View Full Version : Vista driver fix

2007-03-29, 10:31 AM
OK, if anyones thinking of getting a computer with Vista installed on it get one with ATI(AMD)(Athalon) or If you custom building it get though instead of nvidia. All though MS is working with nvidia, ATI is the most up...to...date driver & cards for Vista. However, if you unfortunate like me and got nvidia heres nvidia's site they have a driver fix ok do this...

>google>EVGA>support>Download Drivers*>**click 'graphics cards'>then select your series, Geforce or 8800>and then select you bit type***.

*second one down in the list on the left
**scroll to the bottom three white boxes
*** if you don't know you bit type, open 'My Computer' them on the tab bar click 'system properties' then under system look at 'system type' and
Voilą! :smallwink: check EVGA's site in a month or so and look for a new fix.

This fix fixed random system shutdown and game freezing while playing the following:

Prince of Persia WoW
Prince of Persia T2T
Battle for MiddleEarth I
Battle for MiddleEarth II
Black & White II
System lag is a lot less(depending how much you defragment your comp)

2007-03-29, 01:43 PM
Do you know anything about drivers at all? MS isn't the one who writes drivers for vista, it's the card companies. Just because the nVidia drivers don't come packaged with Vista doesn't mean you should make sure you buy an ATI Card... It just means that as you said, you need to get drivers from nVidia. Even if they DID have an nVidia driver packaged with Vista, it's better to get them from the card maker anyway since they'll always be the most up to date that way.

EDIT: Oh, and you're wrong about where to get the fix. Other people will need to get the drivers from nVidia themselves, not EVGA. EVGA is the company that made YOUR CARD, but not all nVidia cards are made by EVGA.


OK, if anyones thinking of getting a computer with Vista installed on it get one with ATI(AMD)(Athalon)
Also, BTW, Athlon and ATI have nothing to do with each other. AMD owns ATI, but athlon is the AMD processer line. That has nothing to do with graphics cards.