View Full Version : What If? Theory abot the world in the gates

2014-12-20, 03:19 PM
Firstly please tell me if this has been posted already and disproved or if this is just common knowledge I only just thought of it last night.http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0275.html It has been mentioned that the OOTS world exists along many different frequencies so what if the gates previously assumed to lead to the demiplane of the snarl actually lead to the OOTS world on these different frequencies. So destroying the gates doesn't lead to the destruction of the world within anymore than the destruction of a teleportation circle. As for why Laurin was attacked through the gate I propose that the snarl only is let loose through the edges of the gates as those are the points where the points where the dimensional membrane is weakest.

2014-12-20, 04:34 PM
It's important to distinguish between the rifts and the gates.

The rifts are what the other world can be seen through, and where the Snarl is encountered. Presumably, they have analogues on the other word such that were there a creature there, it would be able to look back at the OotSworld. The rifts become larger over time, though exactly how and how quickly is unclear. However, if left unchecked long enough, the rifts would presumably become so large as to consume the entire OotSworld, breaking it down into its constituent reality-threads. Most likely, the other world would experience the same fate, being consumed by the rifts on its side.

The gates are designed as a long-term measure of reinforcing the space around the rift, keeping the rifts from expanding. When a gate is destroyed, the expansion of the rift resumes. In Azure City, we saw that what had been a tiny rift grew to be hundreds of feet across. While the destruction of all the gates probably won't result in the immediate annihilation of either world, the absence of the gates implies eventual doom for both. But that doesn't account for any effect the gates may have on the Snarl, which is described as hateful, intelligent, and destructive. Assuming they are somehow keeping it in check, it may run rampant after they are gone, and it can destroy a world in 27 minutes.

While we're not sure what the destruction of the gates entails, it's probably not good.

2014-12-20, 10:17 PM
Where has it been mentioned that the world exists on different frequencies?

2014-12-20, 10:58 PM
Where has it been mentioned that the world exists on different frequencies?
Shojo's third narration box in the second panel of the linked strip. "The gods had been clever and built their planet to exist in multiple coterminous dimensions, thus blocking the only vibrational frequencies the Snarl could have used to escape from its cell."

While that does technically say the world exists in multiple dimensions, rather than on different frequencies, the practical difference is largely semantic. OotSworld exists in some kind of distributed way, whatever that means.