View Full Version : Build review?

2014-12-20, 12:46 PM
Hey everyone! I'm doing a short game over the vacation. All content allowed, 30k gold, point buy. Since it's my first time I was wondering if any of you might have any tips for me since there's still a few problems in my build and my distribution of gold.

My main plan here was to go necromancer with a side role of being party buffer (and maybe some melee/general combat capability should it come to that).

Lesser Aasimar
Lawful Evil
Cleric of Afflux 9 (Domains: Evil, Deathbound)

str 14
dex 6
con 12
wis 20
cha 16
int 8

Nightstick 7.5k
Reliquary Holy Symbol 1k
Periapt of Wisdom+2 4k
Rod of Defiance (works as +1 heavy mace) 7.312k
Feathered Wings Graft 10k

Gold left: 15k

Improved Turning
Divine Metamagic
Fell Animate
Tomb Tainted Soul
Quicken Spell


Don't know yet but at least 5 ranks in know (religion) for the reliquary symbol

So my first problem is: I still want to buy armor, but I don't exactly know how that'll impede my flight. Also, the wings are quite costly. Is it a good idea to keep them or should I ditch them in favor of better armor/other items? Any tips/suggestions?


2014-12-20, 12:53 PM
You are allowed to fly in light or no armor, so I guess just pick up a Mithral Breastplate, and possibly a +1 Buckler for armor? Does that work for you?

2014-12-20, 05:43 PM
I guess that works. Guess I'm going to have to forsake my rod of defiance so I can shell out the wealth :c

2014-12-20, 05:52 PM
Do you have a means of boosting your initiative?

With a 6 dex, no access to nerveskitter and no improved initiative you're in pretty rough shape.

2014-12-20, 06:07 PM
Do you have a means of boosting your initiative?

With a 6 dex, no access to nerveskitter and no improved initiative you're in pretty rough shape.

Get a +1 warning shuriken that gives +5 to initiative for like ~200gp

2014-12-20, 06:09 PM
We don't really use initiative in my current group so I just kinda ignored that.

2014-12-20, 06:28 PM
Regarding flight.
Here are some alternatives that are a little cheaper

Owlfeather Armor (MIC). 8160GP, body slot. Fly three times per day (40', good maneuverability) for five rounds.

Cloak of the Dragon (CChamp). 6000GP, shoulders slot. Fly speed equal to your land speed, for 10 minutes once per day.

2014-12-20, 06:39 PM
What is your Divine Metamagic going to be?
Fell drain? Quicken?

What will the other players be doing? If there's going to be a wizard, you may be able to save 10k.
That owlfeather armor may be a good choice, since it's flight and armor at the same time. Sort of short duration, but it should be enough for a few fights.

2014-12-20, 06:45 PM
according to CC cloak of the dragon only works on worshippers of a draconic deity. shame bc i liked natural armor bonus. maybe i can try and get it in anyway?

owlfeather armor has pretty bad AC compared to the mithral breastplate option and considering i have no dex i'd like to not be completely squishy. unless i can somehow pull another ac increase from somewhere?

also fell animate is metamagic as well as quicken

2014-12-20, 06:56 PM
Dump the nightstick. They're cheesy and liable to be ruled not to work that way anyhow. That should free up enough gold for a +2 equivalent breastplate and a couple armor crystals.

Do also be aware that your divine metamagic has to be chosen -after- you take at least one metamagic feat and it will only apply to one metamagic chosen at the time you take it. Apparently you've chosen quicken. Good choice.

2014-12-20, 07:03 PM
After looking at the rules for Turn/Rebuke once more, I realised i had more rebuke attempts per day than i thought too. Yeah, I'll dump the nightstick. It was kind of a sore to my wallet anyway.

2014-12-20, 07:24 PM
Agility on your armor will help your reflex saves. But it won't stack with a cloak of resistance.