View Full Version : A plane for an Evil PC to lick his wounds

2014-12-21, 07:27 AM
So. let's say we've got ourselves an Evil PC(tm) who is traveling with an Evil PC Party(tm) and is expecting to be betrayed any appropriate moment, perhaps even with his pants down and the resources to just use his "escape card". This PC has an ability to Plane Shift and a basic understanding of the Planes, so he can travel to at least the most famous Inner and Outer Planes. The point is, he doesn't know if he'll be able to Plane Shift again at the same day, so it has to be a place where he'll be able to stabilize, maybe even heal, and stay for a day - or at least, for 8 hours, to regain his spellcasting. So, the Positive Energy Plane is a really poor choice due to the fact that... Err... It blows.

Where should this Evil PC travel in order to further heal, plan and plot? His basic resources here are:
-Basic Plane Shift
-No Diplomancy or any fancy persuasion tricks, so it won't do him much good to beg plane petitioners not to smash his face inside-out just because he's on brink of death
-Healing by Positive Energy
-Should be able to survive and come back, preferably without any additional gear, or effects required (through, additional options for when he can go somewhere like "safe, but without air" are pretty good as well)

2014-12-21, 10:51 AM
If the PC is a level 17+ wizard, there is always Genesis (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/spells/genesis.htm).

2014-12-21, 11:20 AM
I noticed that your post mentioned both licking and the fact the PC had his pants down. Have you tried checking the BoEF?

2014-12-21, 11:27 AM
Nope, no Genesis yet, the party is still mid-levels, and all the backstabbing might occur way before 8th level slots come into play.

At first, I was thinking about Elysium, which grants fast-healing and gives some RP possibilities, but then I saw that one thing about "every non-good character is transported to the riverside, with evils being dispatched on sight, and neutrals questioned before either dispatching, or letting go". Apparently, good-aligned planes don't even try to tolerate evil folks that just pass by to stay for a night and heal a little. Coming around this will most likely require getting out of the Evil alignment (which I don't want to do)

It seems like the best way is to either be able to cast Plane Shift two times in a row (just for a quick dip in the Positive Energy Plane), or to go someplace where the PC might just heal his wounds on his own (through, that will require some plane with somewhat non-agressive natives, I guess...)

Er... No, BoEF is not in play at all. Core-only, and with some restrictions on top

2014-12-21, 11:33 AM
There are minor positive zones on the Positive Energy Plane. The plane as no alignment type and is fairly inhospitable outside of those zones, so following is risky. You will need to bring some way to breathe, for example.

2014-12-21, 11:40 AM
Yeah, the Positive Energy Plane is for emergencies only. Like "I'm at -8 and bleeding, those buffoons just took all my gear and left me to die with some sabertoothed badgermoles but I've got half of my daily spellcasting" kind of emergencies. Even a round, or two of Positive Energy Plane will unlikely to suffocate an adventurer, and if he can cast Silent Plane Shift, he'll be able to go somewhere safe after stabilizing and getting at least some HP back... But yeah, a plane that doesn't blow you up if you as much as daze off would be much, much more preferable 8)

2014-12-21, 11:48 AM
Why not Ysgard? Die there and you raise again the next morning.

2014-12-21, 11:55 AM
What immunities does he have access to? If he's immune to nonlethal damage, the Plane of Time is a fairly safe place to stay (just avoid the temporal whirlpools). If he's immune to negative levels, the Negative Energy Plane is pretty safe. If he just needs to be able to heal, a short trip to the Positive energy plane sound perfect. It blows you up if you heal too much, but that can be solved by simply leaving once you're healed up. For a more interesting option, a person with Lucid Dreaming might try setting up shop on the Plane of Dreams, who's main dangerous portions are the Dreamheart and (presumably) nightmares. Plus, it lets you appear in other people's dreams, which can be great for screwing with them.

2014-12-21, 11:58 AM
Oh dear, that's right. It's enough to transport to Yisgard to receive Fast Healing 2, and even if you are slain there for some reason, you are brought back as per True Resurrection spell - which means, even if you spend the last of your spellcasting for Plane Shift, you may just find a silent, hidden spot somewhere in the realm to have your 8 hours beauty sleep to regain all the casting, and even if something comes by and murders you while you do so, you've got infinite retries out there.

Thanks! 8)

Now the only thing left to fear is that the PC won't live long enough to be able to put a contingency on his Plane Shift 8)

Those options look fine too, but it would require more than just a plane shift to prepare to travel into any hostile environments for any longer than just 2-6 rounds. The dreaming option, through, looks intriguing, gotta look it up

2014-12-21, 12:10 PM
Scroll of Genesis?

2014-12-21, 12:26 PM
The spell must be cast on Ethereal plane, so it requires some traveling and a pretty high level to cast (or buying Ethereal Jaunt as well), and since the Genesis spell by itself has an XP component, it's gonna cost an insane amount of gp. Besides, it would be rather... Unwise to let the rest of the party know that he can travel in a fashion that is rather different from flying, or walking. No evil antagonist wants an evil recurring antagonist to go after his head, since the "Good triumphs over Evil" needs some good for the equation to work in one's favor for sure 8)

2014-12-21, 12:27 PM
The "Planar Market Cities" that are often proposed for circumventing a lack of places to by and sell magic items don't care if you're evil and have very powerful entities discouraging blood in the streets. The usual suspects are City of Brass, Sigil and Planar layer co-run by three gods of commerce the name of which escapes me. There are also some options that are only available to Evil PC's like the Teardrop Palace and the Iron City of Dis.

Personally I'd recommend one of the Neutral ones; the Evil ones can be better for dealing in Evil items, but there's a better chance of your Party being able to pay enough to hunt you semi-safely. On the other hand, Dispater is a paranoid wizard of epic proportions and some DMs may choose to have his anti-scrying defnses extent to the entire city.

2014-12-21, 12:33 PM
As a side note, why not make an opportunity to double cross them first, You are evil after all. Sell their bodies, souls or whatever else that may be necessary for a prolonged existence to a powerful fiend, and just as they try to double cross you, tell the fiedn it is OK to collect his goods now.

2014-12-21, 12:41 PM
Hmm... Those neutral cities look like a good place to hide in case the party decides to go after you - I doubt it would be hard to find someone on Ysgard, and then it's just a matter of a forced planar travel. Or unconscious planar travel XD

Pre-double-crossing... Yeah, that's what I thought about as well. There are some complications to that, but the character isn't bound by any loyalties, it's just the matter of whose plans are going to unfold first (the PC is in a disadvantage here because of some reasons. Gotta be smart with any further decisions, I guess. Or maybe lucky) 8)

2014-12-21, 02:08 PM
You could plan ahead.

1. Have a room at an Inn, Boarding House, Temple Dorm or other place. Pay in advance for whatever future time frame you can afford. Have the room stocked with healing items and such. You might even just buy a home in a large town or city.

2. A friendly explainual. Get someone on your side. Either by deeds or bribes or even charms or domination. Then you can simply crash at their home for a bit.

3. Make your own secret spot. Planes are big, and you can dig out a little cave and stock it with spell like a bed and healing potions.

Depending on your Cosmos:

The City of Union is a great place to hang out and rest.
Sigil works too

2014-12-21, 02:25 PM
Hmm... That looks pretty interesting, but requires a Greater Plane Shift to work (or else, it would be anywhere between 5 and 500 miles from destination, which is... Too far, and random).

I guess one could always try to make a scry-free version of a home base on his own plane using a Teleport/Greater teleport for transporting, but yeah - it would require slightly more pre-planning and actual actions, than "not drawing any attention to our teleporting abilities" requires 8)

Extra Anchovies
2014-12-21, 02:34 PM
The Plain of Ida in Ysgard. You can heal your injuries by dying in the fields of battle, and can also take out your frustration by slaughtering low-level NPCs without fear of consequences. Plus, that place gets travelers from all over the multiverse, so you won't be out of place.

2014-12-21, 02:44 PM
Yup, the Ysgard (as suggested by Ryuuk before) is the number one stop for any evil interdimensional half-dead non-undead spellcasting traveler who just wants to get back on his feet... And yeah, maybe to murder several dozens of people to let the steam off. Just gotta be wary of other, GOOD alignmented adventurers - it won't do much good to run away from one bunch of killer hobos and run into another 8)

2014-12-21, 06:53 PM
Marketplace Eternal is the name of the managed by three gods place I couldn't name. Thanks to my brother Big Stupid Fighter.