back into his pocket. Though his face remained serene, his body language betrayed his embarrassment at realising there was not, in fact, a table.


Zin took slight affront at the existence of the Ice Floes, seeing a problem with the very concept of a land where Humans could not spread. Yet, rather than simply lash out at them, he decided it was wiser to create something to counterbalance it, a place of endless summer instead of endless winter.

Of course, endless summer made life hard in its own way...

A new, large land rose up, adjacent to the Lakelands, a sprawling, mountainous, sandy place, fed primarily by the Great River spilling out from the Lakelands into the place where a sea once was. Plants could grow near this river, but they were different plants to the plants of the Lakelands or the Pure Land, due to the greater heat and subtly different soil. When people settled in the so-called Langheiss, they had to change their ways substantially, building houses out of what was nearby instead of the traditional stones of the Lakelands. Most of this land was fairly inhospitable, sparsely inhabited by plants and animals and unable to support large groups of humans; the primary exception was the delta of the Great River, where the surrounding soil was fertile, as if flooded over and over for millennia instead of created that way. It was natural that the Sun Keep formed near the Great River Delta, since nearly all the farmers in the Langheiss were based in the Delta.

The so-called Summer People of the Langheiss gained a reputation for being lazier and more decadent than the First Men... which wasn't hard, but they also stood out next to the other tribes of humanity. This reputation was more than a little unfair - the heat of the Langheiss was such that one simply could not work during the entire period of sunlight, so it was not through laziness that the Summer Men took breaks when it got too hot. Not that the people of the somewhat colder Lakelands would understand the idea of it being too hot to work...

6 AP gained, 2 AP saved

1 AP: Create Artefact "The Book of the Law, First Printing", a pocket-sized self-updating book which somehow contains a codified form of literally all laws, by the ridiculously expansive definition given by Inlux. In order to flip to a particular subject one must simply turn the page while thinking of the kind of law they wish to know about (and mean it, and mean it for real), which literally can be anything from the legal code of Silver Keep to the informal rules of a group of children kicking a ball to the True Law of Zin itself. Subsequent turning of pages will be necessary if the text can't fit on one page, which is usually the case, but will not result in a change of subject unless the reader truly wishes it to.

1 AP: Create Artefact "The Book of the Law, Second Printing", exactly the same as the other Book of the Law. One for Zin, one for Inlux.

2 AP: Create Land "The Langheiss", adjacent to the Lakelands, a place where it is always summer... with realistic climate effects, as plants and animals become relatively scarce and the ones that survive have to adapt to the heat. It can't support as many people as the Lakelands, and those that move there need to adapt.

1 AP: Create Human Tribe "Summer Men", as different conditions lead to cultural divergence in the Langheiss

5-5 min 1 AP: Create Human City "Sun Keep" in the Langheiss, specifically in the Great River Delta

2 AP remaining

2015-01-12, 07:13 PM
Meanwhile, on a snowy mountain side. Four K'Tiki gathered in a cave entrance watching the swirling flakes outside.

So that's the surface world then?


I imagined it more... you know...



Varied... I mean in here we have granite, and slabstone, and ignite, and felspar and balsalt and sandstone and clay and chalk and olivine and pyrite, and all sorts. Out there it's just white? All white?

There's sea, apparently. Further down.

Well that makes sense. I mean, we dig for water, right? So if you dig through that white stuff, there's sea?

Um.. I don't think that's what....

Sounds cold to me.

They continued to peer out into the white swilring gloom.

The point is.. right, the point is. We have to go out there.

I'm not going out into that!

But we have to, don't we? I mean, it's a divine command from great Karnus himself.

More snow falls.

Well... we don't really know that.

The Sorn Council said....

Oh, sure, they said. They're always saying stuff. And we have to do it. But how much of it do you think really comes from the top, eh?

You know you don't see the Sorns out in that lot.

'Course not. It's dangerous, so they send us.

Did you say dangerous?

Well, mildly perilful.

There is a silence. The snow swirls and blusters. It appears to be getting dark.

What kind of peril exactly?

I don't know. It's just, well... it's cold.

No kidding. You could lose an arm or a leg in that lot.


No, not really. Arms don't just snap off.

Bet they would if you froze them really solid.

Yeah, but that's hardly likely to happen just because you're buried in snow.

Hold on, hold on, let's think about this. It's not likely, right, but it's possible, yeah?

It's not going to happen.

I didn't ask if it was going to happen, I asked if it was possible, Just because it's not going to happen doesn't mean it's not possible, right? And if it's possible, well, then, that's dangerous.


... and if it's dangerous, right, then that means we don't have to go.

There was a long reflective silence. The snow was getting thicker.

How do you figure that?

Dangerous working conditions, innit? K'Tiki are to carry out the instructions of the Sorn except where it might be dangerous to do so.

What you're saying you're afraid you'll lost an arm.

No, I'm saying it's possible, right? And that means dangerous. There might be other dangers out there as well.

Another silence.

Looks a bit slippery.

There you go, trip hazard!

Definitely getting darker out three,

Poor lighting conditions! That's not safe either. We want to go out but we can't because it's too dangerous!

Which is just as well, since we'd be really miserable out there in the cold.

So.. what are we going to do? Tell them we looked for the outside world, but couldn't find it?

The wind is blowing now, a keening howl that scatters the thick flakes across the icy mountainside

How can anything survive out there?

Humans manage.

They produce their own heat though, right?

Well that's settled then. We get some humans.

We can't just get another race to do it for us.

What you mean like the Sorn couldn't get us to do things for them?

That's different - they made us.

So we make some humans. How hard can it be?

Well... humans manage to make more humans, so I guess it can't be that difficult.

So we just borrow the Forge of the Sorn, and play with it until we get something we like?

Yeah, only... It takes divine might to create a new race. We're not gods.

Well... there's bound to be some leftover divine power around the Forge somewhere. I mean it was a Sorn job, yeah? They're bound to have messed up the measurements a least a few times.

If we're using leftovers to make this race, we won't have much to work with...

The K'Tiki start withdrawing back down the tunnel.

So.. we'll just have to make them small. Competant, sort of humanish, small...

8 AP carried over
11th, 12th + 2 AP
K'Tiki form a Tribe 2 AP
Create new race: Gnomes 2 AP
6 AP remain.

2015-01-12, 09:36 PM
Charles patiently continues his thought experiment Continueing with the example, what if instead of two gods there was a group of gods that wanted the rock all on different places and there was only this one rock in the universe? And all of the gods had the ability to destroy the rock.. Renelth already did state that he wanted to kill both of your races and that is surely within his grasp-

Throws another wave of divine energy into the mountain, secretly of course.
Create servant

Current AP 7

2015-01-13, 05:38 AM
The Arisen

As Xulos walked the land, death followed. The grass wilted, the leaves fell from the trees, and the insects curled up to die. Every stride brought more death into a world brimming with life. It pleased Xulos, giving him a respite from the pain that dwelt within him. Though true joy eluded the amalgam, at least it suffered less. It continued this walk, leaving a scar of blackened earth and dead lifeforms behind him. This scar blazed a trail from the middle of the Lakelands, to the great mountain that Charles had risen.

In the days following the death god's passage, the death spread. Soon, there was a trail visible from the clouds, a scar a mile wide. And the humans, curious as they were, journeyed to the scar. And so it came to pass, that death claimed the curious and the bold who ventured into the scar. And upon the rise of the new moon, the dead rose. They staggered to their feet, driven by a gnawing emptiness. Their minds were clouded with memories that seemed not their own. A torturous fog of doubt and fear lingered at the edges of their consciousness, and a single urge drove itself into them. "Inflict pain."

10 AP - 3 AP - 1 AP - 1 AP = 5 AP

3 AP - Create Greater Race: The Arisen, the corpses of sentient creatures that fall victim to 'The Curse'. Being wounded by one of The Arisen will inflict 'The Curse' upon the unfortunate victim. The Arisen lose any innate powers they had in life because of their race, though any abilities that they learned are retained. The Arisen exist in a state of purgatory, their souls clinging to their bodies even as the Beacon on the Moon pulls at them. Because of this, the sensations they feel are dulled, even though their senses are as sharp as ever.

1 AP - Alter Land: The Scar, a long 'path' leading from roughly the centre of the Lakelands to the mountain of Charles, the Scar is a mile wide, and everything within it is dead. Anything living that approaches will fall ill, and then die. Corpses within it are in danger of falling victim to 'The Curse'.

1 AP - Create Concept: The Curse, is the touch of Xulos, God of Undeath. Those who are afflicted will rise as undead monsters called 'The Arisen' moments after they are killed. The Curse manifests as a black mark somewhere on the body, ringed with what appear to be embers from a fire. The Curse allows those who bear it to temporarily lessen the burden of pain that Xulos carries by inflicting pain on others. Any form of pain works, be it emotional, spiritual, or physical.

The Mountain of Charles

"Laws... rocks... children... all mean nothing against the inevitability of death." A thousand voices spoke at once, echoing from the dry and decayed throat of Xulos. Rags adorned the corpse-god, made of various fabrics and animal hides. He wore a necklace made of some ribs and leg bones from rodents, teeth from various woodland predators, and a single human skull. His eyes shone with hate, and wisps of vapour rose from his mouth and nostrils. He stood in the doorway of Charles' bastion, arms hanging to the side. The smell of rot permeated the air behind him, and the husks of hundreds of dead insects buzzed around in an intoxicated frenzy. "You speak as though the gods are the only ones with the right to shape the world..."

2015-01-13, 11:29 AM
A Bright Future

The Langheiss is a beacon for humanity, yes. But like any good beacon, it also drew other things. The stories about the man who would work through the hottest parts of the day with no effort were always dismissed as flights of fancy, at least until he arrived on your farm and did just that. The strange man simply showed up on random farms, somehow knowing in advance what was needed to keep entire harvests alive. And when the job was done and the danger in the past, he was gone to the next problem.

The Divine Mountain
In a burst of light, Myrnir appears just outside of the Hall of the Gods. The Summer God brushes lightly past the Rotting God, followed by a breeze that smells of jasmine and freshly harvested grains. It doesn't in anyway make the room smell better, it just mingles with the rot. "For all you death gods say that your domain is inevitable, life sure does find a way to fight back." He waves his hand, and pulls a mound of grass and flowers from the hard stone of the God's hall. He promptly falls upon it and sighs contentedly, and puts a stalk of grass in his mouth. "And I apologize for the interruption, don't mind me."

Create Servant: The Harvestman. A non-descript male human whose sole purpose on this Earth is to aid farmers with their plants. It has the power to teleport, ignore environmental effects, and has supernaturally good luck with growing things. It is restricted in the fact that it can only walk upon soil prepared to grow crops.

New AP: 4

Toxic Mind
2015-01-13, 04:24 PM
Life. All living things need water, and water suffused everything in creation. No one called, no one asked, but the suffusation of such need and desire when the spark of creation still burning brightly brought another into existence. Kalah stumbled out of the waves and onto the shore. She looked around at the land she stood upon, at the lakes and rivers stretching across it. She gazed upon a blackened scar of corruption that bisected the land. She smiled at the pure waters that crossed the land and the oceans that crashed upon the shore behind her. The water burbled it's happiness at her gaze.

She walks to one of the rivers, and follows it, walking through the shallows. Soon enough, she reaches the land scar that she had seen from the shore. She could feel the impurity radiating off it, the lack, the hostility, towards life. She stood for a time, simply observing. Soon enough, one of the Arisen, a human once, wandered over, the hunger to inflict pain shining in its eyes. Kalah looks at the shambling creature, pity in her eyes. Even as it claws at her, she reaches out a hand tendril, a blue-green tentacle that wraps around the creature. Kalah lifts it up and stares at it even as it whines and gnashes its teeth. "Be free" she says, and drops the Arisen into the river.

The effect is immediate. The Arisen glows with blue and aquamarine light that engulfs it. The thing screams for a moment, then is consumed. When the light fades, the corpse, now only a corpse, sinks beneath the river, it's soul freed to ascend to the moon. Her eyes follow the soul as it rises and then winks out. Her attention turns to the Scar, and the creatures that roam across it. This, this she could fix. She climbs to the mountain where the Scar has ended. And on the mountain, she plants her foot into the rock. From under bursts a massive well of water, fed from deep below. In time, it would be fed by snow and rain. The trickle ran down the mountain, splitting around the scar. A river took years to spear be its way to the sea. These were done in minutes, their waters carving down the mountain, along the outer edges of the Scar, their waters running swift and pure. Not unable to be crossed, for those living could build things across them, or risk the current, but to those beyond death, the water was as Anathema as Kalah herself.

And the goddess sits next to her spring and watches as her rivers flow to the ocean. They would wash away all impurities, dragging them into the vast abyss of the sea.

-2AP: Bless - Running Water: all running water is Kalah's domain, and is particularly harmful to the undead owing to their impurities. Crossing running water is incredibly painful for undead, and fatal to lesser types. Immersion in it is fatal no matter the strength of the undead. This blessing applies to the ocean and to all rivers, though lakes, bogs, and other stagnant sources are exempt.
-2AP: Alter Lakeland - The Scar that has so haunted Lakeland and its people is now contained, hemmed in by two massive rivers that the undead cannot cross without great risk. The river comes from a massive spring high on Charles' Mountain.

2015-01-13, 06:04 PM
As the divine rivers roared past Renalth on his long trek to the sea, he payed them no heed. In fact, the only reason he even noticed them was because of the small village, that had survived the creation of the Scar, caught in their way. He continued plodding forward until he reached the mangled wreckage of the walls and houses. Already, the pitiful denizens of the hamlet were searching desperately for their loved ones, and breaking down in tears whether they were found or not. The White Hunger stood and kept vigil until the last of the dead had been found, or written off. And then, sent forth pale wraiths to feed upon the dead.

With his task done and the tragedy witnessed, the White Hunger continued his march across the sea to the Ice Floes.

January 3- now, 6 AP
Total: 10 AP

Create Lesser Race: Pale Ones - The pale ones mimic human form, but are nearly translucent and only appear when a disaster occurs, or is about to occur. Their only purpose is to serve as a warning of the event to come, and devour the dead bodies that are not found so that they do not become Arisen.

New AP: 9

2015-01-13, 06:09 PM
Charles refrain from pointint out that if death were inevitable then all the death gods might as well go to the moon, there weren't any life there anyway.
In any case that's not what I ment. All the mortals on this planet are capable of shaping the world however every single being in this room is capable of destroying the entire planet! And I hope we can come to some sort of agreement such that we won't waste all our efford on countering each other or even worse destroy this world. I'd rather avoid travelling for another infinity before finding a new planet.

2015-01-13, 06:43 PM
Myrnir chews his grass stalk thoughtfully and sets his great scythe to the side. "Wouldn't the whole countering thing keep us in check? Its not like nature gods like me are going to care about laws anyway, and I doubt the gods of Death will listen to someone like you."

He shrugs. "And besides, its not like I can actually end the world, I could only make it a little warmer, see?"

The summer god lets off a pulse of energy, and the chill of winter recedes from the world.

5 AP
Bless World: Winters are even warmer, and most summers are temperate.

Curse Land: Droughts - When summer rolls around (whenever that is) the Lakelands are hit by droughts. Its not enough to actually be detrimental to the humans, but is harsh enough to slow the divine rivers to a trickle, and turn most lakes stagnant.

New AP: 3

Toxic Mind
2015-01-13, 07:17 PM
Kalah sits up next to the spring. She tastes the air, the heat of the world. How... she thinks to herself. The rivers will dry. They freeze during the winter, and dry during the summer. They are not protection at all, little better than the pathetic stone walls these apes had before. Her thoughts race to find a solution. She is the rivers and the ocean, and crushing her opposition is in her power, but not her nature. How to flow around the problem... Of course!

Kalah digs into the mud of the riverbank. Like planting seeds, she deposits eggs. In mere days, these eggs hatch into amphibious creatures. Viciously efficient, they hunt the waters, ambushing any daring to cross and tearing them apart, devouring their flesh and releasing their souls. And when the winter came, and the river froze, they used sharp talons to crack the ice under their prey, dropping them to their doom in the waters. During the summer months, the creatures hid among the mud along the water bank, waiting for footfalls in the river to signal them that prey drew close. They could go many months without a meal, lying in wait for just the right moment.

-1AP: Create Species - Lurkers: Limited to the rivers for now, Lurkers are ambush predators that prey on those that attemtp to cross the rivers too close to their hunting grounds. Lurkers are almost undetectable from above water, and hunt based more on vibrations in the water and the earth than by sight. They are amphibious, though they prefer the water.

2015-01-13, 08:55 PM
Xulos glowered. "Everything dies... given time, the dead outnumber the living." The God of Undeath looked to each of the other gods, settling on the messenger of Zin. "I was born from you lord's neglect. He created minds akin to his own without accounting for the fading nature of their bodies. His folly has resulted in pain everlasting, and I will punish him for that. The world he and his brethren created will crumble until the flames of life are but embers." He raises his arms, embers appearing in his hands, burning the flesh that clings to his bones. "And then I will ignite the flame again, and the cycle will begin anew!"

Xulos let out a dry laugh, his power flowing into the air and then flying out behind him. Those Arisen who had fallen prey to the Divine Rivers, Lurkers, or other dangers, disintegrated. Their bodies faded away to dust, and the dust blew away in the wind. From within the Scar, they rose once more. The darkness of the new moon came once more, and the souls of the Arisen were wrenched away from the Moon, returned to the Earth. Their bodies were recreated from dust and dirt. As they staggered to their feet they felt their memories harder to recall than before. Back in Charles' Sanctum, Xulos spoke. "If you truly seek compromise, then I propose a cycle of light and dark, life and death... As time passes, the living will fade, and the dead will rise. Then the dead will fade, and the living will rise." Xulos looks to Charles. "Or are you as arrogant as some of your peers?"

5 AP - 2 AP = 3 AP

2 AP - Bless the Arisen: The Arisen can only be destroyed temporarily. When slain, their soul is released from their body, but clings to the Earth. On the first night of the New Moon, every destroyed Arisen is resurrected wherever it's Soul considers home. Currently, all Arisen consider The Scar their home, but this can change. The more an Arisen is resurrected this way, the less it can remember of it's former life, and the stronger the urge to inflict pain gets.

2015-01-13, 09:19 PM
Myrnia looks suitably unimpressed with the display of flames. "I'll pass on that compromise. Besides, all you're really good for is death, right? How would you even hope to restart a flame big enough to spark a world?"

2015-01-14, 03:44 AM
"Charles... I think you may be overestimating the power of each one of us," Inlux interjected. "You have pointed out Renalth's apparent intention to murder living beings, yet he quite clearly hasn't committed genocide against humans yet, which implies he either lacks the ability or isn't so keen on the idea after all.

"You... thing..." Inlux addressed Xulos, his voice failing to remain serene. "...Whatever corruption spewed you forth, your claim is false. Death is but a part of existence, and not one which applies to all beings. Be born, grow up, have children, grow old, die; that is simply the Law as it applies to mortals, not some earth-shattering thing that makes all endeavours fruitless. You clung to what is no longer yours. That, and only that, is what created you. The Law-Giver is blameless!

"There will be no compromise in which foul abominations rule the lands of the living. The dead are the dead, and shall forever remain dead. They will never reign in the lands of the living." Zin would never have permitted any compromise at all; that emphasis was the only hint that Inlux dared, of the suggestion that if Xulos was so obsessed with dead people ruling it could create some other land where the dead ruled.

"But to business. While we may disagree on the specifics, it is true that the gods will end up wasting their energies to no effect if we simply undo our works back and forth. The Silver King has permitted me to propose the following rules of engagement.

"Let no god worthy of that name simply undo the works of another god worthy of that name. Let their opposition to the work of another such god be expressed through blessings, maledictions, and laws which mitigate that which they oppose.

"Let no god worthy of that name commit wholesale genocide, either through direct control of belligerent mortals or through calling down the elements themselves.

"Let no god worthy of that name personally engage in physical combat, save to defend themselves from those foolish enough to start it.

"Let no god worthy of the name make the world inescapably hostile to existing life. Let not the all-seeing sun destroy any kind of being; nor the all-scouring wind; nor the all-covering rain; nor the all-freezing winter; nor any other valid example; let nothing both cover the entire world and be hostile to those already born.

"That is the proposal of the Silver King. If any have amendments they would make, I shall have to summon him to discuss them."


Zin saw the changes to the rivers. The use of running water to hinder the movement of undead was a boon, but the Lurkers an insult - as if humanity was not strong enough to fight back against the Arisen using their walls and their spears. It was also a reminder that he had yet to provide them with a means of dealing with the Arisen, affront that they were, corruption that they were.

Many humans had already mined silver, but it had not yet been properly blessed by the Silver King. Now that it had become necessary the Silver King extended his very sphere of Purity into his chosen metal, so that corruption of all kinds would be turned aside by its edge. Mostly, this meant silver cutlery became more used by the rich - before the blessing, silver was already actively hostile to bacteria, but now it was downright genocidal, and could pick out poisons as well as disease. Most pertinently, those of the First Men who opposed the Arisen took to wielding silver-alloy blades - death by silver could relieve an Arisen of their curse, taking them out of Xulos' hands altogether. This was a chemical property of silver, which did not require a blade be made entirely of it, only that enough silver entered hte arisen in the killing blow - a blessing for most warriors, since silver had never been hard enough to make war blades out of.

1 AP gained, 2 AP saved

2 AP: Blessing (Silver). Silver is the material of the Silver King, one of whose spheres is purity. Therefore, it is actively hostile to corruption - pestilence cannot abide on its edge, and even the curse of the Arisen can be broken if there is enough silver in the blade that strikes them down. We say "enough" because silver is still not a good material to make killing blades out of, so it is often alloyed with steel to make the tools of an Arisen hunter.

1 AP remaining

Toxic Mind
2015-01-14, 12:23 PM
Kalah dives into the spring, and flows along its path through the river, watching her hunters as they devoured the Arisen. She was unconcerned that the creatures returned every moon. Each time, they lost something of their self, a little more clinging to the void. It was enough, for now.

She followed the river to its end, where the fresh water touched the sea. She dove into the oceans, and found them bare of all life save for the strange spires at the bottom. Kalah split into a thousand thousand pieces, and each small spark of life became a fish, all different species and colors and types. Some were poisonous, most wee safe to eat. Some nibblede at the crystalline growths, others ate sea plants, and some ate the other fish. Some even feasted on the detritus of the dead. All a cycle, ever continued.

Though all these fish were good, and all of the precious, Kalah wished for something more, a people who could walk the seas and the land, like her Lurkers, but who would think and feel as she did. So she took the flesh of one of the arisen, washed to sea, the body of a human, washed away by the river, the gills of one of the fish and stitched them together. So the first Alateans came into being. Skin as blue as the water that was their womb, with both gills and lungs, they stood on two legs and walked and talked much like the humans, but they could breathe underwater, and see in the inky depths. They built their first village on the shores of Lakeland, near the mouth of the river. They made crude fishing implements, and hunted the waters. The water provided, and they were happy.

Least Species: Fish
Least Species: Ocean Plants (Kelps, grasses)
Least Species: Coral
2AP: Create Species - Alateans: Alateans are amphibious humanoids with blue skin, capable of breathing both air and water interchangeably. They have webbed hands and feet, giving them high mobility in water, though lessening it on land. For now they life in the river delta.

2015-01-14, 04:29 PM
Xulos tilted his head to the side, peering at Inlux. "Why do you hate me, messenger? The Tyrant created humans in his own image... yet physical death does not claim every part of their mind... they have a soul. We did not." Xulos motions to himself. "Instead, we were tormented, punished by the universe for the Tyrant's mistake... I have endured a hundred million lifetimes of pain, all because your pathetic creator didn't think ahead." The God of Undeath motioned to the floor before him, and a small campfire rose from the ground. The flames roared to life, reaching huge heights, and then sputtered and burned out, leaving only ash and embers.

"Even the dimmest flame leaves embers, coals. And when you add fuel... the flames will rise again." He says, waving his hand as kindling appeared on the fire. Soon, the kindling caught fire again, and more fuel was added. "Does that answer your question?" He looked to Myrnia. "I will not destroy the world... I will let it burn to cinders, and then add fuel." He turned back to Inlux. "As for the Tyrant's laws, if he wishes to impose his misguided and deluded views on the rest of his kin, then let him do it in person, not through a sycophant such as yourself."

The Last Men

The Arisen of the scar endured hardship like no other race had. The land itself turned against them, they were hunted by their former families and kinsmen, and they were trapped within a withered and broken place. Such hardship discouraged the Arisen, and led to them becoming less inquisitive than they had been. Something, or someone, or multiple someones, didn't like that they existed. And so, the Arisen banded together. Two score and eight Arisen banded together within the Scar, erecting primitive shelters of dead wood and partially rotted animal hide. They made crude weapons of dead wood and sharpened stone, and used these weapons to defend their people against the Lurkers, and the hunting parties of the First Men. Soon, the brightest among them began to lead the others in beseeching the gods for aid.

"Oh mighty gods, lords of the heavens and hells. You who have forsaken us, despised us, we ask why? Why do you turn the very waters against us, and call your people to hunt us like mindless beasts?" The leader of the prayer said to the dark sky above him, as two dozen of the other Arisen sat nearby, bowing their heads and whispering their own prayers. The leader bowed his head, then stabbed his thigh with a stone knife. "And you who have given us this existence... we ask your aid. We beseech you for help. Your chosen ones are floundering, oh mighty lord. We ask your guidance."

3 AP + 1 AP - 1 AP - 2 AP = 1 AP
2 AP - Organize Tribe: The Last Men, all the human Arisen that met their fate within the Scar have banded together into a tribe calling themselves the Last Men in a mockery of the First Men. There are 48 Arisen in the tribe, and they wield primitive weapons and wear the clothing they had with them when the Scar claimed their lives.

1 AP - Create Concept: Prayer. Prayer is a method by which Mortals can attempt to contact Gods or other 'divine' entities such as Angels or Demons. Prayer does not always work, and it is easily ignored by any God. But any god who concentrates on listening will hear every prayer that is sent to them, especially if an offering is made that relates to that god.

Toxic Mind
2015-01-14, 06:19 PM
The Last Men

Kalah hears them. How strange she thinks. That I would hear their crying, those who are blighted aspects of life. But perhaps I was too quick in my judgement. Was there not life in that corruption? Was there not purity in death? With no thought or hand to guide, and left to make her own decision, she left the Alateans to their village, and walks across the river to the Scar, to the tribe of the Last Men. "You called. And I have answered, mortal thing. I am called Kalah, goddess of all the waters. You brought me here. Why?" Curiosity, not anger.

2015-01-14, 06:29 PM
Renalth hears the cries of the Arisen and sighs. He was close to the sea, but this demanded attention. He trudged slowly through the Scar to the Last Men. "What would you have me do? Allow you to continue in half life, or grant you the release of death? Your creator has denied you rest after a life of pain. I thought the least that I could do for you was prevent your existence, sparing you pitiful existence." He nods to the goddess, after he notices her.

2015-01-14, 11:22 PM
Campgrounds of the Last Men

The leader of the Prayer knelt before the two gods that had shown themselves. "Oh great lords, we thank you for honouring us with your answers. We seek only answers, understanding. Oh Goddess of Waters, we ask why the rivers have turned against us, slain us and forced us to be trapped within this place." He then bowed to Renalth, looking up to him. "I am confused, your magnificence. Prevent our existence? Why do you believe us to be in pain? We are in less pain than ever, our creator has gifted us with life everlasting." The 'priest' for lack or a better term, stayed bowed before the two gods, hoping his questions and answers would be sufficient for them. "We have beseeched you to ask questions, to determine what we have done to anger you so."

2015-01-14, 11:29 PM
"Truly? No pain? Hmm. Well, my creations do not exist to hunt you, simply devour the slain. If you are content with your lot, then who am I to meddle." The god sits beside the river. "But tell me something. When the rivers first ran, I saw a village near the scar. The First Men there wept when their loved ones died, did you not have others that wept for you when you first died?"

Toxic Mind
2015-01-15, 12:37 AM
"Because the Waters are purity. You, whatever you are, are not. Do not misunderstand me. I do not seek your destruction. If that were the case, the waters of the rivers and the oceans themselves would rise to engulf you." She looks at the Arisen priest, sadness and pity in her eyes. "You are born from the corpses of the slain, unique in this world. You do not die, and you rob life of its meaning, for in death you restore that which should have left. Your soul rots within you, each new death pushing you farther from life, pushing you more towards pain and suffering. The rivers exist to protect you from the outside world, and to protect the outside world from you." A shadow ripples through Kalah's watery frame, as if it were a window into the depths, and something massive and primordial had just passed by, an inky outline in the water.

2015-01-15, 02:18 AM
The priest looked to Renalth, searching for words. After a few moments of staring into space, he nodded. "We do feel pain; dying and rising up from dust is quite painful; but our lives are easier. We need not sleep, nor eat, nor drink. Thank the creator for that last fact, lest we die again." He bowed his head to Kalah, then looked back to Renalth. "You are responsible then, for the beings that prey upon the corpses of the slain? I see..." The priest peers at the soil strangely, as if trying to remember. "I believe, yes, I think... I had a family. But I cannot remember their names... I had a daughter, and a wife..." He trails off. One of the other Arisen speaks. "Most of us remember bits about families and some law or another... but we've all been rejected from our lives. Our people hunt us, the waters burn us, and we are trapped... This place," the Arisen motions to the darkened forest around the campground, "is our home now."

The priest regains his composure, looking to Kalah. He nods slowly, understanding her words. "I... I am unsure of how I feel about this. On one hand, it seems this world is hostile to our kind, and your measures protect us and them. On the other, without being able to spread the mark as our creator intended, we will die out. Our minds will fray and our memories will fade into nothingness. Then we will be truly a blight upon the world, for we will be unable to control our urge to relieve the Painbearer's burden." He bows his head to Kalah. "I beg you, on behalf of the Last Men, allow us to access the outside world. At least occasionally, or perhaps help us find more land to call our own? This stretch of forest is thin, and resources are scarce..."

2015-01-15, 03:33 AM
"You could have accepted your fate and let the fate of oblivion take your pain away. You could have begged the creator of souls to make his gift retroactive, so that you might go to the moon as well. Instead of doing either of these things, you clung to life in a fashion that you knew would be endless torment. Instead of seeking to ensure no one else suffers your fate, you actively spread suffering and pain, you deny people who have done nothing wrong the release that you could have begged for, and you have the nerve to blame the Silver King for a fate you brought on yourself."

Inlux paused, contemplating the audacity of his intended next move. To compromise openly with this filth would be an overreach of his authority, yet he feared what would come to pass if Zin was allowed in the same room as such a hateful being.

"You already have the Scar, a land ruled by the dead. You already have the power to raise new lands. You have neither any need for the lands of the living, nor any claim on them whatsoever. Do not speak of 'embers' and 'coals' - the flame of this world will never die down. Ever.

"And tell me. What part of the Silver King's proposal is 'misguided' or 'deluded'? Or is it that you see that the proposed rules are without flaw, yet attack them anyway rather than accept anything from the one you blame for your own actions?"


A pillar of pale light appeared in the Scar; when it faded, Zin stood where it had been, left hand holding the Book of the Law, right hand on the pommel of Clemency, near the group who had prayed for answers.

He was surprised to find that Renalth had already come to answer them, as well as a vaguely bipedal body of water. He had some idea of what they had said - perhaps the water being was responsible for running water doing harm to the undead - but he had his own words to say.

"You are the dead, poor victims of Xulos. Your souls should have departed this world, but that being condemned you, denying you the rest that was your lot. Though you are blameless, your mark is an abomination, and I cannot suffer it to be spread. This is why I allowed your former kin to hunt you down, to send you where the dead belong.

"Yet, I cannot bear to watch you die and be forced to rise up here, again, and again, helpless to save yourselves. You speak of cursing others with your fate, in order to relieve yourselves of future suffering. Yet there is a better way. Silver can completely, permanently remove your curse, and allow you to pass on to the Soul Beacon."

2015-01-15, 04:34 AM
Mountain of Charles

Xulos scowled, his eyes dimming to be like cinders. "You know nothing of pain, do you, messenger?" He held out a desiccated hand to Inlux. "Nor do you know anything of survival. My pain is eternal, my will to endure unbending. Undeath is as much a law as any of Zin's declarations. I am not an abomination, I am the truth. I am that which the living deny, because it pains them to think that they may be forced to leave this world behind. I begged for oblivion countless times, oh sycophant. But it did not come. Instead, it burned our being into ash, and then ignited the ashes as well!" He clenched his outstretched hand into a fist. "Something always remains. If Zin is as infallible as you say, he would have known this. But instead, the flood came, and destroyed most of humanity... Do you know of that, Sycophant? Did your precious lawmaker see fit to tell you of the history of this world? Or did he leave you in the dark? I was left in the dark. For what felt like an eternity, those that became me were left in the dark. Soundless screams echoed from our mouths but there was no respite. Even now, I bear that pain. Even now, agony is mine to know more deeply than any other being in existence."

Xulos let the hand drop to his side. "Zin's laws are not always correct. He is not all-knowing. He is fallible. And he was incorrect, when he assumed that death is final. He was incorrect when he assumed that the moon is what all souls want. That beacon is like a candle to moths. Nothing happens there, souls know an eternity of uninterrupted boredom." He lets out a mournful sigh. "The Arisen do not wish for release... I have given them a eternity to experience on this earth. I have given them a respite from the pain that life is full of. I am their father, and I am a better father than Zin could ever be." Xulos shakes his head at Inlux. "Call your creator. Tell him, that if he wishes peace, then he must admit his failings in front of all the world. He must beg my forgiveness. And if he cannot, then I will burn his creations to cinders again and again and again." Xulos turned to leave, stopping just outside the door. "He is misguided in that many gods entire being is representative of that which his laws wish to forbid. Until he deigns to step off his haughty throne, I will not agree to anything." And with that, Xulos walked out of Charles' mountain, his form disintegrating into a swarm of cinders, which flew off to the south.

Campgrounds of the Last Men

The Priest's eyes widened upon seeing Zin. He made a strange sign with his hands, over his heart. He started below it, then moved up, then moved down diagonally, and finally made a small circle at the end. If one watched carefully, they would see he was drawing a flail. "I beg your pardon, Lord Zin... but we are not victims... we are the Painbearer's chosen... we are as eternal as he, now." The priest averted his gaze from Zin, as did most of the other Arisen, even when they had looked at the other gods directly. "What possible reason could you have for hating us so?!" The priest shouted. "What have we done, besides exist in a form you dislike, to warrant such hatred?" He looks downcast as Zin continues. "So you would have us throw ourselves onto the blades of our former kinsmen, all because you think we are in pain? The Painbearer is in pain beyond imagining! We cannot forsake the duty he has given us. To do so would be unimaginably cruel!"

2015-01-15, 05:36 AM
Zin saw the unholy sign, presumably meant to ward against him, and was more confused than he was angered. For a wicked god to oppose the Law-Giver was one thing, but what did this mortal, this human, this descendant of those shaped by Zin's own hands, hope to achieve with a gesture?

"Your existence is a violation of the Law. The dead are to pass on. To remain here, in their old form, with their old bodies, is un-Lawful - you are nothing but the fruit of Xulos' sin.

"Do not mistake my statement of fact for hatred. You are my own creations, cursed by Xulos to bear the burden it brought on itself. Had you chosen this fate for yourself, were you both law-breaker and sin incarnate, then perhaps you would be worth my hatred. And make no mistake, if you leave this place, if you impose your iniquity upon others who have done no wrong, then you will have earned my hatred.

"If the Painbearer, as you call it, was so concerned about its own pain, then it would fall upon silver. If that were not enough, then it could beg me for release, and I would answer as I have answered you." That last bit was at best an exaggeration, though Zin would not have believed as much consciously. He knew, at some level, that his reach was not infinite, else he could have obliterated those recalcitrant spirits before they ever combined to form a being so evil in his eyes. Yet he would not even acknowledge the possibility that there might not be anything he could do to unmake the sin of the Amalgam. "Make no mistake, its talk of its own 'pain' is a deception, to seduce you into serving its darker purposes." What those darker purposes might be, Zin had no idea. The pillar of light appeared again, as Zin travelled away from there, to a place outside even the moon's orbit.

Whereupon he decided he really needed to get round to making himself a throne or headquarters of some kind. Something garish. Something glorious. Something more over-the-top than human hands could shape... He decided it would be first on the to-do list after debriefing Inlux and pressing the humans to form him a proper empire, then descended into the Pure Land, which remained low on humans even generations after the Great Flood. The Lakelands were simply more defensible and more conducive to human endeavour - the Pure Land had no mountains and very few minerals, the wood of its trees was inferior to the sturdier stuff found in other lands, and few would forget the legend of how it was depopulated. Even the Langheiss provided an at least more interesting climate. Even if Zin particularly wanted the humans to reclaim it, to do so would require they forsake some of the advancements and comforts they were used to - not least, the comfort of knowing that human hands could shape places like Silver Keep.

Toxic Mind
2015-01-15, 11:40 AM
Kalah looks at the new arrivals. She chuckles. This mortal must be having a strange day, to have so many gods appear before him. She walks to him, and lays a hand/tendril upon his face. The touch of the water burns, but he dares not turn away or shield from it. And his persistence or fear pays off, for the water ceases to burn.

"Tiny creature. Your lives, such as they are, still are a mere fraction before mine own. Still, that does not give your life any less meaning." The title would have been an insult, but before the vastness of the oceans, what mortal creature was not tiny? It was merely a statement of fact. "The rivers will flow, for it is in their nature. But during the summer months, they will cease to a mere trickle, crossed with only a small amount of pain, and not a death sentence. The creatures that hunt the rivers will sleep during this time, and you will be freed. Yet heed this, for when the summer fades, the river will return, and those still beyond will be there, unable to return. The Scar will always be home, safety, but for those who wish to brave the beyond, the opportunity is there."

Kalah steps away, and gestures out towards the vast beyond of the ocean. "My people await in that vast land. Perhaps some day we shall meet. You are trapped upon this island, the oceans are barred to you. For now." A smile at the last, as if a promise that, should circumstances change and should the Arisen grow, that barrier too might be removed. "Understand, I cannot countance your expansion if it brings destruction upon others. But should you claim only those who have already fallen by natural means to bolster your people, I see no harm."

The Others
Kalah looks at the other beings. The Winter one seemed kin, also torn between help and harm, unsure of the validity of these creatures in light of the other mortals on this plane. But the other one, the brazen one, he was clearly opposed. Kalah wondered what stayed his hand from smiting these creatures, if he hated them so. He claimed not to hate, but his expression revealed otherwise. Delusion was corruption as much as the Arisen were facsimile of life.

2015-01-15, 12:15 PM
Oh the debate, the energy!, the fierce and fiery opponents! Boredom truely is the opposite of joy Charles thinks as he comfortably enjoys the debate. He flinches when he hears that the souls are living an eternaty of boredom. Not wanting to ruin his own fun by stopping the conversation he secretly changes the beacon.

Create concept(a joy for a joy): Souls experience the same ammount of joy that they have caused in their lifespan when they die. Every day.
He blesses it to work retroactively, that is it also applies for the people who are already dead.

2015-01-16, 06:54 PM
Up, up it goes, rising like an ethereal chorus, like hand reaching for a forbidden fruit. Higher, and higher still.

It is a principal of the universe that all things are in their place. The sea's place is in the lowest places of the earth, and that is where it remains. When it does not, as in flood, storm, or other catecylsm, there can be only suffering.

Rising higher and higher, like a dream of wings to carry one to the sun, like a cast hook to snare the moon from it's cloudy bower.

So too, the place of the sky, and the things of the sky, is above. The sun, the moon, the stars, all of them have their place, which is in the heavens above. These are more than mere objects, for as the studies of the Sorn show, this is the realms of destiny, of fate, of the future foretold. No good can come of disturbing their endless dance, for to tinker with the stars is to alter the fate of the wolrd.

Reaching up beyond the sky, through the freezing vastness of the heavens themselves, seeking, searching.

It was agreed then, that we should not reach beyond our natural limits, seeking neither forbidden knowledge nor the ability to change fate, but be accepting of what shall come. The heavens, dealing with destiny, luck, the literal pattern of the future of the universe, should remain forever beyond our grasp.

Finding that shining brilliant prize, closing upon it, the wheel reaches the purity of a star in heaven. And as it burns, the wheel turns, casting it's fiery form down from the realm of destiny and fate, and into the imperfect world.

Mentioning this principle to Karnus, was, in retrospect, a mistake.

And where the star falls, the seas are obliterated in an instant, and great bubbles of molten earth are thrown into the sky. For many weeks, the new land smokes, but eventually it begins to cool. And it is rich, from it's verdant surface to the scattered ores underneath. And far beneath those gentle hills, lies the smoldering heart of a star.

(Excerpt from Mistakes of the Early Gnomes Volume III)

Downs of Athoril
The Downs is a series gentle green hills, and formed the cradle of early gnomic civilisation. The rich farmland and plentiful ores led to the traditional gnomish settlement pattern of shallow, easily concealed burrows, connecting to both overground public buildings, and deeper tunnels. As legend has it, the very deepest tunnels sought out the mysteriuous and elusive starmetal, but the difficulty of extracting and working this difficult and occasionally dangerous substance kept it very rare indeed, and what little was extracted tended to be traded with the K'Tiki, who in turn traded it to the Sorn.

Sunward Isles
The lightest elements of the starstirke were flung much further, and ended up in the sea. The resulting achipelego gained the name of the Sunward Isles, from an early poetical description of the sun touching the Isles as it neared the earth. These islands mark a vast shallow area of sea, teaming with fish, corals and sandy beaches. The strange plants that grow on these scattered islands are quite different from those on the mainland, and legend has it that they are the last remenants of the fortelling wisdom of the star that was flung to earth. Whatever their origin, spices from the islands have a reputation for provoking startling prophetic dreams, and are prized by shamans and hedge magicians the world over.

AP Log
6AP carried forward
13th-16th = 4 AP
10 AP total

Create land, Downs of Athoril 2AP
Unique resource - Starmetal 1AP

Create land, Sunward Isles 2 AP
Unique resource - pychodellic spices 1AP

The original tribe of gnomes settle in the Downs of Athoril
New tribe - Sea Gnomes, settle in the Sunward Isles 1AP
New Tribe - Gnomes of the Deep 1AP

2 AP remaining

2015-01-18, 03:21 AM
The Painbearer spoke unto the Last Men. "I hath gifted you the greatest of gifts, eternity. I hath taken your pain upon myself, that you may exist and prosper for all time. Now and forever, you shall cleave to no laws save those of gods and men who respect you in both principle and practice. For this, I ask that you inflict pain in my name, that my burden be momentarily relieved. Exhibit not cruelty to those undeserving, but punish your enemies and make pain the most holy of virtues."
Burdens, Chapter 1, Verses 1-6.

The Land of the Dead

The Seas north of the Lakelands erupted, mountainous peaks breaking the surface of the ocean like great spears. Rivers of the earth's blood spurted out of great fissures, forming into rocky crags and plateaus. The wind blew in from the north, sweeping through the mountains and scattering volcanic ash across the land. Atop this fertile ash, dirt and gravel was laid down, to provide soil. Soon, trees and grasses began to grow, brown and grey in colour. After the plants took root, animals began to spring up. First of these were omnivorous mammals with squat bodies, four legs, fur, and small tusks. The males had curving horns jutting from the sides of their heads. These beasts flourished on the crags, largely due to their ability to eat nearly anything, and the fact that they were natural climbers and jumpers.

Seeing his works to be satisfactory, Xulos formed from the ash and cinders left on the breeze. The Painbearer breathed unto the new land, christening it 'Numorea'. The deep reaches of Numorea stirred, monsters formed of molten stone and ash climbed from the depths. Vaguely humanoid, they lacked a head, instead having a circular mouth-like opening just below where their neck should be. Their skin was grey and dusty, coated in ash. It cracked in places, around joints and where the major muscle groups would be on a human, allowing their molten insides to glow dimly. These new beings, named the Tok'Mar by their creator, were dim-witted and strong, barely above animals and almost certainly incapable of reason or speech. Instead, their lot was to protect the depths of Numorea from the races of man and gnome. Indeed, any living thing that ventured into the deeps of the Tok'Mar was hunted and slain by their fiery wrath. What they protected, was a mystery known only to Xulos.

The Painbearer nodded at his work, turning into a swarm of Cinders once more. With a crackle of flame, he flew off towards the encampments of the Last Men.

The mountainous region I just made will serve as the first part of a continent north-east of Zin's land. It is currently comprised of a rocky badlands broken up by seven ranges of mid-sized mountains. The largest of these peaks is only four kilometres tall, but there are a lot of them. The mountains are populated by what is essentially a hybrid between mountain goat and boar. The trees that grow here grow mostly near the coast, with a light brown wood and grey bark. Sootgrass thrives in the volcanic basins, drawing nutrients from mineral rich volcanic ash that is periodically scattered about by eruptions.
The Tok'Mar are being of stone, fire, and ash that stand twice as tall as a human. They have no heads, instead their 'face' is at the top of their chest, where a single circular maw serves as their mouth. Their skin is more like a crust of ash and stone that covers the molten stone that makes up most of their form. The Tok'Mar are strong, hot, and unyielding in their assaults. They are almost incapable of reason, and the only speech they can manage is roaring and grunts.
1 AP +4 AP (Jan 15-18th) - 2 AP - 0 AP - 1 AP = 2 AP
2 AP - Create Land: Numorea
0 AP - Create Lesser Species: Hearthwood Trees, Sootgrass, Gorns.
1 AP - Create Species: Tok'mar

Toxic Mind
2015-01-18, 05:43 PM

The Alateans wandered around the lands that they had been given for some time. To the East, the great river, and the North, the vastness of the ocean. The Alateans spent most of their time in the sea, as it called to them the most, hunting and fishing. Their society was simplistic, tranquil. Each Alatean hunted for themselves and their family. They used all that they killed, knowing that nature was theirs to respect, and that if they did so, the sea would provide. They made clothes from the ocean reeds and plants, stitched together with ligaments from eels and sewn with fish-bone needles. Having yet to encounter any other intelligent species, they assumed themselves alone on the world, a prospect which they were unconcerned with.

In time, they spread along the Northern coast of the Lakelands, forming different tribes. The Merk remained closest to where they had come onto this earth, nestled in the river delta. To them was given the task of spiritual health. The Merk would take the bodies of the dead to the East, into what the Alateans called the Blackened Lands, their underworld. There, they were laid to rest, returned to nature. Merk Priests went only during the day, and never during the summer. The Winter was the time for Alatean burials. To preserve the bodies, they were interned in a limestone cavern found in the delta. The bodies returned to the Scar, but for Alateans, beings without souls, there was no easy return. A problem for the Arisen, without a doubt.

To the West of the Merk were the Galn, great craftsmen of the ocean. The Galn cared little for the land, building houses that floated on the water, anchored to the sea by long lines of kelp. These marvels of engineering could ride the toughest waves without capsizing, buoyed of fish bladders and kelp polyps. The Galn built traps and spears to hunt for their food, weapons that were just as effective in the water as on land. They harnessed the power of the great swathes of light plankton, which when they rose from the depths would light up the ocean for miles. These they used to make lanterns and lamps that could function both underwater and above.

The farthest West were the homes of the Yoth, Alatean hunters and tamers of ocean beasts. The Yoth hunted the depths for their food, choosing to test their skill against the creatures of the deep. They hunt the most fearsome of creatures, predators as large as a full grown Alatean. These beasts were masters of stealth and hunting, and from them, the Yoth learned much. In time, the greatest of Yoth would tame one of these beasts, using them as hunting partners, ranging far and wide.

Kalah watched her people grow with pride. Their love and respect for the ocean which gave them life and sanctuary warmed her heart.

-0AP Lesser Species: Bio-luminescent Plankton, Sharks and other Fish Predators, Mollusks
-1AP Organize Tribe: Merk - Priests of the Alateans, they conduct rituals for the dead, bringing them to the Scar during the winter. They concern themselves primarily with matters of the spirit. They live closes to the Scar, in the delta formed by the East River. Despite their customs, few Merk have ever seen an Arisen (yet).
-1AP Organize Tribe: Galn - Engineers, they designed floating homes off the coast of the Lakelands. They harnessed Bio-luminescent planktons to create lamps that could light the ocean as well as the sky. They created the first traps, little more than crude boxes, to ensnare crabs and lobsters.
-1AP Organize Tribe: Yoth - Hunters, some have tamed sharks as hunting companions. They are usually much larger than other Alateans, and speak less as well. They are powerful, and skilled in combat, though untested against anything beyond the sea.
Remaining: 2AP

2015-01-18, 06:46 PM
Gods of the Last Men

The Priest bowed his head in reverence to Kalah. "Your kindness will be forgotten only at the end of days, when we are no more, Goddess of Waters." He smiled faintly back at her, his somewhat withered face tightening. "I only hope we prove worthy of your graciousness." The gathered Arisen nodded in agreement, some smiling faintly, others looking as apathetic as they normally did. That is not to say they were not thankful, but rather than their joy at the prospect was dulled by perspective and the curse. They looked ragged and worn, like survivors of some great war. Some seemed as through they could still be alive, their flesh showing only a slight paleness to indicate their condition. Most seemed tattered, small tears in their skin showing slightly withered musculature and sinew below the surface. A scant few, those who seemed the most distant from the situation, as if they weren't entirely there, were withered. Their skin was wrinkled in places, tight over faded flesh in others. One of them was at the point where his left arm bones were showing through a hole in his muscle.

The Priest stroked his chin, lost in thought. "As the Painbearer spoke at our birth; we cleave only to the laws of those gods and men who respect us. I believe you respect us. Thus, we would honour you in our rituals and laws, Goddess of Waters. I ask on behalf of the Last Men, how would you have us do this?" The Priest glanced to Renalth, frowning ever so slightly. "We mean not to disrespect you, oh mighty lord. We must know your intentions and thoughts before we can honour you equally." As the Priest spoke, cinders and flecks of ash drifted past Renalth and Kalah along the breeze. Slowly, they began to take the shape of withered feet, then legs. A strong gust blew through the campgrounds as a storm of embers and ashes coalesced into the form of Xulos. The Firstslain bowed his head to the gathered Arisen, "Ahlnosh, Last Men." he said, a greeting of his own design. The Priest bowed before Xulos, repeating the greeting back to the God of Pain. "Ahlnosh, Painbearer." Xulos turned, bowing his head in respect to Kalah and Renalth. "Ahlnosh, Kinsgods. I apologize if I am interrupting anything..." He said, the rage and hatred in his eyes nearly gone, replaced by a calm, slow burning flame of determination.

Toxic Mind
2015-01-18, 07:13 PM
"I can sense them in you, and you in them." A statement, without judgement or inflection, and a greeting. Then odly enough, Kalah turns away from Xulos and back to the mortal, as if this creature was more worthy of her attention. And perhaps, to her, the priest was. After all, Xulos was an unknown factor. "I would ask two things. That you, in your lives, respect the ocean and its creatures, taking only from it what you need, and never bringing undue sorrow to it. And secondly, my people. the Alateans, live just beyond to the north, where the sea and river meet. Their dead are brought to the Scar for burial, taken beyond their lands. But my people have no souls, for such is not a gift I have chosen for them. They have only this life, and they value it far more for that case. I ask that, should you find use for the bodies, that they never return to the lands of the living. If they must be reborn, then keep them separate from those that still live." Kalah points to the Northwest, where the Alateans live.

Then, to Xulos, her business with the mortals concluded, unless they wished to continue it. "The sins of the father do not become the sins of his children, Painbearer. But know this. If you seek to spread your corruption into my waters, you will find me an implacable enemy. I tell you this, so that you do not take actions in ignorance that will set us opposed."

-2AP Curse: Alateans - Alateans do not possess souls within their bodies. As they die, they cease to exist in any meaningful way, leaving behind only flesh. What this means to the Arisen has yet to be determined. To the Alateans, it means that they value their lives a great deal more, and their actions on the mortal plane, because for them, nothing lies beyond.

2015-01-18, 07:33 PM
Xulos stares at Kalah for a few moments, frowning slightly. "If you mean to imply I have sinned... then I would ask how. Aside from that, the nature of the Arisen lies with the soul... if your children have not a soul, they cannot be Arisen." He extends a hand to Kalah. "I am Xulos Firstslain, remnant of ten score thousand lives. I admit ignorance to this 'corruption' you speak of. If you would elaborate, then we may come to an understanding." Xulos's eyes seemed to simmer, the rage that had dimmed rising once more. Was this goddess his enemy? Was she like Zin, or was she reasonable?

2015-01-18, 08:18 PM
Renalth shakes his head. "You are not interrupting." He sighs. "Would you like a place to flourish, where you will not be hunted?"

Toxic Mind
2015-01-18, 10:01 PM
Kalah spreads her arms, gesturing to the land around her. "This. This wasteland, without life. Death is here. A slow death, perhaps, a death of the mind rather than the body, but that is no mercy. But I am not here to judge you. That is not my place. Your people are your own, and as you can see, I hold no grudge against them." She extends a watery tendril, which snakes around the hand and up the arm. "I am Kalah, the Mother of Waves. As I said, I simply came to warn. You are an unknown, but the greatest mountain will still inevitably bow to the sea. If your corruption spreads, you will find that the ocean can take life away as easily as it gives it."

2015-01-18, 11:19 PM
Xulos's rage dimmed to embers once more, his worry subsiding. "We disagree, then, on whether death is corrupt. But let us not come to blows over such a thing. I shall refrain from 'befouling' your waters, Kalah, you have my word." Xulos winced at the water's touch, it would seem that the corrosive effect it had on the undead applied to him too. The Painbearer looked to Renalth, raising an eyebrow to his offer.

The Priest looked to Renalth as well. "We would accept such a gift graciously, my lord." He said, kneeling before the gods. Xulos held up his other hand. "I have forged a land of stone and fire to the north, beyond the seas." He looked Renalth up and down. "I have but one question before I decide upon something... who are you?"

2015-01-19, 12:18 AM
"I am Renalth, god of Winter and Death. Or one of them." The cold blue lights flicker in the blackened eye sockets. "I've no intention of harming your creations, if thats what you are concerned about."

Toxic Mind
2015-01-19, 12:20 AM
"You misunderstand me. It is not your death that is corrupt. Death is purity. It is this un-life that you perpetuate. You, the Arisen, the humans, all being with souls. You continue, when there should be only oblivion. Still, it appears that this is the way of the world, and I will not cause the suffering of so many things to change what is. But my people will never be a part of it." At the promise, Kalah looks up, and the after that is her body burbles happily. "So you are not without reason. This is good. If your people must cross the ocean to reach their new home, come to me. I will protect them from the ocean's rage during their journey."

2015-01-19, 01:09 AM
Xulos looks at Kalah with a saddened frown, his eyes burning dimly. "I have tasted Oblivion, Kalah. It is not a sensation any being should feel, and it has left it's scars on me. I would not wish that fate upon any being, and I would urge you to consider the benefits that souls could give your people." He lifted a tattered cloth from his shoulder, showing his withered form. A wound in his shoulder allowed the smouldering remnants of thousands of souls to be seen writhing in agony beneath his skin. He let Kalah gaze upon it for a time, before covering it back up. "Yet that is a debate of philosophy. I would ask you one favour, Mother of Waves. Give me but one lake or lagoon on each landmass. I would 'befoul' it, in your terms, but limit my influence to its shores. I would use these pools as conduits to allow the Arisen, and any others who wish it, to travel to the lands I have crafted."

Xulos looked to Renalth. "And to you, I would offer a claim upon that Landmass. If you so desired, we could share it, and build it larger as the urge strikes us. Already I have laid the foundations of life there, but the land is wild. There is plenty of room for us both, and plenty of space to expand it." Xulos released the watery tendril, extending his hand to Renalth. "I would propose our land to be a harsh land, but with great risk should come great reward. Already the deep places of Numorea are guarded by the Tok'Mar, but those who brave the depths will find great power within those caves."

2015-01-19, 01:16 AM
Renalth smiles, or at least twists his blackened lips into a grimace of pain. "I am honored by your offer, Xulos. I gladly accept." He grasps the outstretched hand with a grip that bites harder than the wind in the dead of winter.

2015-01-19, 01:26 AM
Myrnia deems this a suitable time to abandon the conference of the gods, leaving behind only the grassy knoll he was sitting on.

The Scar

In a pillar of fire and a flash of light he appears in front of the congregation of gods. He nods to those who were at the Divine Mountain, and to the ones who were not. "Now, who was it here who was asking about me trying for your destruction?"

Toxic Mind
2015-01-19, 02:17 AM
"Stagnant. If the water is stagnant, you may set your claim upon it. If it flows, then it flows to the sea. I will allow no corruption there. If you accept, we have an agreement."

2015-01-19, 03:05 AM
Xulos seemed unphased by Renalth's icy grip, though the creaking of his bones beneath the grip and the blackening of his flesh betrayed how painful it must be. The Painbearer simply waited for Renalth to release his hand. He looked into the Lord of Winter's eyes, tilting his head as he searched the other god's eyes for anything that might be there. "Stagnant it shall be." Xulos says, finally breaking the stare to look to Kalah. He then withdraws his hand from Renalth, turning to face Myrnia. "Ahlnosh, fellow." He spoke in greeting.

The Arisen Priest bowed his head to Myrnia. "It was we, the Last Men, your magnificence. Though we did not expect so many gods to answer our prayers and deem us worthy of a personal audience." The Arisen around him murmur in agreement. "We have received answers for most of the hardships we have faced, though I do not know who you are. If you would be so gracious as to grace our ears with your name, that we may better understand your place in the heavens, we would be most thankful."

2015-01-19, 12:48 PM
Xulos seemed unphased by Renalth's icy grip, though the creaking of his bones beneath the grip and the blackening of his flesh betrayed how painful it must be. The Painbearer simply waited for Renalth to release his hand. He looked into the Lord of Winter's eyes, tilting his head as he searched the other god's eyes for anything that might be there. "Stagnant it shall be." Xulos says, finally breaking the stare to look to Kalah. He then withdraws his hand from Renalth, turning to face Myrnia. "Ahlnosh, fellow." He spoke in greeting.

The Arisen Priest bowed his head to Myrnia. "It was we, the Last Men, your magnificence. Though we did not expect so many gods to answer our prayers and deem us worthy of a personal audience." The Arisen around him murmur in agreement. "We have received answers for most of the hardships we have faced, though I do not know who you are. If you would be so gracious as to grace our ears with your name, that we may better understand your place in the heavens, we would be most thankful."

"Myrnia. I don't think you'll be invoking me often, seeing as I'm a god of life and growth, and you're all fairly stagnant. Which is a pity. But, just thought I'd let you know that I've never had the intention of harming you." He turns to the pain bringer."Hail, brother. These your work?"

2015-01-20, 02:36 AM
"Charles, it appears that the others have left. As such, I would consider this meeting at an end. Think on the proposed laws - I suspect there is less to fear in them than might be feared. If a flaw has crept into them, best that it be known before oaths are sworn."

With that, Inlux departed, swooping into the Pure Land to be debriefed by his master. The two conversed, and Inlux was slightly perturbed to learn from Zin that there was a god who had not even bothered to answer the summons or send a messenger, even if she did appear to have some shred of purity inside.

Zin was dimly aware of the creation of an uninhabited land meant for the dead, and of the concept that the Arisen might spread there. So long as their contamination and filth was outside the lands of the Silver King, it was... if not completely acceptable, then certainly not the worst outcome. Until and unless the absolutely corrupt Xulos could be purified, there was no point in trying to completely deny him minions - and as he thought on the matter, Zin recalled why he had allowed humans to make decisions at all. With the gift of silver, the Arisen humans had a choice - to accept or to reject the law of their true master. The concept of obedience meant nothing without the concept of defiance.

Zin was also aware of what Charles had done to the afterlife, rewarding all humans with joy proportionate to the joy they had granted in life - and saw how to bend this to his own ends. Adherence to the Law ought to be judged and rewarded, therefore Zin took a pillar of granite, and hewed from it a second servant in the manner of Inlux. This second being appeared older than Inlux, older even than Zin, and his clothes - the uniform of a Silver Keep magistrate - were worn and faded, as if they had seen many years of use. This was Bereck the Judge, and to him was gifted the second Book of Law which had originally belonged to Inlux. His purpose was to observe the doings of the world, compare them to the Law, and feel joy when the two matched up. In this way, following the Law would cause joy, and therefore earn rewards from the gift that Charles had given.

Meanwhile, another land arose, east of the Lakelands, flatter and colder. The rivers flowed there, but the soil was not very fertile - the best bet of human residents would be to eat the various herd animals that resided there. This was, of course, Zin's doing; as he had always planned, he wished to demonstrate the adaptability of humans, to show that they could survive and even thrive in many different environments, uniting them all under the Law.

1 AP saved, 6 AP gained

3 AP: Create Servant "Bereck the Judge", a winged humanoid in the pattern of Inlux, yet patterned to look older than Zin and weary as a man near the end of his days. His purpose is to observe the doings of the world, and to feel joy when the Law is observed, thereby perverting Charles' gift to the afterlife into an incentive to follow the Law.

2 AP: Create Land "The Steppes", east of the Lakelands. They're... well, they're steppes. The kind of place where the Mongols lived.

2 AP remaining

2015-01-20, 05:45 AM
Xulos cocked his head to the side, looking Myrnia up and down. "They-" He began to speak, when the Arisen Priest replied to the god. "We learn, change; is that not growth? Just because we do not breath and our hearts to not beat, does not mean we are not alive. If you are who you say, then we may have prayers to offer you yet." The priest said, bowing his head. "I say with with the utmost respect, Bounteous Myrnia."

Xulos's normally neutral face twisted into a joyful grin, one of the rare times it ever did. "Yes. I made them what they are, but they are not mine. They are free. Free from their deepest pain, free from hunger and thirst. Most importantly, they are free from Tyrants." The Painbearer glances to Renalth and Kalah. "If any of you wish to deal with them, do so not as kings and lords, but as equals."

2015-01-20, 10:15 PM
"You're welcome to pray to me, but I don't really see how I could ever help the dead." He turns to the decaying god and gives him a very long look.

"Treat them as equals? Really? They're mortals, well, ex-mortals, who could never comprehend our actions. Thats like asking them to treat the bugs and worms as equals. How long do you think its going to be before the Lawbringer tries to impose his will on them, or some other god attempts to force their ideals on them?"

2015-01-20, 10:19 PM
Renalth released the hand as Myrnia spoke. He watched the Last Men go about their tasks with some amount of interest. "I can abide by that restriction. Truth be told, they seem to be closer to servants than mortals ever could be."

2015-01-21, 12:58 AM
Xulos would have scowled if his face still had the capability. "You underestimate the mortal mind, Myrnia. In doing so, you inadvertently insult me, for I am born of mortal spirits. Their strength pales in comparison to yours, but to call them inferior because of that is to make yourself no better than Zin." Xulos crossed his arms. "Any god who deigns to impose their will upon the Arisen will face the wrath of agony incarnate. Zin will learn this firsthand, for I will pry his tyrannical grip from the mortals, finger by finger, until he admits his folly."

Xulos turned to the Arisen priest. "Arisen. I have created a land for you to call your own, far from here. Should you so choose, I will create a passage from the lands of Zin to the new lands. The passage will be created far to the East, in a rocky and hilly land. Should you decide to leave this land, then journey east, across the rivers of Kalah, into the Steppes of Man. There, travel to the furthest shore. Three miles west of the shore, will lie a stagnant body of water, hidden inside a cave. This water will not harm you, but will convey you from this land to Numorea."

The Steppes of Man

Just as Zin was dimly aware of the creation of Numorea, so too was Xulos aware of the creation of the Steppes. However, Xulos was not going to allow Zin to expand his power unopposed. Thus, a miasma of defiance spread from the Scar, eastwards. The steppes and the people who would come to dwell within them, would find their minds more resilient than any other. They would have a tendancy to cast down the laws of Zin in favour of their own laws, laws that they created and upheld of their own accord. In time, the people of the steppes would break free from Zin's grip, and Xulos would be there to explain their freedom.

2 AP + 2 AP (Jan 19th-20th) - 2 AP = 2 AP

2 AP - Bless Land: The Steppes. Any living or undead being that dwells within the Steppes for a long period of time gains an incredible willpower capable of resisting even the compulsion of a god. They are inexplicably driven to rebel against any authority that is not derived from a mortal source. They are less religious than others, making them more likely to spit on a god than agree to it's unreasonable demands. What is unreasonable is solely their decision. For most mortals, this can take a few generations to develop, but for the undead, it happens in a matter of days.

Toxic Mind
2015-01-21, 10:42 AM
"What will you do with this land, then? This Scar? If your people leave, then it serves no ourpose." Kalah says, looking at Xulos. Already plans whirled in her mind. She nods at his previous speech, saying "my people choose their own path. I simply provide them with guidance. Should they not kill each other, I suspect that our people would get along well."

2015-01-21, 02:10 PM
Xulos looked to Kalah. "The Scar will remain, a reminder to Zin that I will not rest. Yet... I will work with you, to ensure it does not taint too much." He looked about, to the Arisen, who were whispering between themselves. "Take as long as you need to decide, Last Men. It is a difficult decision to leave the lands of your birth, to leave the families you once had; even if they have been commanded to hunt you down." Xulos then looked to the gathered gods. "Now, unless any of you have business with me... I must take my leave to Numorea."

Toxic Mind
2015-01-21, 03:51 PM
Kalah's mouth turns in a moue of disappointment, hard to determine given the aqueous nature of her body and features, yet present all the same. Petty. The thought rose unbidden to her mind. A claim of freedom and fairness, yet even still this one refused to relent, simply because that action might benefit another.


As a people, the Alateans were curious, constantly expanding their horizons. They explored the depths of the oceans, the land surrounding their villages. Ever at the fore of their minds was their contribution to their people. There was no legacy that an Alatean could leave behind save for those that would be told in song. Ssri, the Hunter, who fought a shark three times the size of any Alatean. It's jaws were still hung above the village meeting hut. Ttoma, the Great priestess, whose faith diverted a massive ocean wave. Rrishi, the great inventor, who found that the trees that grew upon the land would float if carved out, and could be used as watercraft. This innovation was refined quickly, and soon Alatean boats skimmed the waves and ocean currents near the Northern Lakelands.

For the first time, the Scar could be bypassed, and the Alateans began exploring the rivers. So it was that they discovered he first humans, skimming by on boats. The pink creatures were disturbing to the Alateans, who wondered how such creatures managed to survive so long without any natural camouflage.

-1AP Create Concept: Boats. The Alateans have developed early watercraft, and use it to explore the world around them, crossing the Scar

2015-01-21, 07:34 PM
Myrnia shakes his head. "No further business, brother. Go with grace. And be sure to let your creations grow a little. It pains me to see such potential stagnate in their putrefying bodies.

2015-01-21, 10:52 PM
Xulos's face twists into a frown as he turns to leave. "I, nor any of you, have the authority to allow or disallow any mortal to do anything. That is their choice." He says, a small pockmark in his face glowing brightly as cinders blaze to life around its edges. Small flames spring to life all over his body and clothing, and with a gout of flame, he is transformed into a cloud of ash that drifts away on a sudden wind. The passage of the breeze sounds faintly like a groan of pain, though none can be certain.

The Stagnant Reaches

The southern slopes of the Shadestone Mountains of southern Numorea were assailed by rain. For two weeks it rained continuously, soaking the rock and soil to the point of collapse. Great chunks of rock slid down into the sea, followed by vast flats of mud. Yet for every stone that fell, another seemingly took it's place. Xulos spread the muck and grime far, covering vast distances. Hundreds of stagnant pools filled the vast lowlands that had been laid out below the mountain slopes, and amphibious creatures climbed out of the sludge. Sootgrass spread south, only to be choked out by rapidly developing moss and reeds. Swarms of small insects flew through the air, breeding rapidly in the stagnant water and filth.

Xulos surveyed the marshlands, solemnly observing it. He accepted, and set about the work of preparing to create a powerful magic. First, he sought out the perfect pond. It had to be sheltered, quiet, dark, and most of all it had to be absolutely still. Finally, after days of searching, he found a suitable pool. Wading into it, Xulos took corporeal form. He held his hand up, the light of his eyes illuminating it. The fingers had been worn down to the bone, and sharpened into claws. Gritting his teeth, Xulos plunged his claw into his chest. A muffled yelp was all that was heard, even as the God of Agony tore several dozen spirits from within his tortured frame. "Together, we will link the land." He whispered, casting the spirits into the pool.

What appeared to be burning coals took shape within the water, swirling about and illuminating the large cavern. The massive vaulted ceiling was covered in slick moss and condensation, making the dim light within the cave seem all the more brilliant. Xulos staggered back, reeling from tearing his essence. After a moment, he recovered, watching the bits of his essence pollute and warp the water. In time, the pool would be linked with others like it, and Xulos would create a network of portals through which the knowledgeable might pass.

2 AP (Saved) + 1 AP (Jan 21st) - 2 AP = 1 AP

2 AP - Create Land: The Stagnant Reaches of Numorea. South of the mountainous lands that make up the Numorean heartland is a vast swampland filled with weeds, fungus, insects, and reptiles.
0 AP - Create Lesser Species: Swamp Plants, Amphibians, Parasitic Insects.

The other thing Xulos did is the preliminary work for my first Artifact, which will be a series of Portals capable of transporting people from one landmass to another. They are inactive so far, and I'll spend AP the moment they're able to actually work.

2015-01-24, 07:05 PM
The Forest of Gyrnuuf
At one end the gentle hills give way to the rambling Forest of Gyrnuuf. This is a treacherous region of steep escparments and narrow defiles, cut through small rivers rushing down from the mountains. Many strange creatures make their home here, living in the numerous caves or twisting sinkholes, or in the rushing rivers and rocky pools, or in the maze of tangled undergrowth. Many of the trees grow to enormous size, while others are twisted into twisted shapes by the contrictions of soft and hard rocks, and by the strange minerals washed down from the high hills.

AP Log

2 AP carried forward
17th-24th + 8 AP
Create Land - Forest of Gyrnuuf 2 AP
8 AP left

2015-01-25, 04:31 PM
Silver Hills
These nominally forested hills are too high, and too steep, to have the luxuriant growth of the lower hills. At their height they are dominated by the only tree to be able grow so high, the Silver Pine. It is this, unfortunately for generations of prospectors, that gives the hills their name. Beyond the timberline the slopes are bare, and as you get higher you get permenant snow.

Precipitation is very high here, and the many streams that flow down from these hills form the Shining River, which then flows through the Forest of Gyrnuuf, to the city of Haven, and then reaches the sea.

City of Haven
At the edges of the Downs of Atrhoril, and the Forest of Gyrnuuf, the mighty river comes to the sea. Here the outrush of water forms a natural harbour and it is here that gnomes built their first city.

It started simply as a marketplace, and a place for drawing water. But gnomes stayed. Many took to running the market full-time, claiming no other profession. Those seeking for places to trade meat and hide, or prospecting in the rich hills, or farming the lowlands, found it easier to do so when they could easily find eachother. Even those with no real business there, found themselves passing through, to hear the latest news and see how times had changed.

The city itself was built of stone. Although gnomish built, the foundations and basic pattern were of K'Tiki design, and rumour has it they have their dwellings and compartments somewhere within, in return for their aid. And despite being a gnomish city, other races have started to move in. The gnomes generally live underground, and many of them live outside the city, so the impression given on the surface is of a very comopolitan place indeed.

AP Log

8 AP carried over
25th +1 AP
Create land - Silver Hills 2AP
Create city - Gnomish city - Haven 5 AP - 3 AP for three tribes= 2AP
Remaining 5 AP

2015-01-27, 11:21 AM
In the lands that really tried to adhere to the Law, there was no separate instutition of Zin's servants and scholars. A priest was a temporal as well as spiritual servant, whether taxman or judge or teacher or physician. The religious and administrative functions of Zin's self-declaredly perfect society were one and the same, from the lowliest brother-scribe to the Cardinal of Silver Keep himself.

Of course, thanks to Xulos, the people of the Steppes didn't see things that way. They tried to reinvent the wheel of society in many ways, for - as they would no doubt put it - Zin had actively poisoned every precedented model of society. Those less zealous - especially those who were once pious, before the curse of the Steppes twisted their minds - tried to prise the two functions apart, step by step, decade by decade. Within the century, people were growing up under a society where the scholars were expected to be secular, expected indeed to reject the domination of any god. Few indeed were they who remembered the reward that awaited them in the next world, remembered how they would be given joy according to how well they had obeyed in life -they had only the word of Zin to inform them of that, much less remind them, and all too many rejected the words along with their speaker.

Zin was wroth to see this, and clasped the hilt of his sword to cleave the people in twain - yet remembrance of his own laws stayed his hand. He had proclaimed, through Inlux, that any god who lashed out first was not worthy to be called a god, and he would not be the first to violate his own proclamation. Indeed, it would have been counterproductive to try, for he did not immediately know the cause of this apostasy.

As he sent missionaries and fanatics to cleanse the apostasy from the Steppes, Zin observed that in every case they found their once unwavering faith to be soured. The only common factor appeared to be the Steppes themselves, and indeed when the Silver King examined them, he found they had been poisoned, polluted by some other power. Xulos no doubt - no other god had the same self-deluding grudge.

Again his own law prevented him from committing the first act to come to mind. No god worth that name would simply reverse the work of another, and disgusting filth though he was, liar, deceiver, blasphemer, hypocrite that he was, Xulos had yet to break the law he claimed to reject. In any case, the most successful people of the Steppes were those who largely obeyed Zin's laws even if they forgot to praise and thank their creator and master - perhaps that fact could be amplified.

It had long been claimed that humans who obeyed Zin's law would be rewarded with good fortune in their current life. For most of the history of humanity that had only been true insofar as it was definitionally true of the laws themselves - they were designed so that adherence to them would naturally result in an improved society, or so Zin told himself. However, though this was enough to quell mere mortal corruption, it was clearly not enough to overpower Xulos' magic. Therefore Zin invested his second servant, Bereck the Judge, with an additional power and additional duty - those who obeyed the Law in its entirety, worship and all, would be rewarded in the present as well as the future. Their harvests would be larger, their labours easier, and fate would bend to their favour.

This was not a panacea, not least because it came later than was ideal. Many were entrenched in their apostate ways, and could not be bribed out of them. Yet at the same time, many who would not submit to Zin out of gratefulness for being created at all were willing to submit to Zin in order to reap the temporal rewards. Some philosophers claimed that this was a bad idea, that Zin would see into the heart and reward only the truly loyal... but they were wrong - Zin measured true loyalty by deeds, not by thoughts.

2 points: Bless Race (Humans) with the Bounty of Zin. Those who worship the Law-Giver and obey his laws find that fate is biased in their favour. Their harvests are better, such accidents as they have are rarely lethal, they recover from disease more quickly, their childbirths are successful far more often, their travels always take them to their intended destination... a thousand subtle things, obvious enough that a long-serving worshipper could have little reasonable doubt, yet subtle enough that it would take years of constant observation to confirm.

Toxic Mind
2015-01-29, 12:25 PM
Since the connecting of the Scar to the volcanic isle, the Alatean society had flourished. The three tribes continued advancing in leaps and bounds, creating new hunting techniques, new inventions, new legacies, new stories. From this time of growth came an evolution. The priests of the Alateans took on new roles, as keepers of stories and legends.

The Alateans who travelled by boat along the rivers and oceans had decided that the pink creatures might be semi-intelligent, but they were hardly beyond that. After all, they had not approached the explorers nor attempted to communicate with them. And, as it turned out, they were delicious, as one Hunter found when he brought a carcass home and roasted it over the fire. The Alateans razor sharp teeth were perfect for tearing apart flesh, and soon enough, expeditions began raiding to hunt humans.

The pink creatures had strange weapons, swords that caught the light in strange Aya, made of strange metals. Superior to Alatean melee weapons, but soon the engagements changed with the invention of the spear-hurler. No more would the Alateans need to get close. Carved of wood and hardened over a fire, this invention allowed spears to be thrown with great force over long distances. Alatean bone spears could be hurled almost four times as far.

Kalah herself was busy as well, seeding the oceans with new creatures. Largest were the great Island Rays, massive creatures the size of a village. They lived off the sun, basking in it during the day, giving them the energy and nourishment to travel the oceans. They were docile creatures despite their size, attacking only when provoked. Island Rays were solitary creatures, and if they could be convinced to remain on the surface, served as quick and large transports. The Alateans even managed to tame one, and travelled near the shores of the volcanic island, though they were wise enough not to go ashore.

Finally, Alatean villages had grown so large as to no longer be distinguishable. Effectively, all Alateans lives in one larger village now. And so this interconnected settlement became know as Alantis, which in the Alatean language means "Place of People" Alantis was the fit true city in the world, a massive port on the River delta.

5AP - Create Life: Island Rays. Island Rays are roughly the size of a small village. They absorb sunlight to survive, and are generally amicable to creatures and things in the ocean unless provoked. They have no natural predators, and can be used as a means of transport.
1AP - Ataleans (Atalatl)- this invention allows Alatean spears to fly much farther, hit harder, and with greater accuracy.
2AP: Found City - Alantis. The three tribes have formed an interconnected city. Alantis is a port town, the home base for all the skiffs and boats of the Alatean people.

2015-01-31, 03:50 PM
As the humans went about their lives, the Arisen debated, and finally concluded that the land Xulos promised would fit them better than living off of scraps in the Scar. Thus, the Arisen gathered together, all fourty eight of them, and crossed the Pure rivers when the summer came. They journeyed east, across the forests and hills of the Lakelands. They travelled across the rocky steppes, avoiding contact with most humans, and finding their minds bolstered by the magic of Xulos that held sway in that land of defiance.

After three moons of travel, the Last men arrived at the cave foretold by the Painbearer. The stagnant pool within was lit by glimmering coals within the water, tiny pinpricks of light that appeared as the remnants of a great fire. Taking solace in the words of their creator, they walked to the pool's edge, waiting for the next instructions. As the Arisen neared the pool, the embers within burned hot, and the water began to churn. The black depths of the pool swirled, and the surface bulged inward as a whirlpool formed. Black shades, dark remnants of proto-souls, howled in agony as their power sustained the portal within the pool.

The voice of Xulos echoed through the cave. "And so is the first land is linked to the last." He said, his voice giving the Arisen the knowledge they needed. The Last Men took one final look on the continent of their birth, and then flung themselves into the pool.

Numorea, the Last Land

The Last Men awoke on the shores of another pool, this one larger than the other. The vast cavern was mostly natural, save for the north side. To the north, the natural cave walls gave way to masonry and carved pillars. A large tunnel led further into the masonry, and after about fifty feet gave way to a single massive wall covered in intricate carvings. In the centre of the wall was a massive depiction of Xulos's torso, wearing a four spiked crown. His arms came down to the doorway, where his carved hands looked as though they were holding open the passageway that led out of the room. To Xulos's left was a mountainous scene, with houses and towers carved from living stone adorning the cliffs. To his right was a scene of a vast open plain covered in fog. Where one looked upon the fog, their mind tricked them into thinking the myriad shadows and vague contours of this shrouded image depicted the land they had come from before emerging from the pool in Numorea.

The Arisen steeled their will, and ventured into the opening that had been torn by Xulos's hands through the rock itself. The passage was pitch black, as if the faint light from the chamber before could not exist within this tunnel. The Last Men fumbled down the path, stumbling around for several minutes before finally seeing light. The faint glow of a firefly blazed to life before the group, then another. Another lit up, and then a fourth, fifth, sixth. Soon, an entire swarm of fireflies had lit themselves up, shedding light upon the land. The Arisen had emerged from a rocky cliff face onto a ledge overlooking a valley. Below them was a vast stagnant swampland, filled with buzzing insects and fetid animals. Above them stretched the cliff face they had emerged from, and to their left stretched a winding path that led down the side of the mountain and to the swamps below.

1 AP + 9 AP (Jan 22nd-31st) - 1 AP - 1 AP - 1 AP = 7 AP
1 AP - Create Artifact: The Numorean Portal of Xulos. A pool of stagnant water inhabited by disembodied spirits and imbued with a small portion of Xulos's divinity, the pool can act as a portal to any other similar portal elsewhere on the world.
1 AP - Create Artifact: The Pure Lands Portal of Xulos. A pool of stagnant water inhabited by disembodied spirits and imbued with a small portion of Xulos's divinity, the pool can act as a portal to any other similar portal elsewhere on the world.
1 AP - Create Species: Fireflies. Small insects capable of flight and bioluminescence, Fireflies are associated with Xulos. They symbolize rebirth, guidance of the lost, and mystery. While insignificant individually, swarms of them are capable of exerting minor magical influence over their surroundings. Most often, this magic manifests as a recuperative effect on the areas they inhabit, allowing wounds to heal almost twice as fast as they normally would.

2015-02-01, 05:08 PM
Sapphire Range
These craggy peaks interspersed with needle-like spires form a mountain range to the north of the Silver Hills. They are almost permenantly snowbound, and very little grows at such altitudes
Resources - Sapphires
Special resources - Magical crystals of unusual size

Skull Hills
These are the foothills to the north of the Sapphire Hills. Because the prevailing wind is from the south, almost no rain falls here, and the hills are dry and arid. There is some plant growth here, fed from what little water there is flowing underground, but there is no surface water, and it never rains. Because of this, there is little erosion, and surfaces out of the wind can bear scratches and imprints of footprints and similar for hundreds of years.

Nesablin Desert
This is the dry area to the north of the Skull hills, sweeping around the east end of the sapphire range tto connect via scrubland to the forested areas to the south. the main feature is the desert itself, which is dry, sandy or rocky, and where very little grows. Despite this, there is some limited plant life near the coast, and at the occasional oasis where an underground stream breaks the surface. There are richly green areas that simply end, usually after a few hundred yards.

It is rumoured that some of the Sorn, tiring of life on the mountain, or under the earth, have moved here, for purposes of their own.

AP log
10 AP
Create land Sapphire range, Skull hills, Nesablin desert 6AP
Create special resources 1 AP - Magical crystals
Create tribe - Sorn of the desert 3AP
0 AP remain